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KINGSLEY CHARTER SCHOOL Student/Parent Handbook 2011-2012

2051 Brendon Drive Dunwoody, Georgia 30338

School (678) 874-8902 Fax (678) 874-8910 Cafeteria (678) 874-8928
Jasmine Smith, Ed.D., Principal Antoinette Seabrook, Ed.S., Assistant Principal
Occasionally, it may be necessary to update or revise the information contained in this handbook. The most current information is always available on our school website.

Dear Kingsley Families: Welcome to the 2011 2012 school year. Kingsley Charter School continues to be a special place which provides a safe, nurturing environment in which each child can flourish. Our Student/Parent Handbook contains a great deal of useful information for you. Please review it carefully. The main purpose of the handbook is to provide a framework around which all Kingsley students will be able to understand the policies, procedures, and expectations which will help us to achieve the goals outlined in our charter. Our faculty and staff continue to be eager to partner with parents and community in order to allow all of our students to achieve their fullest potential. If you have any questions on any information provided in the Student/Parent Handbook, please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish each of you the best in the upcoming school year. Thank you for your continued support.


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Jasmine C. Smith, Ed.D. Principal



Regard for All, High Expectations of All

We will increase student achievement by providing differentiated instruction and by using an interdisciplinary approach to instruction that incorporates art, music, movement, drama, and writing. We will increase by 2% the number of students in grades 1-5 who meet Performance Level 3 in Reading/English Language Arts, Math, and Science on the Spring 2011 CRCT. Kingsley students will demonstrate positive social skills and be actively involved in learning in a safe, supportive, and engaging environment. We will decrease student tardies and improve student attendance. We will provide excellent customer service to our internal and external customers. We will support and enhance Professional Learning Communities at Kingsley Charter School.


High expectations and active parental support

promote high student achievement.

"High Regard for All and High Expectations of All."

The Kingsley Charter School philosophy is summarized in the school motto:
"High Regard for All and High Expectations of All."

Learning is maximized in an accepting and

nurturing environment composed of diverse student and faculty populations.

All students are life-long learners. Good self-esteem is vital for maximum
student achievement.

Students are held in high regard which fosters the development of a positive self-concept, the acceptance of and respect for others, and personal responsibility for academic achievement and behavior. A safe, orderly environment supports this positive atmosphere. The Kingsley faculty and staff provide quality instruction, which includes the knowledge and skills students need to achieve well-rounded social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth. The faculty and staff use a variety of strategies and technology to provide opportunities for students to apply the knowledge and skills, to develop higher order thinking, and to express creativity. Individual differences are recognized and valued at Kingsley. The instructional program is designed to meet the needs of all students, and high expectations are held of each student. The intrinsic worth of each individual is recognized. The faculty and staff model awareness of human interdependence and promote this awareness among all students.


According to the Georgia Charter Schools Association: Charter schools are public schools of choice. Charter schools are operated according to the provisions of a charter document. The charter document is a contract that gives the charter petitioner the authority and the public funding to operate the charter school and states how the charter school will be run. To continue to operate the charter school, the charter petitioner is required to meet the performance objectives stated in the charter document. There are two primary classifications for charter schools: 1. Conversion charter schools. An existing traditional public school can become a charter school if the faculty and parents at the school vote to convert the school to a charter school (subject to approval of their charter petition). Kingsley is a conversion charter school. 2. Start-up charter schools. Individuals and organizations can submit a petition to start a new charter school from scratch. Charter schools: Help put the public back in public education by encouraging participation by parents and the local community. Give principals the authority to manage effectively. Allow teachers the flexibility to utilize innovative methods to reach all children. Are public schools and cannot charge tuition. How do parents and students benefit from a charter school? When we survey our parents, the most important aspect of our charter has been Parental Involvement.


The mission of Kingsley Charter School is to promote high expectations for students, faculty and staff while encouraging each to develop and utilize unique and diverse strengths in a nurturing and creative environment. At Kingsley Charter School, we believe:

All students will achieve in an environment

where everyone is accepted, supported, valued and challenged.

Learning is enhanced through the

incorporation of movement and the arts.

A study (Henderson & Berla) done in 1994 found the following: Student achievement improves when parents are enabled to play four key roles in their childrens learning: As teachers, parents create a home environment that promotes learning, reinforces what is being taught at school, and develops the life skills children need to become responsible adults. As supporters, parents contribute their knowledge and skills to the school, enrich the curriculum, and provide extra services and support to students. As advocates, parents help children negotiate the system and receive fair treatment, while working to make the system more responsive to all families. As decision-makers, parents serve on advisory councils, curriculum committees, and management teams, participating in joint problem-solving at every level. Kingsleys Charter is set up to enable parents to take advantage of all four of these key roles, and we hope that ALL parents will do so. Please get involved! Together we make Kingsley great.

Promote communication among Kingsley Charter Schools faculty, staff, parents, students and community. Create ownership and accountability for parent and staff execution of mission statement. Parents are always welcome to attend Charter Council meetings. Please check the calendar in the eCourier newsletter or on the website for the most up-to-date meeting dates and times.

Although the Charter Council provides governance, the Action Teams are where the real work happens. Kingsley has six Action Teams and nearly every activity or event is coordinated by one of these Action Teams. The Action Teams are listed below: Finance Communications and Community Relations Curriculum and Staff Development Facilities and Technology Program and Parent Resource Management Assessment


The Kingsley Charter Council is the governance body of the school. The Charter Council is composed of representatives of the school community. It is the entity empowered to implement the terms of the Charter. The Charter Council works closely with school administration and members of Action Teams to accomplish the Kingsley Charter School mission and goals. These partnerships ensure student success through input and shared decision-making by a consensus of parents, faculty, staff, and community. The role of the Charter Council is as follows: Provide leadership, direction and support for the students, faculty, staff and parents in carrying out the goals and objectives of Kingsley Charter School as set forth in the Charter document. Establish goals and objectives for continuous school-wide improvement.

Detailed descriptions of the Action Teams and their responsibilities are in the Charter document (available on school website). We encourage parents to be a part of one or more Action Team.

Active parental support is part of the foundation for Kingsley Charter School. To support this belief, each family is required to sign a parent contract which includes agreements to:

Complete 16 hours of service per year at

school-sponsored activities, programs, or in the classroom. Service is defined as active participation and may include work performed in or outside of school (i.e. home) and are not granted for merely being present at school. Service hours will be given, however, for attending regular meetings of the Charter Council, Parent Meetings, special workshops, mentoring, class reading, chaperoning, Saturday clean-ups, teacher projects, some laundry, other school activities and events as determined by the Charter Council. Parents, guardians or other adult family members living in the household may fulfill the service hours.

Monitor homework assignments and student


Assure childs compliance with the attendance

and punctuality policies.

Assure childs compliance with the school

uniform policy as described in the preceding section.


Uniforms are to be worn everyday except for designated Dress Down Days or special days. The faculty and Student Council will determine these dates. If a student chooses not to participate on the designated dress down day, he or she must wear a uniform that day and will not be allowed to a makeup special day. Uniform shirts need to be tucked in at all times. The length of skirts, jumpers, and shorts will be within 3 inches of the knee. Students may wear Girl Scout or Boy Scout uniforms to school on the day of their meetings. They need to wear the top and bottom to the uniform. No jeans. The DeKalb County School dress code will apply at all times. Uniforms will be kept clean and in good repair. Uniform assistance is available if needed. Please contact the principal for details. All students must purchase a red Kingsley Charter School t-shirt. This t-shirt must be worn on field trip days and may be worn on designated dress down days. On Kingsley Dress Down days, students are permitted to wear either Kingsley t-shirts or non-uniform attire. DeKalb County dress standards apply at all times. Dress Down Days are scheduled periodically through out the year and may be granted to a class as a special reward.

Assure childs compliance with 30 minutes per

day of reading outside of school hours.

Assure childs compliance with appropriate

student conduct.

Provide required information to the school. Be in good standing on all fees due the school
(enrichment fees, after school program fees, etc.). Confidential provisions should be made with the Principal for instances of financial hardship.

Attend parent-teacher conferences (A

minimum of one conference per semester is mandatory). Kingsley Charter School will assume that most breaches of the contract are unintentional and can be resolved through informal communication between parents, school, and the Charter Council. Addressing breaches of academicrelated items (attendance, homework, conferences, reading and conduct) of the contract are considered the responsibility of the school administration. Addressing breaches of non-academic items (service hours, uniforms, and fees) of the contract may begin with the administration and in some instances be referred to the Charter Council for resolution. Failure to meet any single or multiple requirements of the contract may result in referral to the DeKalb County Office of Student Assignment. Policies and procedures to remediate breaches of the contract will be handled by the Charter Council.

GIRLS CHOICES (No jeans or denim) Slacks in navy or khaki. Slacks are defined as dress pants, having no exterior pockets. (No jeans) Shorts in navy or khaki. Shorts are defined as dress shorts, having no exterior pockets. Skorts in plaid*, navy or khaki. Jumper in plaid*, navy or khaki. Skirt in plaid*, navy or khaki. * Plaid #41 is available at Buckhead Uniforms. This same plaid is available from French Toast. They refer to the color as "blue/red plaid." A picture of the plaid is available on the school website. BOYS CHOICES (No jeans or denim) Slacks in navy or khaki. Slacks are defined as dress pants, having no exterior pockets. Shorts in navy or khaki. Shorts are defined as dress shorts, having no exterior pockets.


All of the previously mentioned shirts are available in long sleeves for cold weather. The students can also wear a plain (no logo, except Kingsley logo) sweatshirt with a collared shirt underneath in navy, red, or white. Students may also choose to wear a pullover or cardigan sweater with a collared shirt underneath in navy, red, or white. Plain, no logo, except Kingsley logo. Any jacket worn in the building must be school colors. Your child's name must be printed in all of these cold weather clothes. The children often take them off in the classroom and it is much easier to find the owner if the name is written clearly on the label! THANKS.


SHOES: On PE days, students must wear some type of tennis shoe (sport or athletic shoe of any kind). These shoes must not have heels. Students can choose to wear tennis shoes every day. If they wear another type shoe on non-PE days, they should have rubber soles and closed toes. These rules were set for the safety of our children; leather soles can be very slippery. Crocs or similar, non-traditional shoe types are prohibited. Shoes with heels or wheels are not considered acceptable uniform attire. SOCKS: Socks must be worn every day. Socks, tights, and leggings may be red, white, navy, black, brown or gray.


Choose from the following colors: white, navy, red Polo type shirts with collars and buttons in both long and short sleeves. Solid colors with no symbols. Boys can choose to wear a dress shirt with a button-down collar with long or short sleeves. Girls can wear a Peter Pan blouse (round collar) or buttondown collar with long or short sleeves. The only exception to the no symbols rule are shirts emblazoned with the official Kingsley logo. Shirts with the school logo are optional, and are available from school approved vendors listed on our website (such as Lands End).


Students who arrive between 7:00 and 7:25 a.m. should go directly to the cafeteria, be seated, and have a book to read or something to work on quietly until breakfast begins. After the 7:25 a.m. bell, students may go to their homerooms. Parents are requested not to walk to the classrooms with their student in the morning, as this disrupts the normal morning routine for both teachers and students (meetings scheduled with the teacher in advance are an exception). No parent will be allowed beyond front office after 7:30 AM (our Kiss & Walk policy).


Promptness to school is very important. Instruction will begin the minute your child enters his or her homeroom each morning. To ensure student safety, we request that no student arrive at school prior to 7:00 a.m. Kingsley staff members are not on duty to supervise students prior to that time. Students who are not in after school programs should be picked up by 2:50 p.m. each afternoon.

One of the most important responsibilities that we teach children is the importance of being on time. We believe that the development of this trait will influence children throughout their lives. We want children to learn the value of turning in assignments on time, arriving at school on time, and learning to use their time wisely. We depend greatly on parent cooperation in this area. Students who are tardy (arrive after 7:50 a.m.) cannot be released to classes without an admission slip filled out by their parent/ guardian. Students who arrive after 11:15 a.m. will be counted absent for the day.


7:35 AM TO 2:30 PM
Students may not be dropped off before 7:00 AM Students may go to homeroom at 7:25 a.m. STUDENTS ARE TARDY AFTER 7:50 a.m.! Students who are tardy must have their parents walk them into the office to be checked in. The student must obtain a class admission slip before entering class. School staff is not authorized to check in late students. A parent or guardian MUST check late students in. 7:50 AM Instruction begins 2:30 PM Dismissal The school day begins promptly at 7:35 a.m. with morning announcements. All students are released to their homerooms upon the ringing of the 7:25 bell. The school day ends at 2:30 p.m. Please encourage your children to work out a plan that ensures that they have their books, notebooks, papers, lunch money, and other supplies needed to school every day.


Regular school attendance is essential if students are to receive maximum benefits from the school program. Excused absences are only for reasons of personal illness, death or serious illness in the immediate family, religious holidays, service as a page in the General Assembly of Georgia, or instances in which attendance could be hazardous as determined by the DeKalb School System. Georgia law classifies all other absences as unexcused or illegal. Six unexcused absences by a student will automatically generate a letter and phone call from DeKalb County. Any student with eight unexcused absences will be referred by the county to a social worker.

ABSENCE Parents should contact the school if possible when student is or is expected to be absent. Students are expected to make-up work when absent (see page 15 for details). When your child returns to school after an absence, he or she must bring a note from the parents/ guardians explaining the reason for the absence. DISMISSAL PROCEDURES The dismissal procedures for all students are as follows: Students who ride buses will be dismissed by their teachers at 2:25 p.m. Students in Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade who ride in automobiles or nursery buses will be dismissed by their teachers at 2:30 p.m. Students who participate in the Kingsley After School Care Program, an after school enrichment club/program, or who walk or ride bicycles home, will be dismissed at 2:40 p.m.

Student safety must be given first priority in planning and implementing the school program. Safety requires the cooperation and alertness of everyone. The school has appointed safety patrols to assist teachers and students. It is imperative that students and parents obey the rules and respect the authority of the school safety patrols. Please consider and support our safety suggestions and policies: We have children who walk or ride bicycles to and from school. Please observe the speed limit, yield for pedestrians in crosswalks and drive with extra caution as you approach and leave the school area at all times. It is suggested that children walk with a trusted adult or other children to and from school. Parents should caution their children about communication with strangers. Children are asked to use the available sidewalks and to walk near the curb on streets where there are no sidewalks. Parents that walk home with their children are asked to pick-up students at the side entrance of the schoolwith carpool students. Please do not congregate in the halls near the office or at the front entrance during dismissal time. This creates an unsafe environment and makes it difficult to effectively monitor students leaving the building. Under no circumstance should any child be allowed to exit a car anywhere along Brendon Drive. DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILD CURBSIDE IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL! To ensure the safety of all of our students, it is imperative that all parents comply with our carpool procedures when dropping off and picking up their children. Please be sure that everyone picking up your child is familiar with these carpool procedures.


Students who leave school before the school day ends must be checked out through the office by their parent. We ask parents to go directly to the office (NOT to the classroom) so the office secretary can locate a student with a minimum disturbance to the class. In order to protect instructional time, early dismissal will end at 1:45 p.m. each day (except for emergencies). If a parent knows in advance that the child will be leaving school early, he/she should write a note informing the teacher of the time of day that he/she will check the student out. This procedure enables the teacher to have the child ready.


To protect time-on-task for our students and teachers and to ensure students' confirmed plans after school each day, we require that parents send a plan when it is different from his/ her normal routine. It is difficult to get messages to students during the day without interrupting instruction and/or placing extra demands on staff members. If an emergency situation arises, we will see that a child receives a message; however, we request that all other arrangements be made in a note to the teacher.
Without written parental consent, children will not be . allowed to alter their regular school routine.

Procedures for student drop-off and pick-up:
Kingsley has strict guidelines in place for all students driven to school in an automobile. To ensure a safe and efficient carpool system, all parents MUST comply with the following school policies when dropping-off and/or picking-up students.

Cars should move forward in a single file

line to the appropriate student drop-off / pick-up points near the school building. Students will be met by a member of the school staff, safety patrol and/or parent volunteer

Parents should remain in vehicle at all times. After picking-up / dropping-off your student,
please continue around the perimeter of the parking lot and exit by making a right turn onto Brendon Drive.



The circular driveway in front of the school is

for BUSES ONLYno cars are permitted to drive through or park in this area.

Morning carpool is from 7:00-7:50 AM.

Students may NOT be dropped off prior to 7:00 AM. The only acceptable location for students to exit your vehicle is at the west side entrance of the school, where they will be greeted by safety patrol or a faculty member.

Do not park or stop your vehicle on Brendon

Drive in front of the school during carpool hours. This will block our carpool lanes. Do not park on the residential side of Brendon Drive; this restricts traffic flow and creates safety concerns. If you must park and leave your vehicle, please park on the school side of the street west of the carpool parking lot (wooded section of streetnear outdoor classroom).

After 7:50 AM your student is TARDY and

will not be allowed into their classroom until signed into the main office by a parent.


The school day ends at 2:30.

Left turns ARE NOT allowed into school

parking lot during carpool hours. Please observe our one-way traffic pattern and do not attempt U-turns. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DROP-OFF OR PICK-UP YOUR STUDENT ANYWHERE OTHER THAN DESIGNATED AREA. Under no circumstance should students exit vehicle in front of school or anywhere along Brendon Drive during carpool hours.

Students who ride home in an automobile will be dismissed by their teachers at 2:30 and proceed to the carpool area.

Parents who arrive prior to dismissal should

remain in their car and begin to form a single file lane extending back from the student pick-up point. If the carpool line should extend out onto Brendon Drive, please do not block the school bus driveway in front of the school with your vehicle.

TRAFFIC FLOW (please refer to maps for illustration)

Students who are not in after school

programs should be picked up by 2:50 p.m. each afternoon.

During carpool hours (7:00-7:50 a.m. and

2:003:00 PM), Brendon Drive becomes a ONE-WAY ROAD with school traffic traveling in a westerly direction. All cars should enter Brendon Drive ONLY via Davantry Drive.

For the safety of all of our students, your family and our neighbors we ask that you please observe all posted speed limits, stop signs, pedestrian crosswalks, and all other traffic laws. Dont forget to ensure that everyone in your car wears a seat belt at all times.


should proceed past the school and turn right into the parking lot on the western side of the school building. No vehicles will be allowed to make a left turn into the parking lot from Brendon Drive.


From I-285, Tilly Mill Rd. via North Peachtree Rd. Follow North Peachtree Rd northbound to 2nd 3-way stop sign. At Stop sign, turn Left onto Davantry Drive. Make 1st left onto Brendon Drive, proceed to carpool lane From Mt. Vernon Rd (and surrounding area) via Tilly Mill Rd Turn onto Sandell Drive. Make 2nd right onto Seaton Drive. Make 1st left onto Davantry Drive. Make 2nd right onto Brendon Drive, proceed to carpool lane From Dartford Drive Turn left onto Brendon Drive. Make 1st left onto Seaton Drive. Make 1st right onto Davantry Drive. Make 2nd right onto Brendon Drive, proceed to carpool lane


Bus schedules were posted near the front office on Registration Day. If you did not get bus information, you may get a copy of the bus schedules either from the school or on our school website. Check the schedule for the bus number and time that your child will be picked up and dropped off each day. Our main concern is the safety and welfare of all children on the school buses. We appreciate the cooperation of parents and children in helping us maintain these standards. The following rules and procedures pertain to all children at Kingsley Charter School who ride a school bus. 1. Bus stops are placed at and beyond a 1 mile radius of a school. The DeKalb School's Department of Transportation has the responsibility for determining bus stops and routes. 2. Students must ride the bus they are assigned. NOTE: Any time a student rides a bus different from his/her regular bus, a written request from his/her parent must be given to the homeroom teacher and to the bus driver. 3. Students must board and leave the bus at specified stops each day. 4. Students must remain on the school campus once they unload from the bus in the morning. 5. The bus driver is completely in charge of the bus from the time the students load until they leave the bus. The driver has the same responsibility and authority on the bus as the teacher does in the classroom. 6. The bus driver may recommend to the principal that a student be suspended from riding the bus. The principal makes the final decision as to the suspension or further discipline. If a student is suspended from riding the bus, he/she is still expected to attend school. It is the parents' responsibility to transport the student to and from school. Students must be picked up by 2:50 p.m. unless enrolled in an after school program through Kingsley.


Students may ride bicycles to school with the permission of their parents. They must, however, comply with bicycle regulations established by the school. It is requested that students get off and push their bicycles to the bike rack once they reach the school grounds and not ride them on sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, or other areas on the school grounds. Bike racks are located by the asphalt play area on the east side of the school building. Bicycles should be locked to the rack. Students should not go near the bike racks during the school day, and playing by the bicycle racks before and after school is not permitted. Georgia State Law requires that all students wear safety helmets when riding bicycles. Students are not to bring or ride skateboards to school or to the school bus stops.


Due to limited parking on the school campus, parking lot spaces are reserved for school staff and faculty during school hours. Please do not park by yellow curbs in the main parking lot and in the front of the bus circle. The yellow curbs are reserved for emergency vehicles, which need immediate access during any emergency. Also, do NOT double park. Double-parked cars impede emergency vehicles as well as private vehicles.

A DeKalb County ordinance prohibits the use of motorized vehicles (including mini-bikes and go-carts) on school grounds.


It is an honor to serve as a Safety Patrol, and the school is proud of this fine group of students who participate in many aspects of safety at Kingsley. School safety patrols are selected each year from our 4th grade students. They serve as patrols from spring semester of their fourth grade year through the spring semester of their fifth grade year. The newly appointed safety patrols have one school semester overlap with the "veteran" patrols for "on-the-job training." All 4th grade students who apply to be safety patrols participate in the selection process. Selection is determined by scores given by our 4th grade teachers. The teachers rate each student in the following areas: attitude, conduct, grades, leadership, and responsibility. Students who receive the highest overall scores are selected to serve as our safety patrols. A written description of detailed procedures for safety patrol selection is given to all students in the fourth grade.

In the event of an emergency, which prevents the school from following its regular schedule, the school personnel, parents, and students will be notified through local radio and television stations.

Teachers, staff and clinic volunteers are strictly prohibited from providing or administering any medication, including aspirin or Tylenol to students except as authorized by the parent in accordance with the following guidelines:
A parental consent form to administer

medication must be signed and placed on file at the school office.

A physician's statement giving the name

of the medication, dosage, duration, etc., must be on file at the school.

Permission forms for long term

Any person (other than students and staff) entering our school building must check in at the office immediately upon arrival. All visitors must wear a visitor badge that is obtained in the office. For the safety of our students, faculty, and staff, all school doors (except the front doors by the flagpole) are locked against entrance at 8:00 AM (in accordance with fire code, doors are not locked against exiting building).

administration of medication must be renewed every three months. (Note: This restriction does not apply to a standing order for emergency medication, such as inhalers for asthma.)
Medication must be hand-delivered to the

school and picked up from the school by the parent or guardian.

Georgia law mandates that all new student enrollees be adequately immunized and have hearing, vision, and dental screenings. Parents are responsible for having these screenings completed. In order to enroll a child, the parent or guardian must present the child's Georgia Immunization Certificate (Form 3231) and the child's Hearing, Vision, and Dental Screening Certificate (Form 3300) at the time the child is registered.

Discipline is an important part of the educational process. We strive to ensure good discipline through teaching self-discipline. The DeKalb County Board of Education has enacted a policy concerning discipline procedures, and each student is given a copy of these policies. Each student will receive instruction on the discipline policies during the first month of school and each student will be given a copy of the "Student's Rights and Responsibilities / Code of Student Conduct for the DeKalb School System." It is necessary that all students and parents understand that the rules apply to students in all areas of the school, not just in the classroom. The Kingsley discipline procedures represent school-wide expectations of all students. To guarantee a safe and orderly environment, Kingsley Charter School has established a school-wide discipline plan. Each teacher will have a behavior management plan with specific expectations and consequences. Consequences may include, but are not limited to: a verbal reminder, time out in the classroom, time out in another classroom, silent lunch, 1-3 days of in-house suspension, or 1-3 days of outof-school suspension. Home/school communication is very important, especially when it has to do with your child's academic or behavioral performance. For this reason, we will continue to use the Thursday Courier envelope to communicate your child's progress to you. Additionally, you will receive discipline referral forms when your child has had unacceptable behavior and has been removed from the classroom. If the student has been referred to the principal, there will be an additional letter to you explaining the referral and the consequence. These letters should be signed by the parent and returned to the school the next day. It is our belief that this improved communication with you, the parent, will reduce student referrals and improve academic performance. Students are not permitted to bring cellular phones, CD players, radios, MP3 players, tape players (with or without earphones), electronic games, beepers, cameras, any other electronic devices, balls, or recreational equipment to school.


A parent who has a problem, concern, or complaint is requested to discuss it first with his/her child's homeroom teacher whenever possible and appropriate. Should this action not produce satisfactory results, the following order of contact is requested: CLASSROOM TEACHER to ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR INSTRUCTION to COUNSELOR to PRINCIPAL A student who has a problem, concern or complaint should follow the same procedure when possible. If the complaint involves the classroom teacher, then the complaint should be directed to the assistant principal for instruction, the counselor or the principal.

Kingsley encourages ongoing, effective communication between parents and teachers. Conferences may be held any afternoon after school except Wednesdays. To arrange a conference with your childs teacher, please send a note to the teacher or call the school office. The hours of 7:50 a.m. through 2:40 p.m. are reserved for the instructional program and teacher planning. Teachers are not available for conferences during these hours. Three late afternoon (3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) parent-teacher conferences are scheduled each year. The dates of these conferences are published in the yearly calendar that is given to parents at registration.

School telephones are for official business only. Except in the event of an emergency, students are not allowed to use the telephone without written permission from a teacher.

The Kingsley Courier is an information package sent home with every student on Thursdays. The envelope consists of the student's work, important information from the teachers and principal, announcements for upcoming events, news and information from the Charter Council. This package is to be signed by the parent and returned to school the next day. Kindergarten through 5th grade teachers record weekly conduct evaluations on each student's Courier envelope. For parents with email, Kingsley offers an electronic newsletter, the Kingsley eCourier, which eliminates some (not all) of the paperwork/ flyers sent home via the Courier envelope.

FIELD TRIPS (Day or Overnight)

Field trips are planned by Kingsley Charter School teachers as classroom enrichment experiences. Some trips are scheduled during the school day and transportation to and from Kingsley will be on DeKalb County school buses. Some trips may involve transportation and/or admission costs for students. All field trips are voluntary. If a parent does not choose for his/her child to participate for any reason, the student will remain at Kingsley, supervised in school-related activities. However, to ensure these trips, a set number of students must participate and parents must contribute to cover expenses. If the number cannot be achieved, the trip will be canceled. It is not possible to reimburse students who pay for the field trip and then are unable to go, unless the trip is canceled. Please be mindful that some trips, due to their schedule, require that the departure time from Kingsley be earlier than the regular arrival time for students. It is the parents' responsibility to transport students to and from school on such occasions. Sometimes, parents may be needed to serve as chaperones. Due to DeKalb School System Policy, siblings are not allowed to go on school trips. Parents are asked to serve as chaperones to small groups of students and not attend to just their child. This helps to promote positive social interaction among students. Information regarding these trips will be sent home in ample time to assist parents in planning and supporting their child for these educational experiences.


At registration, each parent is requested to provide a copy of his/ her child's social security number. Further information regarding this policy can be obtained from the principal.

When students are absent, an opportunity to make-up work will be provided. Make-up work is encouraged so that students will profit from future instruction. Students are encouraged to get make-up assignments before returning to school.

Absence of one or two days: Contact the teacher to obtain the information on work missed. Absence of three or more days: Call the school office requesting assignments Please remember that teachers need 24 hours to prepare assignments.

The number of school parties will be limited to two per school year. These parties will be held prior to the winter holidays and for Valentine's Day. There will be no parties at the end of the school year.


A note should be sent to the office several days before a child withdraws from school. The note should state the child's last day in school, the new address, and the new school the child will attend. This note will allow the school staff to prepare the forms so that your child's records can be sent to the proper place. Please make sure all textbooks and library books are returned to school and that all lunch charges have been paid before your child withdraws.


Students are responsible for damaged or lost books. Restitution must be made for books. This matter must be cleared before the next report card can be issued.

All reading journals and many expendable items are furnished by the DeKalb School System. Each student is asked to supply certain small items that they personally keep and use throughout the school day. Lists of suggested supplies for each grade level are available and are handed out on Registration Day. Supplies can be purchased at the School Store, which is open near the main office before instruction begins. Because the School Store is organized and staffed by volunteer parents, open times are determined by the number of volunteers available to work.

All students are required to participate in physical education unless a doctor's certificate is presented requesting that a student be excused. If there is a reason that a student should not participate in physical education activities on a particular day, a note from the parents should be given to the physical education teacher. Students must wear shoes that will be comfortable, secure, and supportive.


A Social Studies Fair is held at Kingsley late in the second semester of each year to exhibit projects prepared by students in 5th Grade. The projects are a culmination of research conducted by students in their study of people in relation to their physical and social environments. Work on these projects begins in April. Parents will receive a letter that provides detailed information.


Our custodial staff has earned recognition from the school system for maintaining a clean building. We request cooperation from all students to help us maintain the cleanliness of our school. THERE WILL BE NO CHEWING GUM OR CANDY IN THE SCHOOL, ON THE PLAYGROUND, OR ON THE SCHOOL BUS.

The following procedures are measures to be taken in order to conserve energy: Building doors are closed at all times. Lights and equipment are turned off when not in use. Natural light is used whenever available. Portable electric space heaters, tree lights, and other decorative lights are not used. Students are involved in monitoring energy usage. One student in each class is designated Energy Conservation Person. Cafeteria lights are off except when cafeteria is in use. Classroom lights are off during lunch time. All lights are off after school hours except when there are evening meetings.


An after school program for Kingsley students will be available beginning the first day of school on school days only from 2:40 - 6:30 p.m. For more information call (678) 874-8902.

Homework is a basic and important part of the instructional program. It may consist of such activities as makeup work, projects, collecting material for classroom projects, listening to or viewing suggested radio and television programs, or completing work begun in the classroom. When a student is absent for an extended period of time and needs homework assignments, a parent may telephone the office before 10:00 a.m. to request them. If another student is going to pick up the assignments for an absent student, the student should see the teacher before school begins. Assignments to be picked up in the office will be ready between 2:45 and 3:30 p.m.


Kingsley offers band and orchestra to 4th and 5th grade students. These students may elect to take band, orchestra, or general music. General music is offered two or three times weekly. Band and orchestra will be offered two times per week (subject to change). Budget constraints may result in the elimination of this program.


Report cards will be issued at the end of the first and second semester. Report cards reflect each student's grades in every academic area or core subject as well as each student's progress in specific work-study habits and conduct. The numerical equivalents for letter grades are as follows: A B C D F 90 - 100 80 - 90 71-79 70 below 70 Excellent Good Progress Fair Progress Poor Progress Failing

The following awards are presented at Kingsley for 1st through 5th grade, semester and yearly: Reading Goal Achievement Award Principal's List Honor Roll Academic Recognition Perfect Attendance Comet Awards Eligibility for various student recognitions is determined in the following manner:


The DeKalb County Board of Education has established the Elementary Scholars Program for the purpose of recognizing the outstanding fifth grade students in each elementary school in DeKalb. At the same time, other outstanding fifth grade students are recognized as qualifying for the Superintendent's Elementary Scholars Club. A committee composed of the principal, Assistant Principal of Instruction, fourth and fifth grade teachers gather information from the students' third and fourth year and fall semester of the fifth year. The committee then applies the proposed selection criteria listed below to each applicant and announces the results. Academic Achievement (GPA) Report Card Grades & Standardized Tests Communication Competence Written Composition & Personal Interview Interpersonal Skills (These criteria are subject to change)


Recognizes students who meet individualized reading goals set each grading period as measured using the Accelerated Reader software.

All A, S, and E Satisfactory grades in conduct (includes P.E., Art, Music, Instrumental Music, Discovery and Conduct Summary) with no suspensions.

Minimum of two A, with B, S, and E grades. Conduct grades are not included.

One A and the rest B, or all B with S or E grades. Conduct grades are not included.

Student record must reflect that he/she has been in school every day of the semester (or year for the yearly award). Any student that is tardy more than five days is ineligible for a perfect attendance award.

Each teacher recognizes one student per semester for outstanding accomplishment in a specific area identified by the teacher. Note: Kindergarten and Pre-K students are eligible for the Perfect Attendance Award.


Kingsley Charter Schools Library Media Program strives to create a solid foundation of language and literacy for every elementary student on which subsequent literaciescultural, information, technology, math, media, and more can be built throughout the course of lifelong learning. The Mary Biggs Library Media Center of Kingsley Charter School provides the following programs and services:


The LMC houses a collection of over 500 book sets (four to ten books in each) at readability levels from pre-reader to high school levels. Kingsley owns Accelerated Reader Practice Quizzes for most of the titles as well. Teachers may check out these sets for literature circles, interest clubs, and small group instruction. Teachers are responsible for return of the complete set to the LMC; individual copies should be loaned to students by the teacher with the understanding that replacement costs are, in most cases, $5.00. Parents are also encouraged to check out these sets for family reading and community book clubs. Return and replacement policies are the same as for teachers; the person to whom the set is checked out is responsible for all individual copies of the set. The Book Club Collection sets will be checked out to adults only, and circulation periods will be determined on an individual basis according to need and demand. For parents interested in beginning a parent/child book club, excellent print and online resources are available. Please inquire in the LMC.


The LMC has a circulating collection of over 10,000 titles, including picture books, fictional chapter books, informational (nonfiction) books, and a collection of resource books for teachers and parents. The collection is developed and maintained in accordance with ALA and DCSS guidelines. Suggestions from students, teachers and parents are welcomed. Students in Kindergarten and 1st Grade are permitted to check out one library book at a time. Students in grades 2 through 5 may have two books checked out at a time. All materials are due one week from check out date and are renewable as necessary. Books must be brought into the LMC to be renewed. No materials will be checked out to a patron with any material overdue. Parents are encouraged to check out books from the LMC as well. Checkout limits and periods are the same as for students. (We also urge all families to frequent DeKalb County Public Libraries, where up to 50 titles can be checked out for three weeks at a time). Overdue notices are sent home weekly in the Thursday Courier envelope. Students are not allowed to check out materials if any overdue materials appear on their records. Books must be returned or paid for before any additional materials may be checked out. If a book is determined to be lost, it must be paid for at current replacement cost; a refund will be made if the book is found before the close of the school year.


The LMC supports Kingsley Charter Schools school wide approach to creating life-long readers that use the Accelerated Reader (AR) software to track and monitor student reading practice. This approach emphasizes daily accountable reading practice using student-choice reading material; most of the books used in this program are a part of the LMC general collection. They are identified as AR books with a color-coded spine label that indicates readability level and reading practice point levels. These books, while used in the AR program, are available for checkout according to general policies to any LMC patron. The LMC staff is also responsible for the purchase and installation of AR Reading Practices Quizzes. Students, teachers, and parents can request that specific AR quizzes be added to the database by completing the request forms available at the front entrance of the LMC.


The LMC has a large reference collection of print and online resources that includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, atlases, specialized subject guides, and CDRom and Web-based databases. These materials are generally non-circulating. The LMC also provides Internet access on seven patron workstations. Students are expected to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) that is included in the Student Discipline Brochure and signed each year at registration. Teachers are encouraged to direct students to appropriate research sites through their own Web pages and portals. Students are discouraged from surfing the Web during their limited research time in the LMC. GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online) is an online collection of databases which include a childrens encyclopedia, magazine articles, and medical references. GALILEO is available to all Georgia citizens and can be accessed in the LMC or on any Internet workstation at work or home. The password changes quarterly, and is available from the LMC. LMC staff assists classroom teachers in teaching students to become effective users of ideas and information. The LMC promotes information literacy by encouraging student and staff use of the Big Six Information Solving process. For more information, go to Parent volunteers are vital to the Kingsley LMC. Because of Kingsleys school-wide participation in the Reading Renaissance model, the circulation rate of Kingsleys LMC is the highest in DeKalb County! Volunteers are always needed to staff the circulation desk, reshelf books, and assist students with research and book selection. Both regularly scheduled and occasional/drop-in volunteer opportunities are available; please speak directly with the library media specialist about how you can help.

Each Wednesday morning from 7:25 to 7:50, the LMC hosts a Book Swap, at which time students may exchange one of their own used books for a new to them used selection from a cart. Students may exchange up to five books each week, and must have permission forms on file to participate; these forms will be sent home in the first month of school. This program is dependent on a Parent Coordinator and will only be offered when a Parent has volunteered to run it.

The LMC organizes and participates in a number of special events throughout the year. These events may include Georgia Book Awards Program, Character Dress-Up Day, Family Bingo Pizza Night, National Childrens Book Week, School Book Fairs, African-American History Month, Six Flags 6 Hour Campaign, Read Across America, DeKalb County Reading Bowl, Technology Festival, and National Library Month.


The LMC is open to all students every day from 7:50am to 2:15pm. Individual students are allowed, with teacher permission, to visit the LMC on an as needed basis for checkout or project research. Up to four students per classroom may visit the LMC unaccompanied by a teacher. Class visits with teacher supervision may also occur at any time; teachers are asked to sign up in advance. The LMC is staffed by one fulltime certified Library Media Specialist and one Library Media Assistant.


The LMC is available for parent/adult meetings in the afternoons and evenings by scheduled appointment only. Contact the library media specialist for more information.


Kingsley offers a nutritionally balanced meal at a nominal fee. The lunch prices for DeKalb Schools are: Student Lunch $1.75 Adult Lunch $2.75 Extra Milk $0.65 Ice Cream $0.50 Tea $0.50 We encourage every child to participate in our lunch program regularly. By doing so, the student has an opportunity to learn to eat new foods and to have a balanced diet at a reasonable cost. A menu is distributed to all students once a month. When a child does not wish to purchase a lunch, we ask your cooperation in sending only an individually prepared lunch. Bringing a lunch prepared from a fast food restaurant is disruptive to our instructional program and to other students. Students are not allowed to exchange or give away food in the lunchroom. Students should not bring carbonated beverages, glass containers, gum, or candy to school. The sale of junk food is prohibited at Kingsley Charter School. Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch. Parents should send a note to the homeroom teacher the morning of the visit so that adequate food preparation can be made.

Mondays. Cafeteria rules are the same as for lunch.


Lunches may be purchased on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Cash or a check is to be placed in an envelope and sealed, with the child's name, his/her homeroom teacher's name, the child's school number, and the amount in the envelope written on the outside. Checks are to be made payable to Kingsley Cafeteria. The envelope is to be given to the cafeteria cashier on Mondays. A menu is distributed to all students once a month for planning purposes. We ask that lunches be charged only in emergency situations since charging requires additional bookkeeping. Please send money for charges the next school day. School lunch may also be purchased online through Instructions are available at registration and on the DeKalb County School System website. Free and reduced price lunches are available to any student who qualifies for them. Please contact the school office for complete information regarding this matter. If a child forgets or loses breakfast/lunch money, he or she will be allowed to charge their meal for that day. Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to charge more than $5.00 worth of meals.

Breakfast is an important part of the learning day. Breakfast at Kingsley is served in the cafeteria prior to class start times every school day. Contact the office at 678-874-8902 for more information. Student Breakfasts are $1.10 Adult Breakfasts are $1.50 Breakfast may be purchased on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Place cash or a check in an sealed envelope with the child's name, his/her homeroom teacher's name, the child's school number, and the amount in the envelope written on the outside. Make checks payable to Kingsley Cafeteria. Students should give the envelope to the cafeteria cashier on


Enter and exit the cafeteria quietly in a single line. Pick up all necessary items (napkins, straws, forks, spoons, ketchup, etc.) as you go through the line. Use soft voices at all times. While seated, talk only to people at your table. Eat only your own food. Be courteous to cafeteria workers. Clean up your personal space including table, chair, and floor. Walk instead of running. Remain seated until directed otherwise.

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