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Clash of the tabletop generals

By Lauren Farrow like grown-ups wanting to relive
In the Valley of the Feathered their youth, but member Michael
Serpent terror is brewing. Barnard argues otherwise.
Pirates attempting to pilfer hid- He said the social aspect of the
den treasure are being attacked by game, coupled with a love for his-
a fire-breathing dragon. A Mayan tory, can make it a lifelong passion.
priest has ripped the beating heart “The historical battles are inter-
from a man’s chest during a ritual esting because you are researching
sacrifice. the individual figures to paint them
At the centre stands Grant Tighe, accurately,” Michael said.
who holds the fate of many of these “You are researching the char-
men in his hands. acters of the generals involved and
But he says he is no warmonger. what they wore,” he said.
As a member of the Cumberland “And then you are trying to repro-
Society, Grant and a dozen of his duce it within a ‘what if’ scenario.”
comrades battle it out at Annandale The Cumberland Society meets
Neighbourhood each month using on the second Sunday of each month
miniature figures. from 9am to 5pm at Annandale
Here scenes from the Napoleonic Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston
Wars to the destruction of World Street. Phone 9660 2828.
War II are recreated. Only this time,
a roll of the dice and rule books de- Strategic thinking . . . a member of
termine the outcome of mighty bat- the Cumberland Society manoeuvres
tles. a figure as pirates storm the Valley of
To an outsider this might seem the Feathered Serpent.

16 Village Voice Balmain September

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