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Chapter 28  Missile Gap Belief that the Soviet Union had more nuclear weapons than the United

States.  New Frontier Legislative agenda by John F. Kennedy.  Esther Peterson Assistant secretary of labor and director of the Women s Bureau of the Department of Labor.  Presidential Commission on the Status of Women Called for federal action against gender discrimination and affirmed the right of women to equally paid employment.  Earl Warren The popular republican governor of California, to become chief justice of the United States.  Reapportionment The method states use to draw up political districts based on changes in population.  Due Process A judicial requirement that laws may not treat individuals unfairly, arbitrarily, or unreasonably, and that courts must follow proper procedures and rules when trying cases.  Flexible Response The buildup of conventional troops and weapons to allow a nation to fight a limited war without using nuclear weapons.  Alliance for Progress A series of cooperative aid projects with Latin American government, proposed to improve relations between the United States and Latin American.  Peace Corps An organization that sent young American to perform humanitarian services in these countries, helping less developed nations fight poverty.  Space race Refers to the cold war competition over dominance of space exploration capability.  Bay of Pigs Armed Cuban exiles landed at this place on the south coast of Cuba  Berlin Wall wall that separated east and west, and stood as a symbol.  Warren Commission commission that reported that Oswald was the lone assassin.  Consensus general agreement.

 War on poverty antipoverty program under President Lyndon Johnson.  Barry Goldwater Johnson s republican opponent in the 1964 during the election.  Great Society Johnson s vision of the more perfect and equitable society the United States could and should become.  Medicare Health insurance program funded through the Social Security system.  Medicaid insurance for older people.  Head Start program directed among the disadvantage children who had never looked at a picture book or scribbles with a crayon.  Robert Weaver First African American to serve in a cabinet.

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