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WHO WE ARE & WHY WE ARE HERE We are all equal eternal sovereign creator beings, that exist

outside of this universe. We are capable of creating our own universes, outside of this one, where countless others exist. This universe itself is created from the consciousness of a single being, using 'light', a waveform, as a template. We came here, into this being's universe, to learn about 'light' so we can use it to construct our own universes because previously we have used different templates. ABOUT THIS UNIVERSE All matter is created from conscious 'light' energy. It takes the form of waves of different frequencies. This range of frequencies creates a hierarchy of different 'dimensional levels' or 'planes' which exist in the same space. The senses of the inhabitants of these dimensions are usually limited so they can only perceive the one they are within. OUR JOURNEY In order to learn about 'light' we have extended our awareness down through the different dimensions to the lowest one, where we are now. Each step down has taken us further from our origin, into lower frequencies and denser matter, introducing more distortions to our understanding of our true nature. In each dimension we manifest an appropriate 'body' or vehicle for our awareness. THIS DIMENSION We came to this dimension, from the one above, by being 'born' or 'incarnated' into a 'human body'. As part of this process we chose to forget our true nature, as creator beings, so we could experience 'fear' and other negative emotions which cannot manifest without feelings of limitation and vulnerability. When your body dies you return to the dimension above. OUR CHALLENGE We are here to learn about living in a 'light' universe. To learn it is necessary to have experiences from which to learn. We have arranged for a group of beings to give us very challenging experiences until we have learnt enough. The test of whether we have learnt enough is for us to realise our true nature despite these beings trying to hide it from us. We keep returning to this dimension, reincarnating, until we pass this test and balance our energies. This means we have to accept and balance both aspects of our nature, the light and the dark, both sides of duality. OUR WORLD The beings that hide our true nature from us are very good at what they do. They have controlled our society for thousands of years, making sure that our true nature remains hidden from us. There are many ways that they do this: * Hide true knowledge - They hide true knowledge in all areas, including science, and provide people with a distorted version through false education and by rewriting history books. Since they know the truth they can ensure that they always have an advantage in what they do. They use their knowledge to create and control all the governments and organisations with power and therefore all the worlds resources. * Divide & conquer - They constantly create artificial divisions, such as religion and class, which they manipulate us into focusing on. This means that we are always fighting each other and cannot get together, recognise what they are doing and stop them. They often create conflicts in this way, such as wars, by influencing both sides. * Illusions of choice - They allow us to experience the illusion of having choices. An example is allowing people to vote for 'different' groups, yet secretly all the groups are controlled by them. They sometimes create groups which appear to 'rebel' against what they are doing, yet they control and limit them to ensure they do no real damage to their plans (this is called 'manufactured dissent'). * Problem, Reaction, Solution - In order to do things that the people would not like, they first create a problem and blame it on someone else. They then publicise this problem so people worry about it and then ask the 'authorities' to do something about it. The solution they offer is the action that they really wanted to take all along, something that the people would have objected to before the existence of the problem they created.

There does not always have to be a real problem, just creating the perception that there is one is often enough. This is done through the media which they control. * Religion - Religion teaches that you are part of, or were created by an external 'God'. It also teaches that you are inferior and need to improve yourself in order to be worthy or to be saved. Since you are an expression of a being which is a creator outside of this universe, none of this is true, it stops you from passing the test of realising your true nature. * New Age Movement For people who see through the traditional religions, they have created the New Age movement which seeks to control individuals by attracting them with the promise of personal empowerment and liberation. Many of the New Age movements ideas are based on 'channelled' information which which has been 'telepathically' transmitted from what claim to be higher-spiritual beings or ascended masters. In reality these beings are part of the false-light spiritual hierarchy that exists in the next dimension. They do give a lot of true information so that it feels-right to people, however there is always a twist in the information that ensures that really they are giving their power away, rather than truly being empowered. Often this twist is to encourage the individual to accept the authority of another being, or to get then to use another beings energy or power, rather than their own inner-light. All of these things help turn our lives into a complicated drama, the distraction of which serves to stop us from seeing through the deceptions engineered into our society and discovering our true nature. THE INTERDIMENSIONALS The group that control our society are in contact and work with beings from this dimension and the dimension above, what we would consider extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional beings. Unfortunately whilst there are many positive beings out there, the groups they are in contact with are mainly negative and seek to control the human race. They do this for a number of reasons, it is their job, and some of the entities within their groups need to feed off our emotional energy, mainly the negative energy. They also seek to collect and study our DNA since it is composed of a combination of many different extraterrestrial races DNA, specifically engineered to allow beings with very diverse energies to incarnate into earthly bodies. Through their superior technology and understanding of the true nature of reality, as well as psychic possession, they manipulate and control the earthly controlling group, the ruling elite. The ruling elite worship them, usually in a satanic manner since this creates the negative energy that these beings need. In return the ruling elite are given access to advanced technology which they can use to rule and control society in such a way that it benefits both the ruling elite and their controllers. These inter-dimensional controllers are beings of the false-light, they broadcast love and light, but it is conditional love, which they give only whilst you do what they want. They sometimes appear as angelic like beings because over a long time they have evolved and engineered angel like bodies that help them to deceive others. Some of them have focused on advanced technology, but by using these external devices rather than uncovering their own true nature they have lost contact with their heart-energies. The dimension above this one is very large and within this they have constructed their own version of reality, with multiple sub-dimensions which contain their own false-light spiritual hierarchy. They use this to trap and control beings who manage to move beyond this dimension, but which still do not understand their own true nature. They are also able to create limited 'holographic' false alternate realities, such as 'agartha' a community within the 'hollow earth'. At the higher levels of this false hierarchy are what are called 'group minds' or 'soul complexes' which consist of the the energetic patterns of many beings, which are often controlled themselves. OUR POWER As we stepped down through the dimensions and as our understanding of our true nature diminished so did our ability to use our creative power. Outside of this universe we have the power to create our own universes and in some higher dimensions we can change our own appearance and manifest objects at will. In this lower dimension our creative power is hidden and does not manifest directly in the physical. Our mental energy affects everything around us, though we do not realise it. If several people work together the effect is more powerful and covers a larger area. It has been shown that groups of people meditating on creating peaceful energy actually reduce the amount of violence occurring in the local area around them.

THE FUTURE It is very likely that these inter-dimensional beings will appear on Earth in the coming years to 'help' or 'save' humanity from our 'violent nature' and changes that the Earth is going through. However they engineered our society to be violent, through their control of the ruling elite, so that they could appear as our saviours at this time which they knew was coming. Their true agenda is to maintain their control over humanity since our genetics are a valuable commodity to them and because they need our energy. They will offer amazing technology and to helps some of us 'ascend' to a higher dimension and to take some of us off the Earth in spaceships or via artificial portals or star-gates, so that we are not killed by Earth changes. In doing so they will divert some of us from the path of realising our true nature and 'ascending' or returning to where we came from, a dimension higher than the one they live in, and from eventually leaving this universe. Those who are not lured by their tricks and stay on Earth will experience the opening of a natural doorway or portal to the higher dimension which we will simply walk through. Sometime after this the Earth, which is itself a conscious being, a manifestation of the female aspect of the universal being will ascend by turning into a body of light, a star. In the higher dimension where we will have gone, it will still be a planet. The Sun which we then be the second star in the solar-system is a manifestation of the male aspect of the universal consciousness. Your Heart Compass In the higher dimension where we are destined to go we will progress beyond the divided 'chakra body' of the dimension above, to a body with a single energetic centre positioned where our thymus is, then beyond that to a pure energy form. In order to navigate your path through this world, don't rely on what others tell you, use your Heart to feeling into things, to find your own truth. Ask yourself 'Does this feel right in my Heart'. This is called Heart-felt discernment. Let it be your guide.

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