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List of Parasites - The Common Parasites that Affect the Human Body

As you probably know, parasites are organisms that need a host in order to survive. Parasites cant produce their own food and only feeds off from the nutrients they can get from their host. And when the host is a human body, the result would be the destruction of cells and tissues. Basically, there are two types of human parasite. The first ones are the protozoa and amoebae. These are microscopic organisms that are usually spread by contaminated food, water, air, animal and human contact and insect bites. The second ones are the parasitic worms and flukes. These larger organisms are usually acquired by humans when they eat contaminated food, especially meat. So here is a partial list of parasites that are usually seen inside the human body. 1. Cryptosporidium is a single-cell protozoa that affects the digestive track and can cause gastrointestinal problems. 2. Giardia Lamblia is one of the most common cases of parasitic infection. Depositing itself in the intestine, its spread is through fecal contamination and through water. 3. Entamoeba Histolytica is known for producing amebiasis (or amoebiasis). Its the second leading cause of death by protozoa parasites after malaria. 4. Toxoplasma Gondii is perhaps the most common human parasite and is likely to invade the central nervous system. 5. Roundworms are one of the most common human parasites. Its eggs are usually found it vegetables and fruits and people get infected when they ingest these food. 6. Pinworms usually stay in the colon. However, it spreads by laying its eggs outside its hosts body. Pinworms can spread through dirty hands and even clothes. 7. Tapeworms are more common in animals like dog and cats, although it can also affect the human body. It dwells in the human intestine and steals nutrients while releasing harmful waste. 8. Liver Fluke is called as such because it actually attacks the liver. It can stay inside its host for approximately 30 years. It is usually ingested through eating raw or undercooked fish and other contaminated food. 9. Hookworms, is the flesh eating type of parasite. It drinks blood from the human intestine and actually has small teeth that are used for feeding.

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