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Course Description & Objectives

C&I 438: Distance Learning


Instructor: Ms. Andrea Switzer

Room 012: Computer Lab 1


Course Title: Internet Ethics and Safety

Course Times:

Classroom - Mondays and Thursdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm

Online – TBD

Course Description: This course is a blend of online and classroom learning for

students in the upper elementary grades (3 rd-5th grade). We will cover issues relevant to

building positive online citizenship skills; such as using proper “netiquette,” adhering to

copyright laws, and identifying/avoiding potentially harmful online situations.


By the end of this course, students will be able to:

 Define cyber citizenship and identify the privileges and responsibilities of being a

part of the global cyber community.

 Demonstrate appropriate Internet behavior (netiquette skills).

 Employ proper citation skills for online resources.

 Protect themselves from various Internet dangers.

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