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NPM : 06.02023. 283

The affective factors learners as emotional being

As we know that the affective factor for learners as emotional beings is importance of the
emotional factor is easily seen if we consider that relationship between the cognitive and
affective aspects of the learner. Because the cognitive theory tells us that learner will
learn when they actively think about what they are learning. But also cognitive factor
presupposes the affective factor of motivation before learners can actively think about
something, so they have to want to think about it. According to Gardner and Lambert’s
that the form of motivation are:
 Instrumental motivation is the reflection of an external need.
 Integrative motivation on the other hand.
The motivation are probably present in all learner and influence depending on age,
motivation it appears is a complex and highly individual matter. For the present
suffice it to say that if your students are not fired with burning enthusiasm by the
obvious relevance of their ESP material.
Learning and acquisition
According to Stephen Krashen learning is seen as a conscious process. And
acquisition proceeds unconsciously. So using this terms is interchangeably.
A model for learning
The model for learning is the mind as a network like a road map we can see it in the
figure 14. How ever are only useful if they are connected to the main network by
roads. Is like a development agency. And want to bring the settlements network and
develop their potential. And learning appears to progress in leaps and bounds for long
time and learner makes an enormous leap to a higher level of competence.

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