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A bill is approved by either House (House of Representatives or the Senate) after it has gone through three readings.

The Secretary reports the bill for the first reading. The first reading consists of reading the number and the title of the bill, followed by its referral to the appropriate Committee for study and recommendation. The Committee may hold public hearings on the proposed measure and submits its report and recommendation for Calendar for the Second Reading. The bill on the second reading is now subject to debates, motions, and amendments. After the amendments have been acted upon, the bill will be voted upon on second reading. A bill approved on second reading shall be included in the Calendar of Bills for the third reading. On the third reading, the bill as approved will be submitted for final vote by "yeas" or "nays". The bill approved on third reading shall be transmitted to the other House for concurrence. If the other House approves the bill without amendments, the bill is passed and shall be transmitted to the President for appropriate action. If the President approves it, the bill shall be signed into a law.If he vetoes it, the bill shall be returned with the objections to the House where it originated, which shall enter the objections at its journal and shall be subject to reconsideration. If after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be, together with the objections, passed on to the other House, where it would be likewise reconsidered, and if approved by2/3 of the members of that House, then it shall become a law. A bill becomes a law in three ways: 1. when thw President signs it; 2. when the President does not communicate such veto within thirty [30] days after receipt of the bill; 3. when the bill is repassed by the Congress by 2/3 vote of all its members, each House voting separately.

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