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Set - I ------1) Create a table "Accounts Details" with the column Account No - should not allow null values,must

be unique Account Holder Name Account Type 2) Create a table "Accounts Transaction" with the column Account No - should not allow null values, refered with the col. Account s Details.Account No No. Of Transaction Balance Amount 3) Select the Account no, Account Holder name who have the maximum balance amoun t 4) Select Account no, Account Holder name, Balance Amount 5) While inserting into Accounts Transaction, check whether Balance Amount is gr eater than 1000 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Insert the row with the condition(Deptno=50) Update the max of salary of emp table to the salary for the empname jones delete the rows who have the min sal of jones sal Merge commit rollback savepoint

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