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o To discover the importance of communicating with God through prayer. o To memorize by heart the basic prayers.

What is prayer? Why do we pray? How do we pray?

WHAT IS PRAYER? BIBLICAL FOUNDATION OF PRAYER 2 Chronicles 7:14 oPrayer is an act of humble worship in which we seek God with all our heart. Psalm 38:15-18; 1 John 1:9 oPrayer often begins with a confession of sin. 1 Samuel 14:36-45; 2 Samuel 5:17-19 oPrayer is asking God for guidance and waiting for his direction and leading.

Mark 1:35 oPrayer is an expression of an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father, who makes his own love and resources available to us. Psalm 9:1-2
o Through prayer we praise our mighty God.

Does the Bible teach a right way to pray? Nehemiah 1:4-11

o Throughout the Bible effective prayer includes elements of adoration, confession, and Commitment, as well as requests.

Matthew 6:5-13
o Jesus taught his disciples that prayer is an intimate relationship with the Father that includes a dependency for daily needs, commitment to obedience, and forgiveness of sin.

Luke 18:1-8 o Prayer is to be consistent and persistent.

Nehemiah 2:4
o Prayer can be spontaneous. DOES GOD ALWAYS ANSWER PRAYER?

James 5:13-18; 1 John 5:14-15

o We can be confident of God s response to our prayer when we submit first to his will.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 o Sometimes, like Paul, we will find that God answers prayer by giving us not what we ask for but something better.

Exodus 14:15
oOur prayer must be accompanied by a willingness to obey with our actions.

: 1 Peter 3:12
oPromise from God


PRAYER Is an act of worship Confession of sin Asking for guidance Expression of an intimate relationship

Prayer - Elevation of soul to God God comes to encounter the soul Then there is stablished: a personal and living relationship of the sons of God with the Father with the son Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit.

There exists a universal call to prayer. By means of creation and from nothingness God calls all to being. Man conserves the desire of the One who has called him to existence. All religions give testimony of this desire of God.

MODELS OF PRAYER Abraham is a model of prayer because he walks in the presence of the Lord, he listens and obeys him. His prayer is a struggle of faith. Even in times of trial he keeps believing that God is faithful. Abraham dares trustingly to intercede for sinners.

The prayer of Moses is a model of contemplative prayer. He frequently converses with God face to face. Intercedes with tenacity in favor of his people. His prayer prefigures that of Christ Jesus.

In the shadow of Gods dwelling: The Ark of God and much later, the Temple. The prayer of the People of God was developed, under the guidance of their pastors. David, king and pastor who prays for his people. His prayer is adhesion to full and divine promise of trust and love to the Lord.

Prophets draw light and strength from prayer. Enter into great intimacy with God and intercede for the brothers. They announce to them whatever they have seen and heard from the Lord Elijah is the father of prophets. The people return to their faith, thanks to his intervention in Mount Carmel.

The Psalms are the vertex of prayer in the Old Testament. The Word of God becomes the prayer of man. Psalms sing the marvels of God in Creation and in the History of Salvation.

The Psalms are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Christ has prayed with the Psalms and has brought them to completion. They remain essential and permanent element of the prayer of the Church.

In conformity to his heart that is human, Jesus learned to pray from his mother. From the Jewish tradition. But his prayer springs from a more hidden fountain. Being the son of God, he addresses perfect filial prayer to the Father.

The Gospel presents Jesus in frequent prayer. We see him retire in solitude, preferably at night. He prays before decisive moments of his mission or those of his apostles. The whole life of Jesus is prayer, since he is in constant communion of love with the Father.

The prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane and his last words on the cross reveal the deepening of his filial prayer. Jesus brought to completion the loving plan of the Father. He takes unto himself all the affliction of humanity. All the supplications and intercessions of the history of Salvation.

He presents all to the Father who listens and accepts them. Far beyond all hope he resurrects him from among the dead.

Jesus teaches us to pray with the Our Father and when he himself prays. Aside from the content, he shows the dispositions to pray: Purity of heart Search for the kingdom Pardon of enemies Daring and filial trust Vigilance.

Our prayer is effective because it is united by means of faith to the prayer of Jesus. Jesus. In Him Christian prayer becomes communion of love with the Father. Father. We can present our petitions to God and are heard. heard.

The prayer of Mary is Characterized by her faith. By the generous offering of her entire being to God. Mary is the new Eve, the mother of all the living.
She asks Jesus, her Son, for all the needs of humankind.

Her intercession at Cana in Galilee. The Magnificat, Canticle of the Mother of God and of the Church. Act of joyful gratitude. Rises from the heart of the poor. Her hope is realized in the fulfillment of the divine promises.

The book of the Acts of the Apostles tells us: That the faithful of the first community of Jerusalem, educated by the Holy Spirit: Listened to the teachings of the Apostles. Lived in communion, celebrated the breaking of bread and had prayers.

The Holy Spirit, interior Teacher of Christian prayer. He educates the Church in the life of prayer. Leads her to contemplation. In union with the unfathomable mysteryof Christ.

The essential forms of prayer are:

Blessing and adoration Prayer of petition and Intercession Acts of thanksgiving and praise.
The Eucharist contains and expresses all these forms of prayer.

Blessing is the grateful response to the gifts of God. We bless the Almighty. Who blesses us first and fills us with His gifts.

To adore is to prostrate oneself as creature before the Creator, who is three times holy.

Prayer of petition can adopt diverse forms: Prayer for forgiveness. Humble and trusting prayer for our spiritual and material needs. But the first reality we ought to desire is the coming of the Kingdom of God.

Intercession consists in asking favor for the other. This unites and conforms us to the prayer of Jesus, who intercedes for us before the Father. Jesus intercedes especially for sinners. Intercession should be extended also to the enemies.

The Church gives thanks to God incessantly. Especially in the Eucharist.

Christ makes the Church participant of this thanksgiving to the Father. All event is converted into Motive of thanksgiving for the Christian.

Praise is the form of prayer that in a way directly recognizes that: God is God

It is totally disinterested. It sings to God as Himself and gives Him glory for what He is.


What is Prayer?

It is lifting of our hearts and mind to God. A conversation of love. It is a heart to heart talk with God who is love and who loves us. It is talking to God with respect and love.

In prayer, we lift our hearts and minds to God to:

-praise Him
-thank Him for his benefits -ask his forgiveness -beg Him all the graces we need.


A man without prayer is like a tree without roots. St. Augustine

It is the blood-life of our community of faith. Through prayer we become effective in our Intra, Inter, and Societal relationship and in our mission

REASONS WHY WE SHOULD PRAY We must pray because God commands it and because both our eternal and our temporal good depend on prayer. Prayer is necessary for salvation. Without prayer, no one having the use of reason can be saved.

The importance of prayer in our eternal salvation was emphasized by St. Aphonsus Liguori when he said: All the Saints in heaven reached heaven because they prayed: all the demand in hell were lost because they did not pray We ought always to pray. (Lk. 18:1)


1. Blessings 2. Adoration 3. Petition 4. Intercession 5. Thanksgiving 6. Praise


1. Vocal Prayer 2. Meditation 3. Silent Prayer 4. Prayer of the Heart


ENEMIES of Prayer 1. Distraction 2. Spiritual Dryness 3. Worldly Occupation 4. Discouragement
TEACHERS of Prayers

1. Abel 2. Noah 3. Abraham 4. Isaac 5. Moses 6. Jacob 7. David 8. Solomon 9. Mary 10.Jesus Christ

In order to pray well We should think that we are in the presence of God. We need His mercy and assistance. We should also keep untoward bearing proper to one who seek help before Gods infinite mercy.

How do we pray?

The Our Father

The best of all prayers. It contains seven petitions. In the first petitions, we pray that God may be known, adored and obeyed on the earth as He is in heaven.

In the last four petitions, we ask God for the food of our body and soul, and the pardon of our sins, strength in temptation, and protection against evil. When we say Hallowed be thy name, we pray that God may be known, loved and served by all His creatures.

When we say Thy Kingdom come, we pray that God may come and reign in the hearts of all by His grace in this world, that the church may spread all over the world and bring us all hereafter to Gods heavenly kingdom.

When we say Give us this day our daily bread, we pray that God may give us daily all that we need for the sustenance of our soul and body. When we say Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, we pray that God may forgive us our sins, as we forgive others the injuries they do to us.

When we say lead us not into temptations, we pray that God may give us grace to overcome the temptations to sin which comes to us from the world, the flesh, and the devil. When we say Deliver us from evil, we pray that God may free us from all harm, both of soul and body.

It is the public and official prayer of the church, the Mystical Body of Christ. It is the outstanding means whereby the priest together with the faithful express in their lives and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.

It is considered as the exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. In the liturgy the whole public worship is performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the Head and its members.

Liturgical Seasons

It is divided into the season of Advent, the Christmas season, the season of Lent, the Easter Triduum, the Easter season, and the Ordinary time.

Advent - season which celebrates the coming of God s kingdom in Christ.

Two Distinct Parts First Sunday (Dec. 16) Contemplation of Christ Second Coming on her pilgrim way, the church awaits and looks forward in joy to the return of her Lord Savior. Dec. 17-24- Liturgical text are more directly concerned with the immediate preparation for the Christmas feasts.

Lent- It is a season that commemorates the forty days that Christ spent fasting and praying in the desert He began his public life. Ash Wednesdaythe beginning of Lent. It is called Ash Wednesday because on that day the priest places ashes in the form of a cross on the foreheads of the faithful.

Easter Season- a period of 50

days from the Easter Sunday to Pentecost, to celebrate and rejoice at Christ victory over the sin and death, and at His promises of our final resurrection and everlasting life in heaven. Pentecost- Honors the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is the birthday of the Church.

Ordinary Time Period from Epiphany of Lent, beginning after the feast of the Lords Baptism up to Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.

WE KNOW WE ARE GROWING IN PRAYER WHEN: 1. We manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit describe by St. Paul, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, ENDURANCE, KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, FAITH (Gal. 5: 22-24) 2. We are filled with love for God and man. 3. We achieve union of hearts and minds. 4. We live a simple lifestyle. 5. We are community for others, sharing what we are and what we have.


1. bitterness, discontent, resentment, critical attitude, hostility and jealousy. 2. Prevailing atmosphere of discord, turmoil, disunity, luxury and selfishness.

Assignments: (Quiz next mtg. A. MEMORIZE COMMON PRAYERS The Lord s Prayer Angelus Hail Mary Glory be The Apostles Creed Holy Rosary B. Study PRAYER Definition of Prayer, importance ways etc

REPORTING ( Ref. Student Handbook)

LCUP FOUNDATIONAL STATEMENTS TOPIC REPORTER a. Educational philosophy - Mr. Aranzo b. Vision - Ms. Armado c. Mission - Ms. Avendano d. General Goals - Ms. Bassig e. LCUP CORE VALUES - Mr. Kabuhat COLLEGE OF COMMERCE a. Vision Statement - Ms. Karipal b. Mission Statement - Ms. Cruz Ana Luisa c. Goals - Mr. Cruz Mendelson

Foundational Statements:
ASOLC Charism service to the needs of the poor Vision In solidarity with our people especially the poor and the whole of God s creation.

Mission to participates in the development of the whole person in the transformation of society Mo. Rita Barcel service and concern for others through involvement in the outreach program of the school. Life of St. Augustine the works of monks

CHARISM Greek word CHARISMA English Dictionary

Charm, personality, appeal, magnetisms, allure, attractiveness Free gift of grace Theological Dictionary It is a supernatural gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit for building up the body of Christ A Charism is a gift which has it source in the Charis-grace or favor of God and which is destined for the common good (1 cor. 12:7

COMPASSION sympathy: sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help. Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Vision revelation, prophecy, dream, hallucination, apparition concept, idea, mental picture, image, visualization Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Mission 1assigned task: a special task given to a person or group to carry out 2. calling: an objective or task that somebody believes it is his or her duty to carry out or to which he or she attaches special importance and devotes special care Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PHILOSOPHY 1. examination of basic concepts: the branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the systematic examination of basic concepts such as truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom 2. school of thought: a particular system of thought or doctrine.

3. guiding or underlying principles: a set of basic principles or concepts underlying a particular sphere of knowledge 4. set of beliefs or aims: a precept, or set of precepts, beliefs, principles, or aims, underlying somebody's practice or conduct


We, Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolacion (ASOCL) are called to incarnate WITH LIVING FAITH, the COMPASSIONATE CHRIST Christ in a COMMUNITY OF FRIENDS and in HUMBLE, ENDURING SERVICE to the needs of the church especially the POOR through EVANGELIZATION.

Vision-Mission Statement Moved by the Spirit of the Risen Christ, the ASOLC as a community of women disciples, envision themselves to become prophetic witnesses by their life of action-contemplation. In solidarity with Filipino people, especially the poor; ASOLC commit themselves to Christ and His mission through evangelization that will effect personal-communal conversion for the transformation of the world and integrity of creation towards the realization of the Reign of God

OSA Philosophy of Education

We, the ASOLC imbued with the Augustinian Spirituality and compassion of Mother Rita, believe in the inherent dignity of the human person as a child of God. She/he has the potential and capacity to attain fullness of life (John 10:10). As a social being, she/he is responsible for individual and communal growth and development. Our country is blessed with rich human and material resources.

Yet, we live in a society characterized by such forms of evil that destroy man; foreign domination, inequalities, unjust and oppressive structures, economic and political instability, ecological imbalance and degradation of values as results of man s sinful nature. We, therefore, envision a sovereign, democratic, nationalist and prosperous society where TRUTH, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, LOVE AND PEACE reign.

In response to these situations, the NEW CALL challenges us to commit ourselves with courage and determination to the formation and development of the self-reliant and nationalist Filipino imbued with Christian values. we bind ourselves to: - further strengthen our apostolic religious communities; - provide a liberating Christian and nationalist education; and

- provides other direct services that will contribute to the empowerment of the poor in the larger community.

In our restless search for God s kingdom, we collectively participate with our coapostles and commit ourselves to Christ through the intensification of our community life and maximization of manpower, resources, services and opportunities at the service of the people, especially the poor, in order to bring about SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION


Why Religion is Core of the Curriculum?

Because the formation of the Catholic Christian person, who is called to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ ( live out his/her Kingly, Priestly and Prophetic function) is a TASK and CHALLENGE to Catholic schools and their formatorseducators.

Priestly Kingly

- to sanctify ( prayer life) - to rule or administer ( to serve not to be served) Prophetic - to preach and to proclaim the truth (announce and denounce)

Make disciples of all nations Teaching them to carry out everything I have commanded you

Matt 28:19-20

In the light of Jesus COMMISSION to preach the Gospel to all nations and the Charism, VisionMission of the congregation of the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolacion (ASOLC), and the Church Magisterium, Religious Education is envisioned to embrace five basic characteristics:


1. Scripture-based - Biblically based Spirituality 2. Integrated - Doctrine, Worship, Moral ( 3 Dimension of Christian Faith) 2. Contextualized - in the Church of the Poor 3. Augustinian - Action - contemplation 4. Nationalist - Maka-Filipino
A Disciple of Jesus Christ

Maka - Diyos ,

Maka - tao,



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