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Design Strategies 1.

Business Goal Usually phrased as specific metrics regarding metrics regarding sales, costs, name recognition, etc. 2. Target Users Primary users for whom the interface must be a success 3. General Tasks( Use the site to) Conceptually, the tasks users are expected to accomplish 4. Technology Constraints What is possible given the technology of existing databases, architecture, standards, etc. 5. Marketing/Branding Goals The values and personality the interface must project Aspects that differentiate the interface, product or service from competitors 6. Critical Success Factors a. Key outcomes that must be met to succeed b. Outcomes usually phrased in terms of user experience or business metrics.

Example for the Design Strategies document for existing site

Design Strategies 1. Business Goal Gain/Retain customers Up sell current customers 2. Target Users All professionals who direct bill 3. General Tasks( Use the site to) Record time by client Follow burn-time on projects 4. Technology Constraints Multiple input devices

5. Marketing/Branding Goals Stable, reliable, service oriented 6. Critical Success Factors a. Task flow must be smooth and efficient b. Additional reports must differentiate the application from competitors

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