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Fold one corner down and detach the bottom

Unfold the corner and fold the other corner down

Unfold the second corner and fold in half

Fold the detached piece in half four times

Use the smallest fold as a guide to fold the main section in half

Stand the top fold up and flatten it out, forming new diagonal folds

Flip it over and repeat for the fold for the other side

Stand up one half of the top fold and flatten it

Fold the left side over on top of the right side

Stand up, flatten and fold over the other side

Flip the plane and do the same for the other side

Fold the right side of the top flap up to the center line

(side view) Repeat the same for the other side Lift the paper between these new flaps and fold the flaps under it Lift the new flap and fold it up to form a point and a horizontal crease Fold the new point under by inverting the new horizontal crease Lift under the crease, fold the top flaps together and crease it Pull out the right flap until it lines up with the new point

Fold in the overhanging edge to line it up with the horizontal crease

Repeat the last two steps on the left flap

Fold the right center point out as far as possible and crease it

Fold the bottom right flap over to line up with the new crease

Unfold and refold the flap inside of itself along the same crease

Repeat the last three steps on the left side of the plane

Unfold the two triangular flaps

Fold up the bottom of the right flap to line up with the crease

Fold in the point at the bottom of the new triangular flap and crease

Repeat the last two steps on the left side of the plane (side view)

Tuck the bottom of each wing under the top

Flip the plane over and fold the right tail flap up

(side view)

(side view) Fold in the inside corner of the right tail, crease it and unfold Repeat the last two steps on the left side of the plane Fold the plane in half and hold it in the center with one hand Fold down each half at the front of the wings, crease well and release Flatten the paper between the tail fins, keeping the crease centered Stand the tail fins up and make sure the wings are horizontal

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