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Name of Discoverer Copernicus Galileo Hans Lippershey Johannes Kepler John Napier E.Torricelli Dennis Papin Issac Newton Thomas Newcomen G.Fahrenheit Benjamin Franklin James Watt C.A.Vatta K.V.Sauerbronn William Sturgeon Michael Faraday Discovery Year Sun as centre of Solar-system 1543 Law of Falling bodies 1590 Telescope 1608 Laws of Planetary Motion 1609-1619 Logarithms 1614 Barometer 1643 Pressure Cooker 1675 Laws of Gravitation and Motion 1687 Steam Engine 1712 Mercury Therometer 1714 Lightning conductor 1752 Condensing Steam Engine 1765 Electric Battery 1800 Bicycle 1816 Electromagnet 1825 Dynamo & Law of 1831 Electromagnetic Induction Elisha Otis USA Passenger Lift 1853 F.Caree France Refrigerator 1858 E.Lenoir France Internal Combustion Engine 1859 Graham Bell Scotland Telephone 1876 David Edward Hughes England / USA Microphone 1878 James Dewar Scotland Vacuum Flask 1885 William Stanley USA Electric Transformer 1885 H.Hertz Germany Electromagnetic waves 1886 G.Marconi Italy Wireless 1895 W.Roentgen Germany X-rays 1895 Antoine Becquerel France Radioactivity 1896 Rudolf Diesel Germany Diesel Engine 1897 Pierre & Marie Curie France Radium 1898 Max Planck Germany Quantum theory 1900 Wilbur Orville Wright USA Aeroplane 1903 John Flemming England Diode 1904 Lee De Forest USA Triode 1906 Albert Einstein Switzherland General theory of Relativity 1915 H.C.Oersted Denmark Electro-magnetism 1920 John Baird Scotland Television 1925 Robbert H.Goddard USA Rocket (Liquid Fuel) 1926 James Chadwick England Neutron 1932 J.Presper Eckert & John USA Electronic Computer W.Mauchly 1946 USA Transistor John Bardeen, W.Brattain, W.Shockley 1948 Theoclore Mainmann USA Laser 1960 Nationality Poland Italy Netharlands Germany Scotland Italy France England England Germany USA Scotland Italy Germany England England

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