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Contact: Michael Craddock

Statement from Michael Craddock

Michael Craddock withdraws from Mayor’s race

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—I can't express enough my thanks to the thousands of

Nashvillians who have encouraged me to run for Mayor. To the volunteers who have
poured their respective heart and soul into my campaign, I humbly say thank you.
After prayerful consideration and speaking with my wife and advisors, I have decided
to withdraw from the Mayor’s race. Even though I was asked repeatedly by a large
number of people to enter the race, I am faced with making this difficult, but correct

However, it is widely understood that it takes significant financial backing to run a

legitimate campaign, especially against an incumbent. I was unable to raise those funds.
That's the harsh reality of politics. While I believe the debate would have contributed
significantly to the democratic process, this belief cannot compel me to put my family
through a tough campaign. This is especially true in this media age where competition
is defined in terms of dollars and cents.

Nashville is a great city and it can be greater still, but only if we don’t fail to remember
the very people who make this city run. They can be found on nearly any street in
Nashville today working in their yards in the aftermath of the storms and helping their
neighbor, just as they were there in the aftermath of the Great Flood of 2010.

I will instead return my focus to my family and business. I will continue to participate
in supporting the Fairgrounds because I believe Nashville’s culture is at stake. It is far
bigger than 117 acres. We should welcome and celebrate all forms of cultural
entertainment, and especially in these economic times, focus on the men and women
whose jobs are at risk at the site.

I especially thank all the donors to my campaign. You're contributions were used to the
best of my ability, but it is simply not enough. I look forward to concluding my term on
the Metro Council in August, which end 8 years of service to this great city. I will be
honored to conclude my service as Councilman for the 4th District.

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