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Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby
zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę można wpisać ​maksymalnie sześć wyrazów,
wliczając wyraz już podany​. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna
wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: ​nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów​.

1.​ If it hadn’t been for his help, our team would have lost the match.
His help ____________________________________________ our team to win the match.

2. ​Sarah is not a film star but she acts like one.

Sarah acts _____________________________________________________ a film star.

3. ​I couldn’t understand what she was saying as it was too noisy on the bus.
I couldn’t _____________________ what she was saying as it was too noisy on the bus.

4. ​A tight budget may lower our living standards.

A tight budget __________________________________________ our living standards.

5. ​The idea of spending so much money on holiday doesn’t appeal to me.

I _______________________________________________ so much money on holiday.

6. ​The students couldn’t concentrate fully because of the noise coming from the street.
The noise from the street ______________________________________________ the students to
concentrate fully.

7. ​It was a serious mistake to allow Mike to go to the party on his own.
We _______________________________________ Mike to go to the party on his own.

8.​ Could you carry that large bag for me?

Would _______________________________________________ that large bag for me?

9.​ People say that New York is a city that never sleeps.
New York ___________________________________________ a city that never sleeps.

10. ​“Why aren’t you listening when I’m talking to you?” said the teacher.
The teacher accused me of ________________________________________ to her when she was
talking to me.

11.​ He will finish his exams next month. Then he will have a lot of free time.
The _________________________ his exams next month, he will have a lot of free time.

12.​ Simon was the only student who didn’t pay for the school trip.
Apart _______________________________________________ paid for the school trip.

13.​ She is naive to think she will not be punished for cheating.
She is naive to think she can ________________________________________cheating.

14.​ Michael would do anything not to speak in public.

Michael would do anything ________________________________ in public.

15.​ Perhaps he didn’t see her at the party.

He ________________________________ her at the party.

16.​ Someone from our company will meet you at the airport.
You ________________________________ at the airport by someone from our company.

17.​ I think Derek has forgotten about the meeting.

Derek _________________________________ about the meeting.

18.​ ‘You’ve passed your driving test, Jack! Well done!’ said Carol.
Carol __________________________________ his driving test.

19.​ The minister responsible has promised to investigate the problem.

The minister responsible has promised to ____________________________ the problem.

20.​ William is six but he already knows which dinosaurs could fly.
William is six but he already knows which dinosaurs ____________________________.

21.​ If only you hadn’t brought your pet snake with you!
You should _____________________________________________ your pet snake with you!

22.​ We were on the point of leaving the office when the phone rang.
We ______________________________________________ the office when the phone rang.

23.​ I sent her a present to compensate for my bad behaviour.
I sent her a present to _________________________________________ my bad behaviour.

24.​ I wouldn’t have finished it without his help.

If it __________________________________ his help, I wouldn’t have finished it.

25. ​A couple of days ago Susan rejected a job offer from Google. She didn’t like it at all.
A couple of days ago Susan __________________ a job offer from Google. She didn’t like it at all.

26. ​Susan agreed to buy the car that Richard wanted, but she demanded to choose the color herself.
Susan agreed to buy the car that Richard wanted, but she _________________________ the color

27. ​I decided to start my own business when I was only 18 years old.
I decided to __________________ my own business when I was only 18 years old.

28. ​ The first thing Mary did after arriving was check into her hotel and take a nap.
No ____________________________ she checked into her hotel and took a nap.

29. ​Smith Ltd are supplying our company with furniture.

Our company _______________________________ by Smith Ltd.

30.​ Katie is planning on working in her parents’ company, but only after she has finished university.
Katie’s plan is that only when _____________________________ start working for her parents'

31.​ I learnt to swim because you encouraged me.

I ______________________________ if you hadn’t encouraged me.

32.​ People loved Ian’s book and although he wasn’t aware of it yet, he would soon be famous. KNOW
People loved Ian’s book and _________________________ he would soon be famous.

33.​ The use of mobile phones is absolutely forbidden inside the laboratory.
Under ________________________________ used inside the laboratory.

34.​ She passed her driving test in 1995.

She ________________________________ 1995.

35.​ Please hurry up and decide which film to watch.
I wish you would ____________________________ about which film to watch.

36.​ I had my wallet stolen and I have lost my keys as well.

Not only ____________________________________ I have also had my wallet stolen.

37.​ We were told dictionaries were not allowed in the exam.

Under _____________________________________ to use a dictionary in the exam.

38.​ Very soon after he started his job, he lost it again.

Hardly ___________________________________ he was made redundant.

39.​ You can only leave when you have tidied up.
Not _____________________________________ you leave.

40.​ This wedding reception will take Mary and John twelve months to organize.
In twelve months’ time _________________________________ organized by Mary and John.

41.​ I’ve been working in this company for 10 years, come the end of the week.
By the end of the week ______________________________ in this company for 10 years.

42.​ People think that Mr Brown owns a lot of land in the north.
Mr Brown ______________________________ a lot of land in the north.

43.​ It wasn't until I watched the news that I realised what had happened.
Only __________________________________ I realise what had happened.

44.​ She had no idea that she was being spied on.
Little ________________________________ spying on her.

45. ​Jane and her mum used to argue a lot, but now their relationship is much healthier.
Jane and her mum used to ____________________________, but now their relationship is much

46. ​I regret not going to the cinema when The Lion King was on.
I ________________________________ to the cinema when The Lion King was on


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