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Madrid, May 19th, 2011

Mr. Pankanjkumar Hanmantrao Mugaonkar With passport number H1629817 and Indian nationality is registered in The International University Menndez Pelayo (UIMP) to attend the course Applied Economics in Fisheries an Aquaculture. The course will take place in Santander, Spain from July 4th to 8th of 2011. During your stay for the seminar University will cover flight expenses, accommodation and meals.

We are looking forward to count on your participation.

Best regards,

Mara Cruz Daz lvarez Vicerrectora de Cursos Cortos y Extensin Universitaria

Universidad Internacional Menndez Pelayo Isaac Peral, 23. 28040 Madrid. Tel.: 91 592 06 03/04. Fax: 91 592 06 05 E-mail:

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