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Practice makes perfect Phần thi: Viết lại câu

(Đề thi có 02 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 30 phút, gồm 40 câu
Collected by ĐĐH
Họ, tên thí sinh: ………………………………………. Số báo danh: …….

For questions 1-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three
and six words, including the word given.
1. I've never been at all interested in learning a foreign language. SLIGHTEST
I've never ______________________________ learning a foreign language.
2. Anna's fed up with the company and she's intending to leave work as soon as she can. INTENTION
Anna's fed up with the company and she's got _________________________ longer than she has to.
3. Susan picked the baby up gently, because she didn't want to wake him. SO
Susan picked the baby up gently ______________________________ him.
4. They were able to creep away unobserved because it was very dark. OWING
They were able to creep away unobserved _______________ it was very dark.
5. The car was redesigned and, as a result, sales rose rapidly. RESULTED
The successful redesigning of the car_____________________ in sales.
6. Despite improving his performance, Smith is still not in the top three for 10000 metres. LED
The improvement in Smith's performance ______________ in the top three for 10000 metres.
7. After several years, heavy traffic caused the bridge to collapse. DUE
The collapse _____________________ several years of heavy traffic.
8. If you feel stressed, breething deeply should calm you down. MAKE
Breething deeply _________________________ if you feel stressed.
9. The moment I saw the horrible food, I no longer felt hungry. SOON
I lost _______________________________ I saw the horrible food.
10. Chris and I have the same liking for English. JUST
Chris _________________________ much as I do.
11. He looks suitable for the job, but people are not always the way they look. APPEARANCES
He looks suitable for the job, but _______________________________________ deceptive.
12. LSI is a much friendlier school than all the others in London. THE
LSI is by ____________________________________ in London.
13. Since she became a teacher, she has never been so stressed. EVER
She has been suffering ____________________ became a teacher.
14. I had expected the exam to be much worse than it actually was. BAD
The exam was actually nowhere _________________ I had expected.
15. You don't realise quite how much sugar there is in coke. DEAL
There's ____________________ sugar in coke than you realise.
16. In my youth I used to sunbathe every day. WOULD
In my youth ____________________ sun every day.
17. It's likely they were delayed in a traffic jam. PROBABLY
They____________________________ up in a traffic jam.
18. The company does not intend to create any redundancies. NO
The company ___________________________ redundancies.
19. Your essay needs to be written more carefully. CARE
You should ____________________ with your essay.
20. I am writing to you because my client asked me to. BEHALF
I am writing to you _________________________ my client. 1
21. I should have concentrated more during the lesson. ATTENTION
I now wish _____________________________ during the lesson.
22. Ed's golf round last week was nowhere near as good as today's. CONSIDERABLY
Ed performed _____________________________________ than he did last week.
23. We always expected Nadal to win. SURPRISE
Nadal's victory ____________________ to us.
24. We were quite surprised when Germany beat Spain. ABACK
We were rather ____________________ Germany beat Spain.
25. Sue got the builders to repair and decorate her house this summer. UP
Sue __________________________________________ this summer.
26. We need at least six people for the team. REQUIRED
No ______________________________ for the team.
27. We've postponed the lunch until next week. OFF
The lunch __________________ until next week.
28. He thinks his friends do not appreciate him GRANTED.
He dislikes ________________________ by his friends.
29. The police now think he invented the story. HAVE
He is now ______________________ up the story.
30. He refused to speak anything but English in meetings. INSISTED
He __________________________________ English in meetings.
31. Electricity is getting very expensive these days. COST
The _________________ higher and higher these days.
32. Unemployment has risen considerably over the last eighteen months and the government is under pressure
to find a solution. INCREASE
The government is under pressure due to ____________________________ over the last eighteen months.
33. The minister's resignation from the government was caused by the discovery of his role in the financial
scandal. LED
The discovery of the minister's role in the financial scandal _________________________ the government.
34. Oh, there you are! I didn't even know you had gone out! UNAWARE
I _________________________________ fact that you had gone out.
35. Don't get involved in this John, it has nothing to do with you. KEEP
This has nothing to do with you so __________________________.
36. I really can't understand why he can't finish the project on time. BAFFLED
I am really _____________________________ to finish the project on time.
37. Mr. Edwards was sacked partly because of his arriving late to work. CONTRIBUTED
Mr. Edwards' constant lateness _____________________________ from the company.
38. You can't just suddenly decide to go on a safari. You need to plan things very carefully. SPUR
Going on safari isn't a decision you can make __________________ moment. You need to plan things very
39. She wants nothing less than to get that job. It would be a dream come true. SET
She has _____________________________________________ getting that job.
40. If they ever discover your role in the incident, you will go to prison. LIGHT
If your role in the incident ________________________, you'll go to prison.

----- THE END -----

Good luck và tao THÁCH mày làm đúng 30/40 

TOTAL POINT: …… / 40

1. had the slightest interest in 2. no intention of working there

3. so as not to wake 4. owing to the fact that
5. resulted in a rapid rise/increase 6. has not led to him/his being
7. of the bridge was due to 8. should make you calmer
9. my appetite as soon as 10. likes English just as
11. appearances can be 12. far the friendliest school
13. from stress ever since she 14. near as bad as
15. a great deal more 16. I would lie in the
17. were probably held 18. has no intention of creating any
19. take more care 20. on behalf of
21. I had paid more attention 22. considerably better today
23. came as no surprise 24. taken aback when
25. had her house done up 26. less than six people are required
27. has been put off 28. being taken for granted
29. thought to have made 30. insisted on only speaking
31. cost of electricity is getting 32. an increase in unemployment
33. led to his resignation from 34. was unaware of the
35. keep out of it 36. baffled that/why he is unable
37. contributed to his sacking/dismissal 38. on the spur of the
39. set her heart/(mind) on 40. ever comes to light

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