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Study Guide - India

Early History (567) –

 Indian civilization began in the Indus Valley (now Pakistan) around 2500 BC.
 Aryans established kingdoms on the Ganges Plains.

Europeans Arrive (568) –

 British East Indian Company gained control in trade w/ Europe in 1757.

Governing Democracy (568) –

 Indian’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, an associate of Ghandi.
 Indian democracy reflects elements of American and British systems.

Farming (569) –
 2/3 of Indian’s population relies on farming/agriculture.
 LAND REFORM – more balanced distribution of land among people.

Industry (570) –
 Agriculture main point of economy activity.
 Western industrial zone has led to modernization in economy.
 Mumbai is India’s most prosperous & leading industrial city.

Life in Modern India (570) –

 Meat consumption is limited based on religious practices; most vegetarians.
 Most popular sports: soccer, field hockey, and crickets.

Languages (571) –
 1,000 languages & dialects spoken; Hindi official language.

Hinduism (571-72) –
 Hindu (80% of pop.) believes in many Gods.
 Reincarnation – rebirth of souls after death.

Landforms –  Malay Peninsula

 Malay Archipelago
Southeast Asia:
 Indochinese Peninsula
Study Guide – S.E Asia, Australia, & Antarctica
 New Zealand – South island & North  Since 1962, 12 nations have gained
Island independence.
 Oceania’s economies are generally
tourism & small amounts of industry.
 Transantarctic Mountain
Australia, New Zealand, & Antarctica:
 East Antarctica
 West Antarctica  Aboriginal people of Aus. & the Maorzi
of N.Z lost land when Europeans
Resources -
 Oceania has poor resources.  Aus. & N.Z are former British colonies
 Australia’s rich in minerals (resources). that are now common wealth nations.

Climate & Vegetation –

 S.E Asia & Oceania have tropical or

subtropical climates.
 Australia has moderate climates on its
coasts & arid climates inland.

Human Environment Interaction –

 Imported rabbits severely damaged the

vegetation in Australia.
 The U.S bomb tests contaminated the
Bikini Atoll w/ radiation.

Sub Regions –

Southeast Asia:

 S.E Asia was influenced by China & later

European colonists.
 After WW2, the nations of S.E Asia
became independent.


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