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eXercise In Messaging and Presence Pwnage

. .. fun with XMPP . Ava Latrope

. .

iSEC Partners
Defcon 17

Ava Latrope (iSEC Partners)

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1. . . Introduction The basics Common Stanzas .. . 2 The victims Clients Servers .. . 3 Attack scenarios DoS, DoS, and more DoS XML Parsing File/Image Upload .. . 4 Tools Persimmon Proxy XMPP Fuzzer .. . 5 Conclusion
. . . . . .

Ava Latrope (iSEC Partners)

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Who am I?

Who am I?

Security Consultant, iSEC Partners Prior to that, QA automation for various web 2.0 horrors Eats babies

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The basics

What is XMPP?

eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol

Formerly the Jabber project

Specialized XML-based protocols, used for:

content syndication file sharing ...but, well, still mostly IM.

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The basics

Why am I picking on it?

Ubiquity Open standard

RFC Process

Many implementation details are at the discretion of the developer

...anyone whos met a developer should be worried by that sentence

As much fun as youd expect with regular XML parsing

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The basics

How it works

Addressing via JIDs of the format user@server

TLS encryption and SASL authentication HTTP binding XML stream

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The basics

Common Attributes

to - recipient JID from - sender JID id

Optional Generated for tracking purposes Scope of uniqueness is flexible

Specifies purpose of the stanza Each stanza variety has its own list of acceptable types

Only affects presentation to humans

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Common Stanzas


Request info/receive response Child element determines data content Requester tracks by id Patterned exchange
< i q t y p e = r e s u l t i d = p u r p l e c e 8 3 7 c f a to = a k l p c 1 / a c c 4 5 8 8 7 >< bind xmlns = u r n : i e t f : p a r a m s : x m l : n s : x m p p bind >< j i d > t e s t 2 @ a k l p c 1 / a c c 4 5 8 8 7 < / j i d >< / bind >< / i q >

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Common Stanzas


Publish/subscribe Many receive updates from one - to usually omitted Seen most frequently in IM applications as contact status updates
< p r e s e n c e from = t e s t 2 @ a k l p c 1 / a c c 4 5 8 8 7 to = a v a r i c e @ g m a i l . com > <show>away < / show> < p r i o r i t y >0< / p r i o r i t y > <c xmlns = h t t p : / / j a b b e r . o r g / p r o t o c o l / c a p s node = h t t p : / / m a i l . g o o g l e . com / xmpp / c l i e n t / c a p s v e r = 1 . 1 e x t = pmucv 1 smsv 1 / > <status /> <x xmlns = v c a r d t e m p : x : u p d a t e > < photo / > < / x> < / presence >

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Common Stanzas

Fairly self-explanatory concept so long as youve ever, say, used email.

< message t y p e = c h a t i d = p u r p l e c e 8 3 7 d 8 3 to = t e s t 1 @ a k l p c 1 / f 9 e 5 4 d from = t e s t 2 @ a k l p c 1 / acc45887 > <x xmlns = j a b b e r : x : e v e n t > < composing / > < / x> < a c t i v e xmlns = h t t p : / / j a b b e r . o r g / p r o t o c o l / c h a t s t a t e s / > <body > ?OTR:AAIDAAAAAAEAAAABAAAAwEgF/ 9 5 + kxlcd8Z7I3jdNZtw8d8baZIg5uq0FV3JymhEXf5qJV / 6 P46yjwABFt4UmUqN8BwK7WnWGHlcxsrAvN / FJ4oxS0wLYcKRzI / eZ0edIFyhlyZBT17Ou1V2 +67 nnczJOGRq+ A6wjz0ayoT1iRm1Dx1ZFLvKfRT3uiwbi8AfNG7uCtQAolGKBBp2h7RBVR95NfOrfx8G5Oh6BacdhslcssY0kC3Lwmo29rNOn /GVX+9CY0phs8kT+ O5cLedhjI8y / +udYAAAAA. < / body > < html xmlns = h t t p : / / j a b b e r . o r g / p r o t o c o l / xhtmlim > <body xmlns = h t t p : / / www . w3 . o r g / 1 9 9 9 / xhtml > ?OTR:AAIDAAAAAAEAAAABAAAAwEgF/ 9 5 + kxlcd8Z7I3jdNZtw8d8baZIg5uq0FV3JymhEXf5qJV / 6 P46yjwABFt4UmUqN8BwK7WnWGHlcxsrAvN / FJ4oxS0wLYcKRzI / eZ0edIFyhlyZBT17Ou1V2 +67 nnczJOGRq+ A6wjz0ayoT1iRm1Dx1ZFLvKfRT3uiwbi8AfNG7uCtQAolGKBBp2h7RBVR95NfOrfx8G5Oh6BacdhslcssY0kC3Lwmo29rNOn /GVX+9CY0phs8kT+ O5cLedhjI8y / +udYAAAAA. < / body > < / html > < / message >

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The victims



The IM client formerly known as Gaim Needed something based on libpurple Obvious choice with 3 Million users ...especially since its my default File transfers XMPP console

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The victims



Complement to openfire server Voice integration Representative of no-frills clients

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The victims



GTK+ File transfer Multi-protocol transports

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The victims



Skynet Googles pet XMPP project Jingle Mobile versions Offline Messaging

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The victims



Formerly known as Wildfire Popular on corporate networks User-friendly, easy to configure Admin web interface

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The victims



Modular, certain features can be installed independently Written in C/C++ Complex configuration requires messing directly with XML Waning in popularity

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The victims



Different codebase from JabberD14 Appear to have kept the project name just to be confusing Main distinction seems to be that theyre compliant with more RFCs than the original

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Attack scenarios

DoS, DoS, and more DoS


Excessive presence traffic makes for high overhead Endemic scalability issues in XMPP Parser errors tend to be ungraceful

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Attack scenarios

DoS, DoS, and more DoS

DoS Demo

[DoS demo goes here]

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Attack scenarios

XML Parsing

XML Parsing

Stanza-specific requirements Control characters Affects on DoS

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Attack scenarios

XML Parsing

XML Parsing Demo

[XML parsing demo goes here]

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Attack scenarios

File/Image Upload

File/Image Upload

No restrictions on file type Relatively new to most feature sets Image insertion

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Attack scenarios

File/Image Upload

File/image Upload Demo

[File/image upload demo goes here]

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Persimmon Proxy


HTTP and XMPP Intercept mode Manual edit Command replay Multiple concurrent listeners

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Persimmon Proxy

Persimmon Proxy Demo

[Persimmon Proxy demo goes here]

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Persimmon Proxy


[Download information goes here]

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XMPP Fuzzer


Contains all attacks presented here GUI interface Customization of attacks

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XMPP Fuzzer

XMPP Fuzzer Demo

[XMPP Fuzzer demo goes here]

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XMPP Fuzzer


[Download information goes here]

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XMPP bugs are still out there Here are some tools to help make that more obvious

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XMPP Foundation

XMPP: The Definitive Guide: Building Real-Time Applications with Jabber Technologies
Peter Saint-Andre, Kevin Smith, Remko Tron on 2009

Programming Jabber: Extending XML Messaging

DJ Adams 2002

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