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Video activity

teacher Cris Prates The Chronicles of

The Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe

You are going to watch a part of the movie. After that do the activities that follow: A. Label the characters: Aslan Lucy Peter Mr. Tumnus The White Witch Susan Edmund

B. Check all the animals you see in the excerpt: ( ( ( ( ( ( ) fox ) dog ) lion ) tiger ) cheetah ) rabbit ( ( ( ( ( ( ) beaver ) horse ) zebra ) pig ) bear ) wolf

( ) others

C. Mr. Tumnus is a : ( ( ) minotaur ) faun ( ( ) sphynge ) centaur

D. Pay attention to the excerpt and then put T if the sentence is true or F if the sentence is false. Correct the false ones. 1. A boy (Edmund) is being caught as a prisoner; 2. The boy and a creature (a minotaur) called Tumnus are talking about the boys sister; 3. The white witch enters the place, shes nice and gentle 4. The white witch wants to know about Aslan; 5. She tells the faun that hes there because of the boy; 6. The children are trying to cross a river which is in fire; 7. Somebody is running after the children. Peter checks out who it is; 8. The man is Santa Claus; 9. Santa brought the children some toys; 10. The river is melting, so the children cant cross it; 11. Foxes are coming after them; 12. A wall of ice cracks but the beaver saves everybody; 13. Lucy is dead; 14. Its spring now; 15. The wolves introduce a rabbit to the witch; 16. The fox doesnt tell about Aslan, but Edmund does; 17. The witch turns the fox into salt; 18. The kids and the beavers get to se Aslan; 19. Aslan is a cheetah 20. Aslan wants to know about the other son of Adam; 21. Aslan promises to save Peters family, but Peter will have to save the witch. E. Now, watch the last scenes of the movie. The children are all nominated kings and queens.

They are: Peter, the Susan, the Edmund, the Lucy, the . . . .

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