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Multimedia And Application Development Lab Programs List

1. Assigning Actions to an Object, and a Button. 2. Creating Loops. 3. Generating Ramdom Numbers 4. creating a Function, calling a Function. 5. Detecting the Player Version. 6. Detecting the Operating System. 7. Checking the System Language. 8. Detecting Display Settings 9. Tinting a Movie Clips Color. 10 Controlling a Movie Clips Color with Sliders. 11.Drawing a Circle. 12.Drawing a Rectangle. 13 Filling a Shape with a Gradient. 14.Scripting Masks. 15.Converting Angle Measurements. 16.Calculating the Distance Between the Two Points. 17 .Formating Currency Amount. 18. Converting Between Units of Measurement. 19. Determining points Along a Circle. 20. Sorting or Reversing an Array. 21.Implementing a Custom sort. 22.Creating a Text Field. 23. Making a Password Inputfield.

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