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1) Some scholars while exploring the Forest of America discovered some buildings that were in ruins. These buildings were 1... Ruined by encroaching forests. They were reminds of a 2 civilization. The scholars got interested. They excavated more and discovered 3 their atmost surprised. The remains of a flourishing civilization the Mayas 4 they named it. Thus, it was in 5.. 19 th century that the new civilization were 6. The scholars believed that the mayam must have 7 the descendants of ancient Egyptians. The fact remains that even today the mayam culture in one of 8.. Most Fashionating are ancient civilization. This civilization was situated in the 9 of Middle America. It covered an area equivalent to that of France 10 spread across some part of Mexico. The buildings to tell us about the technological advances they had acclaimed. OPTIONS: 1. Reasonably, Surely, Apparently, Perfectly. 2. Great, New, Old, Ordinary. 3. At, For, By, To. 4. When, Why, Then, As. 5. The, A, An, At. 6. Unearthed, Unmatched, Surprised, Unparallel. 7. Been, Become, Being, Seen. 8. A, Several, The, Many. 9. Head, Tail, Body, Heart. 10. Yet, But, But also, And.


Embroidery is the 1 of any material with pattern or 2 done with a needle. The Romans called it needle painting. In India each region developed a 3. Of its own. In the state of Himachal Pradesh, the embroidery has a 4 charm and is deeply rooted in the Pahare Culture from which it has 5 its designs, colour combination technique. Embroidery is essentially product of the landscape and is for, as 6 in its richness and beauty as 7.. is in have manifold representation. It is difficult to 8.... The history of pahare embroidery because cloth is a 9 material. From the available specimen, it can be 10.. that the inhabitance of picture is Himachal Pradesh practice with its 11. Till the First decade of the 20th century.

OPTIONS: 1. Art, Threading, Knitting. 2. Structure, Pictures, Moulds. 3. Design, Style, System. 4. Special, Distinctive, Different. 5. Received, Delivered, Deen. 6. Cultured, Matured, Varied. 7. Culture, Nature, Heritage. 8. Follow, Read, Trace. 9. Knitted, Spined, Perishable. 10. Summarized, Serviced, Found. 11. Skill, Style, Craft. 3. Fashion is dictated . Necessities. So it imprettive .. a working woman being comfortable. A woman job demands that she do more leg work for example a reporter, a sales girl, a social worker cannot dressed . In fair fabrics (or) in delicate attaive. She must .. Clothes that are less liable wear, tear and . by heat dust and sweat. Sarees and suits with fancy shorts are avoided in .. Cases.

1. By, With, Of, At. 2. Became, Is, May be, Can be. 3. That, In, To, From. 4. Here, Whose, Whom, Who. 5. Her, Oneself, Herself, The. 6. Chosen, Choose, Chooses, Choosing. 7. To, For, By, From 8. Affected, Effected, Affects, Effects. 9. May, Should, Can, Would. 10. Such, Several, All, Few.

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