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Denominación del programa de formación: control de calidad de alimentos

Código del programa de formación: 2339941
Nombre del aprendiz: Antonio Cuervo (ESTUDIANTE)
Instructor: Jhonattan Pontón Ibarra
Physical and personality description
la casa blanca the white house
1) Match a word with its definition
1) adaptable. a) He is open to new ideas and different views
2) tolerant b) someone who isn't afraid of danger. ...
3) cruel c) willing to undertake new and daring enterprises. ...
4) adventurous.
d) capable of fitting a particular situation or use. ...
5) affectionate.
6) shy /reserved e) having or displaying warmth or fondness. ...
7) ambitious. . f) someone who has a strong desire for success
8) brave - courageous g) someone who talks a lot. ...
9) talkative/chatty h) someone who is good at learning things. ...
10) bright/clever i) a person who doesn’t tell the truth (LIAR)
11) liar j someone who is afraid of things.
12) cowardly
k) someone who is easy to get along with.
13) easy-going
l) He feels uncomfortable in the company of other people
m) he doesn’t think about other people’s feelings
2) Classify these personality adjective above in the following table
Positive adjectives Negative adjectives
Tolerant, Adaptable, Adventurous, Affectionate, Liar, Cruel, Shy/reserved, Talkative/chatty,
Ambitious, Brave/courageous, Bright/clever. Cowardly, Easy/going.

3) Use words from the table below to describe these people. Number one is an example
Height build age face eyes hair
Tall_ Slim Young Round Big Straight
short thin old oval round Curly
Medium height Skinny Teenager Square Large Wavy
Fat In his 20’s 30’s With freckles small Spiky
Plump Middle-aged Wrinkled Bright bald
Well-build pale Blue ,black
1 2 3 4 5

1_this man is very short. He has brown hair and black eyes, too. He has a big nose. He’s wearing glasses.
2_This woman is tall and slim. She is a young woman. She has brown, straight hair and black eyes.
3_ This woman is short and fat. She is an old woman. She has brown, curly hair and black eyes. She is
wearing a blouse and skirt.
4_This man is tall. He has black hair and black eyes, too. He has a big nose. He’s wearing a blue shirt,
tie, gray pants, and brown shoes.
5_ This man is well build. He has short brown hair and black eyes, too. He has a small nose. He’s
wearing a yellow sweater, blue pants, and brown shoes.

4) Underline all the adjectives and say what type of description we have in this paragraph

My best friend Steve is quite tall and kind of athletic because he is good
at sport. He has long black hair and has big eyes. His eyes are dark brown. PHYSICAL DESCRIP
He has a small nose and a small mouth too.

5) fill in the gaps with words from the list and say what type of description we have
front/ volunteer/ confident/ help/speaker

He is a very confident person. He is always the first to volunteer for

class activities and he has not problem in standing at the front of the
Personal skills description
class and doing a presentation. He is a good speaker I think this could
help his in the future.

6) Write a short physical and personality description of your best friend.

My best friend is Carlos, he is very tall, he has big eyes, his eyes are black, he is fat.

Carlos is a good student and always gets good grades and likes to play ping pong because he is
very good. We sometimes travel together to Cartagena because he likes the sea. He swims very
well and loves animals.
1. Complete with BE (AM, IS, ARE) or HAVE (HAS) she, he, it in the right form

a. My sister HAS A long nose but she also HAS small ears.

b. I HAVE long blond hair and I AM quite small.

c. She IS tall and slim with blue eyes and short black hair.

d. He IS very fat and strong, he HAS short blond hair and blue eyes.

e. My brother HAS big blue eyes and short ears.

f. My teacher IS small and thin, she HAS dark hair and black eyes.

g. We HAVE short hair.

h. They HAVE long curly brown hair.

i. I AM slim and tall.

j. You HAVE a small nose.

k. You ARE very tall and beautiful.

l. My dog IS fat.

m. My cat HAS small green eyes.

n. My mother IS tall, she IS slim and she HAS big blue eyes.

o. The policeman IS slim, tall and strong and he HAS small brown eyes.

p. I HAVE a square face and I AM of medium build.

q. My brothers ARE twins, they HAVE blue eyes, they HAVE short brown hair and
THEY ARE very tall and slim.

r. The teacher IS slim, and short, he HAS small round glasses and he HAS curly red

s. I AM a little plump, though I do sports! I HAVE big green eyes and

shoulder length chestnut hair .

t. My sisters ARE tiny , and they HAVE beautiful long blond hair.
2.Describe these two people, be as precise as possible

Bob Kate

Bob is smiling and is a young, fat man with short blond hair. He has big eyes and a
small nose. He is wearing a blue sweater, green pants and red shoes.

Kate is a very pretty teenager with long, straight, blonde hair. She is wearing a pink
outfit to work out and is well build.

3. Put the words in the right order

*am *tall * I *and *have * eyes * I* small *green


*mother * slim* is * she* and * short *has * curly * hair * blond*my*

My mother is slim and she has short curly blond hair.

*brother *my* has* long* a* nose*square * face *and

My brother has a long nose and square face.

* teacher * the * is * short* slim* and* red* with * short* hair

The teacher is slim and short with short red hair.

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