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Brief for Corruption Plays

Sanjay Bhargava, July 4, 2011 Use what is useful improve the rest

Outcomes desired
Anger at the current state of rampant corruption Belief that change is possible if the government has the will ( 3W When there is a Will there is a Way) Understanding that without a mass movement change will not happen Action Do the minimum action required Standby Rise if required

Each segment is a self contained episode of 2 min with a signature tune, heading, call to action, end credits Segments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Corruption is rampant ? Lokpal can cure corruption ? Who will end corruption in India ? How will Lokpal cure corruption ? The importance of prevention ?

Format (2)
6. Police Bribery Falls 90% 7. Other use cases . Every week new use case released 8. Initially only 6 segments done

Corruption is rampant
( lot of this can be adapted from the corruption play performed in April le lo le lo )

Lokpal can cure corruption

India 87 worst country. 86 better Hongkong story How ICAC cured rampant corruption in 2 years Govt job to cure corruption 3W Solution When there is a Will there is a Way

Who will end corruption in India ?

Politicians . No Bureaucrats. No. Judiciary. No. Anna. No. Masses . Yes. That is what happened in Hongkong also Anna is aan inspirational leader like Gandhi but when we are all Anna corruption will end

How will Lokpal end corruption

We have CBI,CVC, Laws but these are not independent Just as cellphones have changed lives Lokpal can have the latest technology and all of us can be the eyes and years of Lokpal Undercover part time army. Part of NREGA as well Focus on prevention just as every epidemic has ended with prevention

The importance of Prevention

If everyone jumps a red light enforcing red lights is impossible If there are prevention systems which make the corrupt say Bete so jaa nahin to Lokpal Aa jayega and the honest have no fear then we can end the epidemic Minister/ Secretary must give prevention plan to Lokpal and Public within a specified time. If good plan not given penalities like transfer, dismissal, fines, jail

Police Bribery Falls 90 %

As in book

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