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Group 3

As I read the letter,I cried.The pain was too much for my heart to bear.I knelt beside the bed,still holding the letter which was now all
crumpled up in my hand.It seemed like it was only yesterday I saw Grandma sitting in her rocking chair at the veranda.I miss those
days when she would just sit there,waiting for me to come home from school and she would always welcome me with her hugs.She
was the only family I have left after my parents passed away in an accident.But now,all I have left of her is memories.I regret the day I
left to England to further my studies when I should have just stayed in Texas and care for her.I had forgotten her love for me.I had
forgotten her teachings about God and life.Now it's too late.I can't turn back time and undo my actions.I cried the whole evening.I lost
my appetite and I couldn't sleep a wink.

It was 3 a.m. and i was still awake. I woke up from my bed and went to the washroom. I saw my sore eyes in the mirror. My face was
really pale due to my appetite lost. I really did not care about eating as my mind was focus on my comeback to Texas the next day.
Well,that was the day actually. At 7 a.m. sharp, i went straight to the airport. I have not been in Texas for a couple of years so i was a
little nervous. Upon reaching Texas, the stewardess told us to fasten our seatbelt. From the airport i took a cab. The cab dropped me at
the Brown's Mansion. I had not been in that mansion for ages. I missed it so much. Tears suddenly fell from my eyes. Mr. Carl, our
butler saw me and quickly marched towards me, offering to carry my luggage. I went straight up to my old bedroom. Grandma left it
just the way it was 5 years ago. I was really tired and the jet lag was killing me. I had no choice but to sleep. I woke up to an odd
sound. I went downstairs to check the source of the sound. I saw a note from Mr. Carl saying that he was shopping for some groceries.
The sound became louder as if it was from behind me. My heart skipped a beat. It was a familiar sound.

The familiar sound was from the kitchen.The sound was like somebody cooking.I walked slowly towards the kitchen.I kept asking in my
mind who was in the kitchen as i knew mr.Carlhad already gone to the grocery shop to buy some groceries.Bravely,i asked “Who’s
there?” but no answer.My heart beat faster but at the same time,i prayed to my God for my safety.Before i reached the kitchen,i almost
fainted when Mr.Carl poked me from my back.Thanked to The Lord,Mr.Carl had just come back from the grocery shop.I wondered what
the sound was,but i choose to keep the secret from Mr.Carl.

As Mr.Carl go and keep walked away to keep the groceries in the store,i walked back to the kitchen to check out what the sound was.I
realised that the sound was actually from my aunt’s cooking.I greeted her.She gave me a hug.How we missed each other! She then
told me how very sick grandma was then past passed away for she refused to take any medicine or go to the hospital. She told me
everything that grandma had always been waiting for me.She always waits for me at the veranda and told her how much she had
missed me.I was touched and cried.But aunt calmed me down by asking me to help her cook for our guests later.After we're done
serving the guests,she took me to see my grandmother's coffin at the church.

She then told me how gramdma died.I tried not to cry in front of her because it was still hard for me to accept the death of my
grandma.I was surprised when she told me that grandma's death was not because of sickness.Her death was so mysterious and
nobody knew about it .Before grandma died , she told my aunt about something precious that had gone missing from her room, and
that thing was grandpa's old box.The box of his "secret adventures" with his friends.Mr.carl was grandpa'S friend from long time
ago.Maybe mr.carl was the one who…

Maybe Mr. Carl was the one who actually knew what had caused grandma's death. Even though my aunt did not say it,i could see it in
her eyes. It was like she knew something was wrong but did not want to bring it up. I thought to myself that may be there was a
reason for that. The letters I received from my cousin, Abby that who told me that there had been rumours going on about my aunt
having an affair with Mr. Carl. I did not want to believe it because I knew my aunt would not do such a thing. We were like best friends
back then before I moved to England. But I guess everything had changed. As we got home from the church, I sat in my room to think.
Mr. Carl did not seem upset at all when we bumped into each other in the kitchen. Maybe he was the one who took grandpa's box.
Maybe he was the one who killed grandma because since before, he never really liked her. I had no idea why. Everything seemed so
blurred so i decided to just sleep it off. When i woke up, I was suddenly back in my room in England. That was when i realised that
grandma's death was just a nightmare. I felt so relieved. I got up from bed and called grandma. It was so great to hear her voice
again. We talked for hours. I got teary because I was so glad and grateful that grandma would still be around for a long time

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