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Where is our county

government leading us?
e Frederick County Board of County Commissioners is looking to make a decision to
privatize, aka outsource, our county government -- within weeks!
What would this privatization look like? We have between 532 and 1,032 employees
who might have their jobs outsourced. Potentially, this is the destruction of 25 percent to
50 percent or our county workforce. How many will be rehired by the contractors, and at
what level of pay and benets? What will this do to our neighbors and friends, their fami-
lies, and the downtown businesses and restaurants that benet from their patronage?
We need to stand up for our businesses and neighbors, and advocate against the
dismantling of our county government! Our county government is not broken,
its not broke, and this is a mistake.
What does this mean to you?
- Do vou iun a business in Fiedeiick Countv:
- Do vou access seivices in Fiedeiick Countv:
- Aie vou impioving voui piopeitv in Fiedeiick Countv: Peimits/inspections:
- Aie vou conceined about the ovei-all economv in Fiedeiick Countv:
- Do vou pav taxes in Fiedeiick Countv:
...if you do any of the above, then it means a lot. Its not too late to shout out that
we should NOT let this go through! Get involved!
Follow this issue in the local media. Call into Blaine Young's iadio show on WFMD and
let him know the county is NOT behind him on this. Question his motives. Respond with
comments on the Frederick News Post and the Gazette articles. Follow (like ) Stand Up
Frederick on Facebook. Youll nd lots of background information there!
Your voice matters. Act NOW.
Consider attending this public hearing at which Blaine Young, President of the Frederick
County Board of County Commissioners will speak:
MACo's Public Piivate Paitneiship Svmposium
July 12, 2011
8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
Baltimore County Center for Maryland
Agiicultuie and Faim Paik
1114 Shawan Road, Cockevsville, MD 21030
Registration Fee: FREE
Registration is Required (lunch is provided)
Today, Ive never seen anything like this, people
so angry, upset and scared about whats going
on from Frederick County...people are waking
up and the government better gure that out...
Kiibv Delautei, August 29, 2010

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