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Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers
0 nought 20 twenty
1 one 21 twenty-one
2 two 22 twenty-two
3 three 23 twenty-three
4 four 30 thirty
5 five 40 forty
6 six 50 fifty
7 seven 60 sixty
8 eight 70 seventy
9 nine 80 eighty
10 ten 90 ninety
11 eleven 100 a / one hundred
12 twelve 101 a / one hundred and one
13 thirteen 200 two hundred
14 fourteen 500 five hundred
15 fifteen 1 000 a / one thousand
16 sixteen 1 001 a / one thousand and one
17 seventeen 1 000 000 a / one million
18 eighteen 2 000 000 two millions
19 nineteen

As dezenas e as unidades são ligadas por hífen e por and ao número

Ex: 245 two hundred and forty-five

Hundred, thousand e million podem, enquanto substantivos, formar o plural

com _s e ligarem-se a outro substantivo com a preposição of
Ex: Hundreds of people (centenas de pessoas)

No entanto, se se seguir um número mais pequeno, a preposição of

desaparece, bem como _s do plural.
Ex: two million three thousand four hundred inhabitants (dois milhões três
mil e quatrocentos habitantes).
In “Gramática de Inglês” , Stoff, Rudolf (Editorial Presença)

Formadora: Elsa Teixeira
Ordinal numbers
1st the first 19th the nineteenth
2nd the second 20th the twentieth
3rd the third 21st the twenty-first
4th the fourth 22nd the twenty-second
5th the fifth 23rd the twenty-third
6th the sixth 30th the thirtieth
7th the seventh 40th the fortieth
8th the eighth 50th the fiftieth
9th the ninth 60th the sixtieth
10th the tenth 70th the seventieth
11th the eleventh 80th the eightieth
12th the twelfth 90th the ninetieth
13th the thirteenth 100th the / one hundredth
14th the fourteenth 101st the / one hundred and first
15th the fifteenth 1 000th the / one thousandth
16th the sixteenth 1 000 000th the / one millionth
17th the seventeenth 2 000 000th the two millionth
18th the eighteenth

Os nomes de reis são indicados com o numeral ordinal, sem a terminação

do numeral (_st, _nd, _rd, _th)
Ex: Richard III – Richard the Third (Ricardo Terceiro)

In “Gramática de Inglês” , Stoff, Rudolf (Editorial Presença)

Formadora: Elsa Teixeira

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