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MGT 503 Current Papers May, 2011 Collected from my Friends

mostly from past pprz

4 short Qs
1) being a managemnt student, wat are the ways to take a decision?
2) differentiate b/w programmed n non programmed decisions?
3) wat are the ways to identify a problm..?
4) wat are the outputs given by the organization to the environmnt?

1. What is rational decision? when manager have to take this? 5

2. Qualities of rational Decision.5
3. What is brainstorming? 3
4. Difference between structured and poorly problem. 3

1.How does a global economy create both opportunities and challenges for Managers.(5)

2.What type of organizational activities are categorized as planning?(3)

3.Explain greening of management.(3)

4.As a student of management, give your opinion that what characteristics an effective
decision making process should have.(5)

Q no.1: Devil's Advocate? Describe in ur own words.. (3)

Q no.2: note on brainstorming.. (3)

Q no.3: what is planning.. (5)

Q no.4: "Management functions are performed in system". keeping in view the mean of
system elaborate this assumption in ur own words.. (5)

subjective 4 questions
i)- explain negative entropy and synergy ......3 marks
ii)- explain programmed decision making......3 marks
iii)- government is establishing new dams and power plants due to
insufficient electrical supply. Explain what type of decision making
will the government ur ans with valid reasons......5

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