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El que llam es fiel...

The One who called is faithful...

Recently, we traveled to our annual Women's retreat, this year in Rosario, called Dejando Huellas (Leaving Footprints). Around 45 women, Campus Crusade staff and students, from all parts of Argentina participated. It was a great weekend to learn more about the Lord as well as meet women from all over the country. It was a way to examine the types of impressions we are leaving in the lives of others, and if the footprints of Jesus are evident in our own lives. It was a great weekend to talk about our struggles as women and how to encourage each other to move forward and growing in Christ. One talk in particular that I learned from was about how to deal with our pain and how not to be in bondage to that pain or let it hinder us from trusting in the Lord. The time we shared learning together was vital to our spiritual lives and growth!

Erika and our city director Kelly Valencia

As you may know, when I felt called to Argentina, it wasn't just for a short term. I have always felt the Lord calling me to serve in Argentina, which He has grown my heart for over the past two years. During the Women's weekend, I spoke with the country director about the option of joining staff here in Argentina full time. This is an exciting journey I've been on for the past two years, and I feel that the Lord is calling me to join Him longer! This is just the beginning stages but I wanted to fill you all in on this exciting news. I'm glad to share the process with you! Thank you for making it possible for me to be here serving the Lord! Check out more stories ...

Pampering Night at the Women's Retreat

Thank you for your faithful prayers! Staff ID: #0617119 Calle 10 Esq. 58 No. 1251 1900 La Plata, Bs As, Argentina

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