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July 13, 2011 Mr. Larry Suffredin Cook County Commissioner, 13th District 820 Davis St., Suite 104 Evanston, IL 60201 Dear Commissioner Suffredin, Skokie Voice was established as a residents association in 2010 with the primary goal of improving communication between Skokie residents and Village officials on matters of importance to the community. This letter and attached petition are to express Skokie residents concern over the ongoing state of disrepair of Crawford Avenue. This main thoroughfare traverses the Village and is under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Highway Department for 3+ miles from Jarvis Street (7400N) to Golf Road (9600N). Village of Skokie officials acknowledge that Crawford Avenue is in the worst shape of any main thoroughfare in the Village and have thus encouraged residents to contact you about expediting repairs and improvements including but not limited to repaving and installation of sufficient lighting. Timely followthrough on this matter is necessary to protect the safety of all those who travel, reside and/or walk on Crawford Avenue in Skokie. We appreciate that the county has recently done emergency patch repairs on Crawford. However unsafe conditions on the thoroughfare as a whole remain and should be addressed with dispatch in a comprehensive manner. We therefore respectfully submit the attached petition to you, signed by 250 Skokie residents in May, June and July in support of the statement: We, the undersigned Skokie residents, call on Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin (13th District) to expedite repairs and improvements, including but not limited to repaving and installation of sufficient lighting, by the Cook County Highway Department to Crawford Avenue from Jarvis Street to Golf Road in Skokie. The current state of disrepair endangers the safety of those who travel, walk and reside on Crawford Avenue. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to your reply, which we will post on our website along with this correspondence. Sincerely, Lisa Lipin, Chair
Cc: Village Manager Al Rigoni Mayor George Van Dusen

Board of Directors
Lisa Lipin Board of oidfj Deborah Arnold
Vice chair Secretary Chair

Brian Novak Eugene Salganik


Bonnie Fell


Jeffrey Burman Gary Dolinko Roberta Dubrow Marda Dunsky Liliana Fargo Sheila Gross Zariab Irfan Cindy Gonzalez Latin Sam Lewis Barry Lipin Julie Naumiak Susan Perdomo Seymour Schwartz Babu Varma

Skokie Voice P.O. Box 4618 Skokie, IL 60076

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