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LNG – The North American Solution

LNG Gas Energy

Conversion Units Cubic Meter Metric Ton Cubic Meter Mcf MMbtu Therm Gigajoule Gcal Barrel of Oil
1 Cubic Meter = 1 0.460 609 21.5 23.9 239 25.2 6.02 4.12
1 Metric Ton = 2.17 1 1,322 46.7 51.8 518 54.7 13.1 8.94
Natural Gas
1 Cubic Meter = 0.00164 0.000756 1 0.0353 0.0392 0.392 0.0414 .00988 0.00676
1000 Std Ft3 = 0.0465 0.0214 28.3 1 1.11 11.1 1.17 .280 0.191
1 Million Btu = 0.0419 0.0193 25.5 0.901 1 10 1.055 0.252 0.172
1 Therm = 0.00419 0.00193 2.55 0.0901 0.100 1 0.106 0.0252 0.0172
1 Gigajoule = 0.0397 0.0183 24.2 0.854 0.948 9.48 1 0.239 0.163
1 Billion Calorie = 0.166 0.0765 101 3.57 3.97 39.7 4.19 1 0.684
1 Barrel of Oil = 0.243 0.112 148 5.23 5.80 58.0 6.12 1.46 1
LNG CONVERSION FACTORS: 1110 Btu/scf gas | 609 gas/liquid ratio | 28.75 lbs/ft3 LNG
PRESSURE: 1 bar = 14.504 psi | 1 atmosphere = 14.70 psi | 1 Bar = 100,000 PA 1-888-THECHOICE
ENERGY: 1 Dekatherm = 1 MMbtu | 1 kWh = 3412 Btu | 1 kcal = 3.97 Btu
SPEED: 1 knot = 1.151 mph | 1 mph = .869 knots | 1 nautical mile = 1.151 statute mile
LNG Conversion Factors Gas/Liquid Ratio 609/1 1110 Btu/scf gas
LNG Gas Energy
Conversion Units mtpa MMcf/d Bcf/d Tcf/y mcm/d Bcm/y Bbtu/d TJ/d Gcal/d kboe/d
1 Million Metric
Ton/annum = 1 128 0.128 0.0467 3.62 1.32 142 150 35,764 24.5
Natural Gas
1 Million ft3/day = 0.00782 1 0.001 0.000365 0.0283 0.0103 1.11 1.17 280 0.191
1 Billion ft3/day = 7.82 1,000 1 0.365 28.3 10.3 1,110 1,171 279,700 191
1 Trillion ft3/year = 21.4 2,738 2.74 1 77.5 28.3 3,039 3,206 765,800 524
1 Million m3/day = 0.276 35.3 0.0353 0.0129 1 0.365 39.2 41.4 9,878 6.76
1 Billion m3/year = 0.756 96.7 0.0967 0.0353 2.74 1 107 113 27,050 18.5
1 Billion Btu/day = 0.00705 0.901 0.000901 0.000329 0.0255 0.00932 1 1.055 252 0.172
I Terajoule/day = 0.00668 0.854 0.000854 0.000312 0.0242 0.00883 0.948 1 239 0.163
1 Giga Calorie/day = 0.000028 0.00358 0.0000036 0.0000013 0.000101 0.0000370 0.00397 0.00419 1 0.000684
1000 Barrel of Oil
Equivalent/day = 0.0409 5.23 0.00523 0.00191 0.148 0.0540 5.80 6.12 1,462 1
M=k=thousand MM=m=million B=G=billion T=trillion

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