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RH bill about rights, not health 

Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 05:18:00 11/15/2010

Filed Under: Health, Legislation, Family, Human Rights

WE ARE interested in our rights. We are all interested in our health. Reproductive health is about rights. The
explanatory note of House Bill 96 titled “An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible
Parenthood and Population Development, and for other purposes” describes the bill as “rights-based.” Reproductive
health originated from the term “reproductive rights,” a phrase designed by some women of the International
Conference of Women in Beijing in September 1995, and defined as the right of women over their reproductive
system. This was used to protect the women from the “slavery and anguish” of pregnancy and child-bearing. This
principle upholds that women have the right to prevent or terminate their pregnancy (or abort their baby) in any way
they want. In other words, women have a right to have sex and abandon its consequence, to engage in sexual
activity without obligation. Indeed, birth control is, as GK Chesterton wittingly put it, “less birth, no control.”

After eating and drinking, one urinates or defecates to remove organic wastes that are toxic for the body. Sex is not
like that. The male semen and female ova are not “wastes.” From them, human life is formed. What the RH bill does
is to redefine sex and make Filipinos believe that regulating the sexual drive is impossible, that we need to pour out
billions to produce condoms, IUDs, injectables, etc. to protect us from our unruly sexual drives.

HB 96 proposes to institutionalize the access and use of artificial methods (see Sec. 7 of the RH bill on PhilHealth
use) which it labels as “essential medicines” (Sec. 9).

I have been doing social work for several years. I have experienced consoling a mother who availed of Depo-Provera
(medroxyprogesterone acetate) and suffered numbness and swollen thighs. Another lady experienced dizziness and
a feeling of fatigue. Still another mother died of IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) infection and severe bleeding. Some other
mothers taking hormonal pills complained of nausea, blood spotting and dim eyesight. Are these what the RH bill
proponents call essential medicines? Yes, RH bill is about “rights,” but not about health.

We do not need to create “rights” that forsake our health. As humans, we have inherent rights. Unfortunately, HB 96
does not uphold the universal human right to live. This explains why various individuals, from both religious and
secular sectors, institutions and communities question the RH bill, a bill that diverts people’s money to means that
destroy the woman’s body and corrupt human sexuality.


University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City

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