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Important LAD Information for Participating Students

The Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines wishes to weIcome you to our
program and to the new academic semester. Our program's objective is to promote effective oral
and written skilIs in both English and Spanish. The LAD professors along with your class
professor have designed activities in both English and Spanish directed to strengthen your
linguistic skills by using reallife situations within the context of the LAD course. With the help
ofthe LAD professors and mentors, you will also have the opportunity to receive individual
assistance to strengthen your language skilIs. These activities wiII help you to be better prepared
to confront the professional worId.

1. Each student should have a copy ofthe class activity. It should contain clear written
instructions, and you should be informed on how you will be evaluated. We will
personaI1y give you a copy of our LAD rubrics.
2. you will be required to make an oral presentation usíng visuals Iike power point and
hand in a written document for both the Spanish and English activities.
3. As part ofthe program you are expected to visit our offices to practice your oral presentation,
and have your power point corrected. Appointments must be made to avoid overlapping
schedules with other students. If you do not pre-record your presentation, your project grade
will be affected: points wiIJ be taken off. Please keep in mind that the power point and the
pre-recording can not be programmed for the same day. Our telephone number is (787) 728-
1515 ext. 2294. Make sure to cancel your appointment ifyou can not attend.
4. Your written work must be handed in for correction. Drafts should be taken to LAD
several days before the presentation or sent by e-mail to the foI1owing electronic address: add information after your work has been corrected, we
recommend you hand it in once again to be rechecked. If you do not, we are not
responsible for mistakes on the final copy. The written work must be handed at least three
(3) class days before the final presentation date; otherwise, it wiII not n=be accepted. We
need time to correcto Make sure you pick up your corrected copy before handing in your
final document.
5. Don't be absent the day ofthe oral presentation. There wiII be no make-ups.
6. There should be no reading during the presentations. The power point will serve as a prop.
7. The day ofthe oral presentation, two final copies ofthe written work should be
handed in (one for LAD and one for the professor).
8. The work should be written as follows:
O Double space o Quotes and references - APA style
O Font size - 12 O FolIowing an academic writing style

9. Work that has been plagiarized or translated electronically will not be corrected, and will
be penalized. We do not translate work.
lO. Remember that you must go to LAD. It is easy to detect who has come to LAD to
rehearse, and who has not.
11. Each professor will receive a monthly attendance sheet with the names ofthe students
who come to practice or hand in their drafts. Remember that this is part ofthe project
12. On the LAD Web page under Instructional Materials, you wiII find over 10 workshops
that can help you with your presentations and in your other clñsses.
13. Our location is behind the lobby of Barat Sur facing the interior courtyard of Barat Norte.
The office number is BN 223.

We look forward to helping you, and we hope to see you soon!

Prepared by dserrano
Revised 6/11109
University of tbe Sacred Heart
II~ Center for Language Development Across tbe Disciplines 11
38832 Rubric for Oral Presentations

First last name Second last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:

Course code Evaluation date
mm dd year
A. Verbal Language: Excellent Good Fair Improvement
l. Clear, concise, precise -------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
2. Fluency------------------------------------------------------------------.[] 4 03 02 01
3. Pronunciation, articulation--------------------------------------------.{] 4 03 02 01
4. Appropriate vocabu1ary------------------------------------------------O 4 03 02 01

B. Structure:

5. 1ntrod ucti on ----- ----- ---------- ---- ---------------- ----- ----------------.[] 4 03 02 01

6. Body---------------------------------------------------------------------.{] 4 03 02 01
7. Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------.IJ 4 03 02 01
8.Thematic unity/ sequence of ideas-------------------------------------D 4 03 02 01

C. Delivery

9. Voice projection--------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
10. Emphasis, volume---------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
11. Rate, rhythrn and pauses---------------------------------------------.[J 4 03 02 01
12. Content knowledge---------------------------------------------------{] 4 03 02 01
13. Time distribution------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01

D. Body language

14. Facial expression / movement---------------------------------------D 4 03 02 01

15. Eye contact ------------------------------------------------------------.IJ 4 03 02 01
16. Posture-----------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
17 . Poise (Self-confidentlre1axed)--------------------------------------O 4 03 02 01

E. Audio / Visual Aids

18. Use of: Power Point; posters; others-------------------------------D 4 03 02 01

Total points Grade Date Signature

Pre-recording lliJ DJ-DJ-DJ]]

mm dd year
11 11
IIE:;!iI 34591
Uníversity of the Sacred Heart
Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines
Rubric for Composition
First last name Seeond last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:

Evaluation date Course eode Comments
rnm dd year

eRITERIA: 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Needs Improvement

a. Rarely makes mistakes in SVA and verb usage---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------04
b. Occasionally makes mistakes in SVA and verb usage------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 3
c. Constantly makes mistakes in SVA and verb usage---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Lacks basic English grarnmar skills in SVA and verb usage---------------------------------------------------------------------------- O 1
a. Rarely makes mistakes in the usage of pronouns, prepositions, and construction of sentences---------------------------------O 4
b. Occasionally makes mistakes in the usage of pronouns, prepositions, and construction of sentences-------------------------{J 3
c. Constantly makes mistakes in the usage of pronouns, prepositions, and construction of sentences----------------------------o 2
d. Lacks basic English grammar skills in the usage of pronouns, prepositions, and construction of sentences-----------------O 1

Sentence Cornplexity
a. Uses compound and complex sentences------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O 4
b. Uses simple sentences with few or no transitional expressions------------------------------------------------------------------------0 3
c. Uses very short sentences with no transitional expressions------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Uses phrases or run -on sentences-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{J 1
a. Spells correctly, uses proper punctuation, and capitalization skills--------------------------------------------------------------------0 4
b. Has some mistakes in spelling, punctuation and/or capitalization skills--------------------------------------------------------------0 3
c. Often makes mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and/or capitalization skills----------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Lacks the basic English spelling, punctuation, and/or capitalization skills-----------------------------------------------------------0 1

a. Includes a clear introduction, body and conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{J 4
b. Introduction or conclusion is not c1early stated, but purpose of writing is easily understood------------------------------------O 3
c. Lacks a c1ear introduction and conc1usion; thus, the purpose of writing is hard to determine-----------------------------------.[] 2
d. Lacks unity and a c1ear purpose; thus, lacking a logical sequence of information--------------------------------------------------0 1

Total points Grade Date Signature

Handed in draft (s) LliJ ITJ-ITJ-I I I 1]
mm dd year
Rubric for Composition []2fl] LO -LO -CITIJ
11 Reference component included OYes ONo First Draft Second Draft Final Draft
II~ University of the Sacred Heart
Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines
Rubric for Power Point Handouts

First last name Second last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:

Evaluation date Course code Comments
mm dd year

CRITERIA: 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Needs Improvement

a. Rare 1y makes mi stakes---------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 4
b. Occasionallv makes mistakes in SVA. verbs and construction of phrases or sentences-------------------------------------------O 3
c. Constantly makes mistakes in SVA, verbs and construction ofphrases or sentenees----------------------------------------------O 2
d. Laeks basie English grammar skills-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O 1
a. Spells correctly, uses proper punctuation, and eapitalization skills-------------------------------------------------------------------{] 4
b. Has some mistakes in spelling, punctuation and/or capitalization skills--------------------------------------------------------------0 3
c. Often makes mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and/or eapitalization skills----------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Laeks the basic English spelling, punctuation, and/or capitalization skills----------------------------------------------------------0 1

a. Inc1udes a c1ear introduction, body and eonc1usion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 4
b. Lacks c1ear introduction and/or conc1usion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 3
c. Lacks effective supporting statements or details-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Lacks logical sequence of infonnation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 1

Technical Development A
a. Uses complimentary colors, adequate font style, size, and correct use ofbullets---------------------------------------------------04
b. Some slides have inadequate font style, color, size, and/or incorreet use ofbullets--------------------------------~---------------O 3
c. Many slides have inadequate font style, color, size, and/or incorrect use of bullets-----------------------------------------------D 2
d. Slides difficult to read due to color c1ash, font style,and/or size-----------------------------------------------------------------------0 1

Technical Development B
a. Uses no more than 6 -7 words per line and 6 -7 lines per slide and has adequate spacing-----------------------------------------O 4
b. Uses more than 6 - 7 words per line or 6 - 7 lines per slide, although.teadable-----------------------------------------------------{] 3
c. Excessive amount of lines per slide, and/or inadequate spacing-----------------------------------------------------------------------D 2
d. Slide extremely crowded and difficult to read----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 1

Total points Grade Date Signature

Handed in draft (s) CW [IJ-[IJ-I I I I I
mm dd year
Power Point Rubric []2OJ ITJ - ITJ - ITJ:IJ
11 Reference component included OYes ONo First Draft Second Draft Final Draft
1Ir;:;] 365
University of the Sacred Heart
Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines
Rubric for Cover Letter
First last name Second last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:

Evaluation date Course code Comments
LO-LO-ITrn [ll] -[ll] -LO
mm dd year
CRITERIA: 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Needs Improvement
Letter Layout
a. Includes all the parts of protocolletter writing (heading, salutation, body paragraphs, closing and signature) using correct
punctu ation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..0 4
b. Includes most of the parts of protocolletter writing, and uses correct punctuation------------------------------------------- 0 3
c. Lacks consistent letter layout and correct punctuation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.0 2
d. Disorganizaed or incomplete letter writing layout and incorrect punctuation-------------------------------------------------------.0 1
a. Complete, relevant heading informatfon which includes solicitor's name and address, the date and the employer's name
and address, correct layout, punctuation, and font -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.0 4
b. Some irrelevant information, inconsistent heading layout, punctuation and/or font-----------------------------------------------O 3
c. Disorganized or incomplete information and/or incorrect punctuation---------------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Lacks relevant information, incomplete heading, and incorrect punctuation-------------------------------------------------- 0 1
Introductory Paragraph
a. Begins with a powerful first sentence clearly stating the job that is being solicited------------------------------------------------O 4
b. Does not begin with an eye catching introductory sentence and do es not clearly state the position solicited----------------'O 3
c. Paragraph too wordy and includes irrelevant and counterproductive information--------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Position desired is not stated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 1
Body Paragraphs
a. Mention the skills and experience required for the joh-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 4
b. Skills and experiences are unclear and written in lengthy sentences-----------------------------------------------------------------'-.0 3
c. Skills and experiences do not support the career objective------------------------------------------------------------------------------{] 2
d. Skills and experiences are not included------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------O 1

Concluding Paragraph

a. Concludes with a positive statement, establishes contact, and indicates follow up after a certain time------------------------D 4
b. Does not clearly establish contact and does not indica te possible follow up---::.------------------------------------------------ .o 3
c. Paragraph too wordy and includes irrelevant and counterproductive information-------------------------------------------- 02
d. Does not establish contact and does not indicate follow up after a certain time---------------------------------------------------_.o 1

Total points Grade Date Signature

Handed in draft(s) LliJ [IJ-[IJ-OIJ]
mm dd year

Cover Letter Rubric LEftJ [IJ-[IJ-DID

First Draft Second Draft Final Draft

II~ University of tbe Sacred Heart
Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines
11446 Rubric for Résumé
First last name Second last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:

Evaluation date Course code Comments
mm dd year
CRITERIA: 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Needs Improvement
Heading and Résumé Layout
a. Complete, relevant information, consistent layout and font, heading includes name, address, telephone, and e-mail-----'O 4
b. Some irrelevant information, inconsistent layout, heading, andlor font--------------------------------------------------------------.0 3
c. Disorganized or incomplete inforrnation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.o 2
d. Extensive résumé-lacks relevant inforrnation, incomplete heading-------------------------------------------------------------------.0 1
Career (Job) Objective
a. Simple but effective career obiective stating the job that is being solicited---------------------------------------------- 0 4
b. Career obiective is too long and do es not clearly state the position being solicited------------------------------------------------O 3
c. Statement includes irrelevant and counterproductive information---------------------------------------------------------------------.0 2
d. Position desired is not stated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 1
a. Complete educational background including degree, major and minor, date, seminars, and awards in perfect
chronological order----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 4
b. Some educational background details missing or incorrect, some discrepancies in chronological order----------------------O 3
c. Lacks consistent chronological order, some inforrnation missing or incomplete---------------------------------------------------{] 2
d. Incorrect chronological order and/or irrelevant educational background inforrnation---------------------------------------------O 1
Employment History
a. Written sequentially, beginning with the most recent job supporting the career objective, includes company name, year
of employment, position, and responsibilities starting with impressive action words-------------------------------------------------o 4
b.Written sequentially, beginning with the most recent job, but does not support the career objective, includes company
name, year of employment and position. Responsibilities may be phrased incorrectly-----------------------------------------------O 3
c. Not written sequentially, beginning with the most recentjob; do es not support the career objective or does not include
company name, year of employment, position andlor responsibilities-------------------------------------------------------------------.0 2
d. Not written sequentially, beginning with the most recent job; does not support the career objective, has incomplete
employment history andlor weak statements regarding position and responsibilities---------------------------------------- 0 1
a. Simple, short direct phrases that present a clear picture of the candidate's abilities-----------------~-----------------------------O 4
b. Qualifications unclear, written in incorrect order andlor lengthy sentences---------------------------------------------------------0 3
c. Skills/qualifications not expressed correctly------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 2
d. Skill si qualifi cati ons not in e1uded --------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------O 1

Total points Grade Date Signature

Handed in draft(s) CliJ rrr-rrr-o I I I
mm dd year
Résumé Rubric ~ ITJ - ITJ - ITITI
First Draft Second Draft Final Draft
11 11
University of the Sacred Heart
II~ 29674
Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines
Rubric for Oral Presentations - Simulations
First last name Second last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:

Course code Evaluation date
mm dd year Needs
CRITERIA: Excellent Good Fair Improvement
A. Verbal Language:
1. Clear, concise, precise -----------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
2. Fluencv----------------------------------------------------------------------.0 4 03 02 01
3. Pronunciation, articu1ation-------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
4. Atmronriate vocabularv----------------------------------------------O 4 03 02 DI
5. Correct use of the language----------------------------------------------D 4 03 02 01
B. PerformancelDress Code:
6. Sustained characterization-------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
7. Concentrated----------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
8. Convincing -------------------------------------------------------- ----------0 4 03 02 01
9. Effective ro1e play----------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
10. Dressed appropriate1y-----------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
C. Delivery
11.C1arity, projection---------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
12.Emphasis,vo1ume-------------------------------------------------------------.0 4 03 02 DI
13.Rate and pauses------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
14. Rhythrn-------------------------------------------------------.--------------04 03 02 01
D. Body language
15. Facial exnressions / gestures---------------------------------------------O 4 03 02 DI
16. Eve contact-----------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
17. Poise------------------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
18. Movem ent ------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
19. Contro 1---------------------------------------------------------------------.[J 4 03 02 01
E. Audio - Visual Aids/Time
20. U se of resources-----------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
21.Effectiveness of resources-----------------------------------------------.o 4 03 02 01
22.Time distribution----------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
Evaluation Grade Date Signature
mm dd year
Visit to the Center for Pre -Video
Recording: [[]-[[]-[JJI]
mm dd year

Oral Rubric: [[]- [[]- [[[]]

11 11
-~ 29803
University ofthe Sacred Heart
Center for Language Development Across the Disciplines
Rubric for Oral Presentations - Simulation of Interview

First last name Second last name Name

Student Number Professor Evaluated by:
Course & section Evaluation date
mm dd year Needs
CRITERIA: Excellent Good Fair Improvernent
A. Verbal Language: 4 3 2 1

l. Clear, concise. precise -----------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01

2. Fluencv----------------------------------------------------------------------.[] 4 03 02 01
3. Pronunciation. articulation--------------~---------------------------------D 4 03 02 01
4. Anoronriate vocabu1arv----------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
5. Correct use of language------------------------------------------------ O 4 03 02 01
B.Dress Code:
6. Dressed aoorooriatelv------------------------------------------------- O 4 03 02 01
7. Professional hairstv1e---------------------------------------------------- O 4 03 02 01
8. Professional shoes---------· ------------------------------------------------ O 4 03 02 01
9. Trirnrned nails-------------- -----------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
10. Sparse perfume/cologne, ke-up/lirnited jewelry-------------------- O4 03 02 01
C. Delivery
11. Clarity, projectíon---------- ·--------------------------------------------04 03 02 01
12. Emphasis. volurne-------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
13. Rate. rhvthm. na '"es------------------------------------------------------- 04 03 02 01
14. Controlled, calm v ~e----------------------------------------------------O 4 03 02 01
D. Body language
15. Correct oosture-------------------------------------------------------------{] 4 03 02 01
16. Facial exnressions I gestures---------------------------------------------O 4 03 02 01
17. Eve contact- ----------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
18. Poise------------------------ -----------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
19. Movement----------------- -----------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
20. Firm handshake------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
E. Performance
21. Greeting---------------------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 01
22. Good Listener---------------------------------------------·.----------------.[J 4 03 02 01
23. Positive dialogue and attitude---------------------------- ----------------0 4 03 02 DI
24. Content knowledge (Spoke of things he/she knows & sold
himself/herself well)----------------------------------------------------------0 4 03 02 DI
25.Convincing/effective role play-------------------------------------------O 4 03 02 DI
Evaluation Grade Date Signature
mm dd year
Visit to the Center for Pre -Video
Recording: DJ-DJ-ITIJ]
mm dd year
Oral Rubric:
11 11
II~ Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Centro para el Fortalecimiento de las Destrezas Llngüístícas a través de las Disciplinas
27798 Hoja de Evaluación de las Presentaciones Orales

Apellido materno Nombre

Número de estudiante Profesor Evaluado por:

Código de curso Fecha de evaluación
ITD -ITD - []J []J -[]J -ITITJ
dd mm año
CRITERIOS: Debe mejorar Regular Bien Excelente
A. Lenguaje verbal:

1. Claro, sencillo y preciso-------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04

2. Fluidez--------------------------------------------------------------------------.0 1 02 03 04
3. Pronunciación, articulación --------------------------------------------------_0 1 02 03 04
4. Unidad temática-------------------------------------~-------------------------_0 1 02 03 04
5. Coherencia/ secuencia de ideas-----------------------------------------------O 1 02 03 04
6. Vocabulario apropiado--------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
7. Manejo del tiempo------------------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04

B. Estructura
8. Introducción -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ O 1 02 03 04
9. Desarrollo----------------------------------------------------------------------_0. 1 02 03 04
10. Conclusión--------------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
C. Manejo de la voz
11. Claridad y proyección ------------------------------------------------------.0 1 02 03 04
12. Énfasis, fuerza y volumen---------------------------~-----------------------O 1 02 03 04
13. Velocidad y pausas-----------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
14. Ritmo y entonación----------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
D. Expresión corporal
15. Expresión facial y gestos----------------------------------------------------O 1 02 03 04
16. Contacto vísual---------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
17. Postura-------------------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
18. Desp lazami ento- ---- ----------- -----------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
19. Control-----------------------------------------------------------------~------_O 1 02 03 04
E. Recursos audiovisuales

20. Utilización de recursos------------------------------------------------------.[J 1 02 03 04

Evaluación Nota Fecha Firma

Video pre-prueba
[TI dd
mm año

Grabación final
rn dd·
mm año

II~ Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Centro para el Fortalecimiento de las Destrezas Lingüísticas a través de las Disciplinas
Hoja de Evaluación de las Destrezas de Redacción

Apellido materno Nombre

Número de estudiante Profesor Evaluado por:

Código de curso Fecha de evaluación
CRITERIOS: dd rnrn año
A. Ortográfico Debe mejorar Regular Bien Excelente
1. ()rtografía---------------------------------------------------------------1:] 1 02 03 04
2. Acentuación-------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
3. 1v1a)nÚscula---------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
4. Minúscula---------------------------------------------------------------.[] 1 02 03 04
5. Puntuación---------------~-----------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
B. Sintáctico

6. Concordancia nominal-------------------------------------------------O 1 , 02 03 04
7. Concordancia verbal---------------------------------------------------.(] 1 02 03 04
8. Tiempo verbal-----------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
9. Conjugación------------------------------------------------------------1:] 1 02 03 04
1O. Coherencia-------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
11. Uso de palabras de transición----------------------------------------O 1 02 03 04
C. Estructura

12. Introducción--------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
13. Desarrollo--------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
14. Conclusión-------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
15. Unidad------------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
D. Léxico

16. C1aridad----------------------------------------------------------------.[J 1 02 03 04
17. Significado de las palabras------------------------------------------1:] 1 02 03 04
18. Precisión----------------------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
19. Uso de vocabulario----------------------------------------------------0 1 02 03 04
E. Originalidad
20. Citas / referencias, atribuciones----------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04

Evaluación Nota Fecha Firma

Borrador dd mm año
Total dd mm año
Primera revisión Segunda revisión Final
11 11
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Centro para el Fortalecimiento de las Destrezas Lingüisticas a través de las Disciplinas
Hoja de Evaluación de Presentación en "Power Point"

Número de estudiante
~sección del curso Fecha de evaluación
dd mm año
A. Ortográfico Debe mejorar Regular Bien Excelente
1. Ortografía 01 02 03 04
2. Acentuación 01 02 03 04
3. Mayúscula 01 02 03 04
4. Minúscula 01 02 03 04
5. Puntuación 01 02 03 04
B. Sintáctico
6. Concordancia nominal------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
7. Concordancia verbal--------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
C. Estructura y léxico

8. Introducción ----------------------------------------------------- O1 02 03 04
9. Desarrollo ----------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
10. Conclusión ----------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
11. Uso de vocabulario--------------------------------------------- O1 02 03 04
D. Formación técnica (A)
12. Colores ----------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
13. Estilo ----------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
14. Tamaño ----------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
15. Uso de viñetas--------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
E. Formación técnica (B)
16. Regla 7x7 ----------------------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
17. Información legible--------------------------------------------- O1 02 03 04
18. Uso correcto de espacios-------------------------------------- O 1 02 03 04
Evaluación Nota Fecha Firma
dd nun ano
Borrador [TI -[TI -DIIJ
dd rrun año
Total [TI -[TI -DIIJ
Primera revisión Segunda revisión Final


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