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A03 Unit 1 Describe the mail work roles and investigate of two contrasting public services For this

A0 am I am going to describe briefly the range of jobs available in two contrasting public services and then outline the main roles and responsibilities In two from each service. I am going to look at the British Army for the first public service and for the second public service I am going to look at the police force. I am going to design a poster to display for this information. I am going to look at different jobs and roles in the British Army there are a lot of jobs in the Army some of them involve you learning new skill to meet the requirements for the job/role you are going to take up. I am going to do the same for the police force look at the different jobs and roles and in the police force for some of the jobs you would need to learn new skill for the jobs for example CID and PCSO. There are a lot of jobs in the British Army and roles to go into. Some of the jobs will require you to learn new skills for example if you were going into the medical unit you would need to have training to basic first aid and also good training in medicine. Some other skills you would need are if you were going in to the engineering you would need some basic training in car mechanics and you would have more training in armoured vehicles and other army units. Jobs in the British Army Medical Engineering HR & Finance Intelligence IT & Commes Logistics & Support Music And Ceremonial Combat Army Air Unit MP police

I am going to look at Music & Ceremonial and medical in more dept in the British Army these are two different jobs in the British Army. There are also a lot of jobs in the UK police force as in the army some jobs involve you to get new skill for the job you are going to do. Everybody who joins the police force will need to do training day and under go writing tests and more. If you fail this test for cannot retry the test after 2 mouths has gone by. Jobs in the Police Force

Dog Trainer Bomb Squad PCSO (Police Community Support Office) CID ( Crime Investigation Detective) Police Office Traffic Police Chief Contestable Intelligence

I am going to look at the PCSO and the CID in more dept for the police force. British Army Medical & Music And Ceremonial

The Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) is a specialist corps in the British Army which provides medical services to all British Army personnel and their families in war and in peace. Together with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, the Royal Army Dental Corps and Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, the RAMC forms the British Army's essential Army Medical Services. The RAMC does not carry a Regimental Color or Queen's Color, although it has a Regimental Flag. Nor does it have battle honors, as elements of the corps have been present in almost every single war the army has fought. Because it is not a fighting arm, under the Geneva Conventions, members of the RAMC may only use their weapons for self-defense.

Ever since its formation The Band of the Royal Corps of Signals provides vital morale and musical support to the Corps. The marching band in its traditional scarlet and gold jackets, Hussar busbies and Wellington dress boots with swan necked spurs provides an important public face of the Corps to the general public. The Band regularly provides musical support to the Royal Corps of Signals for many important ceremonies. Our recent appearance with the troops includes Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, Home Coming and Medal parades, Freedom parades, Remembrance services, and numerous major parades where the Corps' Colonel-In-Chief, HRH The Princess Royal had been in attendance. The concert band regularly performs and entertains military personnel as well as the general public in support of numerous Forces and civilian charities around Dorset and its wider areas. With our many outstanding musicians, the concert band performs a wide variety of repertoire ranging from traditional military works, popular Broadway favorites, to original contemporary wind band compositions. Our recent public

appearances include Shrewsbury Flower Show, Defense Academy of the United Kingdom in Shriven ham and Rumsey Agricultural and Horse Show. Police Force PCSO & CID A Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) (Welsh: Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu, SCCH or Heddlu Ategol), or Community Support Officer (CSO) (Welsh: Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol, SCC) is a uniformed nonwarranted officer employed by a territorial police force or the British Transport Police in England and Wales. Community Support Officers were introduced in 2002 by the Police Reform Act 2002. Proposals for PCSOs in Northern Ireland were prevented by a budget shortfall in the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Scotland decided not to introduce PCSOs after determining that such a step had, on balance, insufficient merit. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is the branch of all Territorial police forces within the British Police and many other Commonwealth police forces, to which plain clothes detectives belong. It is thus distinct from the Uniformed Branch and the Special Branch. The Metropolitan Police Service CID, the first such organization, was set up on 7 April 1878 by C. E. Howard Vincent. Originally, it was under the direct command of the Home Secretary, but since 1888 has been under the authority of the Commissioner.

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