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A Deta||ed Lesson |an |n Lng||sh (I|rst ear5econdary)

repared 8y Iunn|e 5a|ud

I ect|ves
At the end of the |esson the students w||| e a|e to
1 ldenLlfv sLaLemenLs LhaL show cause and effecL relaLlonshlp
2 ead a poem correcLlv and clearlv wlLh expresslons
ppreclaLe readlna poems
ecode words wlLh auah" (o) sounds
II 5uect Matter
Cause and Lffect ke|at|onsh|p
eference/s lun ln Lnallsh eadlna 1exLbook paaes 9101
MaLerlals vlsual lds CharLs llash Cards lcLures name 1aas
values evelop a aenulne love for readlna love for famllv
III rocedure
A Learn|ng Act|v|t|es

1eacher's Act|v|ty

Cood Mornlna Class"

LeL us prav flrsL"

(Checklna of LLendance)
sav presenL

lease plck up Lhe pleces of paper
under vour chalr"

So how was vour weekend?"
1haL's aood! Pave vou en[oved vour
weekend bondlna wlLh vour famllv?"

1haL's aood Lo know lor Lhls
mornlna our dlscusslon wlll be ln
relaLlon Lo a famllv re vou famlllar
wlLh 8arnev's l Love ?ou Sona?"

Ckav LhaL's aood so are vou
readv Lo slna and have fun Lodav?
5tudent's Act|v|ty

Cood Mornlna Slr!"

(Cne SLudenL wlll lead Lhe raver)

(SLudenLs ralse Lhelr hand and sav
presenL as Lhe Leacher calls ln Lhelr

(SLudenLs plck up Lhe pleces of paper)

lL was areaL slr!"
Cf course slr! lL was a loL of fun!"

?es slr! We love purplecolored


Warm Up
LeL us slna 8arnev's l Love ?ou Sona
(SLudenLs Slna)

l love vou vou love me and we're a happv famllv
WlLh a areaL bla hua and a klss from me Lo vou
Pope vou sav vou love me Loo"

Ckav now class WhaL can vou sav abouL Lhe
sona? oes lL Lell us someLhlna lmporLanL LhaL
we have alreadv foraoLLen Lo do nowadavs?"

Pow could vou sav so !ohn?"

1haL was a verv aood explanaLlon
!ohn vou know whaL class Lhe sona slmplv
Lells us someLhlna LhaL we should alwavs
conslder for us Lo keep our famllv or
relaLlonshlp wlLh oLhers lnLacL someLlmes
showlna affecLlon/love Lowards a person
makes hlm feel LhaL he ls appreclaLed and
Lhere wlll be feellna of belonalness and love

WhaL else have vou noLlced whlch
made vou conclude LhaL Lhe sona ls all abouL

Lvervbodv had [usL suna verv well lL's now
Llme Lo lmprove vour pronunclaLlon more"

Slr evenLhouah Lhe sona ls verv shorL buL l
auess lL's full of emoLlons"

8ecause slr l noLlced LhaL Lhe sona has a loL
Lo do wlLh our love for our famllv LhaL Lhe
real meanlna of famllv ls all abouL lovlna each
oLher and nowadavs klsslna and huaalna our
parenLs or famllv members are noL belna
pracLlced anvmore"

8ecause slr Lhere are so manv descrlpLlve
words ln Lhe sona Lhe mosL obvlous one ls l
LCvL ?Cu"

ronunc|at|on Dr|||
read Lhe followlna words
Words wlLh auah /C/
CfL nfL 1fL nfLv fLer
8 Lesson roper

Show plcLures of a MoLher (a) and a Cake (b)

WhaL do vou see ln plcLures and 8?"

When was Lhe lasL Llme vou aave a alfL Lo
vour moLher?"

Whv do vou Lhlnk Lhere ls a cake? WhaL do
vou Lhlnk ls Lhe celebraLlon?"

slde from alvlna maLerlal alfLs how else
do vou show vour love for vour moLher?"

LeL us read a poem and leL us flnd ouL how
Lhe chlldren showed Lhelr love for Lhelr

Who Loves Mother 8est?

Ch happv blrLhdav Mama dear"
Sana 8en Llz and 8ess wlLh cheer
We love vou much we love vou Lrue"
1hev klssed Lhelr moLher huaaed her Loo

1hen qulcklv 8en sklpped ouL Lo plav
nd wenL wlLh plavmaLes all Lhe dav
1hen rushed home ln Llme Lo see
Pls slsLer Llz aalow wlLh alee

Slr lcLure ls a plcLure of a MoLher and
lcLure 8 ls a plcLure of a Cake"

Cn her lasL blrLhdav"

lL ls moLher's blrLhdav"

8v klsslna and huaalna her"

lor Llz held up an lce cream cone
Ln[ovlna lL she saL alone
8en arabbed Lhe cone and sllpped awav
So Llz crled ouL lor LhaL vou'll pav!"

Llke caLs and doas Lhe Lwo dld sLruaale
Lach maklna sure Lo wln Lhe baLLle
1hev Lrled Lo push and Lhen Lo pull
Whlle Mama almosL losL her cool

8uL llLLle 8ess wlLh Mom she sLaved
She seL Lhe Lable drlnks she lald
nd helped Lo serve Mom's frlends and
now Lell me who loves MoLher besL?

fLer readlna Lhe poem leL us now answer
Lhese quesLlons

Whv dld 8ess 8en and Llz klss and hua Lhelr

Whv was Llz aalow wlLh alee?"

WhaL made Llz crv ouL lor LhaL vou'll pav?"

Whv dld MoLher almosL losL her cool?"

Who amona Lhe Lhree chlldren loved Lhelr
MoLher besL? Pow dld he/she show lL?

WhaL ls Lhe besL wav Lo show vour love for
vour parenLs?" Lxplaln


(Show plcLure of a alrl eaLlna an lce cream)

WhaL do vou see on Lhe plcLure?"

8ecause lL ls Lhelr MoLher's 8lrLhdav"

Llz was aalow a alee because she was
eaLlna a cone of lce cream"

Llz crled ouL because 8en arabbed Lhe cone
Lhen sllpped awav"

8ecause 8en and Llz sLruaaled"

8ess because she helped moLher Lo serve
Lhe auesLs"

1he besL wav Lo show mv love for mv
parenLs ls bv"

alrl ls eaLlna a cone of lce cream"

WhaL happened Lo Llz when she was eaLlna
a cone of lce cream?"

Lit wos oo/ow with o/ee onswers whot
hoppens to Lit when she eots o cone of ice
creom 1his is co//ed the effect

Look aaaln aL Lhe plcLure
WhaL do vou noLlce on Llz's face?"

Whv was Llz aalow wlLh alee?"

8ecouse she wos eotino o cone of ice creom
onswers why Lit wos oo/ow with o/ee 1his is
co//ed the couse

AoJ tfts wft we cf te cfsefoJeffect

cause and effecL relaLlonshlp descrlbes
someLhlna LhaL happens and whv lL happens"

WhaL happens ls called Lhe effecL and whv lL
happens ls called Lhe cause"

1he cause ls usuallv lnLroduced bv Lhe
connecLlve because"


Lach aroup wlll acL ouL Lhe followlna
slLuaLlons from Lhe poem

8uL llLLle 8ess wlLh Mom she sLaved
She seL Lhe Lable drlnks she lald
nd helped Lo serve MoLher's frlends and
now Lell me who loves MoLher besL?

Llz was happv (aalow wlLh alee)"

Llz was happv (aalow wlLh alee)"

8ecause she was eaLlna a cone of lce cream"

lor Llz held up an lce cream cone
Ln[ovlna lL she saL alone
8en arabbed Lhe cone and sllpped awav
So Llz crled ouL lor LhaL vou'll pav!"

Ch happv blrLhdav Mama dear"
Sana 8en and Llz and 8ess wlLh cheer
We love vou much we love vou Lrue"
1hev klssed Lhelr moLher huaaed her Loo

Llke caLs and doas Lhe Lwo dld sLruaale
Lach maklna sure Lo wln Lhe baLLle
1hev Lrled Lo push and Lhen Lo pull
Whlle Mama almosL her cool

IV Lva|uat|on
ead Lhe followlna senLences WrlLe C before Lhe senLence for Lhe cause and wrlLe L
for Lhe parL LhaL ls Lhe effecL

1 _____ because lL ls her blrLhdav
2 _____ 8en Llz and 8ess klssed and huaaed Lhelr moLher
_____ Llz crled ouL
_____ 8ecause 8en arabbed Lhe cone of lce cream and sllpped awav
3 _____ Mama almosL losL her cool
V Ass|gnment
ldenLlfvlna CuSLnLllLC1 LL1lCnSPl
ead Lhe shorL fable underllne Lhe CuSL and Lnclrcle Lhe LllLC1
fox sald Lo a crow wlLh a plece of cheese beLween lLs beak lf vou can slna as
preLLllv as vou slL Lhen vou are Lhe preLLlesL slnaer"
1he fox LhouahL LhaL once Lhe crow sLarLs Lo slna Lhe cheese would drop from
her beak 8uL Lhe crow carefullv removed Lhe cheese from Lhe claws on one fooL and
sald Lhev sav vou are slv buL vou cannoL fool me" noL alvlna up Lhe fox conLlnued
Lo pralse Lhe crow l wlsh l could hear vou Lell abouL vour LalenLs buL l have Lo ao
look for food because l'm hunarv"

A Deta||ed Lesson |an |n Mathemat|cs (I|rst ear5econdary)
repared 8y Iunn|e 5a|ud
I ect|ves
At the end of the |esson the students w||| e a|e to
1o recoanlze Luclldean LransformaLlons
8 1o recoanlze reflecLlons LranslaLlons and roLaLlons
C 1o prove Lheorems relaLed Lo LransformaLlons
1o solve problems lnvolvlna LransformaLlons
L 1o applv LransformaLlons Lo realworld slLuaLlons
l 1o creaLe deslans uslna LransformaLlons
II 5uect Matter
ueometiy (Tiansfoimations)
eference CeomeLrv for Plahschool 1exLbook
MaLerlals sheeLs of paper proLracLor Lanaram puzzles
values creaLlvlLv deLermlnaLlon paLlence
III rocedure
A Learn|ng Act|v|t|es

1eacher's Act|v|ty

Cood Mornlna Class"

LeL us prav flrsL"

(Checklna of LLendance)
sav presenL

lease plck up Lhe pleces of paper
under vour chalr"

5tudent's Act|v|ty

Cood Mornlna Slr!"

(Cne SLudenL wlll lead Lhe raver)

(SLudenLs ralse Lhelr hand and sav
presenL as Lhe Leacher calls ln Lhelr

(SLudenLs plck up Lhe pleces of paper)


cLlvlLv loJlo of lfpet
1he Leacher wlll alve an acLlvlLv LhaL
lnvolves Lhe foldlna of paper and
Lraclna of shapes


lrom Lhe acLlvlLv Lhe Leacher wlll polnL
ouL LhaL aeomeLrv ls noL onlv Lhe
sLudv of flaures buL ls also Lhe sLudv of
Lhe movemenL of flaures

O ls Lhe orlalnal flaure conaruenL Lo Lhe
oLher flaures?
O Pow does Lhe second lmaae compare
Lo Lhe orlalnal flaure?

O 1ransformaLlons
O eflecLlon
O oLaLlon
O 1ranslaLlon
O llaLlon
O lald MoLlon
O 1heorem 181
O 1heorem 182

(SLudenLs follow Lhe lnsLrucLlon of Lhe

(SLudenLs llsLen aLLenLlvelv)

(ConducL a solvlna on Lhe board)

(SLudenLs ralse Lhelr hands and deflne
Lhe Lerms)

O 1heorem 18
O 1heorem 18
1he above deflnlLlons and Lheorems
wlll be dlscussed and proved 1he
Leacher wlll ask Lhe sLudenL Lo alve
examples of LransformaLlons

D Act|v|ty

@fotf le
1he sLudenLs wlll form slx aroups Lach
aroup ls aolna Lo make lmaaes of
anlmals uslna Lanaram puzzle and Lhev
wlll ldenLlfv Lhe klnd of LransformaLlon
deplcLed or made afLer dolna Lhe

(SLudenLs llsLen aLLenLlvelv)

(SLudenLs perform)

lv Lva|uat|on

1 Whlch of Lhe followlna LransformaLlons creaLes a flaure LhaL ls slmllar (buL noL
conaruenL) Lo Lhe orlalnal flaure?
2 Pow can LransformaLlons be applled Lo realworld slLuaLlons?

III Ass|gnment

1he sLudenL wlll use LransformaLlons Lo move flaures and creaLe deslans

A Deta||ed Lesson |an |n 5c|ence (I|rst ear5econdary)
repared 8y Iunn|e 5a|ud
I ect|ves
At the end of the |esson the students w||| e a|e to
escrlbe Lhe polarlLv of a waLer molecule and explaln how LhaL polarlLv affecLs
Lhe properLles of waLer
8 Lxplaln whv waLer cllmbs Lhe lnslde of a Lhln alass caplllarv buL noL a Lhln plasLlc
C escrlbe a svsLem wherebv Lhe componenLs of a waLerbased subsLance mlahL
be separaLed and dlscuss how Lhls separaLlon occurs
Lxplaln whv oll and waLer donL mlx
L redlcL wheLher a subsLance based on lLs hvdrophlllc and/or hvdrophoblc
properLles wlll dlssolve lnLo waLer or oll
II 5uect Matter
1he ropert|es of Water
eference Sclence and 1echnoloav 1 bv ScoLL
MaLerlals paper strips, detergent, wax paper, coins, glue, cooking oil, red Iood
coloring, cups oI water, 10 ml grad cylinders, 50 ml grad. Cylinders, beaker, glass
slides, stirring rods, medicine droppers, scissors
values CreaLlvlLv aLlence lollowlna lnsLrucLlons
III rocedure
A Learn|ng Act|v|t|es
1eacher's Act|v|ty

Cood Mornlna Class"

LeL us prav flrsL"

(Checklna of LLendance)
sav presenL

lease plck up Lhe pleces of paper
under vour chalr"

Pave vou ever wondered whaL's
behlnd waLer?noL bodles of waLer buL Lhe
waLer lLself Lhe llquld LvervLhlna ln Lhls
5tudent's Act|v|ty

Cood Mornlna Slr!"

(Cne SLudenL wlll lead Lhe raver)

(SLudenLs ralse Lhelr hand and sav
presenL as Lhe Leacher calls ln Lhelr

(SLudenLs plck up Lhe pleces of

world are made bv Cod wlLh Lhelr speclal
funcLlons now leL us dlscover whaL's so
speclal abouL waLer


Lffects of
1o Do 1 WlLh vour flnaer spread one
small drop of detergent on Lhe
surface of a drv pennv
red|ct 2 Pow manv drops do vou Lhlnk
Lhls pennv wlll hold afLer belna
smeared wlLh detergent more
less or Lhe same as before?

Speclflcallv how manv drops do
vou Lhlnk lL wlll hold?

Table 2. Prediction of
Number of Drops of Water
on a Penny with Detergent

person #1
person #2
person #3
person #4

(SLudenLs perform Lhe acLlvlLv)


WaLer covers abouL Lhree fourLhs of Lhe
surface of Lhe earLh? lL ls ublqulLous lL
ls also one of Lhe slmplesL veL mosL
lmporLanL molecules ln llvlna svsLems
lL makes up from 30 Lo 93 percenL of
Lhe welahL of llvlna oraanlsms 1he
cvLoplasm of a cell ls a waLerbased
soluLlon LhaL conLalns a varleLv of lons
salLs and molecules whlch make llfe
happen WaLer ls llLerallv lnvolved ln
everv faceL of llfe
I|gure 2 o|ar|ty of Water Mo|ecu|e

1he slmpllclLv of Lhe waLer molecule
belles Lhe complexlLv of lLs properLles
8ased on lLs small slze and llahL welahL
one can predlcL how lL soJ behave
veL lL remalns ||qu|d aL a much hlaher
LemperaLures Lhan expecLed lL also
o||sand freezes aL much Loo hlah or
low of a LemperaLure for a molecule of
lLs slze Manv of Lhese unexpecLed
properLles of waLer are due Lo Lhe facL
LhaL waLer molecules are aLLracLed Lo
each oLher llke small maaneLs
(cohes|on) 1hls aLLracLlon resulLs ln
Lurn from Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe waLer
molecule and Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe
aLoms lL conLalns
Lach molecule of waLer ls made up of
Lwo aLoms of hvdroaen connecLed Lo
one aLom of oxvaen as shown below

(SLudenLs llsLen aLLenLlvelv)

1hls ls summarlzed ln Lhe famlllar
formula P
I|gure 3 nydrogen 8ond|ng |n Water

Loms are mosL sLable when Lhev
have a parLlcular conflauraLlon of Lhelr
ouLer shells a concepL whlch wlll be
dlscussed ln fuLure labs 1hese
conflauraLlons explaln whv hvdroaen
ln waLer wlll Lake on a part|a| pos|t|ve
charge and whv oxvaen wlll Lake on a
part|a| negat|ve charge 1hese parLlal
charaes cause waLer molecules Lo
sLlck Lo each oLher llke maaneLs @e
stlckloess lo tls pfttlcft cfse ls Je
to hydrooen bondino lo tls cfse
Jtoeo booJlo lovoves te
ftttfctloo betweeo te posltlve
cfteJ Jtoeo fto of ooe wftet
oece foJ te oeftlve cfteJ
oxeo fto of footet wftet
oece s no elecLrons are acLuallv
shared however hydrogen onds are
much weaker Lhan covalenL bonds
Lhev easllv break and easllv form

App||cat|on (Act|v|ty)

1 WaLer moves Lo Lhe Lops of Lall Lrees
due Lo cap|||ary act|on comblned
wlLh rooL pressure and evaporat|on
from Lhe sLomaLa (openlnas) ln Lhe
leaves WaLer wlll also cllmb up paper
and ofLen Lhe mlaraLlna waLer wlll carrv
oLher molecules alona wlLh lL 1he
dlsLance Lraveled bv Lhese oLher
molecules wlll varv wlLh Lhelr mass and
2 Pow fasL do vou Lhlnk waLer would
cllmb a sLrlp of absorbenL paper abouL
onehalf lnch wlde?
abouL one lnch per
____________________ (Llme)
CbLaln a 30 ml araduaLed cvllnder and
Lear off a sLrlp of chromaLoaraphv paper
LhaL ls [usL lona enouah Lo hana over Lhe
slde of Lhe cvllnder (lnslde) and reach Lo
Lhe boLLom

I|gure 6 50 m| Graduated Cy||nder w|th
Chromatography aper Ink

un Lhe paper sLrlp alona Lhe edae of a
sclssors Lo Lake Lhe curl ouL of lL
3 lace a slnale small drop of lnk from a
black vlsavls pen on Lhe paper abouL
one lnch from Lhe boLLom and leL lL drv
I|gure 7 Ink on Chromatography aper

6 uL 10 ml of waLer lnLo Lhe araduaLed
cvllnder and place Lhe sLrlp of paper ln
Lhe cvllnder so LhaL Lhe boLLom end ls
lmmersed ln waLer and Lhe drop of lnk ls
[usL above Lhe surface of Lhe waLer lold
Lhe paper over Lhe Lop slde
I|gure 8 C|oseup of Ink

7 noLe Lhe sLarLlna Llme below
8 WaLch and noLe Lhe Llme aL 3 mlnuLe
lnLervals When Lhe waLer cllmbs Lo Lhe
Lop of Lhe paper remove Lhe paper
from Lhe waLer and leL lL drv
1a|e 3 1|me of Water C||m|ng

1|me (m|nutes)

Pow dld Lhe lnk chanae?
Clue Lhe paper onLo Lhe
paae here and label each
color on Lhe sLrlp

IV Lva|uat|on

1 redlcL whaL wlll happen lf vou add a few drops of a waLersoluble dve
soluLlon Lo each of Lhe above araduaLed cvllnders conLalnlna waLer and
oll Wlll Lhe dve mlx wlLh Lhe waLer Lhe oll or boLh?
2 dd a few drops of dve Lo each cvllnder use a alass sLlrrlna rod Lo
peneLraLe Lhe lnLerface beLween each laver alvlna Lhe dve access Lo boLh
waLer and oll Pow does Lhe dve behave ln each cvllnder? oes lL dlffuse
lnLo Lhe oll? lnLo Lhe waLer?
V Ass|gnment
Whv ls llquld verv lmporLanL noL [usL Lo humans buL Lo all Lhe llvlna Lhlnas ln Lhe
world? WrlLe on 1 whole sheeL of paper

8nCP?Lln S C1u1uC nC llLllnC l CM1lk 1 C8S

l MC lnSPnC 8unC ( S 8W1 W)

nablblavanahlnuha ana kahuluaana maaarlna lplnahlhlwaLla na pamaaaL 8

naLuLukov ana mahahalaaana lmpormasvona nakapaloob sa LeksLo C

nalpallllwanaa ana maa kalslpana nakapaloob sa blnasa

naklkllala ana relasvon na sumulaL sa mambabasa sa Lulona na maa Llvak na bahaal

naLuLukov ana maa sallLana alnaaamlL sa paabubuo na panaunausap lll

ll kS / MC kSn?n / kCMl1n
aksa Lkonomlva aL kabuhavan amaaaL lndusLrlva aL anaanaalakal
Maa Sullranlna nakaaapekLo sa kalakalan
na lllplnas url na 1eksLo
lnformaLlv kaaamlLan Maa larawan CamlL na Wlka aablblaav na
lmpormasvon paapapallwanaa lnsLrukLura na Wlka Maa alnaaamlL na
panaaurl sa paabubu na panaunausap Palaaana anakaLauhan
aapapabuLl'L paapapaunlad na maa local na produkLo ll

unana raw

anlmulana Cawaln

aapapaklLa na lba'L lbana larawan na kalakalan

aaLalakav a

1unakol saan ana larawan? b

nona kalslpan ana maaarlna lslnasaad na larawan? c

8aklL aanoona kalslpan ana lnvona nabuo? 8

aaaanvak C


aapapabasa sa pamaaaL na LeksLona lpababasa aL paahlhlnuha sa kahuluaana
maaarlna lplnahlhlwaLla nlLo

anakaLana Cawaln (
1lnanan sa Cawaln ara sa aksanaralln

) anakaL 1

lpablaav ana kahuluaan na pamaaaL na LeksLona lunsaran aL nals
lpahlwaLla nlLo lndusLrlva aL anaanaalakal"
anakaL 2 Cvcle Map anuLo lpallwanaa ana bawaL vuaLona napapaloob sa
cvcle map anakaL aabubuo sa 1sarL anakaL aLa eLrleval CharL L

aapapabasa sa LeksLona lunsaran
8asahln ana LeksLona lunsaran
lndusLrlva aL anaanaalakal
( 1lnanan sa Cawaln ara sa aksanaralln ) aae 1
ConL Lesson lan 2

lkalawa aL lkaLlona raw

aaLalakav sa ralln anlmulana Cawaln lcclna 1oaeLher ldeas

lLuama sa larawan ana maa sumusunod na sallLa
8 aaaanvak ank Crder lsaavos avon sa nals na paakakasunudsunod ana maa
produkLona sa lnvona palaaav mablllnamablll 1

baa 2



alahas 3

sapaLos C aballkan ana LeksLona lunsaran lblaav ana pamaLnubav na
aano napauunlad o nallllnana ana lsana produkLo?
aapapakahuluaan sa maa sallLa parlrala o panaunausap na hlndl naunawaan
baLav sa paakakaaamlL nlLo sa LeksLo aapapalallm na

lv L8LWS?Cn Maablaav na paasubok na panakaLana Cawaln








sa mamamavan

paallnana sa


v anakaLana Cawaln
( maklklLa sa Cawaln ara sa aksanaralln )
anakaL 1 ouble 8ubble Map anakaL 2 Clrcle Map anakaL CharL
Crld anakaL aaplll na maa bahaalna naapapahavaa na oplnlon mula sa
lkaapaL aL lkallmana raw
aapapaLulov sa Lalakavan sa aralln aasusurl na LeksLo baLav sa Llvak na
kaLanalan aL url nlLo aablblaav lnpuL

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