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Week 2 Day 3

Aligning with the Big Picture Today:

The students will learn today the 8 different ways of being "smart" in Gardner's paradigm of thinking about intelligence. These are the intelligences that they will embed in the games as they design them.

Objectives and Road Blocks:

Students understand the 8 different ways that they can be intelligent and the different ways that it could be used in society

Materials & Equipment:

Journals PowerPoint on MI theory Presentation Equipment Whiteboards (optional)

Some of the intelligences are so new to their thinking that they may struggle to understand how they into one of the categories.

Management Check:
Think/pair/share procedure maintained Respect during direct instruction from students Students need time to share out what they are thinking

Habits of Mind:
Thinking Flexibly

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action
Warm-up Activity: In your own words, compare and contrast Gardner's view of intelligence and also the historical view of inteliigence

Student Action
Students write down their responses in their journals. When they are nished they will share with a partner and share out with the group.

10/50 40/50

Work through the 8 different Students write down notes in ways of being smart. There are journals or on the lines next to questions on each slide that the powerpoint handout are great to go on whiteboards

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action
Direct students to rank the intelligences in the order that they think they possess. Direct the students to explain their reasoning. Direct students to share out in the group. Before the students leave tell the students tomorrow they will discover ways that they can test for the intelligences. N/A

Student Action
Students rank the intelligences in their journal.

45/50 50/50

Students share out in the group.

Students will design a survey that other students will take to determine what intelligences they possess.

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