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exploration and archaeology Mariette, Frenchman collecting for Louvre, founds Egyptian Antiquities Museum Herodotus(5th) Lyell- Principles of Geology- geological layers and gradual change th Yakut- Mujam al-Budan- encyclopedic geography(13 ) Wilkinson- Manners and Customs of Ancient Egyptians- copied tomb paintings Caliph al-Mamun- penetrates pyramids, makes hole w/ battering ram(9th) Davies followed Wilkinson, copied tomb paintings Hor-Apollo- Hieroglyphica- incorrectly thought hieroglyphs were symbolic (5th) Lepsius- Denkmaeler- first reliable catalogue of monuments Delle-Valle- collected Coptic manuscripts (17th) Petrie- first serious Egyptian archaeologist; used seriation and stratigraphy, called it Greaves- mismeasured pyramid (17th) sequence dating (1880) Taylor- Pyramid Inch Theory(1800) Egyptians used inch related to astrology; Reisner- followed in Petries footsteps disproved by Petrie 1880 Young- helped interpret hieroglyphs Norden- inaccurate pictures (travelogues) (18th) Schliemann- stratigraphy and Troy (1870) Napoleon- seeks to reopen Suez Canal, explores Egypt, finds Rosetta Stone, which Erman- Life in Ancient Egypt (20th) contained cartouches (1798) Gardiner- wrote modern grammar (1927) Champollion studies hieroglyphs, writes first grammar (1822-36) Edwards- Egypt Exploration Society Belzoni, aka Pantagonian Samson, Italian who collects for Brits Josephus-Jewish Antiquities, spoke of Manetho Chronology: actually 34 dynasties, plus predynastic period >Gods and beliefs Manetho- king-list, said 31 dynasties Maat- Order- has feather headdress Sothic Cycle- calendar based of flooding of Nile; off by .25 days/yr; helped update Ra- Sun- hawk king-list Horus- Order on Earth- bird Palermo Stone- predynastic to D5 kings Osiris- Afterlife- green/dark face, like soil; pharaoh becomes him in death Other King-lists: Karnak, Abydos, Saqqara, Turin Hapy- God of the flooding Nile >Language Atum- ram Language vs. Writing imperfect Hermopolitan Cosmogeny- Thoth plus the Ogdoad- 4 elemental pairs of beings. Verb-Subject-Object; 2 genders, 3 pluralities Heliopolitan Cosmogeny- The Ennead: Atum begets 4 generations, 8 gods in all ArchaicOldMiddleNewDemoticCoptic including Seth, Osiris, Horus. Seth kills Osiris, Horus avenges him Kinds of script: Hieroglyphs, Cursive Hieroglyphs, Hieratic, Demotic (Rosetta Stone) Memphite Theology- Ptah- creates world with words and magic; Shabaka Stone (??) Types of signs: Phonetic Signs (uni-, bi-, and tri-consonental signs), Logograms Ba- mobile spirit (whole words), Determinatives >Stone Age and Badarian Egypt First hunting/gathering/fishing- Lower Paleolithic, 500,000 BC and on Middle Paleolithic- first advanced tools First burial: 55,000 bc at Taramsa Nazlet-Kater 4- earliest Egyptian mining site, long blades found there Wadi Kubbaniya- hunting and fishing around lake, blades found there Gebel Sahaba- cemetery, bodies found with projectiles (Wild Nile?) Neolithic Egypt: 2 parts 1. Western Desert (Napta Playa): first pottery in earliest phase (88,000-54,000), domesticated animals in middle phase (54,000-51,000) Calender circle?- orientation to Sothis disproven---was it a cattle cult? Whatever it is, its first monumental architecture Gilf Kebir-cave of swimmers-shows wetter conditions in Western Desert back then 2. Nile Valley (Faiyum A/Merimde Beni Salama delta): Faiyum A- first domesticated plants, community storage, fishing, domesticated animals, NO burials/permanent housing Merimde Beni Salama- first village, domesticated animals (same time as at Napta Player/Faiyum A) Badarian Egypt- Upper Egypt; no villages; extramural/cemetery burials; status differentiation in wealth, based on pottery (ripple bowl fully furnished afterlife) >Predynastic Egypt Naqada I- Amration- lots of graves discovered, lots of pottery; political hierarchy, militant chiefs (on pottery); figurines w/ gender characteristics picture, discoid maceheads Naqada II- Gerzean- boats seen on pottery; towns; possible kingship; Hierakonpolis- Hawk-city- Horus town; Naqada: Seth-town; trade with Nubia, cultural unification Naqada III- Dynasty 0- named kings, political unification; Manetho and Herodotus Menes/Aha unified Upper and Lower, moved capital to Memphis Tomb U-j at Umm el-Qaab (Abydos)-jars, earliest hieroglyphs, record-keeping Scorpion Macehead found in main deposit at Hierakonpolis- king in white? crown conquering other king in red?? crown Narmer Palette- Narmer, in White Crown, conquers King Wash of Delta in Red Crown D1-D1 and D2 known as Archaic Period TOMBS: Kings@Abydos; Officials@Saqqara; Abydos tombs reused as cenotaphs in Middle Kingdom in Osiris cult revival; had satellite burials; human sacrifice; buried with boats; Mastaba tombs; imitative magic simulating items from owners life Queen Merneith first female ruler? Called Mother of the King Sealings and graffiti on jars to administer goods and control wealth distribution. D2 Kings buried at Saqqara; burial and enclosure functions combined; Seth-Peribsen- Seth atop serekh Khasekhemwy- Seth and horus atop serekh; huge tomb with lots of stuff D3-beginning of Old Kingdom All Old Kingdom rulers descended from Queen Ni-Maat-Hapy Imhotep- architect of Djoser, seen as divine son of Ptah, god of craftsmen Step Pyramid-Djoser; contains dummy buildings, Ka statue, in the serdab, tilted toward stars, so he could be an akh; shows Djoser running in Heb-sed Huni- made collapsing pyramid at Meidum; first to use cartouche rather than serekh D5- Sun kings Userkaf first to build sun temples Papyrus Westcar: explains 2 queen mothers: Neferhetep and Khentkawes Sun temples- same features of pyramid but with obelisk on top instead Sahure, second king, has pictures of trading ships on wall of causeway of his sun temple Abusir Papyri- administrative documents, records of everything Unas- Pyramid texts for successful journeys in afterlife Tomb of official Ti-false door for Ka in serdab; officials tombs have many pictures of everyday projects; Ti the overseer of pyramids Unas left no hier, Teti took over, but killed in uprising/conspiracy D6 Pepi I-statues show him worshipping Autobiography of Weni- memoir of important official- general, judge (at trial of conspiracy against Teti) Didactic Lit Instruction of Hardjedef-advice for son and self; make worthy your station in the West Kagemni- moderation, modesty, manners; dont boast, let your name go forth while your mouth is silent;dont boast of strength, lest you be opposed Ptahotep- 37 maxims; no one is born wise D4-pyramids perfected, axis changed from N-S to E-W; rulers adopt Re in their name Snereferu- 3 pyramids: 1. finishes Hunis ; 2. Bent Pyramid with wife Hetepheress smaller pyramid beside it (the queen is not receiving); has satellite valley temple; 3. North/Red Pyramid-third times the charm Khufu- built Great Pyramid at Giza, new site for pyramids; workers village at Giza; air shafts in pyramids point toward stars; Khufus boat there Khafre- 2nd biggest pyramid, sphinx at valley temple; state with Horus behind nemes headdress Menkaure- youthful appearance, built granite pyramid

Pepi II-94 year reign, baby on moms lap D7- 70 kings, 70 days D8- kings only have rule over Memphis Collapse- low Nile, border troubles, breakdown in cult of king, local officials gain power FIP- Egypt divided; D9-D10-at Hierakleopolis, D11 at Thebes; was it chaos (classical view) or not too bad (Oxford)? Instructions of King Merikare- Choose a man on account of his skills Pessimistc Literature Prophecy of Nefertiti- ifset is everywhere; a king from the south will save EgyptAmenemhet I Dispute Between a Man and his Ba- dont die without your Ba Admonitions of Impuwer- ifset; Egypt will not be given over to sand! Ankhtifi biography at tomb: he saved Egypt from ifset, says he was a great nomarch

D11- still FIP, Theban Ascendency- THEBES! Other MK texts:Tale of Sinhue,The Eloquent Peasant (the vinter of evil waters); Rise of Amun Papyrus Bulaq describes court; Be a Scribe; The Shipwrecked Sailor Intefs and Mentuhoteps- saff tombs Senusret II-IIIs study abroad program: repress nomarchs Mentuhotep II conquers Herakleopolitan kings, reunifies Egypt; his mortuary Lahun- workers village complex has trees for Osiris; has Osiriform statue found by horse Buhen-fort Tomb of the Warriors at Deir el-Bahri Senusret I-throat-slitter of Asia Tomb of the official Meket-Re- contains many models of daily life Senusret II- Faiyum irrigation project Mentuhotep III- three new traditions: 1) Wadi-Hammamat- route to Red Sea/Punt; Senusret III- begins empty cenotaphs at Abydos: cult of Osiris; pathetic statutary; 2) temple pylons; 3) rock-cut tomb ruthless Mentuhotep IV- short rule; sees omens in desert; next in line: his vizier, Amenemhet Amenemhet II- treaties and trade I Execration texts list enemies D12-Middle Kingdom is period of great humanity; MK still has Old Kingdoms Amenemhet III-long and peaceful reign; sphinx statue; youthful appearance; buried Pyramid Economics; trade w/ Crete, Byblos, Syria-Palestine in labrynth Amenemhet I names capital Itjtawy: seizer of two lands; sends army into Nubia Amenemhet IV and D13 very weak; D13 is dark age Instruction of Amenemhet I- dont trust anybody >SIP-Great Humiliation; whereas FIP was internal collapse, SIP was external causes; Egypt divided in Avaris, Thebes, Kerma D15-Avaris(East Delta):ruled by Hyksos/Aamu-maintained cult of Seth; artifacts from Tell ed-Daba; mass exodus, not mass destruction at end Minoan frescos D16-D17-Thebes Father of Kamose upset over loud hippos; Kamose succeeds at expelling Hyksos; Ahmose actually succeeds; his mom: Aahotep Deir el-Ballas- SIP royal fort New Kingdom-Thebes cultural center; priesthood of Amun-Re becomes strong; even more democratization of afterlife//[THEBAN TOMB 320 (40); Amenhotep II-KV35 (he and 15)] Valley of the Kings- tombs and mummy caches; also was Valley of the Queens and Deir el-Bahri Theban festivals: 1)Opet Festival: bringing pharaoh to Amun-Re from Karnak to Luxor via boat, powers of Horus (living king) 2)Festival of the Valley-Amun-Re ferried to West, powers of Osiris, dead king Account of daily life of Egyptians found at tombs of nobles: Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings Coffin fragment with docket describing movement of mummies to Amenhotep IIs tomb Genetics problem: did inbreeding bring down D18? Study says no Nefertiti bust was altered Ahmose (same as above) reestablishes temples after SIP collapse: 1)Tempest Stele- rebuilding Theban temples; 2)Donation Stele-buys second priesthood of Amun for wife Deir el-Medina- wokers village for building tombs Thutmose I- short but very influential reign; kills Nubians; introduces Egypt to Syrian culture; added stuff to Karnak Amun Temple-AMUN!!! Thutmose II- weak reign, ruled with wife Hatshepsut, who continued to rule during Thutmose III; she took male and female roles, Daughter of Re; Hatshepsut (contd) also close with Amun-Re and Hathor; reoriented Karnak Temple towards Mut Temple and thus later Luxor temple Funerary complex at Deir el-Bahri, sphinxes line entrance; trade with Punt and at Mersa Gawais (cave with ship parts) Peaceful reign, focused on resource extraction and building Thutmose III- Napoleon of Egypt- builds empire in Syria-Palestine; booty from campaigns list on Annals- central area of Karnak Temple TIII- two texts in tomb: Littany of Re-asks Re to help in afterlife; Book of What is in the Underworld- map and spells for eternity Amenhotep II- lots of campaigning in Canaan and Nubia; borrows glass from Mitaanians; lots of foreign interaction Parity treaties-fair treaties; kings as brothers (below: esp. for officials) Thutmose IV- very active, many monuments; Dream or Sphinx Stele- sphinx is his father, gives him kingship; less emphasis on military, more on trade and exotica!!(tomb paintings) Amenhotep III- peace and prosperity, prelude to Armana Age; unparalleled architecture; possibly deified as sun god, The Dazzling Aten (anti-Amun?) Largest royal temple in Egypt, guarded by Colossi of Memnon w/ man-made lake for Queen Tiye; he entirely rebuilt Luxor!!! Amenhotep III married foreign princesses; foreign kings now brothers; vassals are sons Solarization continues-sun temples, etc.- abandon Re, Horus, Osiris, etc. in favor of Aten; scenes of royal family below Aten (as sun) Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten eliminates old belief system, closes temples; name means Effective for Aten Wife Nefertiti very prominent, aka Neferneferu-Aten Akhenaten builds Aten temple at Karnak; ..Talatat blocks used for easy construction, later recycled; changed name to Akhenaten; clesrestory architecture- let light through Akhet-Aten- see notes, kings bridge; bad life for non-elites Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Smenkhare (younger brother of Akhenaten), Tutankhaten were later seen as heretics, deleted from history Great Hymn to Aten very similar to Psalm 104 Tutankhamun- who is this guy??? One of his coffins may be Smenkhare; very short reign Restoration Stele of Tutankhamun- destroyed Egypt is restored Tomb of Maya, Tutankhamuns treasurer: multiple gods present once again; access to gods despite not royal Akensen-Amun, Tutankhamuns wife, asks Hittites for husband and king; guy is killed en route; she ends up marrying Ay KV62 Expedition-uncovering Tuts tomb and TONS of treasures Horemheb-commander-in-chief; sphinx-lined processionals at Karnak (towards Luxor) Ramesside Era (D19-D20) Ramesses I- Seth man from Avaris Seti I- another renaissance man; owner of KV17 and Abydos Temple to Osiris; finished by Ramesses II KV17-found by Belzoni-Patagonian Samson-full of underworld texts; incl. 4 Peoples of Mankind Hall of Records at Osiris Abydos temple has kings list (no SIP or Armana kings) Ramesses II-Ramesses the Great, had 95 kids; fought Hittites(huge battle): Lichteim 57 is epic account of battle, says Ramesses II won thanks to Atum; expanded into Syria Peace with Hittites in 1259: Ramesses II and Hittite king Hattushili III become bros Per-Ramesses: new capital city under RII at Qantir; industrial complex for materials and weapons Ramesses II altered Luxor temple- Out-colossaled(?) Amenhotep III w/ peristyle court, pylons, statues Mortuary complex: The Ramesseum; colossal statue fragments there inspiration for Shelleys Ozymandias Ramesses II also had temple in the South at Abu Simbel Lichtheim II about love; people do anything for love, no pharaoh mentioned Merneptah,1212-02, the 13th of Ramesses 50 sons Victory/Poetical Stela (Lichtheim 73), mostly re. Libyans, but also earliest, only mention of Israel in Egyptian texts Invasion of Sea Peoples towards end of D19; Ramesses stopped it, forced them to settle in Gaza region, become Peleset tribe aka Philistines/Palestine Ramesses III-The Last Great Pharoah- House of Millions of Years-Mortuary temple at Medinet Habu; big picture there of battle with sea peoples Decline Ramesses IV-XI, 1151-1070 loss of empire, rise of priesthood and oracles; their tombs were robbed by Egyptians at the time Dyn 21: Amun priests in Thebes; Pharaohs in Tanis control Lower Egypt Harris Papyrus from Ramesses IV- First recorded labor strike in world history Growing Amun priesthood and loss of arable land to it Harem Conspiracy Papyrustrials, punishments, fake names (Re-hates-him) Herihor the high priest of Amun replaces Ramesses IX: Amun priesthood rules Egypt Piankh sanctions looting of royal tombs; martial law Instruction of Amenemope (morality is more important than wealth) Instructions of Any- wisdom for the middle class Report of Wenamun-witness to the declining Egyptian fortunes during Ramesses XI; the long journey home; rise of market economy over command economy TIP D22-D24 (incl. Sheshonq) are Libyan, ruled from Delta; D25 (Nubian, 747-656); D26 (Saite) Persians dominate D27, D31-Cambysses Greek domination: Alexander of Macedoniaest. Alexandria; Ptolemy I becomes pharaoh; Ptolemaic kings until death of Cleopatra VII, daugter of Ptolemy XII

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