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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

Expansion of America into the West


1- List 2 main people who participated in the Battle of Little Big Horn

2- What was discovered in the Black Hills that made whites want to live or be there?
3- Why do the soldiers shoot the boy?

4- What do the generals want to do about the Natives?

5- Do you think the generals feel badly about the people they killed? Why or Why not?

6- How do most of the white people think of the Natives? Do they think of them as people?

7- Why is the senator trying to make them think of the Natives as people?

8- Why is it easier for them to think of the Natives as less than people?

9- List 3 ways the Native’s lives are different than the whites?

10- Do you think acting like the whites will help or hurt the Natives?
11- How do the other Natives feel about the Native who is dressed like a white man?

12- Why does the man take his son Ohiyesa with him?
13- Why does Senator Dawes offer a treaty?
14- Why don’t the Natives trust the treaty?

15- How important is the buffalo to the Natives?

16- How is the expansion into the west causing problems with the buffalo?

17- Why does the soldier suggest that they aren’t the first to take land and tell Sitting Bull to get his
lands back from other tribes?

18- Why doesn’t Sitting Bull want to go to the reservation>?

19- Why do you think the Sioux are willing to fight instead of going to the reservation and giving up
their lands?

20- Why do they cut Ohiyesa’s hair and give him a new name?

21- How do the Canadians help the Natives?

22- Why doesn’t Charles ( Ohiyesa) want to learn at the school at first?

23- Why does the father want him to be more like the whites?

24- What advantages will Charles have if he becomes like the whites?

25- Why are the Natives fighting with the chief about going home?

26- How do you think they feel about having to hide and live away from their homes?

27- How does forcing them out help the country expand?
28- Do you think the politicians believe they are right to expand the country?

29- How do the Natives fighting amongst themselves cause them problems?

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