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Her morning-mania

What is she doing in the morning? If a person were to inspect he’ll be surprised, perceiving
how long it takes for a woman to get clothed in the morning versus the amount of time it
takes for a man to get clothed, and he would be amazed at the results. It takes a woman at
least two times the amount of time that it takes men to get dresses. What is it about
women that they can spend close to an hour every morning making sure that they look put
together to face the world? Do women have so many more body parts like an octopus to
cover that it takes them so much longer?

Well, the answer to this is uncomplicated. Women are much more conscious on how the
outside would perceive their manifestation than men. Their self esteem depends on it. A
woman who feels she is ugly and nasty will have a much inferior self image than one who
feels she is a dazzling model. Therefore, women go to great lengths to make sure they
procure everything they need that will improve their appearance. She spends an outrageous
amount of time in front of the mirror to make sure she looks just the thing.

When she wakes up in the morning, it takes a woman a good fifteen to thirty minutes
deciding what to wear that day. Even if, she may have bounty to choose from, she is not
necessarily in the mood of wearing most of them. After she finally plumps which outfit she
will wear, she has to single out a pair of shoes that goes best with it. When she picks the
shoes she goes to her drawer to put on a pair of socks, only to discover that it has huge
hole. When she is done getting dressed with the basics, she has to deal with her hair and
makeup. Fixing her hair and applying makeup can take up to a half hour and sometimes
even longer, depending on if she needs to iron or blow her hair.

The next major dilemma she is faced with is which perfume she should wear. She likes her
SECRET perfume the best so she likes to save it for special occasions. However on this
particular morning, she woke up in an awful mood and she is convinced that the only way
she can pull out of this mood is by smelling her darling perfume. She finally decides to put
on her favorite SECRET perfume to ensure that she’ll be in a good frame of mind all through
the day. She then must choose the jewelry that best match the dress she chose. So many
resolutions must be made when getting dressed in the morning. If it were not for the poor
husbands pressuring her to hurry, it could possibly take her the entire day to get clothed.

In conclusion, getting ready each morning is a tremendous hassle for most of the women. If
your wife/girl is one of these, realize that it is not just your wife/girl with these issues. It is
actually most women in the world. Be patient with her and accept for the way she is. There
is nothing more appreciated than a sincere commendation from her husband.

Just tolerate…actually one can’t do anything else, when he is in place of a husband………

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