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Vol 72 No. 7 Mercyhurst College • 501 E 38th S t • Erie, * a .

16546 January 1 4 , 1 9 9 9

Winter weather blasts Hurst Students urged to

sign proclamation
"Not Here" fights alcohol*abuse
By David Hermenau program, Mercyhurst recen
Merciad writer regained its affiliation with
Among the multitude of signs Dec. 29,1998. The Nations
plastering bulletin boards Student Trustees of BACCHUS
around campus, one poster's * designed the NOT HERE
message has been nothing but program, and Mercyhurst is now
ambiguous. Last month joining the nationwide applica-
students and faculty may have tion of the program.
noticed signs that stated, "NOT Waclawik said that the
HERE."' - ? T jfr backbone of NOT HERE is a
The mystery begins to proclamation to be signed by
dissolve, however, in light of It Mercyhurst students that says
BACCHUS (Boosting Alcohol that as a college, Mercyhurst;
Consciousness Concerning the acknowledges the call for
Health of University Students) education on alcohol consump-
and GAMMA (Greeks '? tion as an important part of
Advocating Mature Manage- preventing fatalities from
ment of Alcohol) campaign occurring on its campus and
Wt «. JL Jessica RusseU/Merciad photographer aimed at preventing fatalities commits to providing that
Mercyhurst and the City of Erie have been blasted with 36.4 inches of snow since Jan. 1. * caused by irresponsible ] education and awareness.
drinking. 1 ^PT *
In coming weeks, &] This program is inno-
Martin Luther King Q^y celebrated ^ earned
Mercyhurst's BACCHUS and
GAMMA Peer Education
Network chapter will present
vative in that it does
not ask students not to
Homer C. Floyd will share 40
years of experience in the field him numerous awards from civil **A Proclamation For The New party or drink, but takes
and human rights organizations. Year'NOT HERE,'" a T a realistic approach...
of civil rights in a program program whose goal it is to
Friday at Mercyhurst College ip A former professional football educate students how to drink
observance of Martin Luther player with the Canadian Football Waclawik doesn't want this to
more responsibly and be a be a program to which the
King Jrl Day. »JHHI
League's Edmonton Eskimos, leader in this important
Floyd earned his bachelor's degree students feel no attachment "I
Floyd, executive director of 1 movement, according to think when students feel like
the Pennsylvania Human from the University of Kansas and Melissa Waclawik, adviser to someone is doing something to
Relations Commission since did graduate work at Fisk Univer- BACCHUS and GAMMA. protect them, to take a stand for
1970, will present "Civil Rights: sity in Nashville, Tenn., and i | She said that by focusing on them and for their safety, and
A Historical Overview - How

Washburn University in Topeka, knowledge and responsibility teaching them to do that for each
rather than prohibition, this* other, it's different than 1 ^

We Can Make A Difference," at Kan. He is treasurer of the board o: program is innovative in that it
7 p.m. in Mercy Heritage Room directors of the International and nagging," she said.
does not ask students to not In order to personalize the
in Sullivan Hall. Association of Official Human party or drink, but takes a
Rights Agencies and is past chair NOT HERE program, a descrip-
Floyd began Ms career in civil realistic approach and aims to tion of the program, a copy of the
rights in 1961 with the Kansas of the central Pennsylvania provide the kind of education proclamation and a signature
Commission on Civil Rights and advisory board to the United Negn that prevents alcohol-relatcM sheet will be sent to each team,
later served as executive College Fund. deaths. dub and organization at the main
director. He has been a consult- Homer C-Floyd Floyd's presentation, made "Even BACCHUS, the and North East campuses.
ant to the U.S. Commission on rules, regulations, procedures and possible by Mercyhurst's national organization, does not Mercyhurst's BACCHUS and
training programs for the U.S. Multicultural Student Association, promote that students don't' GAMMA'S goal is to see the
Civil Rights and several state drink, they promote educating'
and local agencies. I n Washing- Equal Employment Opportunity is free and open to the public. For program culminate in a "speak
people on how to be respon- out," at which time the school
ton, D.C., Floyd helped develop Commission. Floyd's accomplish more information, call Ext 2598. sible," said Waclawik, assis- ^ will officially put its name on a
tant di rector of4he student proclamation, Waclawik said.
union and student activities. The proclamation will represent,
^ • ^ • — * *—*—* »- • * * » » »0CKI<2*8-1*4*1^
• * **
f^WW^W _ _ J _ fc. ft h a m m * t *
BACCHUS and GAMMA the commitment of the entire
are'international associations campus to the objectives of the
oiial of peer education groups NOT HERE program.
whose aim it is to increase * "What I like so much about
knowledge about alcohol and the NOT HERE project is... it's
• r * *L*2* *Zt
other problems that college4 something that students, I think,
students encounter.! feel comfortable taking a stand *'
After an absence of the* for,** Waclawik said.


• ft

Copy cards distributed ito students

By Carrie Tappe was implemented to provide library."
Merciad editor state-of-the-art printing capabili- The library printers are the
ties and provide powerful new only printers currently hooked up
Students of Mercy hurst no advanced information-processing to the new system. The computer
longer have unlimited free access technologies.. 7 labs in Old Mai n and Zurn Hal 1
to printing in Hammermill . The card-access system will are not yet connected. Billingsley
Library. help to control costs and excess added, "We hope in the future to
On Jan. 5, copy cards were usage of the printers and paper. continue to update the other labs
sent to every registered student. In fall 1998, over 200,000 copies and include them in the new
The card allows each student to were made in the library. system." ^
print 100 copies at no charge. Billingsley said, "It's (the Any student who did not
When those 100 copies run out, new system) pretty easy to use. receive a card can get one ia the
students pay $. 10 per copy. It's really quite fast and conve- library at the circulation desk.
The li brary is now equipped nient for students." '•: Once a student's first 100 copies
with laser printers that require a The free copies are only are used, students may add
• • \ # * • • * * • v • » * •
• * * « » » * » - > • • • •
• 4 * f •* * * » •> • • a • • «]
4 • * •» 4 • * * * a • • « » "
IS I T f i f • • • * » » # m t f
card to access printing services. available to Mercyhurst students. copies to the card at several
According to Thomas
* * • • • #>.»-* * • * • V

Billingsley said, "Outside locations in the library or in the

* • « t * » • fe * • • » * • * • • •# •» ? # • » > 4• *4 B^I T • 4 • a* 4^
P t J
* 4 %• * i f * • • * * l.f t
- • ft a t^S • •> 4 • * * • *•

Billingsley, executive vice people can purchase a copy card DocuCenter in the basement of
president, the card access svstem at a vending machine in the Old Main. ' "M

Gentile named editor-in-chief

By Carrie Tappe decided to go for it," Gentile
j ^ • • • •ft * 44 4 4*ft»• • • • • » 4•* • •-• 4 • 4* aft» ftt *a •H ft
t• ft
aft *ft ft
Merciad editor said.
v> L * * 1
* • « * • vv. •
• i f f
• •
4> •
* ft
4 4 *
• •
* U ' 4> 4 4 4 ft. •
• ft ft ft » » « .
> a f t * a f t *
- ^ » ^ a l *
• • | A ft |
4 ft I • . •
;^* •_* • 4 • * * * v * i 3 t . T A i
+ _ l f t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft • ft * ft v * ftft ft * a> * •
ftf •t 4a ft
^ ftt 4.
ft ftj

The Merciad advisers

• * 4> f> 4 4k ft ft 4 4 1 ft * • 0 ff > ft * ft ft ftH ' j t j * . _fM_- ft^pjw
• * • • ft • 4 » • ft ft ft • 4 ft » ft • 4 « ft M i » * / » • » • * B . ^ P V ft ft # v 4 ft K a ft ftftftfft ft ft \ ft
• " • » 4 f t M ' * ft 4 * • • 4 I M / I ft ft r N • r ^ * l # - » • § » * - W ^ l
f ft • ftfaftftftftftft # t ftl
• « • « A . f t ftAftf * * ?_•# ft f ft ft ft ft ft 4 ft I B * » • * • • • _~ft • • V ft ft « ft ft ft a ft ft * • ftft>

The Merciad has undergone a

I * ft * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
4 ft ft TrT4rv'4 »\ 4 *r*4 ft ft ft 4 •r'ftT'ft) »«•»» ft a ft ft #~~ W ft ^ ^ » f>^» • ft™n ft ft

appointed Gentile editor-in-chief

4 * » » f * » a ft ft ft • ft t
« a
F* • • *- •* •• *( •• •• ft • ft*ft• ftft ft4 tftft
Ift f Jft
%%• I • * ' * ft ft • • * * * t T• * \ _
» * * • * * ft • * - • » . * 4 a • 4 j * t F ft » • * ft • 4 » ft ft • • * ft
» * • * * * f 4 ft **-» * • 4.4ft *.»* « •, • * ft. ft * . • ft »^i * ft 4, • ft .ft
ft ft ft ft ft • ft ft ft ft ft ft * ft

number of changes this year. at the start of the winter term.

Along with a new location in the
• 4 * ft t f t i P f t f t f t t f t f t « 9 B * f t f t f t i f t • ft ftftaftaftfta ft a f t f t f t a p a * • « • # • * ft > a ii t • ft * ft a * a 4 f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t i a • y f « f ft 4 ft ft • ft ft • ft ft
• • • 4 ft ft ft a^_# gft> • • • ftft%* tfta-ft«f *4 ft ft ft • ft • • ft * ^ f J 4 A « ^ a a • ,#_ ^ w a ft % ft ft a | w h t ^ ft * * ft t • W ft • • • • ft ft ft ^t ft ^ ft ft 4 ft ft A * a f t ft ft ft # # ft ft 4 4 f ft t

"As editor-in-chief, I really

4 *
* ft
ft ft

* ft

former curriculum library in Old

• *
* « » • * » »
ft # • " ft ft ft
a • ft • » •
ft ft • ft a •
• •
• 4 • « ft ft I • • •
* ft • • ft ft ft • • ft
• <l * t l l | t t l * P >
* • 1™» ft ft ft ft •• • ft • •
• • h f l l f f *
* ft ft ft ft ft •
4 ft ft 4
ft ft 4^v *

• «
ft «
ft ft
4 ft ft^ft
4 ft *
* ft - ft ft • ft a ft • « * * S #
• ft 4 a ft « ft 4 ftrft ft ft ft

hope to bring the paper up to a

ft ft

N • 4 ft ft ft 4 •4i -•v i• . %

• ft
t • 4" V *~
ft f

* ' •. - * * * ft ft ft ft 4 » * * ^ 4 4 f t 4 4 f t 4
4 •


t } a

ft ft p 3

Main, The Merciad has named

l • a • • • ft J

• •


ft^4' ft ft ft • • ft ft ft ft ft


4 *__ 4 ft ft ft ft ft ft
ft ft; ft

J '4 * » ft ft ft at ft • |
ft • m k %









i * * « a B a ft

ft « ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft *
Jt_ft__ft ft 4) * _l_^ft__ft^_ft_
1 •. • _» a
ft 4 T ft t ft ft ft ft a * 4 ^ *

• ft A f t 4 ft ft • % * * * * * l f t f t l

- • ft *
f t f t f t 4 f



ft ft
t f




t 4 *

competitive level with other

Jessi Gentile, a senior RLA P/ i
* • ft # ft •• • ) _ * t ft ft ft ft ft ft T ft * 4 • ft ft ft t I * / ft* 4 ft 4 a 41 Vftftftft4 ftftft4 .ft
f t «.• »• 4» •* ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftftfta

schools in the area. I think

I f ft 4 ft I - f t 4 . ft ft • * * • ft • ft a - ft ft * • « * 4 » ft ft'-*- - ft' ft ft « • • • ftftaftftftftft* • ft • ft ft ft^ ^ f t ft » ft ft - a ft ft ft . ft ft- ft ft ft ft » L 4 ft 4 ft ft # ft ft ft ft ft ft ft « * 4 ft ft

" • • ft ft ft ft • « * ft ft * * • • ft « • B * « « * ftftftftftftft444ftftftftft4ftaftiftftft4ftftft«.ftft« ft ft ft ft * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftft ft * ft ft ftft ft ft| ft V •

ft ftftfta aft ftft 4ft •ftl• aft »ft* ft• ftFft
* a • ft» ftft.« ft
ft a
ft 4ft 4.
ft ft<*ftft"ft» 4 »ft •Jft 4ftft• *ft ftft • 4ft ft
ft ft
ft ftft
ft ^ft » ft* * • • 1 • ft ft* ft
ft ftftftft ftft
V ftv ftft
• « ft • *ftftft ft
ft ft
4 ft
ft ftftft « 4 *f ft
t * «* • ftft 4 ft
ft • ftftftftftftftftft
a v * v ft ftft 4 f t f •# fftt ftft
ftft ft * ft« ftft
ft 4ft ftft
ft • ftiftftft • 4 4ft •ft
• ft ft - f t ft ftft 4 ft * 4 ftjx ft a * ft ft * ft • * • ft 4 ft • ft ft * ft a ft a ftftft ftft ft ftjftftft ft • ftft**ft»*ftftftft ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft- a * * * • • * * » « ft 4 ft * ftft • t ft ftfti 4 f t

political science major, editor-in-

'- 4 • 4. ftft I
l l f t l ' * ft % • _"j • ft ft!
4 ft ft • - 1
ft ft a a *

Mercyhurst's students should be

ft •[
.ft •"

i ft ft ftft ft ft ft*^l ft l ^ f • ft* • ft ft ft ft 4*V* • ^Pft^^ft^^ ^iftrft^ft444> ^ftfta 04ftftH • • • ^ ' ^ • ^ ^ ^ • • • ^ i f t f t ft^ftT 4 ft ftj4^a^P|4ftft,^4ft*a^"^44^F ft #44ftft> 4» a ^P^hpftftft> ftiftftft ftftfcft^ ft ft * ft ft 4fTft
ft ft ft ftft ft ft |T 4 ftft ft 9*J* 1 4 4 4 f t 9k_ 4 ft ft V ft W ftft ftft * K . J ' * * * * | A • > a f t 1 I ft I M l ftft 4 ftl ft ftft ftfti ft* ft 4 « ft ft 4 a 4 ft Jft ft 4 ft ftft ft 47 • • T ft » * ft 4 ft ft
ft ftfftftaftftftftft »~4] ft • ft ft ft J f t ft ft ft* ft ft ft * aft ft ft Tftftj^pft « ft a ft ft- 4ftftj^OT ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ftft 4V 4 f t ft a a 4 f t 4 f t f t f t f t a « a # •
• • ft ft ft t ftft • w * ft • ' • ft ft ft « 4"^ ft ft ft ft 4 ft ftft • ft • ft * • 4 ft ft • »- ft ft * « ft ft ftft • • ftft ft ft ft • • ft ft a ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftTftftftttftftft* » ft ft ft 4 ft ft ft
ftft chief. * - ''•*
ftft*ft«»ft»ftftftftft ftTj1
ft 4ftft«fta|ftftftft4ftftft proud of the paper. We try to
Gentile became involved with
• ft • ft ft ft 4 4 ft ft ft ft ft • ftftftjftflftpftft * ft * > ft 4 ft ft 4 ftft ft * ft * ^ ft ft ft 4 4 ft * * • ft ft ftftftft ft 4 ft ft ft 4 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 9 ft ft ft • ft 4 ft ft ft ft ftft ftftftftftftftft

make it informative and interest-

• • • ft j - , 4 * ft ftft • ft • * ft*4ftft) ftft' »* ftft • • 4) 4 • g^^a ft ft * a ft ft ft • ft 4 ft ft ft 4 ^ ^p^a^ I • | > ft ft 4 ft ft ft 4 - W tft • ftft * ft • ft • -ft • 4 4 4 • 4 ft II ftftftftftftft'^ ftft

xixMind by NaomCborasky^ notedhnguist^Wednes^y^::::::::::: The Merciad during her senior

Ift ft ft ft • • • 4 ft ftft ft #^^a * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ^aft^ft ft ft ft 4 ft ft ft ^ft4^*» ft a^^ft ^ j ft ft 4 4 41 4J 4} 47 4 ft v ft ftftftftftftftftft'4 • ft • ft • ft • ' 4 B ft ^ft^^ft ft ft ^^^f ft ft ft a ft a a ft ft

ing. I wish more students would

ftft & ft ftft 4 ft ft ftft ft 4 ft • ft ft_ ft ft ft 4 ftft ft • ft ft ft ft ft ftT_4j ft a f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t ftft ft ftft ft a ft ft % • « ft ft • * a ft ft a « » i _ f t ft « ft # ft 4 4 ft 4 ft ft ft « » • ft • ft ft 4 ftft'

ft • ft ft ft ft ft ft ft * * • * « % * ftjftftft 4 ft • 4 > ft a ft a 4 f t • ftft ft ft ft ft ft 4 ^ " f t 4 J 4 ft a ft ft ft ftftftft ft ft ftft 4 ft * L ft ft ftft * ftft • • ft 4 f t - f t ftft ft* 4 ft ftft 4 f t 4 / ft a 4 7 | • 4 ftft « ftft ft 4 ft ft ft • ft ft ft ft ft p ft

ft ft ft ft ft ft ft a ft 4 ft ftl ft 4 f t ft ft
ftft f ftft 4 » ft ft ft 4 a • ft ft t
4 ^ a ft ft ft ft^

year as features editor. Bill

L k t ft ft 4
ft ftTra ft
• • • • f t f t f t f t « i * * * f t f t f t f t
ftft • ft ft • • ft ft 47 a • a a f t f t
| *ftfta ft a 4 a f t f t f t f t f t f t a a
• ft • ft • ft 4 4
* f t
a 4 j 4 / » ft
• ft a a * ft ft • ftft
. ft a . a a f t ft ft ft A . % _ ^ • a ^ ft ft a ft * * ^ f t W 4 ft a a ft ft • « f t *
ft ft 4 * \ ft ft ft •
ft ft ft • a ft • a
ftft • ft * ft a •
ft ft)
ftft" • a a ft#«

* ^
ft ft
a ft
ftft • 4 ft ft ft j
• ^ * ft 4 ft ft

get involved."
ft ft* a * ftft' ft * ft • • 4 • ft a ftj^ft § 1 ft A ft„4l_ft a t ft ft ft 4 < ^ [ f l ' l l l l t * ^ ^ 4
ft ft ft* ft ftft • « ft ft a f t f t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft * • > •
IP • ft ft ft ft ft • * • ft ft ft ft ft • ftft ft ft ft ft ftft
Melville was original 1 y ap- 9 •
* * _ 4 • 4 i f t ft 4 • • 4 . 4 # _ f t _ 4 # _ H 4 ft ft ft » ft 4 * _ ! _ • * * , 4 ft • • • • _ • _ • _ t * _ % ? • _ • * % 4
• a
a •
« .4
4 ft ft.
I Heather C vitkovic, arts and
pointed editor-in-chief, but entertainment editor, said,"We
resigned for personal reasons. (the editors) are happy that Jessi
Gentile became interested in the holds the reigns here. She is a
4 • a « » ft
ft ft ft ftft • ft • ft ft .
f ft) ft ft ft a • « * 1
ft • 4 ft ftft ft ft ft

a. vy.'.sv.'.'.y-f.v.'.•.•.•
and applied. Melville 4 4 ft • ft a ft ft ft ft ft ftft • ft • ft ft
ft • a 4 ft ft
9 ft ft v ft ft 9
4 ftft
ftft • • ft a
44J4 ft ft • I strong leader and relates to the
47 i J f t f t a f t f t a ft ft •* • • ft m^t^U

ft ft ft ft 4 47
•__*»•»•• • • • *
§ ft f
• •• ft'« ft ft • ft ft ft ft 4 • ft ft ft ft ft
rejoined the staff as features * *•* * ft^ft—ft—ft—ft"a:
a> 4 ft 4 * •
* ft*
i a r ^ a f t ~w
• 4 ft ftftftftftftftft*
9 . 4 -4
H r
4 W • •*- ft j
a ft 4 • ft ft • a ft ft 4 ft 4 • • • = • 4 ftt


a * « a a a a a ft • a t ft 4 f ft 1
i » • ft ft ft a v • 4 ft a ft • ft ft
f* a ftiftftft ft ft * * ftft 4 ft ft 1
other editors well."
r * - v p . a a ft ft ft ft ft ft a ft ft ft aT • ft ft V ft • .ft » 4 ft a ft ft * • a " a a ' • a * a a a a " • ft J Wft'~I • ft • ft a ftft a f t t a * a a a + * t r i
t ja9 ft4ftf4ft
t ft4ft9«>ft
f ftt 47aftfftft
t •f ft
t 4«ftf t• ftftftftftft
f •t - •f ft
t a ftj at ft• •*ftft
* aft
• ft*ft>ft4• ft•• « ftft
-• •* aft
»- •ft9ft
*ft-ft• «J
"I invite anyone who is
4 ft ft 4 4 ft # f ft ft a ft 9 ft ft ft 4 ft ft 4 ft • • 4 ft ft ft ft ft_4_4__!
• ft 4 ft • * ftft
ft ft * m ar 1 4 f t 4 a ft a ft • * 4 • j 4.^1 • ftft ftftftftftftfta ftftftftft ft^

• « a I • ft a a • a • • * • * 9 4 *_ft a a _ a •_•_

e nunflteroad conditions oo: :x:. :x: [ . "Bill and Chris Wloch had
« 4 * 4 I 4) 4 ft 4 * ft ft4ftft 20*3 ft ft- ft a ftft • ft ft a f t a a a f t f t f t a a f t a f t f t 4> ft » ' 4 ft a aft ft ftft ft ft ft ft • • • * 4 f t •
ft ft ft ft 4 a f t ft ft ft M ft ft ft • ftft ftftftft ft ft ft • ft ftft • V ft ft a » a a a • • a • • » " • » ft

ft » ft a ft a ft ft ft ft "

interested, to come up to our

-., Jessi Gentile
•> * a f t ft • a a ft ft

asked me last year if I was office on Wednesday nights and

interested in features. I thought it After Bill resigned, I saw an help contribute to The Merciad,"
ft 1 % a a a a a ft . a
would be a good experience. opportunity to move up and ft • a a • • ft fftftftftftftftftft j
Gentile said.
L • 4 ft ft 9 ft ft • ft ft • a * ft a ft ft • a • ft ft • ft • ftftft
a a f t f t f t 4 * 4 4 f t ft 9 » • • » • 4 ft ft • . ft I
a ft a a 1 ftft « « a ft ft ft ft ftft V f t f t f t f t

•v.v.v > ft , ft > a 4 * _ 4 • a • ft 4 * • 4 ft ft ft ft a 4 ft 4 • • • • V 4 4 a 4 a ft a ft • * 4 ft ft ft ft ft 4 4 ft 4 4 4 ft ft

Police and Safety Incident L o g

• 4 ^ * ft ft ft ft ft ft fel j f x l ftft ft ft -4 * • 4 ft * • * , a a • ft ft ft ft 4 • 4 » 4 * ft
F~-a " f — . - f t — 4 ™ 1 " A - 4 - ^ 4 — T ^r~% a ft ft ft ft ft • 4 9 9 4*,
MJp%W\ ft a a a a * a a a ft ft • • ftftaftftftftftaftftft* ft ft ft a
_ f t f c _ a _ f t _ f t _ a - f ft ft a * a a a a ^ ftft ft 4_ ft_ • a_ ft
ft ftft ft ft a t ft 4 ft ft ft * • a a • a ft ft a a 4 a • .
ft ft ft ft 4 • a • ft 4 ft * 4 ft * a ft ft ft ft ft a • 4 » \ a ft a
ft ft a a a ft ft ftftftftftftftftfllft • • ft ft ft ft ft
a ft a ft a • ft "•• ft) • 4 4 ftjf ft_ft_a__ft a _ a ^ 4 _ a _ _ f t _ 4 _ 4 ^4_

Dec. 16 Harassment loud bang at their front door. No Jan. 6 Theft

Baldwin Hall suspect was located. Officers 0 Briggs Avenue Apartments
• 4 ft

A female student received 1 found a large dent in the upper- Money and clothing removed
terroristic threats via e-mail from right corner of the door and from apartment ;-
a suspected male who resides Christmas decorations were Jan. 8 Vandalism
outside the city. Erie police damaged. * McAuleyHall f .
notified. Dec. 21 Criminal Mischief Drain hose removed from
Dec. 18 Criminal Mischief Performing Arts Center washing machine causing minor
Baldwin Hall ^ | Unknown persons threw a. flooding to secondfloor.\%
Unknown person(s) threw an ice wooden chair from the balcony Jan. 8 Disturbance
ball through a window of of the Performing Arts Center Duval Apartments
Baldwin Hall. into the general seating area Loud party disturbed a guest
Dec. 18 Loitering destroying the chair. No sus- staying in Duval Apartments. 1
Old MalU ' pects. Si tuation resolved by a security
Two female and two male Dec. 29 Theft officer.
students were observed by Baldwin Townhouse Jan. 9 Disturbance
housekeeping personnel loitering Couch removed from townhouse. Briggs Avenue Apartments
after hours in the locked door Unknown if removed by mainte- Loud music complaint answered
area of the Old Main computer nance. and resolved by security.
lab. All ran away upon seeing Jan. 3 Theft < . Jan. 9 Disturbance
housekeeping. Briggs Avenue Apartments 1 Briggs Avenue Apartments
Dec 19 Disorderly Conduct Student returned from Christmas Student throwing fireworks out
Briggs Avenue Apartments break and found his computer of apartment window. Situation
At 1:50 a.m., four female and cable box missing. resolved by campus and Erie
students were awakened by a police departments.
^^i«k^^a^ftftftftfta4B4lalftft4ft4ftA4*ftaj«^^ I 1 1 11

A n i DiFranco releases 12th DiFranco has followed a one- _».

g out the records without

DiFranco deliv- al bum-a-year rule since she began batting an eyelash at the criticism.
releasing records in 1990. Even so, This album finds DiFranco doing
ers what jher fans she isn't concerned with overexpo-
sure. *
what she does best taking a look
at the world outside her and the
have come to "Overexposure is a word that
exists in the commercial model for
worlds inside her, too.
Many of the new songs have
expect, album making music,*' DiFranco said in a
press release from Righteous Babe
debuted during recent conceits but
changed quite a bit when put on
after album Records, DiFranco's record label.
"My experience has been that the
the album.
"I was just trying to wing it,
more I do and change, the more trying to bring the spontaneity of
By Heather Cvitkovk interesting it is for my audience.*' playing music into the studio and
Merciad editor ' This has proved very effective onto tape," said DiFranco, of the
for Di Franco. Her fans are album's live sound. 4
Those already packed "Ani numerous and her albums sell very The whole album was tracked
DiFranco" tans at the record well. "Little Plastic Castle" f live with a few overdubs. It
stores are about to get even fuller debuted at No. 22 on the Billboard basically is: the sound of the band fl
when the 28-year-old singer, 200 in March. ^ I J playing live in the studio, relating
songwriter and guitarist releases 5* Mainstream commercial radio to our surroundings and utilizing
solo album #12, "Up Up Up Up has been less receptive to her the various mikes, amps and rooms
Up Up," Jan. 19. \ confessional lyrics, forthright ^ available." *' r
Recorded just a few short feminism, giddy stage presence [*[ "Up Up Up Up Up Up is aj w
months after her last CD, "Little and strong voice, which goes joyous, mournful, funny, sexy
Plastic Castle," "Up Up Up Up Up effortlessly from a whisper to a album filled with insight and
Up" represents the next phase in scream. emotional intensity. And this is
DiFranco's ongoing evolution as a None of this seems to really pretty much what folks have come
writer, musician and producer. phase DiFranco who just keeps to expect from DiFranco, album
after album. J 3?IHk File Photo
Hurst hosts racism-inspired art show Press shot of singer Ani DiFranco, whose latest album is to
be released Jan. 19.1 .. H I *
By Heather Cvitkovie pertain to racism. In addition,
Mericad editor
Maris developed the accompany-
ing visuals/ * •
An exhibit, inspired by racism, The exhibit is approached from
combines music, text and visuals
in the next show at the Cummings
a variety of perspectives," said
Gary Cardot, Cummi ngs Gallery
Wintenserieis at the PAC
Art Gallery. | [ director. "It is an honest explora- ; South Padre • - . - .

The exhibit, "Riverside: The tion of the artists' personal racism

Songbooks of Cal Smith and Craij —- the demons that we all confront, Cancun Jamaica By Heather Cvitkovk
Merciad editor •:
3 tradition on campus. S f 1
The Visiting Artist Series is 1
temper and ignore in our daily
Maris — Personal Views of
Racism," opens Thursday, Jan. 21. lives *£ . V Key West Panama City The Performing Arts Center will
under the direction of Dr. Albert!
Gfinsky, associate professor of
At 6 p.m. in Zurn 135 the artists Smith and Matis's exhibit Free Meal Plan (SPI ONLY)' kick-off its winter On the BIG music. This year's series includes
will present a lecture and a slide continues through Friday, Feb. 19. Group Discounts lor 6 or morel Screen film series on January 20 at artists and ensembles of various 1
show about the exhibit Cummings Art Gallery is located 8 p.m.- > .* i disciplines that come to the college)
in the PAC It is open Sunday
Smith, an African-American
musician, and Maris, a musician
and artist, spent a year and a half
through Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. and
Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. Admission is
800-838-8203 The series begins with the
English film "Mrs. Dalloway," an
to present unusual and specialized
performing groups and soloists.
free/ I
ww. adaptation for the screen of #\ The second performance of this
collaborating on lyrics to create a Virginia Woolfs masterpiece. /! year's series will feature Douglas
series of eight sons books that "Mrs. Dalloway" is a romantic Webster, baritone, and Jon
drama with insight into the world Klibonoff, pianist
Job Opportunity of urban English society. Set in
the summer of 1923, the film stars
Performing works by artists from
the 19th and 20th centuries, the,
Transitional Manager Oscar-winner Vanessa Redgrave in
the title role.
show Will feature a medley of
songs by Schubert, Gershwin and
Part-time position in a residential program for indi- On January 27 the series Charles Ives. Closing the event are
viduals with developmental disabilities. Responsible Ffcm$399
continues with the Academy Bernstein *s "Greetings,"
Hundley's "Seashore Girls" and
for assisting in meal planning and grocery shopping, Award Nominee "Ridicule.** Other
MortegoBay films that will be shown in the "Songs* by Cole Porter.
providing ongoing monitoring and instructions i tegril winter film series include The A masterclass or discussion to
relating to money management and coordinating MEXICO FLORIDA Thief," a Russian film about bring the audience into the \
World War II; "Lolita," a film backstage world of the performers
weekly schedules. Requires 25 working hours/week Rtm$399 FronS99 about a forbidden love affair in the compliments each performance.
including evenings and weekends and requires staff Acapdco Catena Beach 1940s; "Karakter." an award " F The remaining event in the 1998-|
to sleep at facility, five nights a week. Associate Canon Oty winning Dutch film; and last in the 99 series is Naumburg Chamber T
scries, "Wilde," an English film Music A ward winners Pacifica
degree or equivalent status required with some Call today! Space is limited
about the life of the Irish-born Quartet on March 13. i.
experience working with developmentally disabled 1800648-4849 Oscar Wilde. , Tickets for the January 16
adults. Act 33/34 clearance also required. | All films are shown Wednesdays conceit are currently on sale and at 8 p.m. in the PAC. Series tickets
are currently available and cost
cost $7 for adults and $5 for
seniors and students.
Interested candidates please send resume to: $12 for all sixfilms.Individual For more information about any
Dr. Gertrude A.%arber Center tickets cost $3 for adults and $2 for events at the PAC or to order
IF 1 seniors and students. J tickets call the PAC Box Office at
Human.Resource Department TRAVEL I Continuing on January 16 at 8 8243000. 4
136 East Avenue __
#1 Hito* hm Opt** p.m. is the Visiting Artist Series.
Erie, PA 16507 "1 The series is a nine-year-old
On-campm rept needed! (all for details
or e-mail **

Editorial Y2K the end of everything?
Deal with it The Chimera
and such efforts have already
begun to pay off. £
Shortly before Christmas, the
would herald the return of Jesus
Christ. ,' y s
I know how much violence has
The amount of snow Erie has continuous snowfall Erie has White House announced it had been done in the name of Christ
received seems to be the main received, the effects of drifting * solved the Y2K problem within in the last two millennia (the
topic of conversation lately. and the simple fact that we all Bill Melville the Social Security computers, Crusades, the Inquisition, among
Primarily, students feel chose to attend a college located and consequently, those checks many other incidents), but is it
maintenance has not been in the snowbelt (right on top of A few weeks ago, while visiting the elderly rely on will not be not a little crazy to believe that
adequately keeping parking lots Lake Erie nonetheless). one of my friends who works in stopped. 1 more violence will bring him
plowed and sidewalks cleared. In Despite what most think, an outdoor sporting store, a man In Mercyhurst's Strategic Plan back now?
fact, in some areas of campus the maintenance is doing their best approached him discreetly and for the beginning of the new Well, I suppose there is always
walk to class is downright to deal with the snow. In fact, began asking a series of ques- millennium, the problem is a chance disaster could strike in
dangerous. according to maintenance « tions about some products they addressed as a major concern for the year 2000, but right now I
While lot and walk conditions records, over 200 hours of i sell. * \ this year. -sj » v will not lose sleep over it.
last weekend were less than overtime have gone toward snow At first, they appeared to be People understand what would Besides, if I start stockpiling
desirable, maintenance crews clean-up and removal since Jan. normal questions, but as he happen if a major computer bug provisions, and disaster does
were out early Monday (and Complaining about the continued the questions grew such as this were not repaired. strike, I imagine it would only be
have been all week) trying to situation will not help anyone, more odd. The man kept whis- Panicking and seeing it as the a matter of weeks before people
make our lives a bit more nor will it make the snow pering the questions, as if he end of the world will not solve knew I had such a stockpile.
comfortable. disappear. feared someone else would hear the problem/' And since these people did not
But we cannot blame all the Truly desperate students should him. I * ' Another reason some people have their own stockpiles, it also
problems the snow has caused on try using the shovel the resident As he left, my friend explained expect the year 2000 to bring seems likely that they would be
maintenance. assistants distributed at the why the man went to such efforts disaster, and possibly the end of willing to do anything to get at
Indeed, we must all take into beginning of the year. to look inconspicuous. He was the world, is merely the ending my stockpile. Would I really be
consideration the amount of among those who believe the $ of the millennium. When the that much safer for having
year 2000 computer problem will year 1000 rolled around 999 prepared ahead?
result in worldwide catastrophe. years ago, I bet there were I am by no means trying to say
Penny-pinching Apparently, he did not want
anyone to know he was stockpil-
ing provisions for the supposed
probably a few people who "
expected it to herald the end of
the world as well. #
that the Y2K problem does not
have serious implications for
computers. What I am trying to
It is not the wealthy politician • disaster. There have been Doomsday say is that getting worked up
(they are able to send mail for While the computer problem is cults, predicting the end at over a world catastrophe will not
Skedaddle free) who is paying for this certainly serious and will various points in the last few help anyone.
increase. No, it is the common probably have some effeet, I do centuries, who have believed the
person. The family with six not believe it will generate some apocolypse is near. (The Chimera is a mythical beast
Barb Tompko
mouths to feed and Christmas sort of apocalypse. People Just last week a cult traveled to with the head of lion, a goat's
6 body and a snake's tail. The title
cards to send. Or the little kid worldwide have committed *r Israel where they intended to "
There are few things in life that who spends all day writing a themselves to working on Y2K, start violence that they believe "Face of the Enemy " has been
gnaw at my reccdi ng level of letter to his grandma on the other retired.)
practical understanding. One is
taking a shower before you go to
side of the country, saving his
precious pennies to buy one A look into the future
bod. And the other is a one-cent stamp. .§ for the Republican nomination and have seen it, like everyone
postage stamp increase.; I am sure there are those of you for presidency, the media will be else under 35, over a hundred
As of Jan. 10, the symbol of out there who are saying, "It is , Haver dying to find some juicy tidbits times. How many times have you
American literary freedom, the worth the extra penny if some on her. What was she doing had hourly discussions over "Star
postage stamp, has been raised good, constructive use comes out before Bob discovered Viagra? Wars" related topics like the
from its already semi-outlandish of it." jj Kari Wells Political Leader Most Likely to conversion of Anakin Sky walker
rate of 32 cents to 33. I recall the days of my child- Be Assassinated - Slobodan * (aka Darth Vader) and the
I know I invest in a monetarily hood when 33 cents could buy Milosevic. Who really thinks that Incestuous relationship between j
prudent philosophy, but let's you a stamp and some candy. anything is going to happen tot. Luke and Leia? This new film
take into consideration the The first Haver of 1999 is I will open to mass hysteria and
Those were the good old days Saddam Hussein? I am starting
dedicated to my predictions for box office records/ All I have to
overexertion of paying an extra when a stamp cost 25 cents. to think he has more lives than -
the next twelve months: say is George Lucas is a god.
penny. | Now that was a decent rate. Fidel Castro. My bet is on
Most Annoying Recurrent Only four months, one week, one
Digging hopelessly through Milosevic around summer time
News Story - (tie) The Senate 1 day and counting down, i
your sticky web of pocket lint (if not sooner), i
impeachment hearings of
and chewing gum to uncover Strangest Oscar Nomination - Greatest Scientific Develop-
bv' 5K»vJf\Vc*e KovoOkfd William Jefferson Clinton and
one small copper coin can be 'A Jim Carrey for "The Truman ment - A vaccine for the AIDS
Y2K. Everyone is already sick of
quite tricky. Indeed, a compact Show." I am not insinuating that virus. AIDS does not receive the
hearing about Clinton, Lewinsky
foreign car could get lost in your Mr. Carrey does not deserve an coverage it use to, but it is still a
and Starr, and it is only going to
jeans pocket without your Oscar nod (if he does indeed global problem that needs
get worse in the coining months.
knowing, nonetheless one coin. receive one), but who would t attention. There are some tribes
The Y 2K is of personal I have even mentioned the words in Africa that are 90 percent
Subconsciously, it allows us to annoyance because i t only feeds
rely on those little plastic cups in "Oscar" and "Jim Carrey" in the infected which leads to many
the already brewing "end of the same sentence three years ago. children lacking parents (as in
front of the cash register that millennium" hysteria. Not only
welcomes us to "have a penny, This was the man known for our own country)- It would be
will the media fan these fires, but
need a penny, take a penny, give they will never inform the talking out of his butt. $* f nice to see a resolution to one
a penny." That could be consid- populace that the next milliniurn Greatest Downfall - Bill Gates global terror that may be within
ered a slightly exaggerated does not begin until January 1, I and Microsoft," Enough said. our power to conquer.
version of communism. 2001. (Our calender started with Most Exciting Event of My We wi 11 see how many of my
We will be forced to buy sheets Generation - The release of "Star predictions become true within
the year 1, not 0.) ? Wars: The Phantom Menace" on
of one-cent stamps, frantically the months to come. I n the
Public Figure Most Likely to May 21.1 was two months old meantime, hold on because this
trying to unload our obsolete 32- Be Caught in a Sex Scandal - I
cent stamps. when 'Star Wars" was released year may be a very eventful one.
Elizabeth Dole. When she runs

The mail bag

Combatting grade inflation
I read the article in the last have to look very far even here that Mercyhurst students i as the "1998 Kaplan MCAT" book
Merciad regarding student Why are they therefore restricted
in Erie to see this problem. contend against All they really state, "Medical schools do not from performing the very thing E
concerns expressed at the recent The standard system of the see is the GPA. The higher | need to rely on the MCAT to see they were hired to do?
forum with President Garvey, OPA varies wildly from region OPA will naturally shine what you already know. Admis- Granted there are sometimes
Tom Billingsley and Tyrone to region, state to state and brighter, and this may be the sion committees can measure your abuses of the system. Easy A's
Moore with great interest. I school to school, but that is deciding criterion the selection subject area proficiency using • are to be had if the student
would have liked to attend the nothing new. Similar systemic committee uses. your undergraduate coursework desires them, but I believe the
forum myself, but unfortunately, abuses are seen in a variety of President Garvey addressed and grades. vast majority of the professors at
I had to work that night and human endeavors, not just the this issue when it was presented In numerous one-on-one this school are not of that variety.
missed i t Some very good issues academic world. •« to him by saying that schools discussions with my professors, no It is my understanding that \ ?
were apparently discussed, which A n accurate universal standard increasingly depend on the where did I ever get die slightest Mercyhurst seeks highly quali-
is a relief. Too many times that all schools would adhere to score attained on GRE's (or impression that they were pander- fied, highly motivated and
students voice only petty is the ideal answer, but this is MCAT's in my case) because ing to popularity, and most stated ethical instructors who will do
concerns about the crummy food extremely unlikely to occur so they cannot trust grades. I have that they have taken up the issue, the best that they can to impart
in the cafeteria, the number of we do the best that we can which two points to make here in repeatedly with the academic their knowledge to the students
parking tickets they got last term is all anyone can do. Hence, response: First, if this is true, dean. and that is why I am here, not for
or that there is just nothing to do some schools will have higher or then why raise the standards? If What the results were, one can an easy grade. J
at boring old MercyhursL lower standards than others and the graduate school is going to I only extrapolate from the current Allow the instructors to
One concern voiced caught my will assign grades accordingly. partially or fully discount the situation we face now. I assign the grade they deem fit for
attention in particular because it An A is not always an A, and a GPA, tnen why incite this Why is it that students who work the efforts and achievements of
is a major concern of mine as B is sometimes more than a B. perplexing issue? Secondly, I
hard in their classes, especially the students. The bright and*
well. The subject of combating Mercyhurst has taken a brave have been told the exact I ; their major classes, should have to industrious will rise to the top,
grade inflation and protecting the step in attempting to combat this opposite by numerous profes- face the restrictions placed ont the dullards and loafers will tall
value of the A is a hot topic inflation in the value of the A, •. sors and advisors who are in instructors for the award of an A, by the wayside.
among many of the students at but is it working? Are the efforts regular contact with graduate when those restrictions come in ' I am not asking for the stan-
Mercyhurst, especially those of a relatively small school in schools and know exactly what the form of subjective guidelines dards to be lowered, of course.
with plans of attending graduate Erie really going to make an they look for. The undergradu- or promotional /financial incen-. Such a request would be ludi -
schools. Since I was not at the impact on the system, or is it just ate work is what they (the tives to the instructor? crous, but do not place them on
forum, I can only respond to the detri mental to the students? graduate school) look at the If both faculty and students Mt. Olympus where mere
points presented i n the Merciad I am proud of my efforts when closest. * oppose this policy, then what mortals cannot reach.
article and offer my own input I receive a 91 to 95 percent on They know the inherent evils purpose does it serve? College is a hurdle to be leapt
and, possibly, a remedy. tests or assignments, but the of standardized testing, and The instructors were hired for successfully only with great
Yes, I fully agree that there is a reward is too often only a B or look to the student's track their expert ability to teach a effort and sacrifice, but raising
serious problem in colleges and B+. Selection committees at record to ascertain their subject, test the student's compre- the bar too high can result in a lot
universities across America with distant graduate schools have no potential. Graduate school hension of the subject matter and of bloody noses.
grade inflation. One does not idea about the elevated standards preparation publications, such to assign a grade accordingly.
John VanderweeJe

Cohen nurses express concern over sale of cigarettes

conscience support the sale of smokers and 11 times higher for tobacco that causes addiction. who continue to smoke.
A Merciad article on the Student —Benefits of cessation include
these products anywhere on female smokers compared to —Cigarettes and other forms of
Government Forum held in risk reduction for other major
campus. those who have never smoked. tobacco are addicting.
December reported that students diseases including coronary heart
Our position is not based on —In addition to being respon- —The pharmacologic and
were assured that tobacco will disease and cardiovascular
personal opinion, but rather on sible for 87 percent of lung behavioral processes that deter-
soon be available in the campus mine tobacco addiction are similar disease.
convenience store. some sobering statistics accordi cancers, smoking is also |
associated with cancers of the to those that determine addiction We care too much about the
Although the staff of Cohen ing to Cancer Facts & Figures
1997: * <? mouth, pharnyx, larynx, to drugs such as heroin and health of our students. We would
Student Health Center recognizes cocaine. be out of line trying to be their
—Lung cancer mortality rates esophagus, pancreas, uterine,
arid would not hesitate to defend Students are able to purchase parents by dictating a list of do's
are 23 times higher for male cervix, kidney and bladder.
anyone's right to use tobacco
—Smoking accounts for 29 tobacco products at stores just a** and don'ts; we would be equally
products, we cannot in good
percent of all cancer deaths, is a few blocks off campus. To make out of line by enabling our
major cause of heart disease tobacco products convenient by students to practice life styles

MHOAD and is associated with condi- selling them on campus would be that are dangerous and contrary .
tions ranging from colds and akin to selling alcohol or illegal to a healthy well-being.
gastric ulcers to chronic drugs. I
bronchitis, emphysema and —People who quit smoking, Cohen Student Health
cerebrovascti lar disease. regardles of age, live longer than Center Staff",
The 1998 Surgeon General people who continue to smoke. >j Chris Dimperio RN, Pat
Jessi Gentile Editor-in-Chief
—Smokers who quit before age 50 Kowalsld-Colvin RN, Kay ftitts
Carrie Tappe News Editor Report on Nicotine Addiction
have half theriskof dying in the RN and Becky Van Riper
Stephen Nolan Sports Editor concluded that:
—Nicotine is the drug in next 15 years compared with those
Bill Melville Features Editor
Heather Cvitkovlc A&E Editor The Merciad appreciates
Karl Wells
Jessica Russell
Senior Writer
Too much snow letters to the editor. Letters
are due the Tuesday before
Shawntae Howad Cartoons This past week we experienced Not only is it dangerous, it is a
huge inconvenience for people publication and should be
~™ • — a great deal of snow, most of
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst which remained in the parking . who pay to park where there are no longer than 500 words.
lots until Sunday afternoon. not enough spaces. I think that we
16546. On several occasions people students realize maintenance is
were seen stuck in the parking busy, but I do not feel that we are Due to midterms, Theit
lots in front of the townhouses. being unreasonable by asking that Merciad will not be p u b - 1
The M e n * * ! welcomes letter, to * e editor A l h M Others were afraid to pull in for the few parking spaces available
be maintained. lishing Jan. 21. Publication
fear of getting stuck or being
name blocked in when the "powers will resume Jan. 28.
certain conditions. that be" finally decided to plow. Alicia Oliver

Strengthening Hurst's Irish bonds Nursing Jprogram moves
By Bill Melville Oower said the program could
closer to approval
Merciad editor begin as early as next year.. *
Oower added that some mission of the Sisters of Mercy
In the past, any student wishing universities were examined for By Bill Melville in the United States," he said.
to study abroad at a foreign their interdisciplinary programs, Merciad editor \ The two-year program will be
university during the school year such as the University of Belfast^ *
housed at the North East campus
had to register through another at Derry's program in conflict | Last week, Mercyhurst's and will be directed by Susan
university or an independent resolution and peace studies. proposed associate degree in Vitron, MI6.N. Once it is I
firm. Changes, however, are in Mercyhurst faculty members nursing had a successful hearing approved for the final phase,
store. '* might have an opportunity to before the Pennsylvania Board of Mercyhurst will begin to accept
From Dec. 3-17, Dr. Joseph teach abroad as well. Nursing. students for fall 1999. ^
Oower, vice president of . "This would be very valuable [AAt the hearing, items such as In the summer of 2000, a new
academic affairs, traveled to to faculty and the college. From curriculum, faculty and policies building attachment will be
Ireland, where he visited Irish conversations I * ve had, the were discussed. Following this constructed to house science labs
universities. With the coopera- faculty has shown a great deal of approval, the program awaits and the nursing program *s
tion of one of these universities, interest,** Gower said. only a site visit by a board facilities at North East >
Mercyhurst will eventually set up In the program, tuition will be representative. That visit is
a study abroad program. paid and credits will be earned J Oower said he Is optimistic
tentatively planned for February. about the nursing program's
"This program is really driven File Photo through Mercyhurst, even though In fall 1998, the program j
by an educational need to the courses will be taken in future and its compatibility with
received approval from the Mercyhurst's other associate
provide a study abroad learning Dr. Joseph Oower Ireland. ?>;-' t$ Pennsylvania Board of Educa-
opportunity with cultural After the program is initiated, degrees.
xperience outside the United it might allow Irish students to tion. "I think there is a natural
States. We chose Ireland because • *
study in America for two terms According to Dr. Joseph synergy between the physical
of the Sisters of Mercy's history programs, term calendars and as well. Summer studies in Gower, vice president of therapy assistant associate degree
in Ireland and Mercyhurst's what Oower called "practical Ireland for Mercyhurst students 1 academic affairs, this program and the new nursing program.
recent history of Irish students difficulties," including suchf have also been suggested. will allow Mercyhurst to join the The program is a natural fit for
studying at our campus. I reland _ * items as housing and the cost of "There has been a lot of* other Mercy colleges in Pennsyl- Mercyhurst and will hopefully
is also a country that does not living, which is higher in Ireland. enthusiasm for this option. The vania, all of which offer nursing attract potential students to
require a second language to "In a study abroad program, current modernization of Ireland, programs. Mercyhurst It's a very pro-
study there," Oower said. . you really want to diminish those which has been triggered by s J "Offering a nursing program *v student thing," Gower said.
During hjstwp-weel^rip, ^ practical difficulties," he said.*» Ireland's European Union Cfc i goes back to the history and *' *H
Gower covered more than 1,000 While nothing has been membership, has made the
miles by car in both Northern finalized, the two-term program present an interestingtimein
Ireland and the Republic of will likely be open to students Irish history. It will be a demand- Asian club hosts dinner Correction
Ireland. from any major, although some ing, but beneficial program,'*
Oower said his trip focused of the subjects being considered Oower said. 1 • i Eastern Waves Club will hold In the Dec. 17 issue of The
primarily on looking at the * are hospitality management, ,- * its annual Asian dinner at 6 Merciad, it was reported that
compatibility of Irish universities archaeology, business, political V •

p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21, at the the band Qloss would play at
to Mercyhurst in terms of science and the humanities. Hibaichi Restaurant Dinner the Forward Hall on Satur-
r; .

can be ordered at a 10 percent day, Jan. 22.

Counter-intelligence seminar coming to Hitfst discount For more informa-
tion, please contact Keiko
The correct date for the:-
show is Saturday, Jan. 29.
Miller at 2134 or Pui San
By BUI Melville counter-intelligence plays into For many people, Serjeant Chang at 2690.
Merciad editor business, and how businesses *. ; points out, there are still new $J
incorporate counter-intelligence " areas to explore within business
Usually, if someone wishes to elements into their structure, intelligence, since it is relatively
receive instruction about among other subjects* _ 3 new.
counter-intelligence, they must Instrumental in bringing these •-f "It's still a new concept for
do so through government- men to Mercyhurst was Rob business. There's a realization
sponsored private seminars, Serjeant, a junior R/IAP major that there's a lot of information
which can cost hundreds of and president of Mercyhurst's available out there about .*
dollars. J [ '• SCIP chapter. Serjeant, a businesses. However, the idea of
By hosting a seminar entitled Canadian, said he has known protecting that information is a ^
"Counter-intelligence for Richardson for a while, which relatively new concept and will
Business," on Saturday, Jan. 23, helped in planning the event probably not become a big issue
from 11-5 p.m. in the Mercy According to Serjeant, business For two or three years," Serjeant
Heritage Room, the Mercyhurst
chapter of die Society of Com-
counter-intelligence is a rapidly. ^
growing field. Many students ips
Though it might appear the | 7.-
petitive Intelligence Profession- the R/IAP department are seminar is designed mainly for
als (SCIP) willattempt to interested in it, so the demand for R/IAP students, Serjeant said the
such a seminar exists. %| seminar will cover areas that
remedy the situation. The event
is free to the Mercyhurst "We do a lot of gathering :A affect students majoring in U J&&£liftSUi £&tt£U*
» * * - — , * r

H/. *v

community. business intelligence. Companies communications and business. 2 OUTDOORHUCHEATEP POOLS* 1 INDOOR HE ATE D POOL
The seminar will include have too much information . The seminar is free to Mercy- -i 21 * & BEACHFRONT HOT TUB I * ?1
presentations by Michael floating around, especially stuff 3 hurst students, but it is necessary ''*' LAZY RIVER RIDE* SUITES UP TO 10 PERSONS si
Richardson, a former Canadian that damages competiti ve .* to contact Serjeant at 825-7326 SAILBOATS- TIKI BEACH BAR * J ET SKIS- PARA5Aft5
government official, and Richard interest People in the process of for reservations.
Kid, a former U.S. government gathering this information leave Admission is $10 for non- «jHOME OF THE WORLDS LONGEST KEC PARTY"
official and president of the themselves open to being t Mercy hurst SCIP members and
Association of Counter-Intelli-s identified by competitors. If they $ 15 for anyone else. FREE DRAFTKEftAUL WEEK LONG-CALL FOR INKX
gence Professionals. are careless enough, the compa- A
nies willfigureout what infor- ^
?•- % % f 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 8 8 - 8 8 2 8 ) ?

In their presentations, both men 11

1 mation they are looking for," he f • '• f (*rates per person) ^
will exanune how counter- ;
intelligence is done, how said. *«?' l 17403 FRONT P t A C H R O A D « P A N A M A CITY BEACH. FL 32413

!• * % « •
• * • •

OF THEjWEEK. Amy Galla
Basketball Soccer program honored
S occer teams s Coach-of-the-Year. Ten players
from his teams have been namec
University of South Carolina- f
Spartanburg 2-0. They finished
continue to to the All-GLI AC first and
second teams.
third in the nation.
The Lady Lakers had three
Named to thefirstteam from
recieve post- the men's team were sophomore
players named to the All-GLIAC
first team and a fourth player to
defender Mark Fitzgerald; the second team.
season awards defensive player-of-the-year, First team selections were
senior midfielder Stuart Hogg, sophomore midfielder Juile Ann
By Stephen Nolan Chiodo, freshman goalkeeper
Merciad editor
• .

In only his second year, Meagan Frey and junior forward

Theresa Roach. Sophomore
It is a credit to the soccer coaching both the defenseman Suzanne Baj
program that over a month after men's and women's selected to the second team.
its season has ended, the Merciad teams*to winning The Lady Lakersfinishedtheir
I- '

is still running stories about their season 14-4-1 and ranked 18th
post-season achievements.
records and bringing us among Division II teams.
Head coach John Melody has to the Final Four this "John deserves all the credit
been named the NCAA Division year, shows;that he is a and awards he gets*In only his
11 Central Region Coach-of- the- second year, coaching both the
Year by the National Soccer great coach. men's and women's teams to
Coaches Association of America Fitzgerald. * winning records and bringing us
for his work with the men's to the Final Four this year, shows
team. * * sophomore midfielder Anthony that he is a great coach,** said
Sophomore Amy Galla, from Erie, had back-to-back double After serving as assistant coach Maher, senior defenseman Mike Fitzgerald.
doubles for the first time in her career this past weekend. '; for three years, Melody was Shiels, sophomore goalkeeper Senior Eric Clark echoed
The Mercy hurst Prep graduate had 17 points and 13 rebounds appointed head coach in 1997. In Derian Tuitt and junior . Fitzgerald saying "We improved
against Grand Valley State University Jan. 7 in the 74-70 loss for his two years as head coach midfielder Rob Yurkovich.^ so much from the start of the
the Lakers. Galla also scored 14 points and 11reboundsagainst Melody's Lakers have a 28-9-2 The Lakers won the conference year. Thanks to a lot of time and
Ferris State University Jan. 9. The Lakers were defeated 72-56. record. title with a perfect 6-0recordand effort put in by John. He made u
She also scored nine points in 12 minutes against Gannon Melody has also been named 17-4-1 overall. The men reached champion contend-
University on Monday night before, injuring her right ankle. She is Great Lakes Intercollegiate * ers.
expected to* miss 6he or two games. • ? 1 f IB . the NCAA Division II Final Four
Conference men's ahd women's before being knocked out by the
t , . '••
». •

* i


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LOSS to Knights
By Scott Koskoski
extends men's basketball skid
the game at halftime 38-38. Golden Knight men picked up
Merciad writer Grand Valley State continued where their female counterparts
cashing in from downtown early left oftf * T^T
It turns out that home cooking in the second half. Mercyhurst Gannon three-point magician 2
was not the cure for the Mercy- only led once after halftime and Steve Mover's four first-half 3
hurst men's basketball team. foul troubles hindered the triples stunned the Laker faithful
The Lakers, coming off what Lakers. Sophomore center Brent as the Knights raced to an early
seemed like a never-ending New Swain led Mercyhurst with 21 18-2 edge and an eventual 32-22
Year's trip to the frozen tundra points, 12 rebounds and four halftime advantage:
of Michigan's Upper Peninsula blocks, while Grand Valley's & Mercyhurst, continuing to deal
capped off by two losses, thought Ennis Young came off the bench with the losses of fifth-year
a three-game homestand to be for 24 points and 12 boards. senior Maurice "Mo" Profit
the perfect medicine. ; The homestand's bright spot (career-ending heart problems) K
Instead, the Hurst's Great came Saturday afternoon against and injured Matt Thielker (back),
Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic the Ferris State University managed to miss 22 of their first
Conference playoff hopes Bulldogs. As the weather outside 23 shot attempts, with the only
continue melting like this winter turned frightful, Laker senior Jeff exception being a Gannon
snow won't Two losses in three Woleben's first half was delight- goaltending call.
home games leave the Lakers ful. Woleben hit for 20 first-half The Lakers kept things
with a 2-6 conference mark, 8-7 points, including four "threes" as interesting after halftime, trading
overall, and last place in the Mercyhurst cruised to a halftime baskets with their rivals until the
QLIAC South Division. lead'it would not give up. The Golden Knights eventually
The homestand started with a Lakers out-rebounded the pulled away for good, winning rag

tough 92-84 loss to Grand Valley Bulldogs 48-38 on their way to a 69-58. Allfivestarters finished ^JwwW

State University Jan. 7, which j convi nci ng 82-53 victory.

in doublefiguresfor Gannon . ,~ . ~_. J* - . Jessica RusseH/Photographei
extended Metcyhurst's losing Monday offered the Hurst the (11-4,5-3 GUAQ led by Joel Burgei (52), Brent Swam (44) and Jody Crymes (14) post up
streak to three games. After perfect chance to win the ^ Mover* s game-high 17 points. against Ferris State University Jan. 9. The Lakers defeated Ferris
trading baskets during the homestand as cross-town rival Senior guard Tony Lyons pulled State 82-53. v !
game's opening minutes, the Gannon University invaded the down 14 boards for the Golden
Lakers took charge and raced to athletic center to continue an Knights. Woleben paced ;•'"., Mercyhurst has a chance to University. That game can be
a 2S16 lead. Three Grand Valley intenserivalry.After the Gannon Mercyhurst with 16 points and jj improve its conference mark to heard only on 88.5 WMCE
three-pointers in a 1:50 span women dealt the Lakers a heart- sophomore Swain hauled down 3-6 with a win this Thursday on Mercyhurst College Radio
helped the Michigan Lakers tie breaking last second defeat, the 17 rebounds. the road against Ashland starting at 7:45 p.m.

omen's basketball struggles Hockey team lose in final minutes

By David Leisering Mercyhurst will be a part in successive tournament title.
By Lynn Burns hard fouls. In thefinalminute of Merciad writer 1999-2000? - Goal tender Aubry, forward -f
Merciad writer play, Gannon guard Kim Bates The blue and green broke open Brad McDonald and defenseman
* silenced the Mercyhurst crowdfj The Laker hockey team ended the game by scoring three times Paul Colontino made the All-
After a 5-3 start, the women's with a three-point shot that put the 1998 portion of its season * in the second period and adding Tournament team. *
basketball team has struggled to the Golden Knights up 61-57. with a third-pi ace finish at the * four more goals in die third* The team's seniors, however,
find the winning edge in its last Six seconds later, sophomore Division I University of Con- g Sophomore Eric Ellis and took the loss particular! y hard.
five games. JL Meredith Koncsol answered l necticut Tournament Dec. 29 and freshman Brad McDonald had Alternate captain Bob Atkin said
with a long-range bomb of her 3 a % ; <• 5 P I two goals each. Stevens stopped the team took Findlay too lightly.
Lake Superior State Univer- Mercyhurst and the University 17 Iona shots. "We had an easytimeFriday
sity, Saginaw Valley State own, cutting the Gannon lead to of Alabama in Huntsville The Lakers began 1999 by against MSOE and we took it for
University, Northern Michigan just one. squared off in the tournament's hosting the Hamot Hockey granted we were going to beat
University, Michigan Tech After two free throws by first game and the Chargers Classic. Mercyhurst drubbed the Findlay. It's one of my most
University, Grand Valley State Gannon guard Jacki Windon, scored two power-play goals Milwaukee School of Engineer- disappointing losses because it
University and Ferris State L
Jodi Maxim got fouled with just wi thin a 13-second span of the ing 13-0 Friday night while • was the last Hamot Hockey
University all derailed the Lady one second left on the clock and second period on their way to a Findlay University edged State Classic for me," he said.
Lakers with four of their losses down by three. Maxim made the 3-0 win. UAH led 1-0 on a first University of New York at Laker coach Rick Gotkin had
being no more than three points. first and intentionally missed period power play goal before Fredonia 3-2. One penalty was hoped to get a win against the
getting the quick back-to-back called in the opening games and Oilers in his 300th game behind
The Lady Lakers now have a the next hoping for a tip in on y strikes in the second. resulted in a Findlay first period the bench, but it didn't happen.
5-10 record, 1-7 in the Oreat the rebound. Gannon proved up Mercyhurst fired 23 shots at power-play goal, i "We played half a game against a
Lakes Intercollegiate Confer- to the task as they knocked the Charger netminder Cedrick Ten Lakers scored goals good Findlay team and dug
ence. ball away and won over the Billequey while Laker goal tender against the Raiders including ourselves a huge hole. If we play
In their game against city rival disappointed Lakers. f Ashley Stevens stopped 30 of 33 Brad Olsen with three and Bob that way in February when the
"It is so tough to lose a game Alabama shots. The Lakers were Atkin with two. Fourteen players EC AC West regular season
Gannon University, the women championship and postseason
played tough on both ends, like this one, especially when 0-8 on the power play. Alabama scored at least one point in the
we played so well,*' said Huntsville is the defending game. Freshman goal tender Peter playoffs are up for grabs, we Ml ^j
determined to get back on the Division II champion and, like Aubry made his fust collegiate be i n a lot of trouble. But if we
winning side. F Koncsol, "but we will have to Mercyhurst, is playing as a' start and recorded his first play as we did the final 30 *
In front of a capacity crowd, bounce back and play just as Division I independent this shutout minutes against the Oilers, the
Gannon and the Lady Lakers well in our next games." season;; «t In Saturday's championship way we know we can play, well
played a hard-fought, entertain- On Thursday the Lakers travel t Mercyhurst bounced back the confrontation, Findlay zipped to be fine," he said, t
ing game. After solid play from to Ashland University for a next day, winning the consola- a 5-0 second period lead over i Mercyhurst has 10 regular-
both squads in the first half, must-win game. On Jan. 21 and tion game 8-3 over Iona College Ashley Stevens and the Lakers season games left Mercyhurst
Gannon held the edge by a score 23 the Lakers face Wayne State in the first-ever hockey game before Aubry came on in relief. was to play Fredonia State on
of 33-32. £ .c University and Westminster
College respectively. Both
between the two schools. Iona is Although the Lakers staged a
a member of the Division I heroic comeback, the rally fell
Wednesday but the game was
postponed. The Lakers travel to
The second half was equal to Metro Atlantic Athletic Confer- short as the Oilers spoiled Findlay on Saturday for this*
thefirst,with fast-pace play and Dames are on the road. ence Hockey League of which Mercyhurst's bid for a third season's rubber match.

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