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Thursday, 16 June 2011


Australias small and medium sized manufacturers can improve their management and green-up their production by partnering with the Gillard Labor Government through the new Enterprise Connect Making Better Managers program. The program is part of the Governments Clean 21: the Future of Manufacturing strategy, which is helping Australian manufacturers reduce pollution, increase innovation and create sustainable high-wage, high-skill jobs for Australians. Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr said good management was vital to a companys performance and the Government was committed to helping our manufacturers build strong managers who can lead change so our industries can transform and thrive in a low-carbon economy. Under the Making Better Managers program, the Government is providing Australian businesses a range of services that will help them lift their skills base and improve their general management so they can grow and embrace change, Senator Carr said. The services include development courses, workshops and seminars, coaching and networking support, strategic business reviews and market intelligence. Senator Carr said there were four main components to the Making Better Managers program. Leadership 21 is a development course which helps CEOs and business owners better their leadership skills by focussing on basic management theory and individual business reviews. The Design Integration Project will help managers integrate design into their internal processes including the design and development of their products. The Continuous Improvement Program is a three-year change management program that helps businesses build a culture of continuous improvement. Through Workshops, Industry Intelligence and Networking, Enterprise Connect will run a series of sessions on topics such as eco-efficiency and product lifecycle management. Enterprise Connect is the Australian Governments $50 million a year business assistance program. For more information on Enterprise Connect and the Better Managers Program, visit or phone 131 791. Information on the Governments support for industry is at Media contacts: Aban Contractor, Minister's Office, 0457 989 842 Karen Redshaw, Enterprise Connect, 0411 657 640

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