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Working Definition of Christian Discipleship - Draft Reference Acts 2:42-47 Disciples of Christ are passionately committed to becoming more

like Christ by devoting themselves to:       Biblical teaching and applying Biblical truths to daily living Prayer (personal and corporate) Compassionate services Evangelism Regular congregating in corporate worship services Christian fellowship

What are we doing to teach/train/model/encourage/hold accountable believers as disciples in the areas of their devotion to the word, prayer, fellowship, compassion, evangelism and worship? Then move to asking what should be added or handled differently. y The Word: Pastor has given suggested readings, year in the Bible, etc. here and there to lead people; he preaches from the word; kids ministry has memorization as important expectation y Prayer: Prayer cards, prayer in services, Rons recent prayer time Sunday mornings y Fellowship: Sunday mornings, small groups, planned gatherings small groups dont have much accountability and may not have much depth y Compassion: Balhorns tutoring program, Operation Christmas Child, Mexico missions, youth trips y Evangelism: Survivor VBS, Bethlehem Village, Wednesday nights for kids y Worship: Strong worship times on Sunday mornings

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