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Student Nurses Community

NURSING CARE PLAN UTI ASSESSMENT SUBJECTIVE: Masakit ang pagihi ko (I feel pain whenever I urinate) as verbalized by the patient. Acute pain related to biological factors such as trauma or activity of disease process A urinary tract infection (UTI) may occur in the bladder, where it is called cystitis, or in the urethra, where it is called urethritis. Upper tract infection results in pyelonephritis. Most UTIs result from ascending infections by bacteria that have entered through the urinary meatus but some may be caused by hematogenous spread. UTIs are much common in females because the shorter female urethra makes them more vulnerable to entry of organisms from After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patients pain will be relieved or controlled. DIAGNOSIS INFERENCE PLANNING INTERVENTION Independent: Assess pain, noting location, intensity (scale of 0 10), duration. Encourage increased fluid intake. Investigate report of bladder fullness. RATIONALE Provides information to aid in determining choice or effectiveness of interventions. Increased hydration flushes bacteria and toxins. Urinary retention may develop, causing tissue distention ( bladder or kidney), and potentiates risk for further infection. Accumulation of uremic waste and electrolyte imbalances may be toxic to the CNS. Promotes relaxation, refocuses attention, and EVALUATION

After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patients pain will be relieved or controlled.

Objective: Facial grimace. Restlessness. V/S taken as follows: T: 37.3 P: 82 R: 19 BP: 120/90

Observe for changes in mental status, behavior or level of consciousness. Provide comfort measure like back rub, helping

Student Nurses Community

surrounding structures (vagina, periurethral glands, and rectum). patient assume position of comfort. Suggest use of relaxation technique and deep breathing exercises. Encourage use of sitz baths, warm soaks to the perineum. may enhance coping abilities.

Promotes muscle relaxation.

Collaborative: Administer antibacterial as prescribed.

Reduces bacteria present in urinary tract and those introduced by drainage system

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