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COMPOSITION (describing people)

1. In the exam, you may be asked to write a description of someone's physical appearance and/or their character. A Match the headings 1-9 with the adjectives a-i. Example: 9 = i 1 AGE 2 HEIGHT 3 BEARD/MOUSTACHE/EYEBROWS 4 NOSE 5 HAIR 6 MOUTH 7 FACE 8 EYES a) round, oval, square, long, thin, wrinkled b) hooked, crooked, straight, turned-up, flat, big, small c) blue, brown, green, black, big, slanted d) thick, thin, bushy e) black, brown, ginger, fair, blonde, thick, thin, curly, straight, balding f) tall, short, average, g) small, wide, cruel, thin lips, thick lips h) in his teens, in her sixties, in his early/mid/late thirties, teenaged, middle-aged, elderly 9 BUILD i) thin, slim, wellbuilt, overweight, fat

Example: This person is in her early sixties. Shes fairly slim and above average height. Shes got shoulderlength wavy hair white hair and blue eyes. Shes got an oval face which is a little bit wrinkled, a small straight nose and thin lips.

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