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Introduction to Arti cial Intelligence

Linda MacPhee-Cobb,


0.1 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3

1 Neurology and Machine Learning 2 Searching

1.1 Some neurology that is related to arti cial intelligence . . . . . .


2.1 Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1.1 GUI Java Search Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 Games and Game Theory 4 Misc. AI

3.1 Game Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.2 Intelligent games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.1 AI Language, speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Hidden Markov Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Fuzzy Stu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Evolutionary AI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Computer Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Turing Machines, State Machines and Finite State Automaton 4.6 Blackboard Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 User Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Bayesian Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Common Sense and Reasoning Programs . . . . . . 5.2 Knowledge Representation and Predicate Calculus 5.3 Knowledge based/Expert systems . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Perl Reasoning Program 'The Plant Dr.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



64 65 66 66 93 94 95 95 96 96

5 Reasoning Programs and Common Sense

98 99 105 108


6 Agents, Bots, and Spiders

6.1 Spiders and Bots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.1.1 Java Spider to check website links . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 1


6.2 Adaptive Autonomous Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6.3 Inter-agent Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6.3.1 Java Personal Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

7 Neural Networks
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10

Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hebbian Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perceptron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adeline Neural Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adaptive Resonance Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associative Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Probabilistic Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counterpropagation Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neural Net Meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kohnonen Neural Nets (Self Organizing Networks) . . . . . 7.10.1 C++ Self Organizing Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11 Backpropagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11.1 GUI Java Backpropagation Neural Network Builder 7.11.2 C++ Backpropagation Dog Track Predictor . . . . 7.12 Hop eld Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12.1 C++ Hop eld Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


244 246 246 247 248 248 249 250 250 250 252 264 266 328 394 396

8 AI and Neural Net Related Math Online Resources

8.1 General Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.1 C OpenGL Sierpinski Gasket 8.1.2 C OpenGL 3D Gasket . . . . 8.1.3 C OpenGL Mandelbrot . . . 8.2 Speci c Topics . . . . . . . . . . . .

404 405 408 410 416

9 Bibliography

9.1 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 9.2 Links to other AI sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421


0.1 Preface
The website for this book has moved! There are new chapters, source code, and news on that website. Source code can be directly downloaded from there. After I nish adding the new chapters and updating and making corrections to old chapters on the website I'll update this pdf. But you should consider this pdf outdated for now 1994 was a long time ago in the world of arti cial intelligence. This book is intended to be an introduction to arti cial intelligence and neural networks. I put in lots of source code in C/C++ and JAVA. Having examples to experiment with can make the concepts clearer. Although I touch on some math there isn't enough time and space to go through it in detail. A long list of Internet resources are listed at the back that do an excellent job of explaining the math needed for AI and NN.

0.2 License
This work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Chapter 1
Neurology and Machine Learning

1.1 Some neurology that is related to arti cial intelligence

One of the more dicult tasks arti cial intelligence creators face, is how do you know it is intelligent? There is not even have an agreement as to what constitutes intelligence in people let alone what constitutes intelligence in a machine. There is some agreement on what is required for arti cial intelligence: pattern recognition; the ability to create or learn, the ability to keep and access stored information; problem solving ability; communication ability; and the ability to form intentions i.e. self awareness. Much progress has been made using neural nets to do pattern recognition. The ability to create, learn, keep and access stored information has been partially done with black board systems and neural nets. Communication is lagging behind the other areas. Some speech recognition has been done with neural nets, but this is pattern recognition, not actual two-way communication. The ability to form intentions is hotly debated. What constitutes self-awareness in a machine is also hotly debated and a de nition or test has not yet been agreed upon. It is not yet clear whether creativity is a part of general intelligence or a separate entity. The main traits of creativity are generally agreed to be: a lack of conventionality and the willingness to question status quo; the ability to recognize connections be they similar or dissimilar; and an appreciation and skill in any of the arts. Persistence or motivation is often considered a characteristic as well. It is necessary to have knowledge in the eld as well. A lucky guess that is not understood is hardly creative. It is clear there is such a thing as 'general intelligence'. We can all readily 4

identify intelligence, or lack thereof in people we come across. It is also clear that intelligence tests measure one's ability to take tests and education, rather than one's intelligence. General intelligence remains xed over the life of an individual. Education grows as a person learns more whether through self education, academia or other methods. Some areas of the brain can be damaged with out harming a persons intelligence, instead only costing the person some memories or skills. Hemispherectomy done in extreme cases of epilepsy removes one hemisphere of the brain surgically. There is some paralysis on the opposite side of the body, but interestingly intelligence is preserved. Often intelligence is increased after surgery probably because seizures and the devastating e ect they have are stopped. Although psychologists have tested for self awareness by placing dots on the foreheads of sleeping beasts and determining they were or were not self aware if they recognized the dot in the mirror as being on them. It is now clear that self awareness, is a matter of degree and not a have or have not part of beings. It is also becoming clear that consciousness is a dynamical ongoing process in the brain. It is not something that can be found in the pieces of the brain but only in the operation of the brain. How a piece of software works can not be determined by dismantling the computer into circuits and chips, nor can consciousness be understood by only looking at pieces of the brain. The level of intelligence of a species is related to a constant multiplied by brain size divided by body size. Male human brains average 1371cc, female brains average 1216 cc. Normal IQ scores have been documented for brains between 735cc and 1470cc. Before anyone gets confused, remember that it is excess neurons above and beyond what are needed for body maintenance that matters, since male bodies are usually much larger than female bodies more neurons are needed for general maintenance. There are about ten billion neurons in the human brain. Each of these has about ten thousand connections to other neurons. There are over two hundred known neurotransmitters interacting with these neurons. Axons are the single connection leading away from the neuron, sending out a frequency through 10,000 or so branches o to other neurons. Dendrites are the many connections leading in to the neuron. The incoming dendrite electric pulses are superimposed on each other, the intensity of the incoming wave is the important part. Even at rest a small pulse is maintained in the neuron. There is a set point, a preferred point that the population returns to between excitation states. As a person's age increases the steady state amplitude increases, neurons acting as part of groups increases, so the amplitude increases, neurotransmitters can increase or decrease this amplitude. Neurons are in the gray matter of the cortex. The ones you are born with are all you get in the neocortex. Neurons increase branching and size as you learn skills and knowledge, and from birth to adolescence die o if unused. If some do not die o mental illness results. They communicate using neurotransmitters. The shape varies by task. There are two main types of neurons in the brain, spiny and smooth. The spiny neurons make up about 80% of the neurons in the 5

brain and are further broken into two groups, pyramidal and stellate. Neurons change their behavior with experience. Axons are in white matter of the cortex and form the long distance connections. They increase with age. The more white matter the faster communication occurs. Older people think faster. Neurons do not a ect things individually. They each e ect the conditions in the neighborhood. Each is connected to every other neuron in the brain with in a few connections. The neurons form populations that have many semi autonomous independent elements; each has many weak interactions with many others; the input-output relationships are non-linear; and from the neuron's point of view have endless energy coming in and leaving. The connections between neurons can be in series or in parallel, branch into many or reduce from many neurons to few or one. The feedback can be both cooperative, both inhibitory or one cooperative and the other inhibitory. Some neurons have only local connections and can be contributory or inhibitory. Some neurons are long distance, there are always excitatory. When the density of connections is deep enough the neurons begin acting as part of the group rather than individuals. Chaotic attractors and point attractors form to stabilize the pattern. Once part of a group the neuron gives as many pulses as it receives. The 40hz background cycle keeps the steady state going instead of dying o . Positive and negative feed back loops are what allow for the intentional responses to stimuli. A neuron takes the incoming pulses, converts them to waves, sums them, converts the integrated signal to a pulse train and sends it out on the axon if it is over a certain threshold. The charge travels down the dendrite toward the soma (main part of the cell ), jumping from one neuron to another which release neurotransmitters as the charge moves along. When the frequency of pulses increases each is diminished in the amount it adds to the wave amplitude so the amplitude can not increase above a certain amount. Incoming ows are excitatory, out going ows act as inhibitors. The neurotransmitters turn the ow o and on and then rapidly diminish. After ring, neurons need time to recover before they can re- re. Neuromodulary neurons receive input from all over the brain, most importantly the limbic system during the formation of intentional action. They have widely branching axons, that do not form synapses but release the neuromodulators through out the brain forming a global in uence, they move about in the neuropil. Neuromodulators (histamine, serotonin, dopamine, melatonin, CCK, endorphins, vasopressin, oxytocin, acetylcholine, noradrenaline and others) enhance or diminish e ectiveness of synapses bringing lasting changes, cumulative changes. Neurotransmitters act locally. One, oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that is released during orgasm, and childbirth, it erases memories and also is related to bonding between couples and parents and children. NMDA, mono modulation of glutamate may be related to intelligence. The cerebral cortex is about 2.67 square feet when stretched out. It is about six cells deep. The major wrinkles are common to everyone, just as everyones basic face structure has two eyes, a nose and a mouth. The wrinkles 6

are individual in the same way that peoples faces are individual despite the same basic features. The bottom two layers of the cortex send connections to other parts of the brain, the third layer from the bottom is incoming signals, the the top three layers receive input from the third from the bottom layer. 1 up 2 up 3 up 4 incoming 5 outgoing 6 outgoing Large areas of the cortex are known to perform di erent tasks, such as language or math. Gifted people tend to have a more di erentiated pre-frontal cortex, and brain organization is also di erent. There are also smaller areas about a half inch square areas known as 'bumps' or 'patches' each of these includes millions of neurons and ashes o and on at ve to twenty times per second. Most perceptions, behaviors and experiences are somehow recorded in these patches. The frontal lobes of the cortex contain the motor cortices,the connections to the muscles and nerves that control motion. This part of the brain also contains a map of the body. The frontal lobes are highly involved in forming intent, and length of attention spans. The rate of ring in pre-frontal cortex res at di erent rates during delayed-choice tasks, depending on previous focus of attention, and is most active during IQ tests. Di erent small areas of the pre-frontal cortex are used for di erent types of tasks. The di erence in the pre-frontal cortex is not in structure but in the places it connects to. The left pre-frontal cortex encodes memories and the right pre-frontal cortex retrieves memories. Working memory, also found in this area, is not just a blank scratch pad but performs other functions as well. Dorsal and lateral areas of the frontal lobe deal with cognitive functions. While the medial and ventral areas handle social skills and empathy. The hippocampuses are two structures about the size and shape of your little nger deep inside your brain. They release ACh (acetylcholine) along one of the two cortex layers where dendrites are found when a new thing is to be learned. The hippocampuses are responsible for sending the signals to compress information into existing information; treat it as something new and separate; or recall existing information. Human and animal learning is broken into three main groupings: instrumental conditioning; classical conditioning; and observational. In Instrumental Conditioning; speci c behavior is rewarded or punished. In Classical Conditioning; two stimuli are presented together repeatedly, the animal or person learns to associate one stimuli with the other. This is the same as Pavlov's conditioning of dogs with bells to which the dog does not initially salivate, and food to which the dog does salivate from the beginning. In Observational; behavior is learned by watching others. Memory in humans and animals has three main divisions: Sensory has after images persisting in the eye after focus is turned away; Short term working 7

memory is where only a few things are kept, this is the working bu er or cache; Long term storage handles semi-permanent to permanent information storage. Falsely implanted memories do not record sensory data. We are now beginning to be able to di erentiate between real memories that have recorded sensory data and false memories using fMRIs.

Chapter 2

2.1 Searching
Searches are broken into two main categories; uninformed searches (brute-force, blind), and informed (heuristic, directed) searches. Uninformed searches are done when there is no information about a preferred search path. Informed searches have some information to help pick search paths, usually a rule of thumb is used to reduce the search area. A traveling salesman search going from Boston to Dallas is uninformed if it begins searching randomly, or methodically with no preference. An informed search knows Dallas is South West of Boston, so it begins and concentrates its search in that direction. Directed graphs (state-space graphs) are used to keep track of possible steps and the state of the world from step-to-step. The edges are used to de ne steps and the nodes de ne states of the world. A state space graph has three basic components: A start node; functions that transform a state description representing one state into the representation after an action is taken; and a goal condition. Four main criteria for evaluating search strategies are:


completeness; likelihood of nding a solution if a solution exists time complexity; (path cost) time to nd a solution (Order O(n)) space complexity; amount of memory, ram, needed optimality; does it nd best solution, if several solutions exist?

There are three steps you must take to avoid loops in your search algorithm: do not return to the state you just came from; do not create paths with cycles in them; do not regenerate prior states. The Breadth First Search rst checks all of the nodes directly connected to the start node, then it checks the nodes connected to each of the beginning nodes. In a tree graph it checks the top level, then the second level nodes, and 9

so on. If a solution exists, the Breadth First Search will nd it (algorithmic search), and it will nd the shallowest solution rst.


Breadth First Search: Algorithm top:: Is it the end of the queue? true: quit, no solution false: Remove rst node Is it the solution node? true: return node and quit false: expand node and put children of this node at end of the queue loop to top:

Depth First (Uniform Cost) Search is similar to the Breadth First Search except it searches minimum cost rst rather than level. If the cost is equal on all the levels then it is the same as the Breadth First Search. It will probably nd a solution faster than Breath First, if several solutions exist. It may get stuck on dead ends and not nd a solution even if a solution exists, so it is not an algorithmic search. It may not nd the shallowest or least cost solution, but is uses far less memory than the Breadth First Search. Usually a boundary is placed, a depth bound, so if a solution isn't found at a certain depth it backs up and tries the next section.


Depth First Search: Algorithm: top:: Is it the end of the queue? true: quit, no solution false: Remove rst node Is it the solution node? true: return node and quit false: expand node and put children of this node at the front of the queue loop to top: 10

Iterative Deepening only uses the memory of a Depth-First Search, but will nd the lowest cost solution if any solution exists. It does a Depth-First Search with a depth-bound of one, then a Depth-First Search with a depth-bound of two, and continues until a solution is found. Constraint Satisfaction Search: Is a search algorithm in which a set of variables must meet a set of constraints or conditions rather than meet a goal. (scheduling and the eight queens problem are examples of this.) There are two main methods of solving constraint problems. One is 'Constructive Methods' and it works by constructing piece-by-piece a solution, a second is 'Heuristic Repair' and it works by trying a random solution and moving any piece that doesn't t into a space where it meets the constraints. The graph search algorithms are used to look for solutions state or constraint graphs. Greedy Search: A best- rst strategy, it arrives at a solution by making a sequence of choices, each of which looks the best at the moment. This is like making change in a store, rst you deal out the largest coins, quarters, then when the di erence is less than .25, you hand out dimes until it is less than .10, etc. Cost is estimated using a formula h(). h(n) then gives cost of cheapest path to goal state. Greedy is similar to Depth First Search.


Greedy Search: Algorithm top:: have we got a solution? true: quit, return answer false: grab the largest/best selection we can loop to top:

The following searches are heuristic. They combine one or another of the above searches with a rule of thumb or a weighting method to direct the search. Several evaluation functions exist which are used to construct an ordered search. A* (A star) This algorithm combines a best- rst search with a uniform cost search, usually breadth rst. h(n) is the best- rst formula which is added to g(n), the known path cost. f (n) = g (n) + h(n): The lowest cost f(n) is followed rst. Often the example given is of the fteen square puzzle where you slide the numbers to put them in order. A* works by examining the surrounding squares and beginning with the most promising of them, and repeating that until the puzzle is solved.


A*: Algorithm Put rst node on SearchList loop:: Pop top node on SearchList and put on DoneList 11


if no nodes on SearchList, break, no solution is this node the solution? ..yes ....break with answer ....calculate f(n) for each node o of this node ....check DoneList, if node on DoneList discard ....add each node to SearchList in order of smallest f(n) (including previous nodes on SearchList) ....loop::

h(n), an 'admissible heuristic', must be chosen in a way that it never overestimates the path cost. If you are trying to nd a route between two cities then h(n) is a straight line between the two cities. The better the h(n) function is the better the search will work. Some examples of h(n) are: For the sliding block children's puzzle that has numbered blocks that you order by sliding about, h(n) might be the number of tiles in the correct location For a path from one location to another h(n) might determine distance from goal of the city node expanded. A* is optimally ecient for any given h(n) function. It will nd and expand fewer nodes than any other algorithm. A* is a complete algorithm, and it is of Order, O(log h (n))h (n) is the true cost of reaching the goal. It will also nd the lowest cost path from start to nish if there is a path. idA* (iterative deepening A*), A* does a depth rst search up to a cost limit i place of the breadth- rst part. SMA* (simpli ed memory bounded A*), A* to stay with in memory space, this algorithm lls available memory, then drops the highest cost node, to make room for the new node. RBFS (recursive best- rst search). This uses depth- rst and best- rst together. It calculates f(n) for all the nodes expanded o the current node, then backs up the tree and re-calculates f(n) for the previous nodes. Then it expands the smallest f(n) of those nodes. Planning out a set of steps to reach a goal may be done with STRIPS rules using di erent search techniques. Searching a group of plans begins with an incorrect or incomplete plan that is changed until it satis es the situation. Sometimes a rule is learned if it will save time and have general applicability. STRIPS combines state-space and situational calculus in an e ort to over come the problems of situational calculus. Situational Calculus is a form of rst-order predicate calculus with states, actions, and the e ects of states after actions have taken place. A list of states is kept. States are treated as things and actions are treated as functions. The e ects of actions are mapped onto the states. The 12

e ects of actions on the states can not always be inferred and this is a major weakness of Situational Calculus. STRIPS has a set of precondition literals, a set of delete literals and a set of add literals. To obtain the after action state using a forward-search the before action conditions are deleted, and add all of the literals in the add list. Everything not in the delete list is carried over to the next state. A recursive STRIPS method adding to each achieved part of the state can also be used. This is the method used in the 'General Problem Solver', a commonsense reasoning program. It uses a global data structure that is set to the initial state and changed until the goal state is reached. The Sussman anomaly occurs if a state closer to the goal must be undone to achieve the goal state, breadth rst searches can sometimes work around this. A backward search with STRIPS works backward grabbing sub-goals as it goes. It is usually more ef cient, but it is also more complicated and Sussman anomalies appear here as well. Following is the code to show the e ects of various types of searches between US cities. It provides a GUI interface and graphical output.


2.1.1 GUI Java Search Tool

// // //Fall 2000 //for use with the gui search tool //this class does A* searches import*; import java.util.*; class AStar { public void AStar(){ }

public Vector AStarSearch(Vector in, String start, String finish) { Vector out = new Vector(); Vector temp = new Vector(); City begin = new City ( "", "", 0, 0); City end = new City ( "", "", 0, 0); //prime loop and set up things Enumeration i = in.elements(); while(i.hasMoreElements() ){ City t = (City)i.nextElement(); if ( (( + ", " + t.state).compareTo(start) ) == 0){ begin = t; } if( (( + ", " + t.state).compareTo(finish) ) == 0){ end = t; } }


//get top node off of vector and see if it is destination temp.addElement(begin); out.addElement(begin); // if so return... nothing to do if( (finish.compareTo(start) ) == 0 ){ return out; } //loop Enumeration j = temp.elements(); while ( j.hasMoreElements() ){ // is queue empty? if so return failure // else get top node off temp City z = (City)temp.remove(0); //see if it is destination if so return successful if( ( (finish).compareTo( + ", " + z.state) ) == 0) { return out; }else{ //else grab each edge city, sort by closest distance //to destination city and put at front of queue grabEdges ge = new grabEdges(); Vector q1 = ge.grabEdges(in, z); Vector q2 = sortEdges( q1, end ); Enumeration k = q2.elements(); while( k.hasMoreElements() ) { City tc1 = (City)k.nextElement(); if( out.contains(tc1) ){ }else{


out.add(0, tc1); temp.add(0, tc1); } } } } //end loop return out; }

public Vector sortEdges (Vector v, City destination ) { Vector temp = new Vector(); Vector sorted = new Vector(); double smallestDistance = 999999; City closestCity = new City ( "", "", 0, 0);

if( (v.size() == 1) || (v.size() == 0) ){ //nothing to do bail return v; } Enumeration j = v.elements(); while( j.hasMoreElements() ){ Enumeration i = v.elements(); while( i.hasMoreElements() ){ City tempCity = (City) i.nextElement();


double d = Math.sqrt( ( (tempCity.lon (tempCity.lon -

( -* + destination.lon)* destination.lon) );

if( d <= smallestDistance){ d = smallestDistance; closestCity = tempCity; } sorted.add(closestCity); v.remove(closestCity); j = v.elements();

return sorted; } }


// // //Fall 2000 //for use with the gui search tool //this class does the breadth-first //search

//guaranteed to find a solution, if a solution exists. //will always find shallowest solution first import*; import java.util.*; class Breadth { public void Breadth(){ }

public Vector breadthSearch(Vector in, String start, String finish) { Vector out = new Vector(); Vector temp = new Vector(); City begin = new City ( "", "", 0 ,0); City end = new City ( "", "", 0, 0); //prime loop and set up things Enumeration i = in.elements(); while(i.hasMoreElements() ){ City t = (City)i.nextElement(); if ( (( + ", " + t.state).compareTo(start) ) == 0){ begin = t; } if( (( + ", " + t.state).compareTo(finish) ) == 0){ end = t; }


} //get top node off of vector and see if it is destination temp.addElement(begin); out.addElement(begin); // if so return... nothing to do if( (finish.compareTo(start) ) == 0 ){ return out; } //loop Enumeration j = temp.elements(); while ( j.hasMoreElements() ){ // is queue empty? if so return failure // else get top node off temp City z = (City)temp.remove(0); //see if it is destination if so return successful if( ( (finish).compareTo( + ", " + z.state) ) == 0) { out.add(z); return out; }else{ //else grab each edge city and add to back of queue grabEdges ge = new grabEdges(); Vector q1 = ge.grabEdges(in, z); Enumeration k = q1.elements(); while( k.hasMoreElements() ) { City tc1 = (City)k.nextElement(); if( out.contains(tc1) ){ }else{ out.add(tc1); temp.add(tc1);


} }

} //end loop return out; } }


// // //Fall 2000 //for use with the gui search tool //this class performs the depth-first searches import*; import java.util.*; class Depth { public void Depth(){ }

public Vector depthSearch(Vector in, String start, String finish) { Vector out = new Vector(); Vector temp = new Vector(); City begin = new City ( "", "", 0, 0); City end = new City ( "", "", 0, 0);

//prime loop and set up things Enumeration i = in.elements(); while(i.hasMoreElements() ){ City t = (City)i.nextElement(); if ( (( + ", " + t.state).compareTo(start) ) == 0){ begin = t; } if( (( + ", " + t.state).compareTo(finish) ) == 0){ end = t; } } //get top node off of vector and see if it is destination


temp.addElement(begin); out.addElement(begin); // if so return... nothing to do if( (finish.compareTo(start) ) == 0 ){ return out; } //loop Enumeration j = temp.elements(); while ( j.hasMoreElements() ){ // is queue empty? if so return failure // else get top node off temp City z = (City)temp.remove(0); //see if it is destination if so return successful if( ( (finish).compareTo( + ", " + z.state) ) == 0) { return out; }else{ //else grab each edge city and add to front of queue grabEdges ge = new grabEdges(); Vector q1 = ge.grabEdges(in, z); Enumeration k = q1.elements(); while( k.hasMoreElements() ) { City tc1 = (City)k.nextElement(); if( out.contains(tc1) ){ }else{ out.add(0, tc1); temp.add(0, tc1); } }


} } //end loop return out; }


// // //Fall 2000

import java.util.*; class City { String String double double city; state; lat; lon;

Vector edge = new Vector(); public City (String c, String s, double latitude, double longitude) { city = c; state = s; lat = latitude; lon = longitude; } }

class Edge { String city1; int routeNumber; double length; public Edge( String s1, int number) { city1 = s1; routeNumber = number;


} public void setLength( double lat1, double lat2, double lon1, double lon2) { double temp =( (lat1-lat2)*(lat1-lat2) + (lon2-lon2)*(lon2-lon2) ); length = ( Math.sqrt(temp ) * 100); //roughly convert to miles } }


// // //Fall 2000

import import import import

java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*;

class CityList extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener { public CityList (int i) { String list[] = new String[51]; if( i == 1){ list[0] = "Start"; }else if( i ==2){ list[0] = "Finish"; } for(int j=0; j<50; j++){ list[1]= list[2]= list[3]= list[4]= list[5]= list[6]= list[7]= list[8]= list[9]= "Montgomery, Al"; "Junea, Ak"; "Phoenix, Ax"; "Little Rock, Ar"; "Sacramento, Ca"; "Denver, Co"; "Hartford, Cn"; "Dover, De"; "Tallahassee, Fl"; "Atlanta, Ga"; "Honolulu, Hi"; "Boise, Id"; "Springfield, Il"; "Indianapolis, In"; "Des Moines, Ia"; "Topeka, Ks"; "Frankfort, Ky"; "Baton Rouge, La";

list[10]= list[11]= list[12]= list[13]= list[14]= list[15]= list[16]= list[17]= list[18]=


list[19]= "Augusta, Me"; list[20]= list[21]= list[22]= list[23]= list[24]= list[25]= list[26]= list[27]= list[28]= list[29]= list[30]= list[31]= list[32]= list[33]= list[34]= list[35]= list[36]= list[37]= list[38]= list[39]= list[40]= list[41]= list[42]= list[43]= list[44]= list[45]= list[46]= list[47]= list[48]= list[49]= "Annapolis, Md"; "Boston, Ma"; "Lansing, Mi"; "St Paul, Mn"; "Jackson, Ms"; "Jefferson City, Mo"; "Helena, Mt"; "Lincoln, Ne"; "Carson City, Nv"; "Concord, Nh"; "Trenton, Nj"; "Sante Fe, Nm"; "New York, Ny"; "Raleigh, Nc"; "Bismark, Nd"; "Columbus, Oh"; "Oklahoma City, Ok"; "Salem, Or"; "Harrisburg, Pa"; "Providence, Ri"; "Columbia, Sc"; "Pierre, Sd"; "Nashville, Tn"; "Austin, Tx"; "Salt Lake City, Ut"; "Montpelier, Vt"; "Richmond, Va"; "Olympia, Wa"; "Charleston, Wv"; "Madison, Wi";

list[50]= "Cheyenne, Wy"; } JList jlist = new JList(list); JScrollPane jscrollpane = new JScrollPane(jlist); // jlist.setVisibleRowCount(10);



} public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { JList source = (JList)e.getSource(); Object values = source.getSelectedValues(); String selection = (String)values; } }


// // //Fall 2000 import import import import import java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; javax.swing.event.*; java.util.*;

class DrawMapPanel extends JPanel { Vector p, e; int s=0; int minh=0, minw=0, maxw=0, maxh=0; int height=0, width=0; public DrawMapPanel(Vector point, Vector edge, int h, int w) { p = point; e = edge; height = h; width = w; //create enumerator for cities City tempCity; Enumeration counter = point.elements(); boolean firstLoopX = true; boolean firstLoopY = true; while (counter.hasMoreElements() ) { tempCity = (City)counter.nextElement(); //find min/max height if( tempCity.lon > maxh ){ maxh = (int)tempCity.lon; } if( firstLoopY ){ minh = (int)tempCity.lon; firstLoopY = false; }else if ( tempCity.lon < minh ){


minh = (int)tempCity.lon; } //find min/max width if( > maxw ){ maxw = (int); } if( firstLoopX ){ minw = (int); firstLoopX = false; }else if ( < minw ){ minw = (int); } } //scale using width and hieght //compare scale width and hieght and use the smaller of the two if ( (minw - 10) > 0){ minw -= 10; } if( (minh -10) > 0){ minh -= 10; } maxw += 10; maxh += 10; int yDim = maxh-minh; int xDim = maxw-minw; double scaleX=0, scaleY=0; //downsize or upscale? if( (yDim > h) || (xDim > w) ){ scaleX = xDim/w; scaleY = yDim/h; }else{ scaleX = w/xDim; scaleY = h/yDim; } //keep scaling in proportion int scale=0; if( scaleX < scaleY){ scale = (int)scaleX;


}else{ scale = (int)scaleY; } s = scale+1; }

public void paint(Graphics g1) { Color c = new Color ( 200, 255, 200); g1.setColor(c); g1.fillRect( 0, 0, height, width); repaint();

Color c1 = new Color ( 0, 20, 0); g1.setColor(c1); //loop back through cities drawing and labeling points //create enumerator for cities City tempCity1; Enumeration counter1 = p.elements(); int x=0, y=0; int left = s*minw; int bottom = s*minh; while (counter1.hasMoreElements() ) { tempCity1 = (City)counter1.nextElement(); //shift left and scale x x = (int) ( (*s - left ); x = width - x; //latitude runs right to left, not left to right // shift top and scale y y = (int) ( (tempCity1.lon)*s - bottom ); y = height - y; //(0,0) is top left corner, not bottom left g1.drawString(, y-2, x-2); g1.drawOval( y, x, 3, 3);


//create enumerator for edges Enumeration counter2 = tempCity1.edge.elements(); Edge tempEdge = new Edge( "", 0); while( counter2.hasMoreElements() ) { tempEdge = (Edge)counter2.nextElement(); //match tempEdge.city1 to City in city vector //yuch loops with in loops.... clean this up when time allows Enumeration counter3 = p.elements(); City tempCity3 = new City( "", "", 0, 0); while( counter3.hasMoreElements() ){ tempCity3 = (City)counter3.nextElement(); if( ( ( ) == 0) { //grab city1's lat and long and adjust it as above int x1 = (int) ( (*s - left ); x1 = width - x1; //latitude runs right to left, not left to right // shift top and scale y int y1 = (int) ( (tempCity3.lon)*s - bottom ); y1 = height - y1; //(0,0) is top left corner, not bottom left //draw a line from (x, y) to the adjusted city1 g1.drawLine( y, x, y1, x1); } //label edges } } } repaint(); } }


class DrawMapFrame extends JFrame { public DrawMapFrame(Vector point, Vector edge) { int height=600, width=800; setTitle("Map"); setSize(width, height); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // System.exit(0); } } ); Container contentPane1 = getContentPane(); contentPane1.add(new DrawMapPanel(point, edge, width, height) ); } }

public class DrawMap { public void begin() { Vector p = new Vector(); Vector e = new Vector(); try{ //collect the data GetData gd = new GetData(); p = gd.getCity(); e = gd.getEdge(p); String[] words = gd.buildList(p); } catch(Exception ex){}


JFrame frame1 = new DrawMapFrame(p, e);; } }


// // //Fall 2000

import*; import java.util.*; class GetData { public Vector getCity()throws Exception { //read in city file (city.dat) and build a vector with an element for each city //cityName State latitude longitude FileReader filereader = new FileReader("city.dat"); StreamTokenizer streamtokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(filereader); String wordIn = "", tempCity = "", tempState = ""; double tempLat = 0, tempLong = 0; int count = 3; Vector v = new Vector(); //read and parse file while(streamtokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF ){ if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (count==3) ){ tempCity = streamtokenizer.sval; count = 0; }else if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (count==0) ){ tempState = streamtokenizer.sval; count = 1; }else if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) && (count==1) ){ tempLat = streamtokenizer.nval; count = 2; }else if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) && (count==2) ){ tempLong = streamtokenizer.nval; count = 3; //create new city object and add to vector City c = new City( tempCity, tempState, tempLat, tempLong); v.add(c); }


} filereader.close(); return v; }

public Vector getEdge(Vector city)throws Exception { //for each edge in edge.dat add it to the edge vector for city1, then //add it to the edge vector for city 2 //routeNumber city1 city2 //open edge file, FileReader filereader = new FileReader("edge.dat"); StreamTokenizer streamtokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(filereader); String tempCity1 = "", tempCity2 = ""; double tempRouteNumber = 0; int count = 2; //read and parse file, do while more edges while(streamtokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF ){ //read in edge if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) && (count==2) ){ tempRouteNumber = streamtokenizer.nval; count = 0; }else if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (count==0) ){ tempCity1 = streamtokenizer.sval; count = 1; }else if( (streamtokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (count==1) ){ tempCity2 = streamtokenizer.sval; count = 2; //System.out.println( "Edge=> " + tempRouteNumber +","+tempCity1+","+tempCity2); int i = 0; City tempCity; boolean c1=false, c2=false; Enumeration counter = city.elements();


while( counter.hasMoreElements() ){ tempCity = (City)counter.nextElement(); //match first city //add to edge vector for that city if( ( ( ( ) == 0)&&(!c1) ) { c1=true; //add edge to first city Edge tempEdge = new Edge( tempCity2, (int)tempRouteNumber); tempCity.edge.addElement(tempEdge); } //match second city //add to edge vector for that city if( ( ( ( ) == 0)&&(!c2) ) { c2=true; //add edge to second city Edge tempEdge = new Edge( tempCity1, (int)tempRouteNumber); tempCity.edge.addElement(tempEdge); } } } }

//close edge file filereader.close(); return city; } public void printData(Vector v) { Enumeration counter = v.elements(); City tempCity = new City (" ", " ", 0, 0); System.out.println("*****************************************************");


while( counter.hasMoreElements() ){ tempCity = (City)counter.nextElement(); System.out.println( "\n**" + + ", " + tempCity.state + " " + + " " + tempCity.lon ); Enumeration counter2 = tempCity.edge.elements(); Edge tempEdge = new Edge( " ", 0); while( counter2.hasMoreElements() ){ tempEdge = (Edge)counter2.nextElement(); System.out.println( tempEdge.city1 + " " + tempEdge.routeNumber + " " + tempEdge.length); } } } public String[] buildList(Vector v) { Enumeration counter = v.elements(); City tempCity = new City (" ", " ", 0, 0); int length = v.size(); String list[] = new String[length]; int i=0; while( counter.hasMoreElements() ){ tempCity = (City)counter.nextElement(); list[i] = ( + ", " + tempCity.state ); i++;

return list; } }



// // //Fall 2000

import*; import java.util.*; class grabEdges{ public grabEdges(){} //grab the edges/roads from a city and add cities //that they connect to to the back of the vector public Vector grabEdges (Vector cities, City city) { Vector queue = new Vector(); //get the city each edge connects to and add it to temp // loop while more edges Enumeration counter = city.edge.elements(); Edge tempEdge = new Edge( "", 0); while( counter.hasMoreElements() ) { // get city that edge connects to // look up the city in the city vector tempEdge = (Edge)counter.nextElement(); //match tempEdge.city1 to City in city vector //yuch loops with in loops.... clean this up when time allows Enumeration counter3 = cities.elements(); City tempCity3 = new City( "", "", 0, 0); while( counter3.hasMoreElements() ){ tempCity3 = (City)counter3.nextElement(); if( ( ( ) == 0) { // add that city to the end of the out vector queue.addElement(tempCity3);


} } } return queue; } }


// // //Fall 2000

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Jpanel extends JPanel { Jpanel () { setBackground( Color.white ); } public void paintComponent (Graphics g ) { super.paintComponent( g ); } }


// // //Fall 2000

import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; class printData{ public void printData(){} public void print(Vector v, JTextArea out) { Enumeration counter = v.elements(); City tempCity = new City (" ", " ", 0, 0);

while( counter.hasMoreElements() ){ tempCity = (City)counter.nextElement(); out.append( "\n\n **" + + ", " + tempCity.state ); Enumeration counter2 = tempCity.edge.elements(); Edge tempEdge = new Edge( " ", 0); while( counter2.hasMoreElements() ){ tempEdge = (Edge)counter2.nextElement(); } } }



// // //Fall 2000

import import import import import

java.awt.*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.event.*; java.util.*;

public class Search extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener { Jpanel JPanel JPanel JPanel JPanel mainPanel; userPanel; outputPanel; menuPanel; buttonPanel;

static Vector v = new Vector(); "\n "\n "\n "\n static String message = "Welcome to the Times to Come Search Engine" + Select the type of search you would like to "+ perform from the menu, then select your "+ starting and ending cities from the drop "+ down lists." ; static JTextArea output = new JTextArea ( message, 10, 30); static int choice = 0; String[] words; static String selection = ""; static String startSelection = ""; static String finishSelection = ""; public Search () { super (""); try{ //collect the data GetData gd = new GetData(); v = gd.getCity();


Vector v1 = gd.getEdge(v); //printData(v); words = gd.buildList(v); } catch(Exception e){}

Container contentPane = getContentPane(); JScrollPane scrollpaneText = new JScrollPane(); scrollpaneText.add(output); JButton enter = new JButton ("Begin Search"); JButton start = new JButton ("Starting Location"); JButton finish = new JButton ("Ending Location"); mainPanel = userPanel = outputPanel menuPanel = buttonPanel new Jpanel(); new Jpanel(); = new Jpanel(); new Jpanel(); = new Jpanel();

Color b = new Color( 0, 0, 100); mainPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createBevelBorder( 0 , b, Color.gray) ); JMenuBar mbar = createMenu(); setJMenuBar(mbar); JList wordList = new JList(words); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(wordList); userPanel.add(scrollPane); wordList.addListSelectionListener(this); mainPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) ); contentPane.add(mainPanel); enter.addActionListener(b1); start.addActionListener(b2); finish.addActionListener(b3); buttonPanel.add(enter); buttonPanel.add(start);


buttonPanel.add(finish); mainPanel.add(buttonPanel); mainPanel.add(userPanel); scrollpaneText.setViewportView(output); outputPanel.add(scrollpaneText); mainPanel.add(outputPanel); } public static void main( String args[] ) { final JFrame f = new Search(); f.setBounds( 10, 10, 600, 400 ); f.setVisible( true ); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed( WindowEvent e){ System.exit(0); } }); }

public static JMenuBar createMenu() { JMenuBar jmenubar = new JMenuBar(); jmenubar.setUI( jmenubar.getUI() ); JMenu jmenu1 = new JMenu("Searches"); JMenu jmenu4 = new JMenu("Draw Map"); JMenu jmenu2 = new JMenu("Help"); JMenu jmenu3 = new JMenu("Quit"); JRadioButtonMenuItem m1 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Breath-First"); m1.addActionListener(a1);


JRadioButtonMenuItem m2 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Depth-First"); m2.addActionListener(a2); JRadioButtonMenuItem m3 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("A*"); m3.addActionListener(a3); JMenuItem m8 = new JMenuItem("Map"); m8.addActionListener(a8); JMenuItem m6 = new JMenuItem("About"); m6.addActionListener(a6); JMenuItem m7 = new JMenuItem("Exit"); m7.addActionListener(a7); jmenu1.add(m1); jmenu1.add(m2); jmenu1.add(m3);

ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(m1); group.add(m2); group.add(m3); jmenu2.add(m6); jmenu3.add(m7); jmenu4.add(m8); jmenubar.add(jmenu1); jmenubar.add(jmenu4); jmenubar.add(jmenu2); jmenubar.add(jmenu3); return jmenubar; }


static ActionListener a1 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m1 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 1; output.setText("\n Breadth First algorithm"); } }; static ActionListener a2 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m2 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 2; output.setText("\n Depth First algorithm"); } }; static ActionListener a3 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m3 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 3; output.setText("\n A* algorithm"); } }; static ActionListener a6 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m6 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText(""+ "\nIntelligent tools for an intelligent world" + "\n'From then to now'" + "\n\n\nFall 2000"+


} };

"\nCopyright Times to Come under GNU Copyleft'');

static ActionListener a7 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m7 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText("Thank you . . . " ); System.exit(0); } }; static ActionListener a8 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m8 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText("Creating map in separate window " ); DrawMap map = new DrawMap(); map.begin(); } }; static ActionListener b2 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { startSelection = selection; output.append("\nStarting Location " + startSelection); } }; static ActionListener b3 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { finishSelection = selection; output.append("\nEnding Location " + finishSelection );


} };

//what to do when enter key is hit... static ActionListener b1 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { switch (choice){ case 0: output.setText ("\n\nChose a type of search");

case 1: output.setText ("\n\n Breadth First Search" + "\n from " + startSelection + " to " + finishSelection ); Breadth d1 = new Breadth(); Vector tempV1 = new Vector(); tempV1 = d1.breadthSearch (v, startSelection, finishSelection); printData pd1 = new printData(); pd1.print(tempV1, output); output.append("\n\nThat took "+ tempV1.size() +" tries to find"); break; case 2: output.setText ("\n\n Depth First Search" + "\n from " + startSelection + " to " + finishSelection ); Depth d2 = new Depth(); Vector tempV2 = new Vector(); tempV2 = d2.depthSearch (v, startSelection, finishSelection); printData pd2 = new printData(); pd2.print(tempV2, output); output.append("\n\nThat took "+ tempV2.size() +"tries to find"); break;


case 3: output.setText ("\n\n A* " "\n from " +startSelection + " to "+ finishSelection); AStar d3 = new AStar(); Vector tempV3 = new Vector(); tempV3 = d3.AStarSearch (v, startSelection, finishSelection); printData pd3 = new printData(); pd3.print(tempV3, output); output.append("\n\nThat took "+ tempV3.size() +"tries to find"); break;

default: output.setText ("\n\n I am so confused... " + choice ); break; } } }; public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent evt) { JList source = (JList)evt.getSource(); Object[] values = source.getSelectedValues(); //output.setText( "\n\n you selected " + (String)values[0] ); selection = (String)values[0]; } }


---city.dat file--Montgomery AL 32.4 86.3 Phoenix AZ 33.5 112.1 LittleRock AR 34.7 92.4 Sacramento CA 38.5 121.4 Denver CO 39.8 104.9 Hartford CT 41.8 72.7 Tallahassee FL 30.5 84.3 Atlanta GA 33.8 84.4 Boise ID 43.6 116.2 Springfield IL 39.8 89.6 Indianapolis IN 39.8 86.1 DesMoines IA 41.6 93.6 Topeka KS 39.0 95.7 Frankfort KY 38.2 84.9 BatonRouge LA 30.4 91.1 Augusta ME 44.3 69.7 Boston MA 42.3 71.0 Lansing MI 42.7 84.6 SaintPaul MN 44.8 93.0 Jackson MS 32.3 90.2 JeffersonCity MO 38.6 92.2 Helena MT 46.6 112.0 Lincoln NE 40.8 96.7 CarsonCity NV 39.1 119.7 Concord NH 43.2 71.6 Trenton NJ 40.2 74.8 SantaFe NM 35.7 106.0 Raleigh NC 35.8 78.7 Bismark ND 46.8 100.8 Columbus OH 40.0 83.0 OklahomaCity OK 35.5 97.5 Salem OR 45.0 123.0 Harrisburg PA 40.3 76.9 Providence RI 41.8 71.4 Columbia SC 34.0 80.9 Nashville TN 36.2 86.8 Austin TX 30.3 97.8 SaltLakeCity UT 40.8 111.9 Montpelier VT 44.3 72.6 Richmond VA 37.5 77.5 Olympia WA 47.0 122.9 Charleston WV 38.4 81.6 Madison WI 43.0 89.4 Cheyenne WY 41.1 104.8



---edge.dat file --5 Sacramento Salem 5 Olympia Salem 10 BatonRouge Tallahassee 15 Helena SaltLakeCity 20 Atlanta Columbia 24 Nashville Atlanta 25 Denver SantaFe 25 Denver Cheyenne 35 SaintPaul DesMoines 35 KansasCity OklahomaCity 35 OklahomaCity Austin 35 Topeka OklahomaCity 39 Madison Springfield 40 SantaFe LittleRock 40 Raleigh Nashville 40 Nashville LittleRock 55 Springfield Jackson 64 Frankfort Charleston 65 Nashville Montgomery 65 Nashville Indianapolis 69 Indianapolis Lansing 70 Denver Topeka 70 Harrisburg Columbus 70 Indianapolis Columbus 70 Trenton Harrisburg 70 Topeka JeffersonCity 74 Indianapolis Springfield 75 Atlanta Frankfort 76 Lincoln Denver 80 Sacremento CarsonCity 80 SaltLakeCity CarsonCity 80 SaltLakeCity Cheyenne 80 Lincoln Cheyenne 83 Richmond Harrisburg 84 Harrisburg Hartford 84 SaltLakeCity Boise 85 Atlanta Montgomery 89 Monteplier Concord 93 Boston Concord 94 StPaul Madison 94 Bismark SaintPaul 95 Boston Augusta 95 Richmond Trenton 95 Providence Boston 545 Austin BatonRouge


555 560 565 565 565 565 577 583 585 585 585 585 589 601 605 610 629 634 635 638 641 646 647 656 679 679 680 770

Jackson Austin Raleigh Columbia SantaFe Oklahomacity Jackson BatonRouge Austin LittleRock SaltLakeCity Sacramento SantaFe Phoenix Flagstaff SantaFe Mongomery Jackson SaltLakeCity Denver Atlanta Tallahassee BatonRouge Atlanta Olympia Boise Sacramento Phoenix Topeka DesMoines Olympia Helena Frankfort Nashville JeffersonCity Frankfort Richmond Raleigh Frankfort Indianapolis Charleston Richmond Columbus Frankfort Columbus Charleston DesMoines Lincoln CarsonCity Boise Lincoln Topeka Montpelier Hartford Boston Montpelier


map.dat #city #state #lat #long #main routes connecting/through capitol city Montgomery AL 32.4 86.3 85->Atlanta, 65->Nashville Junea AK 58.4 134.1 Phoenix AZ 33.5 112.1 17-40-25->Santa Fe, 10-99->Sacramento Little Rock AR 34.7 92.4 30-35->Austin, 40->Santa Fe, 40->Nashville Sacramento CA 38.5 121.4 5->Salem, 80->CarsonCity, 50-15->SaltLakeCity Denver CO 39.8 104.9 25->SantaFe, 70-15->SaltLakeCity, 76->Lincoln Hartford CT 41.8 72.7 91->89 Montpelier, 84->Harrisburg Dover DE 39.1 75.5 Tallahassee FL 30.5 84.3 10->Baton Rouge, 10-75->Atlanta Atlanta GA 33.8 84.4 75-10->Baton Rouge, 85-10->Baton Rouge, 24->Nashville Honolulu HI 25.0 168.0 Boise ID 43.6 116.2 84->Salt Lake City, 84-5->Olympia, 84-95->Carson City Springfield IL 39.8 89.6 39->Madison, 74->Indianapolis Indianapolis IN 39.8 86.1 74-64->Frankfort, 69->Lansing, 65->Nashville DesMoines IA 41.6 93.6 35-70->Topeka, 80->Lincoln, 35->Saint Paul Topeka KS 39.0 95.7 70-29-80->Lincoln, 35->Oklahoma City, 70->Denver, 70->Jefferson City Frankfort KY 38.2 84.9 64-70->Jefferson City, 75->Atlanta, 75-71->Columbus BatonRouge LA 30.4 91.1 10-55->Jackson, 10-35->Austin, 10->Tallahassee Augusta ME 44.3 69.7 95->Boston Annapolis MD 39.0 76.5 Boston MA 42.3 71.0 95->Augusta, 95->Providence Lansing MI 42.7 84.6 69->Indianapolis SaintPaul MN 44.8 93.0 35->Des Moines, 94->Bismark, 94->Madison Jackson MS 32.3 90.2 20-35->Austin, 20-65->Mongomery, 55->Springfield JeffersonCity MO 38.6 92.2 70->Topeka Helena MT 46.6 112.0 15->SaltLakeCity, 15-90-5->Olympia Lincoln NE 40.8 96.7 76->Denver, 76-80->DesMoines CarsonCity NV 39.1 119.7 80->Sacremento, 80->SaltLakeCity Concord NH 43.2 71.6 93->Boston, 89->Monteplier Trenton NJ 40.2 74.8 95->Richmond, 95->NewYork SantaFe NM 35.7 106.0 25->Denver, 25-40->OklahomaCity, 25-40-17->Flagstaff NewYork NY 42.7 73.8 90->Boston, 87->NewYork Raleigh NC 35.8 78.7 40-95->Richmond, 40-95-20->Columbia Bismark ND 46.8 100.8 94->StPaul Columbus OH 40.0 83.0 70->Harrisburg, 70->Indianapolis OklahomaCity OK 35.5 97.5 35->Topeka, 35->Austin, 40-25->SantaFe, 35->KansasCity Salem OR 45.0 123.0 5->Olympia, 5->Sacramento Harrisburg PA 40.3 76.9 70->Trenton, 70->Columbus, 83->Richmond Providence RI 41.8 71.4 95->Boston Columbia SC 34.0 80.9 20-40->Raleigh, 20->Atlanta Pierre SD 44.4 100.3 Nashville TN 36.2 86.8 65-64->Franfort, 40->Raleigh, 65->Montgomery Austin TX 30.3 97.8 35->OklahomaCity, 35-20->Jackson SaltLakeCity UT 40.8 111.9 15->Helena, 80->CarsonCity, 80-25->Denver


Montpelier VT 44.3 72.6 89->Concord, 89-91-90->Boston Richmond VA 37.5 77.5 95-40->Raliegh, 64-77->Charleston, 95-15->Harrisburg Olympia WA 47.0 122.9 5->Salem Charleston WV 38.4 81.6 77-70->Columbus, 64->Frankfort Madison WI 43.0 89.4 39-55->Springfield, 94->StPaul Cheyenne WY 41.1 104.8 25->Denver, 80->SaltLakeCity, 80->Lincoln


---README--To compile the program just compile each *java file >javac >javac >javac >javac >javac >javac >javac >javac >javac >javac To run the program >java Search A Graphical interface will open with instructions You can create your own data files, using the same layout as the ones provided


Chapter 3
Games and Game Theory

3.1 Game Theory

Game theory is the study of how decision makers will act and react in various situations like negotiating business deals. It is used quite a bit in the study of economics and politics. John Von Neumann laid much of the ground work for game theory. This is the eld that has recently gained some fame with the 'A Beautiful Mind' book and movie about John Nash and the Nash Equilibrium. Using simpli ed models, often based only a few rules, many behaviors of people in various situations can be predicted. In these game models it is assumed that the players will make rational choices in each decision. A rational choice is a choice where the player chooses the best, or one of the best if there are more than one top choice for herself. A player is presented with a set of actions from which she chooses one. She may prefer one action over another or may consider some actions to be equally preferable. The only restriction on the actions preferences is that if a player prefers action A over action B, and she prefers action B over actions C then she must also prefer action A over C. A payo function is used to describe the bene t of each action from the player's point of view. For example I may visit a used car lot and nd a car that is worth 1,000 by my valuation, you may value that car at 500. So the payo function for the car for me is 1,000 for you it is 500. If I see another car I like that I value at 250, it only means I prefer the rst car to the second car. It does not mean that I prefer it 4 times as much. The values are only to show ordering of choices. The Nash Equilibrium is the place where each player can do no better, no matter what the other person decides to do. A good example is the well known game of 'Prisoner's Dilemma' we have two crooks who worked together on a crime and have each been caught and are being held separately from each other. They each have a choice of nking or remaining quiet. If one nks, he walks with 1 years time in jail, the other person gets 4 years in jail. If neither nks there is enough evidence to put each away for 2 years time. 60

quiet nk 2,2 0,3 1 3,0 1,1 The highest score of all the plays is for both crooks remain quiet and each receives 2 years jail time. But if Crook one nks, he gets a score of 3 (1 years time ) against the other player who remains quiet or a score of 1(and gets 3 years jail time) So his best bet is to nk, as is the other crooks. The Nash equilibrium is at nk/ nk (1,1) since nking is the best move for each player individually. The payo function for this game is the same for each player and is: f(Fink, Quiet) > f(Quiet, Quiet) > f(Fink, Fink) > f(Quiet, Fink) So we could as easily score it 3, 2, 1, 0 rather than counting years out or 32, 21, 9, 1 the score only serves to order the choices. A clearer example is a game in which we have 2 players moving pieces on a 3-d game board. Each player can move in the x, y, or z direction.
Crook 2

X2 2*,1* 0,1* 0,0 Y2 0,0 2*,1 1*,2* Z2 1,2* 1,0 0,1 The * is the best move for each player considering what the other player does. If player 1 moves in the Y direction player 2's best move is also in the Y Z direction (2*,1) The squares with both players have *s are X 1 and Y 1 . These X2 2 are both Nash equilibriums. Finding the Nash Equilibrium this way is called 'Best Response' Suppose instead of set numbers I have a function that describes the payo for each player. I could have A(x) = y 2 andB (y ) = 1 x + xy then to nd the 2 Nash equilibrium I take the derivative of each function, set it to zero, solve and plot. Any and all places the functions cross on the plot are Nash equilibriums.




3.2 Intelligent games

Game developers are right up there with the government on the progress and contributions they have made to AI. The game environment is an easier one to work in because the gamers can control the environment and deal with speci c issues rather than dealing with the real world. Also, there is lots of money to buy cool equipment and get top notch people involved. Huge progress has been made in 2D and 3D graphics, search algorithms, data mining and bots in the game eld. Most of the game playing design in arti cial intelligence is the search for quick, intelligent search routines. Game programs are concerned with reasoning about actions. Not only must the path of possible moves be sought but the program must consider the opponents moves which are unknown to the program until they are made. It is not possible, even for most simple games, to search all the possible routes the game can take. Too much time and hardware would be needed. For 61

example tic-tac-toe is one of the simplest games we all know. A game tree that mapped all possible moves from start to nish would be 9! or 362,880 nodes large. The rst player would have 9 choices of which box to play in, the second 8 choices since the rst player had taken one, the rst player's second move would have 7 choices, etc. So the top level of nodes would have 9 choices. Each level in the tree represents a turn in the game. The second level would have 8 nodes o of each of the original 9 nodes and so on. So you can imagine what chess or other more complicated games have as the number of possible moves. Pruning is used to take sections o of the search tree that make no di erence to play. Heuristic (rule of thumb) evaluations allow approximations to save search time. For instance in the tic-tac-toe tree described above once the rst player chooses a position to play then the other 8 nodes of the top layer can be trimmed o and only the 8 trees under that node need to be searched. Since it is not usually practical to calculate each possible outcome a cut o is usually put in place. As an example, for each board in play we can calculate the advantage by adding up the point value of the pieces on the board or adding points for position. Then the program can see which of those gives the program a higher score. Then the program need only calculate ve or so moves ahead, calculate the advantage at each node and choose the best path. Rather than calculate ahead a set number of moves, the program can use an iterative deepening approach and calculate until time runs out. A quiescent search restricts the above approach. This eliminates moves that are likely to cause wild swings in the score. The horizon problem occurs when searches do not look ahead to the end of the game. This is a current unsolved problem in game programming. The Min Max algorithm assumes a 'zero sum game', such as tic-tac-toe where what is good for one player is bad for the other player. This algorithm assumes that both players will play perfectly and attempt to maximize their scores. The algorithm only generates the trees on the nodes that are likely to be played. Max is the computer, Min is the opposing player. It is assumed Max will get rst turn.


generate entire game tree down to the maximum level to check generate each terminal state value, high values are most bene cial to max, negative values are most bene cial to min, zero holds no advantage for either player. go up one level, give the node above the previous layer the best score from the prior layer continue up the tree one level at a time until top is reached pick the node with the highest score.

The Alpha-Beta method determines whether an evaluation should be made of the top node by the Min-Max algorithm. It searches all of the nodes, like MinMax, then eliminates (prunes) those that are never going to reached. The program begins by proceeding with the Min-Max algorithm systematically through 62

the nodes of a tree. First we go down a branch of the tree and calculate the score for that node. Then we proceed down the next branch. If the score at one of the leaves is lower than the score obtained in a previous branch of the tree we don't nish evaluating all the nodes of the branch, rather we move onto the next branch. The search can be shallow rather than deep saving time. Further gains in speed can be made by caching the information from branches in a look up table, re-ordering results, extending some and shortening other searches, or using probabilities rather than actual numbers for cuto s and using parallel algorithms. Ordering may be used to save time as well. In chess captures would be considered rst, followed by forward moves, followed by backward moves. Or, ordering can consider the nodes with the highest values rst. The program must try to nd a winning strategy that does not depend on the human user's moves. Humans often make small goals and consider moves that work toward that goal, i.e. capture the queen. David Wilkins Paradise is the only program so far to do this successfully. Another approach is to use book learning. Several boards are loaded into a table in memory and if the same board comes into play the computer can look up what to do from there. The Monte Carlo simulation has been used successfully in games with non-deterministic information, such as; Scrabble, dice, and card games. Temporal-di erence learning is derived from Samuel's machine learning research. Several games are played out and kept in a database. This works well with board games like backgammon, chess and checkers. Neural nets can be trained to play games this way, TD Gammon being one the more famous ones. Most of the AI in games is scripted rather than programmed in traditional languages so it is an easy starting place for beginners. Python is the currently preferred languages. All the data is prede ned in a le so the script can look up the data. This means the script doesn't have to be changed whenever the data is changed during play. This is especially useful for bot programming.


Chapter 4
Misc. AI

4.1 AI Language, speech

There are many problems to be worked through involving language and AI. Many breakthroughs in AI will follow a system that can actually understand language, and it is pretty high on the cool things list. There are two major parts to machine language: speech recognition and generation; and natural language understanding and generation. Speech recognition uses neural nets, hidden Markov Models, Bayesian networks and other tools to tease out what a person is saying and gure out how to pronounce words when responding or reading text to a user. Language understanding uses regular expressions, as in ELIZA, to create responses to the user. State machines and First Order Predicate Calculus have had some successes here. Some work has been done with neural nets and word vectors also. Language understanding programs have four main inter-related areas to juggle: syntax; semantics; inference; generation. Syntax is the structural relationship between words. Semantics is the meaning of the words. Inference concerns what is meant or desired from the request or conversation. Generation is the ability of the software to create a suitable response. Ambiguity is a large part of the problem, the same word can mean di erent things in di erent contexts, the same sentence can mean di erent things as well. For example: I made her walk. Could mean: I forced her to stride; I poured cement and made her a walkway. A language is a set of sentences that may be used to convey information. English contains about 800,000 words, including technical terms, although no one individual probably knows more than 60,000 words. Most written English uses less than 10,000 words and college educated people use about 5,000 words in conversation. Grammar is the syntax or sequences that make up the sentences. Syntax as well as the words used convey information. An interesting point is that where ever people have formed groups a language has developed.


4.1.1 Hidden Markov Models

These have been used in speech recognition, handwriting recognition and currently in many bio-technology projects. Markov Chain: is a statistical technique that uses a weighted automaton, a weighted directed graph, in which the input sequence uniquely determines the path through the automaton to the output observed. Hidden Markov Model: is a weighted automaton in which only one path is allowed per speci c input. The Viterbi is the most commonly used algorithm for processing these models. Viterbi Algorithm: traces through state graph multiplying the probabilities. If the probability from the previous level is higher it back traces Example, for words: need (n-iy), neat (n-iy-t), new (n-uw), knee (n-iy)


iy :64 t uw :36 d n



End Possible paths are:


64 is a higher probability so we pursue that Next pass gives us iy t:64 :24 = :128 iy:64 :315 = :2016 iy d:64 :445 = :178 But these are smaller than the :36 we collected as a high probability in the previous pass so we back track to that. If there were more levels through our graph we would continue this loop until reaching the end. The probabilities are calculated as so: weight = log [actualprobability ] so if the probability of n uwis:44 the graph weight is log (:44) => :36

uw => 1:0 :36 => :36 neat=n iy t => 1:0 :64 :24 => :128 need=n iy d => 1:0 :64 :445 => :178 knee=n iy => 1:0 :64 :315 => :2016 The rst loop checks n uw1:0 :36 = :36 and n iy 1:0 :64 = :64


4.2 Fuzzy Stu

Fuzzy logic has had great success in running machinery that is computer operated. For instance, if I write a program to control the thermostat in my home I can set it for 'cool'. Coming out of winter into summer, 60'F feels cool. Going from summer into Fall 70' feels cool. I might describe cool as between 50' and 70', warm as between 60' and 80', cold anything less than 60' and hot anything over 70'. So the computer doesn't get it when I say I would like the home to be warm. Should it be 60', but that is also cool. Softening and fuzzing the data enables the computer to be able to deal with overlapping or otherwise not clear cut data. It also keeps the machine from jumping about too much when the inputs change. Groups of overlapping data are hard coded into software along with rules for fuzzing it.

4.3 Evolutionary AI
Genetic programs create individual programs that compete for survival. Those that do well reproduce, usually with another program that did well. The child gets a random mix of traits from the parents and may do better or worse than the parents. Some of these programs are written for speci c problem solving ability, others for general skills. Often a mutation will be thrown in that will e ect a very small percentage of the population. The simplest of these is life. A grid of squares is laid out and life multiplies or dies o depending on the number of occupied neighboring cells. The newer, more complex versions have genetic code that children inherit as subroutines from both parents, a bit of randomness mixed in and they compete in a survival of the ttest environment. The hope is that after many generations we will have intelligence. Arti cial societies are also being used to study and predict what real world societies will do. Using a simple version of life you can change the rules and mimic real world situations. This method is also being used by archaeologists to determine what caused the rises and falls of civilizations gone by. In 1971 an economist, Thomas C. Schelling, used such a method to show how neighborhoods segregate and that racism was not the cause of segregation. Usually a few very simple rules are all that are needed to have real life simulations develop.


Game of Life by Conway in Java. A grid of squares randomly is marked with on or o . If a square has less than 2 neighbors it dies of lonliness, if it has 2 neighbors it stays the same, if it has 3 neighbors a birth occurs, if it has more than 3 neighbors it dies of over crowding.
// //Conway's Game of Life ( example of cellular automaton ) //This is a grid of 30 x 30 squares, though any number can be used //if a square has 0 or 1 neighbor dies of loneliness //if a square has 2 neighbors no change occurs //if a square has 3 neighbors a birth occurs //if a square has 4 or more neighbors dies of overcrowding.

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*;

public class Life extends Frame implements Runnable, WindowListener { int xdim = 500; int ydim = 500; Thread animThread; // to continuously call repaint(); int boxsize = 10; Rectangle box = new Rectangle ( 0, 0, boxsize, boxsize ); int gridsize = 30; int board[][] = new int[gridsize][gridsize]; long delay = 1000L; // how long to pause between redraws int startposition = 1; //1 is random setup, 2-7 are well known movers public static void main(String[] args) { new Life(); } //set up frame and start animation public Life() {


super ( " Life " ); setBounds ( 0, 0, xdim, ydim ); setVisible ( true ); addWindowListener ( this ); animThread = new Thread ( this ); animThread.start(); setupBoard( startposition ); } void setupBoard( int setup ) { //erase board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ board[i][j] = 0; } } if ( setup == 1 ){ //random Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis() ); for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++ ){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ if ( r.nextInt()%2 == 0 ){ board[i][j] = 1; } } } }else if ( setup == 2 ){ //glider int center = gridsize/2; board[center][center] = 1; board[center-2][center+1] = 1; board[center][center+1] = 1; board[center-1][center+2] = 1; board[center][center+2] = 1; }else if ( setup == 3 ){ //small exploder int center = gridsize/2; board[center][center] = 1; board[center-1][center+1] = 1; board[center][center+1] = 1;


board[center+1][center+1] board[center-1][center+2] board[center+1][center+2] board[center][center+3] =

= 1; = 1; = 1; 1;

}else if ( setup == 4 ){ //exploder int center = gridsize/2; board[center][center] = 1; board[center-2][center] = 1; board[center+2][center] = 1; board[center-2][center+1] = 1; board[center+2][center+1] = 1; board[center-2][center+2] = 1; board[center+2][center+2] = 1; board[center-2][center+3] = 1; board[center+2][center+3] = 1; board[center-2][center+4] = 1; board[center+2][center+4] = 1; board[center][center+4] = 1; }else if ( setup == 5 ) { //10 cell row int center = gridsize/2; for ( int i=center-5; i<center+5; i++){ board[center][i] = 1; } }else if ( setup == 6 ) { //fish int center = gridsize/2; board[center][center] = 1; board[center+1][center] = 1; board[center+2][center] = 1; board[center+3][center] = 1; board[center-1][center+1] = 1; board[center+3][center+1] = 1; board[center+3][center+2] = 1; board[center-1][center+3] = 1; board[center+2][center+3] = 1; }else if ( setup == 7 ){ //pump int center = gridsize/2; board[center][center] = 1; board[center+1][center] = 1; board[center+3][center] = 1; board[center+4][center] = 1; board[center][center+1] = 1; board[center+1][center+1] = 1;


board[center+3][center+1] board[center+4][center+1] board[center+1][center+2] board[center+3][center+2] board[center-1][center+3] board[center+1][center+3] board[center+3][center+3] board[center+5][center+3] board[center-1][center+4] board[center+1][center+4] board[center+3][center+4] board[center+5][center+4] board[center-1][center+5] board[center][center+5] = board[center+4][center+5] board[center+5][center+5] } }

= 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; 1; = 1; = 1;

//update the game board life rules go here void updateBoard() { int count; int oldboard[][] = new int[gridsize][gridsize]; //copy board to old board and clean new board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ oldboard[i][j] = board[i][j]; board[i][j] = 0; } } //for each square check surrounding squares and get a count of neighbors for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ count = 0;


//count neighbors but don't run off edge if ( i>0 ){ if ( j>0 ){ count += oldboard[i-1][j-1]; } } if ( i>0 ){ count += oldboard[i-1][j]; } if ( i>0 ){ if ( j<(gridsize-1) ){ count += oldboard[i-1][j+1]; }} if ( j>0 ){ count += oldboard[i][j-1]; } if ( j<(gridsize-1) ){ count += oldboard[i][j+1]; } if ( i<(gridsize-1) ){ if ( j>0 ){ count += oldboard[i+1][j-1]; } } if ( i<( gridsize-1) ){ count += oldboard[i+1][j]; } if ( i<( gridsize-1) ){ if ( j<(gridsize-1) ){ count += oldboard[i+1][j+1]; }} if ( else else else } } } count < 2 ) { board[i][j] = 0; if ( count == 2 ){ board[i][j] if ( count == 3 ){ board[i][j] if ( count > 3 ) { board[i][j] } = = = //die of loneliness oldboard[i][j]; } //no change, stable 1; } //a new life is born 0; } //die of overcrowding

//animation loop public synchronized void run() { while ( true ) { //keep animating forever!!! try { updateBoard(); // calc location Thread.sleep( delay ); // after if happens, wait a bit repaint( 0L ); // request redraw wait(); // wait for redraw } catch( Exception ex ) { System.err.println( "Error: " + ex ); } }

public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } //repaint the scene public synchronized void paint(Graphics g)


{ //draw background g.setColor( Color.white ); g.fillRect( 0, 0, xdim, ydim ); int x = 15; int y = 35; //draw board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++ ){ for ( int k=0; k<gridsize; k++ ){ Color background = new Color ( 210, 210, 210 ); if ( board[i][k] == 0 ){ g.setColor ( background ); } else{ g.setColor ( ); } g.fillRect ( x, y, boxsize, boxsize ); x += boxsize+5; } y += boxsize+5; x = 15; } notifyAll(); }

public public public public public public

void void void void void void

windowOpened( WindowEvent ev ) {} windowActivated( WindowEvent ev ) windowIconified( WindowEvent ev ) windowDeiconified( WindowEvent ev windowDeactivated( WindowEvent ev windowClosed( WindowEvent ev ) {}

{} {} ) {} ) {}

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev) { animThread = null; setVisible(false); dispose(); System.exit(0); } }


Another example is ocking. This is done by creating a ock of animals and having them follow 3 rules. Move in same direction as rest of ock; Move to position self in center of ock; Don't wipe out the other guys. The larger the ock the more interesting behavior you will see.


// //flocking example //rules //1. Avoid collisions with other birds //2. Attempt to match velocity to rest of the group //3. Attempt to remain in center of the flock

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*;

public class Flocking extends Frame implements Runnable, WindowListener { int xdim = 530; int ydim = 530; Thread animThread; // to continuously call repaint(); int boxsize = 2; Rectangle box = new Rectangle ( 0, 0, boxsize, boxsize ); int gridsize = 100; int board[][] = new int[gridsize][gridsize]; long delay = 300L; // how long to pause between redraws int flocksize = 30; int xcenter = 0; int ycenter = 0; int oldxcenter = 0; int oldycenter = 0; int birds[][] = new int[flocksize][2]; int xdirection = 0; int ydirection = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) { new Flocking(); } //set up frame and start animation public Flocking()


{ super ( " Flocking " ); setBounds ( 0, 0, xdim, ydim ); setVisible ( true ); addWindowListener ( this ); animThread = new Thread ( this ); animThread.start(); //set board to zeros for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++ ){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ board[i][j] = 0; } }

//lets start with the birds, assume no collisions on random numbers Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis() ); for ( int i=0; i<flocksize; i++){ int x = r.nextInt ( gridsize ); int y = r.nextInt ( gridsize ); board[x][y] = 1; xcenter += x; ycenter += y; birds[i][0] = x; birds[i][1] = y; } //now calc center of flock xcenter /= flocksize; ycenter /= flocksize; //board[xcenter][ycenter] = 2; }

//*********************************************************************************** //update here void updateBoard() { //don't change board as we calculate


int oldboard[][] = board; int oldbirds[][] = birds; //get flock direction xdirection = xcenter - oldxcenter; ydirection = ycenter - oldycenter; if ( xdirection < 0 ) { xdirection = -1; } else if ( xdirection > 0 ) { xdirection = 1; } else { xdirection = 0; } if ( ydirection < 0 ) { ydirection = -1; } else if ( ydirection > 0 ) { ydirection = 1; } else { ydirection = 0; } //don't have direction x and y = 0 or flock stops moving // so lets randomly choose a new direction if (( xdirection == 0 ) && ( ydirection == 0 )){ Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis() ); int random = r.nextInt(); if ( random%8 == 0 ){ xdirection = -1; ydirection = -1; } else if ( random%7 == 0 ){ xdirection = -1; ydirection = 0; } else if ( random%6 == 0 ){ xdirection = -1; ydirection = 1; } else if ( random%5 == 0 ){ xdirection = 1; ydirection = -1; } else if ( random%4 == 0 ){ xdirection = 1; ydirection = 0; } else if ( random%3 == 0 ){ xdirection = 1; ydirection = 1; } else if ( random%2 == 0 ){ xdirection = 0; ydirection = -1; } else { xdirection = 0; ydirection = 1; } }

//save so can get direction on next pass oldxcenter = xcenter; oldycenter = ycenter; /* //send data to user while debugging code for ( int i=0; i<flocksize; i++){ System.out.println ( birds[i][0] + ", " + birds[i][1] ); } System.out.println ( "center " + xcenter + ", " + ycenter ); System.out.println ( "direction " + xdirection + ", " + ydirection ); System.out.println();



//aim each bird toward center of flock //aim each bird in general direction of flock //do not hit other birds for ( int i=0; i<flocksize; i++){ int x = 0; int y = 0; //move toward center of flock if ( xcenter < birds[i][0] ){ if ( xcenter > birds[i][0] ){ if ( ycenter < birds[i][1] ){ if ( ycenter > birds[i][1] ){ x--; x++; y--; y++; } } } }

//move in direction of flock x += xdirection*(flocksize/10); y += ydirection*(flocksize/10);

//don't run off edge of world int edgebuffer = flocksize/10; if ( (birds[i][0] - x) < edgebuffer ){ if ( x < 0 ) { x *= -edgebuffer; } //change direction }else if ( (birds[i][0] + x) > gridsize-edgebuffer ){ if ( x > 0 ) { x *= -edgebuffer; } //change direction } if ( (birds[i][1] - y ) < edgebuffer ){ if ( y < 0 ) { y *= -edgebuffer; } //change direction }else if (( birds[i][1] + y) > gridsize-edgebuffer ){ if ( y > 0 ) { y *= -edgebuffer; } //change direction } //are we standing still? if ( x == 0 && y == 0 ){ //*****randomize this if it works also don't run over other birds if ( birds[i][0] > edgebuffer ){ x--; } else if ( birds[i][0] < gridsize-edgebuffer ) { x++; } if ( birds[i][1] > edgebuffer ) { y--; }


else if ( birds[i][1] < gridsize-edgebuffer ) { y++; } }

//avoid other birds for ( int z=0; z<flocksize; z++){ if (( birds[i][0]+x == birds[z][0] ) && ( birds[i][1]+y == birds[z][1] )){ //we have a clash x = 0; y = 0; //pause a moment //****** you are here we need a better solution ***** Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis() ); int random = r.nextInt(); //change aim slightly make sure still on board and not ontop of someone else if ( random%4 == 0 ) {} else if ( random%3 == 0 ) {} else if ( random%2 == 0 ) {} else {} }

//update bird birds[i][0] += x; birds[i][1] += y; }//end move each bird

//recalculate center xcenter = 0; ycenter = 0; for ( int i=0; i<flocksize; i++ ) { xcenter += birds[i][0]; ycenter += birds[i][1]; } xcenter /= flocksize; ycenter /= flocksize; //update board


for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ if ( board[i][j] == 1 ) { board[i][j] = 0; } } } for ( int i=0; i<flocksize; i++){ //add in new bird position int w = birds[i][0]; int h = birds[i][1]; board[w][h] = 1; } //board[xcenter][ycenter] = 2;

} //***********************************************************************************

//animation loop public synchronized void run() { while ( true ) { //keep animating forever!!! try { updateBoard(); // calc location repaint( 0L ); // request redraw wait(); // wait for redraw Thread.sleep( delay ); // after if happens, wait a bit } } catch( Exception ex ) { System.err.println( "Error: " + ex ); } }

public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); }

//repaint the scene public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) { //draw background g.setColor( Color.white );


g.fillRect( 0, 0, xdim, ydim ); int x = 5; int y = 25; //clear title bar Color background = new Color( 220, 220, 230 ); //draw board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++ ){ for ( int k=0; k<gridsize; k++ ){ if ( board[i][k] == 0 ){ g.setColor ( background); } else if ( board[i][k] == 2 ) { g.setColor ( ); } else if ( board[i][k] == 3 ) { g.setColor ( ); } else{ g.setColor ( ); } g.fillRect ( x, y, boxsize, boxsize ); x += 5; } y += 5; x = 5;

notifyAll(); }

public public public public public public

void void void void void void

windowOpened( WindowEvent ev ) {} windowActivated( WindowEvent ev ) windowIconified( WindowEvent ev ) windowDeiconified( WindowEvent ev windowDeactivated( WindowEvent ev windowClosed( WindowEvent ev ) {}

{} {} ) {} ) {}

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev) { animThread = null; setVisible(false); dispose(); System.exit(0); }



This is the same as Conway's Life previous except I added in dna to make things a bit more interesting. A day counter moves along a dna strand, 2 marks per day. When a child is born a mix of both parent's dna makes up baby's. The longer a creature lives, the brighter the color is. Red for one sex, blue for the other.

import java.util.*; public class Creature { int dna_length = 24; //20 plus some junk dna int dna[] = new int[dna_length]; int x=0, y=0; int age=0, sex=0; boolean alive=true; Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis()); Creature( int xMax, int yMax ) { xMax--; yMax--; //so we don't run off end of array if ( r.nextInt()%2 == 0 ){ sex = 0; } else { sex = 1; } age = 0; alive = true; for ( int i=0; i<dna_length; i++){ if ( r.nextInt()%2 == 0 ){ dna[i] = 0; } else { dna[i] = 1; } } x = r.nextInt( xMax ); y = r.nextInt( yMax ); } void grow(){ age++; } void newLocation(int w, int h) { x = w; y = h; }


void babydna ( int babydna[] ) { dna = babydna; } }


import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*;

public class Dnalife extends Frame implements Runnable, WindowListener { int xdim = 500; int ydim = 510; Thread animThread; // to continuously call repaint(); int gridsize = 40; int board[][] = new int[gridsize][gridsize]; long delay = 1000L; //length of pause between redraws int boxsize = (int)(xdim/(gridsize+10)); Rectangle box = new Rectangle ( 0, 0, boxsize, boxsize ); int empty = -1; Vector creatures = new Vector(); int day = 0; int generations = 0; int startingCreatures = gridsize*gridsize/5; public static void main(String[] args) { new Dnalife(); }

//set up frame and start animation public Dnalife() { super ( " DNA Life " ); setBounds ( 0, 0, xdim, ydim ); setVisible ( true ); addWindowListener ( this ); setupBoard(); animThread = new Thread ( this ); animThread.start(); }


void setupBoard() { //erase board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++ ){ board[i][j] = empty; } } Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis()); //set up original creatures for ( int i=0; i<startingCreatures; i++){ creatures.add(new Creature( gridsize, gridsize )); //position on gameboard int x = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(i)).x; int y = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(i)).y; if ( board[x][y] == empty ){ board[x][y] = i; }else{ //someone has this spot pick a new one boolean done = false; while ( !done ){ //keep trying till we find an empty spot x = r.nextInt( gridsize ); y = r.nextInt( gridsize ); if ( board[x][y] == empty ){ ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(i)).newLocation( x, y ); done = true; } } } } }

//update the game board here void updateBoard() {


int dead=0; int born=0; generations++; //clear board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++){ board[i][j] = empty; } } int numberOfCreatures = creatures.size(); int m = numberOfCreatures-1; //place on board and age one year numberOfCreatures = creatures.size(); for ( m=0; m<numberOfCreatures; m++){ Creature tempCreature = (Creature) creatures.elementAt(m); board[ tempCreature.x ][ tempCreature.y ] = m; tempCreature.grow(); }

//update date if ( day > 9 ){ day = 0; }else{ day++; } int mark = day*2; //dna marker

//walk through board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++){ int neighbors = 0; int neighborhood[] = new int[8]; for ( int k=0; k<8; k++){ neighborhood[k] = empty; } //count neighbors if ( i > 0 ){ if ( board[i-1][j] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i-1][j]; neighbors++; } } //north


if (( i > 0 ) && ( j < gridsize-1 )){ if ( board[i-1][j+1] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i-1][j+1]; neighbors++; }} // north east if ( j < gridsize-1 ){ if ( board[i][j+1] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i][j+1]; neighbors++; }} // east if (( i < gridsize-1 ) && ( j < gridsize-1 )) { if ( board[i+1][j+1] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i+1][j+1]; neighbors++; }} // south east if ( i < gridsize-1 ){ if ( board[i+1][j] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i+1][j]; neighbors++; }} // south if (( i < gridsize-1) && ( j > 0 )){ if ( board[i+1][j-1] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i+1][j-1]; neighbors++; }} // south west if ( j > 0 ){ if ( board[i][j-1] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i][j-1]; neighbors++; }} // west if (( i > 0 ) && ( j > 0 )){ if ( board[i-1][j-1] != empty ){ neighborhood[neighbors] = board[i-1][j-1]; neighbors++; }} //north west //if neighbors = 3 && one neighbor opposite sex have baby //if neighbors > 3 die of over crowding //if neighbors < 3 die of loneliness pick direction based on dna if (( neighbors > 0 )&&( board[i][j] != empty )){ //see if any neighbors opposite sex //only check one sex otherwise duplicate int sex = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).sex;

//see if mating time if ((( board[i][j] != empty ) && (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[ma (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[mark+1] == 0 )) { for ( int k=0; k<8; k++){ if ( neighborhood[k] != empty ){


//?found a mate? if (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(neighborhood[k])).sex != sex ){ //is it mating time? if ((((Creature)creatures.elementAt(neighborhood[k])).dna[mark] == 1 ) && (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(neighborhood[k])).dna[mark+1] == 0 )) { //if so create new Creature add to vector Creature c = new Creature( gridsize, gridsize ); int row = c.x; int col = c.y; boolean done = false; if ( board[row][col] == empty ){ creatures.add ( c ); born++; done = true; }else{ //need to reposition

Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis()); int count = 0; while ( !done ){ count++; if ( count > 8 ) { // crowded board, too crowded for a new life done = true; } int xPos = r.nextInt( gridsize ); int yPos = r.nextInt( gridsize ); if ( board[xPos][yPos] == empty ){ c.x = xPos; c.y = yPos; creatures.add ( c ); done = true; born++; }//end if }//end while } //end else


//take dna from parents for baby Random r = new Random ( System.currentTimeMillis()); int dnaMix = r.nextInt(20); int newDna[] = new int[20]; //first parent for ( int p1=0; p1<dnaMix; p1++){ newDna[p1] = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[p1]; } //second parent for ( int p2=dnaMix; p2<20; p2++){ newDna[p2] = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(neighborhood[k])).dna[p2]; } //pass dna onto baby ((Creature)creatures.lastElement()).babydna(newDna); }//end if mating time, second parent }// if found mate }//if neighborhood[k] !empty }//for k }//if mating time first parent

} if (( neighbors < 1 )&&( board[i][j] != empty )){ //die lonliness if (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[mark] == 0 ){ if (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[mark+1] == 0 ){ ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).alive = false; dead++; } } }else if (( neighbors > 5 )&&( board[i][j] != empty )){ //die overcrowding if (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[mark] == 0 ){ if (((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).dna[mark+1] == 0 ){ ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(board[i][j])).alive = false; dead++; } } }

}//for j


}//for i //remove dead int length = creatures.size(); for ( int i=0; i<length; i++){ if ( ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(i)).alive == false ){ creatures.removeElementAt(i); length--; } }

//********* need to redraw board here to reflect new vector numbers ****************// //erase board for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++){ board[i][j] = empty; } } //place creatures on board length = creatures.size(); for ( int i=0; i<length; i++){ //position on gameboard int x = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(i)).x; int y = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(i)).y; board[x][y] = i; } //************************************************************************************//

System.out.println ( " generation " + generations + " vector size " + creatures.size() + " dead " + dead ); }


//animation loop public synchronized void run() { while ( true ) { //keep animating forever!!! try { Thread.sleep( delay ); // wait a bit updateBoard(); // calc location repaint( 0L ); // request redraw wait(); // wait for redraw } catch( Exception ex ) { System.err.println( "Error: " + ex ); } }

public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); }

//repaint the scene public synchronized void paint(Graphics g) { //draw background g.setColor( Color.white ); g.fillRect( 0, 0, xdim, ydim ); Color background = new Color ( 210, 210, 210 ); Color color = new Color ( 0, 100, 0 ); int age=0, sex=0; //margins int x = 5; int y = 25; //first make sure we initialized everything this keeps graphics thread from //trying to draw board before we've set up initial conditions if ( creatures.size() > 0 ){ //draw current state of affairs for ( int i=0; i<gridsize; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<gridsize; j++){


g.setColor ( background ); // if square not empty this gets changed //color? show age and sex int mark = board[i][j]; if (( mark != empty ) && ( mark >= 0)){ sex = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(mark)).sex; age = ((Creature)creatures.elementAt(mark)).age; if ( sex == 0 ){ if ( age < 255 ){ color= new Color( age*2, 0, 0 ); }else{ color = new Color ( 255, 0, 0 ); } }else{ if ( age < 255 ) { color = new Color ( 0, 0, age*2 ); }else{ color = new Color ( 0, 0, 255 ); } } g.setColor ( color ); } //fill in the block g.fillRect( x, y, boxsize, boxsize ); x += boxsize+1; } y += boxsize +1; x = 5; } }//end if board initialized creatures.size() > 0 notifyAll(); }

public public public public public public

void void void void void void

windowOpened( WindowEvent ev ) {} windowActivated( WindowEvent ev ) windowIconified( WindowEvent ev ) windowDeiconified( WindowEvent ev windowDeactivated( WindowEvent ev windowClosed( WindowEvent ev ) {}

{} {} ) {} ) {}


public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev) { animThread = null; setVisible(false); dispose(); System.exit(0); } }

4.4 Computer Vision

There are two types of computer eyes in use now. One known as 'spot or jumping' eyes send out a narrow laser beam and measure the amount of light that comes back. A second type of computer vision uses 'imaging eyes' these form pictures like the digital cameras do. Image ltering from 2-d into 3-d involves ltering many items such as: shading; color; intensity; texture; etc. The information is then used to create a scene. First the image is decomposed into pixels or small blocks of color and light intensity. Then to erase spikes of light or clean up random noise in the picture, a lter operation (convolution) is slid over the image that averages pixels that are adjacent to each other and replaces the center pixel with the average. Usually a two dimensional Gaussian is used as the weighting function. Another method looks for pixels that vary greatly from the pixels surrounding them. It gives this pixel the average of the surrounding pixels. This method tends not to blur the image as much as the rst method. Next some type of edge detection is performed. One method enhances areas that have large changes in color from pixel to pixel. This is done by a process that, in e ect, takes the second derivative of the image. Where the second derivative is zero an edge occurs. This is done by creating a sliding window with a positive and negative section. As it slides over the image it compares the pixel underneath to itself. The sum is zero over areas that don't change. A method used in maps is 'contouring' this measures the di erence in intensity of the pixels rather than color. This pulls out and clari es areas of di erent depths. The convolution and edge detection are generally combined into one operation. This results in the Laplacian of the Gaussian function being performed over the image. There are newer, better techniques available now than this one. Another method to di erentiate objects from an image attempts to nd areas of gradual change in color, light intensity, etc. An area is a region of 93

homogeneous pixels that di er not more than a small amount, . Adjacent regions are not homogeneous. Split and Merge [Horowitz & Pavlidis] is one such method. The whole image is split into equal parts, these are tested for homogeneity, if the regions are not homogeneous then the splitting continues until all the regions are homogeneous. Regions are then merged with other regions that are homogeneous with themselves. This method and the one above run into many problems with di erentiating shadows from edges. Now scene analysis is done to extrapolate a scene from the information gathered. For this part more information is needed. Other scenes, stereo vision, or positions of the moving camera. In one method a line drawing is extrapolated and the junctions of the lines are matched to table entries to determine if the object extends outward or inward. If the scene contains well known objects the objects may be stored as line drawings in a table to be matched. ((x2 +y 2 ) (2standardDeviation2 )) 1 Gaussian: (2P istandardDeviation2 ) e ( average: NX i+X j +X k)s umberOf X

standard Deviation: ((X i+X j +X k+X::) ) N umberOf X s The standard Deviation describes a bell shaped curve. This gives closer pixels a higher weight factor. 2 2 F (x;y Laplacian: @ (@x2 ) + @ F (x;y) @y 2

4.5 Turing Machines, State Machines and Finite State Automaton

A Turing machine consists of a black box, and an in nite tape. The tape is divided into blocks. Each block has one symbol. The tape head can be on one block at time, it can read or write that block and then move one block forward or one block backward, and it can stop. The black box has a controller, a nite memory and decides what to do based on the information read. Turing Machines can describe any nitely describable function that maps one set of strings onto another set of strings. It is believed that any function that can be computed can be computed by a Turing Machine. Automaton theory is a branch of mathematics that describes the operation of computers, especially that of Turing Machines. A Turning Machine that can read but not write is a Finite State Automaton. These are used extensively in text searches, pattern matching and regular expressions. A State Machine keeps a temporal representation of the state of its environment. It tracks the state it begins in, as well as states in which actions or sensory data change the state. Finite state machines are used as part of the AI engine in games. This type of setup can be computationally ecient for updating game characters. A Finite State Machine is a set consisting of: a nite set of states; a nite set of input symbols; a nite set of output symbols; the next state function; the next output function. In a neural net state machine the states are generally stored in some type of a vector. The network has a hidden 94

unit for each feature of the environment it needs. The input consists of an input for each sense, plus the input from the hidden units. There is an output for each possible action that can be taken. Another way to store the information is with a map that is updated. This is known as 'iconic representation' and is used for software agents.

4.6 Blackboard Systems

A blackboard system works like a blackboard in a room full of people. Some people, agents or parts of the program are allowed to add, change, erase or read the information on the blackboard. There is usually an overseer who requests that missing sections get lled in or updated. When each piece does its work the information is complete. There is also a con ict resolution piece to settle disputes. Each agent or program is an expert on an area or type of information. So the blackboard is just a centralized data structure to which various agents or subroutine have access.

4.7 User Interfaces

Computers were originally only used by programmers and other people familiar with the workings of them. The GUI (Graphical User Interface) originally was demonstrated by Ivan Sutherland in Sketchpad, his Phd thesis. Others attribute the GUI interface design to the smalltalk Project at Xerox. Apple was the company to bring the GUI to the public, followed by Windows and lastly by Unix/Linux, whose users stubbornly considered it to be unnecessary overhead. Later came hypertext and the Internet morphed into the WWW as we know it today. Hypertext was rst used by Vannevar Bush in MEMEX. The term hypertext was coined later by Ted Nelson. The universities used it in information tools and Apple used it in HyperCard bringing the idea to the public. Others attribute the rst use of hyperlinks to Dynatext. Interactive interfaces with bots and agents combined with speech recognition are the current cutting edge in interfaces. Many new concerns come with the new interfaces. A too human appearing interface may be scary, or may attributed far more intelligence than it should be. Consider how much intelligence the public already attributes to computers. The user interface should speed up and make the task easier, not exist to entertain and should not slow down the task at hand. If the task is user intensive such as word processing, searches, etc. Then speech in place of typing will not slow things down since the computer is already tied to the users speed. Otherwise traditional keyboarding and mouse interfaces should be used. Other, non-anthropomorphic interfaces are also being developed. People take in large amounts of information visually. Looking at a plot is far more informative than looking a list of numbers. A graphical user interface can convey much more information than a textual one. TreeViz conveys information about 95

les stored on a users hard drive. It uses color sound and shape to map the whole drive on the screen in front of the user for easy cleanups.

4.8 Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines (SVM) are based on a non-linear generalization of the 'Generalized Portrait' algorithm developed in Russia in the 1960s. They have been around since the 1970s but only recently have begun to attract attention. They have been successfully used for handwriting and speech recognition, as well as speaker recognition and have the ability to pull objects such as faces out of images. Support vector machines can sort data into two classes, it is in the set or it is not in the set. Data which is not linearly separable can become linearly separable in higher dimensions. However, if data is put into too many dimensions then data classes are memorized rather than learned, this is known as over- tting, and the SVM will not handle new data properly. The error rate of SVM can be explicitly calculated which can not be done for neural networks. We want to create a hyperplane that gives the maximum possible distance between the points in the set and the points out of the set, with the maximum margin around it. So we want the maximum distance between the point in each set that is closest to the other group. We then create a margin of two lines between the data. The main method used to do this is using Lagrange Multipliers. (aka the 'Quadratic Programming Problem' most better spreadsheets and math programs have this built in to them.) Lagrange Multipliers are used to nd the extrema of f (x) subject to a constraint g (x) where f and g are functions with continuous rst partial derivatives. f = 1 g1 + 2 S g2 + :::  is the Lagrange Multiplier. The 'kernel' is a formula for the dot product in higher dimensional 'feature space'. Feature space is the higher dimension space we have mapped our data into to make it linearly separable. A Polynomial of various dimensions and Gaussian Kernels are the most commonly used.

4.9 Bayesian Logic

Bayesian neural networks and expert systems (a.k.a. Uncertainty representation, belief networks, probabilistic networks) are based on "Bayes' rule" or "Bayes' theorem" which is a statistical theory. It was developed by Thomas Bayes in the 18th century. It takes and ips the probability given the original conditional probability. This is used to deal with uncertainty in expert systems. They often form the main part of spell correcting and speech recognition programs. P (x j y )P (y ) P (y jx) = P (x ) Example:

P(A) is the event of a person having cancer (10%) 96


P(B) is the event of person being a smoker (50%) P(B|A) is the percent cancer patients who smoke (80%) We wish to know the likelihood of the smoker having cancer
P (A B )

(: 8


1) = :16 or a 16%chance.

A Bayesian network is an acyclic tree graph. An acyclic tree graph can not cycle back to previous conditions. Its nodes, occurrences, contain the possible outcomes and tables of probabilities of each considering the inputs to this node. The connecting edges contain the e ects of occurrences on one another. The probabilities of all occurrences must total 100%, and all occurrences must be accounted for. A node must be conditionally independent of any subset of nodules that are not descendants of it, this reduces the number of possibilities for each node that must be calculated. There are three commonly used patterns of inference in Bayes Networks; Top-down which uses a chain rule to add up probabilities; Bottom-up which uses Bayes Rule; and a hybrid system. All of these use recursion in the algorithms making them computationally intensive. Children of a parent node can be independent of each other, none of them contributing to the probabilities of another. In that case the parent is said to d-separate them. This can be used to cut down the number of calculations needed to work through the net. The is network trained by giving the likely probabilities to seed it. When something new happens the probabilities are re-evaluated. This causes all the probabilities to be re-calculated, remember they must total 100%. The network structure must also be redetermined. Often this can be done before training occurs. Hidden nodes can sometimes help reduce the size of the network.


Chapter 5
Reasoning Programs and Common Sense

5.1 Common Sense and Reasoning Programs

Programs that have commonsense are some of the earliest attempts at arti cial intelligence. The problem with the commonsense programs is there is no way to easily de ne the knowledge in a way the computer can use with out the computer understanding language. Little success was made here, but the descendants of common sense programs, expert systems have been very successful at problem solving of the type people learn in college, like engineering, law and medical diagnoses. From these studies came the computer languages Lisp and Prolong. John McCarthy's paper on common sense shaped the arti cial intelligence movement for several decades. The Advice Taker is a program that was to have commonsense. John McCarthy states that 'A program has common sense if it automatically deduces for itself a suciently wide class of immediate consequences of anything it is told and what it already knows'. So the goal is for the Advice Taker to be able to discover simple abstractions. McCarthy de nes proof of a program having common sense to be: that all behaviors be representable in the system; interesting changes in behavior must be expressible in a simple way; the system must understand the concept of partial success; and the system must be able to create subroutines to be used in procedures. Another attempt at a general problem solving program following this type of reasoning is the "General Problem Solver" [Newell, Shaw, Simon, Ernst]. The program was given objects and operators with which to compare objects, take actions, and develop situations. An initial situation and a goal are given to the program and the program determines how to get from here to there. Three basic steps are taken to do this:


Evaluate di erence between current situation and the goal state Find an operator that lowers the di erence between current and goal state 98

If it is legal to apply this operator, do so, else determine a situation that can use that operator and set it as a short term goal.

Reasoning Programs are the next step in this line of research. They will need to be able to sense and or nd information about their environment, to prove whether or not solutions exist to problems given them. They will need to be able to reason out steps from initial situations to goals. But they will need a language to de ne objects, goals, operators, logic, and temporally, states of being and other things in order to accomplish this. Common sense is very di erent than intelligence or education. Some people have one, two, or all three of these qualities. Teaching and testing for common sense has not progressed well with people and will probably not do well with computers until we have a greater understanding of exactly what common sense is, how it is acquired and how it can be tested for. Some other problems developing these systems are putting common sense into a language that is easily understood by people and computers. A second major problem has been representing time and changes that occur over time. Common sense seems to be learned from doing rather than being taught, so it may be that agents may gain common sense about the computer network they exist on, or further down the line robots may gain a bit of what we consider common sense about our world.

5.2 Knowledge Representation and Predicate Calculus

One of the trickier parts of designing arti cial intelligence is how to represent information to a thing that can not understand language. A good knowledge representation language will combine the ease of spoken and written languages, like English, with the conciseness of a computer language, like C. Propositional (boolean) Logic This consists of a syntax, the semantics and rules for deducing new sentences. Symbols are used to represent facts which may or may not be true. W may represent the fact it is windy outside. The symbols are combined with boolean logic to generate new sentences. Facts can be true or false only. The program may know a statement is true or false or be uncertain as to its truth or falsity. Backus-Naur Form (bnf) is the grammar used to put sentences together. The semantics are just the interpretation of a statement about a proposition. Truth tables are used to de ne the semantics of sentences or test validity of statements.


Truth table for AND T and T = T T and F = F F and F = F F and T = F 99

First Order Logic ( rst-order predicate calculus) This consists of objects, predicates on objects, connectives and quanti ers. Predicates are the relations between objects, or properties of the objects. Connectives and quanti ers allow for universal sentences. Relations between objects can be true or false as well as the objects themselves. The program may not know whether something is true or false or give it a probability of truth or falseness. Procedural Representation This method of knowledge representation encodes facts along with the sequence of operations for manipulation and processing of the facts. This is what expert systems are based on. Knowledge engineers question experts in a given eld and code this information into a computer program. It works best when experts follow set procedures for problem solving, i.e. a doctor making a diagnoses. The most popular of the Procedural Representations is the Declarative. In the Declarative Representation the user states facts, rules, and relationships. These represent pure knowledge. This is processed with hard coded procedures. Relational Representation Collections of knowledge are stored in table form. This is the method used for most commercial databases, Relational Databases. The information is manipulated with relational calculus using a language like SQL. This is a exible way to store information but not good for storing complex relationships. Problems arise when more than one subject area is attempted. A new knowledge base from scratch has to be built for each area of expertise. Hierarchical Representation This is based on inherited knowledge and the relationships and shared attributes between objects. This good for abstracting or granulating knowledge. Java and C++ are based on this. Semantic Net A data graph structure is used and concrete and abstract knowledge is represented about a class of problems. Each one is designed to handle a speci c problem. The nodes are the concepts features or processes. The edges are the relationships (is a, has a, begins, ends, duration, etc). The edges are bidirectional, backward edges are called 'Hyper Types' or 'Back Links'. This allows backward and forward walking through the net. The reasoning part of the nets includes: expert systems; blackboard architecture; and a semantic net description of the problem. These are used for natural language parsing and databases. Predicate Logic and propositional Most of the logic done with AI is predicate logic. It used to represent objects, functions and relationships. Predicate logic allows representation of complex facts about things and the world. (If A then B). A 'knowledge base' is a set of facts about the world called 'sentences'. These are put in a form of 'knowledge representation language'. The program will 'ASK' to get information from the knowledge base and 'TELL' to put information into the knowledge base. Using objects, relations between them, and their attributes almost all knowledge can be represented. It does not do well deriving new knowledge. The knowledge representation must take perceptions and turn them into sentences for the pro100

gram to be able to use them, and it must take queries and put them into a form the program can understand. Frames Each frame has a name and a set of attribute-value pairs called slots. The frame is a node in a semantic network. Hybrid frame systems are meant to over come serious limitations in current setups. They work much like an object oriented language. A frame contains an object, its attributes, relationships and its inherited attributes. This is much like Java classes. We have a main class and sub classes that have attributes, relationships, and methods for use. A logic has a language, inference rules, and semantics. Two logical languages are propositional calculus and predicate calculus. Propositional Calculus which is a descendant of boolean algebra is a language that can express constraints among objects, values of objects, and inferences about objects and values of objects. The elements of propositional calculus are:

Atoms The smallest elements Connectives or, and, implies, not Sentences aka 'well-formed formula's', w s. The legal w s disjunction or conjunction and implication implies negation not Rules of inference are used to produce other wwfs modus ponens (x AND (x implies y) ) implies y AND introduction x, y implies (x AND y) AND commutativity (x AND y) implies (y AND x) AND elimination x AND y implies x OR introduction x, y implies (x OR y) NOT elimination NOT (NOT x) implies x resolution combining rules of inference into one rule example::: (x OR y) AND
(NOT y OR z) == x OR z

Horn clauses a clause having one TRUE literal, there are three types; a single
atom (q); an implication or rule (p AND q => r); a set of negative literals (p OR q =>), these have linear time algorithms. 101

De nitions Semantics associations of elements of a language with the elements of the


Propositions a statement about an atom, example: The car is running, the

car is the atom, is running is the proposition

interpretation is the association of the proposition with the atom denotation in a given interpretation the proposition associated with the atom
is the denotation

value TRUE, FALSE, given to an atom knowledge base a collection of propositional calculus statements that are true
in the domain

ruth table X 0 0 1 1

a tabular format for representing states Y 0 1 0 1

OR 0 1 1 1

satis es a true statement under a given interpretation model an interpretation that satis es each statement in a set of statements. validity a statement that is TRUE under all interpretations equivalence statements are equivalent if their truth values are identical under
all interpretations.

Examples DeMorgan's Laws NOT(x OR y) == (NOT x) AND (NOT y)

NOT(x AND y) == (NOT x) OR (NOT y)

Contrapositive (x implies y) == (NOT x implies NOT y) if x == y ( x implies y) == (y implies x) entailment, |= if a statement, x, is true under all interpretations for which
each of the sentences in a set has the value TRUE, then |= x

sound if for , and w; |-w implies |=w complete there is a proof that if for , and w; whenever |=w

propositional satis ability, aka PSAT a model for the formula that com-

prises the conjunction of all the statements in the set . Predicate Calculus , takes propositional calculus further by allowing statements about propositions as well as about objects. This is rst order predicate calculus.

Contains: object constants, term strings of characters, xyz, linda, paris relation constants divided by, distance to/from, larger than function constants small, big, blue functional expression examples: distance(here, there); xyz; worlds can have in nite objects, functions on objects, relations over objects interpretations maps object constants into objects in the world quanti ers can be universal or for a selected object or group of objects
Predicate Calculus is used to express mathematical theories. It consists of sentences, inference rules and symbols. First-order predicate calculus symbols consist of variables about which a statement can be made, logic symbols (and, or, not, for all, there exists, implies) and punctuation ( '(', ')' ). If we have a set S in which all of the statements are true then S is a model. If S implies U then U is true for all models of S and NOT U is false for all models of S. If we make a set S' which has all of the statements of S and the statement NOT U it is not a model. All statements in a model must be true. S' is unsatis able since there is no way for the statements of S and the statement NOT U, both of which are in S' to be true at the same time. This is used to prove formulas in theorem proving. To show S implies U is is sucient to show S'= S, NOT U is unsatis able. Resolution and uni cation Resolution: prove A true by proving A Not is false. Uni cation: take two predicate logic sentences and using substitutions make them the same. Uni cation is the single operation that can be done on data structures (expression trees) in Prolog. These are the techniques used to process predicate logic knowledge and the are the basis for Lisp and Prolog. Resolution is one way to prove unsatis ability.


First replace each statement with its clause form equivalent. (D implies  C becomes OR(A; B ).    Then take each NOT and apply it individually to all the symbols. ((D; C )becomes(D; C ) Remove all dummy variables so each item is represented by only one symbol. (If G or H can represent dogs, replace all the G's with H's or all the H's with G's so the representation is consistent. 103


Using the Skolem function remove all the 'there exists' logic symbols ( replace VxVy SUCH THAT z SATISFIES P(x,y,z) with VxVy SATISFYING P (x; y; z ) Last remove all of the V universal quanti ers. (expand the formula)

Another method for proving unsatis ability is the Uni cation Procedure. This uses a substitution as follows:

= (g (z ); x); (a; y )  C = P (x; y ); Q(b; y )


 = P (g (z ); a); Q(b; a)

B is a more general clause than C and each substitution is made to produce a more abstract statement. Set L= the empty set/no substitutions Set K=0 zero If CL contains only one literal return L as the most abstract uni cation of C and stop If CL contains more than one literal replace all elements of C and L that are the same with dummy variables Construct the disagreement set for CL (CL = P (g (x); a; f (u; v )); P (u; a; z )becomesg (x); u) Substitute back so CL becomes P (g (x); a; f (g (x); v )); P (g (x); a; z ) If there are no more disagreements stop; else repeat procedure.

Unsatis ability proofs are often done with the Binary Resolution Procedure. This enables construction of clauses that are logically implied by a given set of clauses. For example suppose C=Li and D=Mi where L and M are literals and none of the literals in L or M are in the other set. (Use dummy variables if necessary.) let li be a subset of L and mi be a subset of M. Choose the most general set so that: F = Li liG M i miG So that the most general G = (f (x); y ); (f (x); z ) Follow the procedure above for getting the most general clause. Now the binary resolution procedure is applied. When all the possible resultant clauses (set R) are obtained from set S. Then R(i+1) (S ) = Ri (S ) R(Ri (S )) are formed. This is continued until the empty set is formed (S is unsatis able) or time runs out (no proof).


5.3 Knowledge based/Expert systems

There are knowledge based agents and expert systems that reason using rules of logic. These systems that do what an expert in a given eld might do, tax consulting, medical diagnosis etc. They do well at the type of problem solving that people go to a university to learn. Usually predicate calculus is used to work through a given problem. This type of problem solving is known as 'system inference'. The program should be able to infer relationships, functions between sets, some type of grammar, and some basic logic skills. The system needs to have three major properties: soundness, con dence that a conclusion is true; completeness, the system has the knowledge to be able to reach a conclusion; and tractability, it is realistic that a conclusion can be reached. Reasoning is commonly done with if-then rules in expert systems. Rules are easily manipulated, forward chaining can produce new facts and backward chaining can check statements accuracy. The newer expert systems are set up so that users, who are not programmers, can add rules and objects and alter existing rules and objects. This provides a system that can remain current and useful with out having to have a full time programmer working on it. There are three main parts to the expert system: knowledge base, a set of ifthen rules; working memory, a database of facts; inference engine, the reasoning logic to create rules and data. The knowledge base is composed of sentences. Each sentence is a representation of a fact or facts about the world the agent exists in or facts the expert system will use to make determinations. The sentences are in a language known as the knowledge representation language. Rule learning for knowledge based and expert systems is done with either inductive or deductive reasoning. Inductive learning creates new rules, that are not derivable from previous rules about a domain. Deductive learning creates new rules from existing rules and facts. Rules are made of antecedent clauses (if), conjunctions (and, or) and consequent clauses (then). A rule in which all antecedent clauses are true is ready to re or triggered. Rules are generally named for ease of use and usually have a con dence index. The con dence index (certainty factor) shows how true something is, i.e. 100% a car has four wheels, 50% a car has four doors. Sometimes sensors are also part of the system. They may monitor states in the computer or environment. The Rete algorithm is the most ecient of the forward chaining algorithms. Reasoning can be done using 'Horn Clauses', these are rst-order predicate calculus statements that have, at most, one true literal. Horn Clauses have linear order time algorithms and this allows for a faster method of reasoning through lots of information. This is usually done with PROLOG or lisp. Clauses are ordered as such: goal, facts, rules. Rules have one or more negative literals and one positive literal that can be strung together in conjunctions that imply a true literal. A fact is a rule that has no negative literals. A list of positive literals with out a consequent are a goal. The program loops checking the list in order, when a resolution is performed a new loop is begun with that resolution. 105

If the program resolves its goal the proof can be given in tree form, 'and/or tree'. Nonmonotomic reasoning is used to x problems created by a change in information over time. More information coming in negates a previous conclusion and a new one needs to be drawn. A con ict resolution process must be put in place as well to deal with con icting information. This can be done by: rst come, rst serve; most speci c rule is kept; most recently changed data rule triggered; once rule is resolved take it out of the con ict resolution set. Forward chaining takes the available facts and rules and deduces new facts which it then uses to deduce more new facts, or invoke actions. Forward chaining can also be done by simply the application of if-then statements: The RETE algorithm is the most ecient at doing forward chaining right now, it compiles the rules into a network that it traverses eciently. This is similar to the blackboard systems. Dynamic knowledge bases, known as truth maintenance systems, may be used. This uses a 'spreadline' which is similar to a spread sheet that will calculate missing and updated values as other values entered.


General algorithm forward chaining load rule base into memory load facts into memory load initial data into memory match rules to data and collect triggered rules LOOP if con ict resolution done BREAK use con ict resolution to resolve con icts among rules re selected rules END LOOP

Backward Chaining evaluates a goal and moves backward through the rules to see if true. An example is a medical diagnosis expert system, that takes in information from questions then returns a diagnoses. PROLOG systems are backward chaining.


General algorithm backward chaining load rule base into memory load facts into memory load initial data 106


specify a goal load rules speci c to that goal onto a stack LOOP if stack is empty BREAK pop stack WHILE MORE ANTECEDENT CLAUSES if antecedent is false pop stack and NEXT WHILE if antecedent true re rule and NEXT WHILE if antecedent unknown PUSH onto stack (we may later ask user for more information about this antecedent. END LOOP

The Rete Algorithm is considered to be the best algorithm for forward chaining expert systems. It is the fastest but also requires much memory. It uses temporal redundancy, rules only alter a few facts at a time, and structural similarity in the left hand side of rules to do so. The Rete is a an acyclic graph that has a root node. The nodes are patterns and the paths are the left hand sides of the rules. The root node has one kind node attached to it for each kind of fact. Each kind node has one alpha node attached to it for each rule and pattern. Then the alpha nodes have associated memories which describe relationships. Each rule has two beta nodes. The left part is from alpha(i) and the right from alpha(i+1). Each beta node stores the JOIN relationships. Changes to rules are entered at the root and propagated through the graph. Knowledge based agents loop through two main functions. One is to sense the world and TELL the knowledge base what it senses, two is to ASK what it should do about what it senses, which it then does. An agent can be constructed by giving it all the sentences it will need to perform its functions. An agent can also be constructed by a learning mechanism that takes perceptions about the environment and turns them into sentences that it adds to the knowledge base.


5.3.1 Perl Reasoning Program 'The Plant Dr.'

The Plant Doctor. It gets user input from an HTML form and uses the Perl program to gure out the problem, using weighted symptoms, chaining forward. The database is hard coded in the Perl script since this is a very small system.
#!/usr/bin/perl print print print print print print "Content-type: text/html"; "\n\n"; "<html>"; "<head>"; "<title>Plant Doctor</title>"; "<body bgcolor\=#ffffdd>\n";

$method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; if( $method !~ /POST/ ){ print "<p align=center><blink>invalid input method used</blink><p>\n"; print "<p> please use the post method <p>"; } exit (0);

$bytes = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; read (STDIN, $query, $bytes ); (@variables) = split ('&', $query ); #possible problems $tooMuchWater = 0; $tooLittleWater = 0; $tooMuchSun = 0; $tooLittleSun = 0; $tooMuchHumidity = 0; $tooLittleHumidity = 0; $tooMuchFertilizer = 0; $tooLittleFertilizer = 0; $tooHighTemperature = 0; $tooLowTemperature = 0; $extremeChange = 0;


$insects = 0; $chemicals = 0;

#get input values for $a_variable (@variables){ ( $var_name, $value) = split ( '=', $a_variable); $form {$var_name} = $value; } #apply symptoms to problems if ($form{'a1'} eq 'a1' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; $extremeChange ++; } if ($form{'a2'} eq 'a2' ) { $tooLittleSun ++; $tooLittleWater ++; $tooLittleFertilizer ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; $tooHighTemperature ++; $tooLittleHumidity ++; $tooLowTemperature ++; } if ($form{'b1'} eq 'b1' ) { $tooMuchSun ++; } if ($form{'b2'} eq 'b2' ) { $tooLittleSun ++; $tooLittleFertilizer ++; $tooLowHumidity ++; } if ($form{'b3'} eq 'b3' ) { $tooLittleFertilizer ++;


$tooMuchSun ++; $toomuchFertilizer ++; $tooHighTemperature ++; $chemicals ++; } if ($form{'b4'} eq 'b4' ) { $tooLittleSun +=2; } if ($form{'b5'} eq 'b5' ) { $tooMuchWater ++; } if ($form{'b6'} eq 'b6' ) { $tooMuchSun += 2; }

if ($form{'c1'} eq 'c1' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; $tooLittleSun ++; $tooLittleFertilizer ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; $tooHighTemperature ++; } if ($form{'d1'} eq 'd1' ) { $tooMuchSun ++; } if ($form{'d2'} eq 'd2' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; $tooLittleFertilizer ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; $chemicals ++; $tooLittleHumidity ++; $tooLowTemperature ++; }


if ($form{'d3'} eq 'd3' ) { $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchSun ++; $tooLowHumidity ++; } if ($form{'d4'} eq 'd4' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $insects ++; $tooLowTemperature ++; } if ($form{'e1'} eq 'e1' ) { $tooLowTemperature += 2; $tooLittleWater ++; } if ($form{'e2'} eq 'e2' ) { $tooLittleWater += 2; } if ($form{'e3'} eq 'e3' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; } if ($form{'e4'} eq 'e4' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; } if ($form{'e5'} eq 'e5' ) { $insects += 2; } if ($form{'e6'} eq 'e6' ) { $insects +=2; } if ($form{'f1'} eq 'f1' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchSun ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; $tooHighTemperature ++;


$tooLowHumidity ++; $tooLowTemperature ++; } if ($form{'f2'} eq 'f2' ) { $tooLittleSun ++; $tooLittleFertilizer ++; } if ($form{'f3'} eq 'f3' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; $tooLowTemperature ++; } if ($form{'f4'} eq 'f4' ) { $tooLittleSun ++; $tooLittleFertilizer ++; $tooMuchWater ++; $tooHighTemperature ++; } if ($form{'f5'} eq 'f5' ) { $tooLittleSun += 2; } if ($form{'f6'} eq 'f6' ) { $tooMuchWater ++; } if ($form{'f7'} eq 'f7' ) { $tooMuchWater ++; $tooMuchHumidity ++; } if ($form{'g1'} eq 'g1' ) { $tooLittleSun += 4; $tooHighTemperature ++; } if ($form{'g2'} eq 'g2' ) { $tooLittleSun ++; $tooHighTemperature ++;


} if ($form{'g3'} eq 'g3' ) { $tooLowTemperature ++; $tooHighTemperature ++; $tooLittleSun ++; $tooMuchFertilizer ++; } if ($form{'g4'} eq 'g4' ) { $tooLowTemperature ++; $tooHighTemperature ++; } if ($form{'g5'} eq 'g5' ) { $tooLowSun ++; } if ($form{'h1'} eq 'h1' ) { $tooMuchWater ++; } if ($form{'h2'} eq 'h2' ) { $insects += 2; } if ($form{'h3'} eq 'h3' ) { $insects += 2; } if ($form{'h4'} eq 'h4' ) { $tooLittleWater += 2; } if ($form{'h5'} eq 'h5' ) { $tooLittleWater ++; }

#scores $tooMuchWater /= 13;


$tooLittleWater /= 11; $tooMuchSun /= 5; $tooLittleSun /= 10; $tooMuchHumidity /= 1; $tooLittleHumidity /= 2; $tooMuchFertilizer /= 7; $tooLittleFertilizer /= 7; $tooHighTemperature /= 9; $tooLowTemperature /= 8; $extremeChange /= 1; $insects /= 5; $chemicals /= 2;

if if if if if if if if if if if if

($tooMuchWater > .07){ $tmw = 1; } ($tooLittleWater > .07 ){ $tlw = 1; } ($tooMuchSun > .1 ) { $tms = 1; } ($tooLittleSun > .07 ) { $tls = 1;} ($tooMuchHumidity > .1) { $tmh = 1;} ($tooLittleHumidity > .1) { $tlh = 1;} ($tooMuchFertilizer > .1) { $tmf = 1;} ($tooLittleFertilizer > .1 ) { $tlf = 1; } ($tooHighTemperature > .1 ) { $tht = 1; } ($tooLowTemperature > .1 ) { $tlt = 1; } ($insects > .25 ) { $i = 1;} ($extremeChange > .1) {$ex = 1;}

$foundAnswer = 0; print "\n<br><br><b>Recommendations</b><br><br>"; print "\n<center><table width=500><tr><td>"; print print print print print print print "\n With any plant the best care is that that comes closest"; " to what it lives like in the wild. Find out as much as "; " you can about its native habits and duplicate them as "; " best as you can. Always use a well drained pot for your"; " plant, none of them like to sit in water."; "<br><br><br><br>"; "<br><br><b>Analysis: </b><br>";


$total = $tmw +$tlw +$tms +$tls +$tmh +$tlh +$tmf +$tlf +$tht +$tlt +$i +$ex;

if ( $total == 1) { if ($tmw){ print "\n<br> You are very likely over watering your plant."; print " Make sure that the pot the plant is in has "; print " excellent drainage. If it does then water "; print " less frequently. Try half as often for a "; print " start and watch how your plant responds."; print " Clay pots will hold the water less than "; print " plastic will, consider using clay pots if "; print " you are not already doing so."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tlw){ print "\n<br> You are probably underwatering your plant."; print " Either water more frequently, or if you are "; print " not likely to water more frequently, then "; print " re-pot your plant in a soil that will hold "; print " water longer. Try adding potting soil to "; print " orchid mulch, or moss for your orchids. "; print " Add moss or water holding pellets to your "; print " house plants that are already in soil."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tms){ print "\n<br> It is too bright, this plant wants less light."; print " Try moving it back from the window a foot and "; print " see how the plant responds. If that doesn't "; print " work, try a less sunny window or lace curtains "; print " to help filter the light. The plants that have "; print " purple undersides to the leaves usually need less "; print " light than the plants with all green on their leaves."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tls){ print "\n<br>This plant needs more sun."; print " Try moving it closer to the window, a foot"; print " makes an enormous difference. If that "; print " doesn't make a difference try a sunnier "; print " window, or a lamp if no other window is brighter. "; print " African Violets will grow quite happily and flower "; print " with only a table lamp directly over them.";


$foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tmh){ print "\n<br>This plant needs a drier atmosphere."; print " On top of the refrigerator is very dry,"; print " if that is a sunny location. Or next to "; print " a heater if there is one near a window."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tlh){ print "\n<br>This plant needs higher humididty."; print " The bathroom and kitchen are the most"; print " humid rooms in the home. If neither of "; print " those will work, try putting a tray of "; print " water under the plant. (Make sure the "; print " plant is above, not in the water). Or "; print " try a small table top fountain near the "; print " plant. If the plant is very small, make or "; print " place it in a terrarium."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tmf){ print "\n<br>Too much fertilizer, cut down the dosage."; print " Fertilize weakly, weekly, a general rule of thumb "; print " is to use half of the listed dose on the bottle."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tlf){ print "\n<br>This plant needs fertilizer."; print " Fertilize weakly, weekly. Find a good "; print " all purpose fertilizer at your nursery."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tht){ print "\n<br>It is too warm for this plant."; print " Perhaps closer to a window or "; print " door will give it cooler air? "; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ($tlt){ print "\n<br>This plant is too cold."; print " Is this plant outdoors past its "; print " season? Or too close to a window "; print " or door if inside?"; $foundAnswer = 1; }


if ($i){ print "\<br>This plant has bugs."; print " If they are tiny (spider mites)"; print " or aphids, then just mix a quart"; print " of water with a tablespoon of "; print " cooking oil and a tablespoon of"; print " liquid dish soap. Spray the infected plant"; print " once a day until the bugs are gone, then"; print " give it a good rinsing off in the sink."; print " A few days of spraying will cure"; print " most infestations. Otherwise "; print " head to your local supply store "; print " for insecticides."; $foundAnswer = 1; } }

if ( $chemicals >= .5) { print "\n<br><br>"; print "\n<br>Houseplants are sensitive to chemicals in the water, "; print " especially fluoride. Or you might have a salt or "; print " fertilizer buildup in the soil, is there a layer of "; print " white crystals on the pot? If so try re-potting your"; print " plant. If not, your tap water may have too many "; print " chemicals in it for the plant."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ( ( $extremeChange > .5 ) && ( !$waterFlag) && (!$sunFlag ) && (!$temperatureFlag ) && (!$bakeFlag) ){ print "\n<br><br>Did you just bring this plant home, or relocate it?"; print " It sounds like it is unhappy about a recent move."; print " Ficus in particular is sensitive about moves."; print " Give it a little time to adjust or if it continues"; print " to be unhappy move it to a better location."; $foundAnswer = 1;


if ( ($tooMuchWater + $tooLittleWater) >1 ){ $waterFlag = 1; print "\n<br>Are you watering the plant consistently?"; print " Plants do not like to cycle through wet and dry spells."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if (( $tooMuchWater > .5 )||( $tooLittleWater > .5)){ if ( $tooMuchWater > $tooLittleWater ) { print "\n<br><br>"; print "\n<br>If this is a cactus, the top inch of dirt should"; print " be bone dry before you re-water"; print " If this is an orchid, try re-potting it in bark"; print " Most other house plants want about the top quarter"; print " inch of soil to be dry before re-watering."; print " Also check the drainage, there may be water remaining"; print " in the pot after you water, rather than running through."; $foundAnswer = 1; }else { print "\n<br><br>"; print "\n<br>That is some thirsty plants you have there"; print " Try re-watering when ever the top inch of "; print " soil is dry."; print " If this is an orchid, try watering every day or two"; print " or repot and mix dirt in with the mulch to hold the"; print " water a bit longer."; print " For other houseplants water more frequently, or "; print " you can buy additives for the soil that will hold the"; print " water longer."; $foundAnswer = 1; } }

if ( ( $tooHighTemperature + $tooHighSun + $tooLittleHumidity) > 1) { $bakeFlag = 1; print "\n<br><br>Ouch! The plant is baking, less sun, less heat!"; $foundAnswer = 1; }


if ( ($tooLittleSun + $tooMuchSun) > 1 ){ $sunFlag = 1; print "\n<br><br>The light is wrong, it may be too short or long or "; print " too intense or not bright enough"; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ( ($tooMuchSun > .5) || ($tooLittleSun > .3) ){ if ($tooMuchSun > $tooLittleSun){ print "\n<br><br>"; print "\n<br>Try a lace curtain or partially close the blind."; print " You can also try moving the plant back from the window"; print " The light goes down quickly even a foot makes a huge"; print " difference."; $foundAnswer = 1; }else { print "\n<br><br>"; print "\n<br>The bane of the house plant lover, too few sunny "; print " windows. Move the plant to a brighter window "; print " if you can, if not try moving it closer to the "; print " window you have it in, or put a lamp near the plant "; print " to give it additional light."; $foundAnswer = 1; } }

if ( ($tooLittleHumidity + $tooMuchHumidity) > 1){ $humidityFlag = 1; print "\n<br><br>Is the plant near a radiator or heat source?"; print " Try relocating it somewhere where the humidity "; print " is more consistently."; $foundAnswer = 1; } if (( $tooMuchHumidity >= .5 ) || ( $tooLittleHumidity >= .5 )){ if ($tooMuchHumidity > $tooLittleHumidity){ print "\n<br><br>Your plant doesn't like so much dampness."; print " The kitchen and bathrooms are the most humid"; print " rooms in the house. Try moving it out of either";


print " if it is in one of those rooms. Sometimes a "; print " sunnier location will help."; $foundAnswer = 1; }else { print "\n<br>Your plant seems to want more humidity. "; print " Try placing the plant in the kitchen or bathroom"; print " to give it more humidity, or place a tray of water"; print " with pebbles in it to keep the plant out of the "; print " water under the plant. You can buy table fountains"; print " cheaply now, try placing a fountain near the plant"; print " if you don't like the other options."; $foundAnswer = 1; } }

if ( ($tooMuchFertilizer + $tooLittleFertilizer) > 1 ){ $fertilizerFlag = 1; "print \n<br><br>Fertilizer is perhaps not consistent? ? "; $foundAnswer = 1; } if ( ($tooMuchFertilizer > .5) || ( $tooLittleFertilizer > .5)){ if ( $tooMuchFertilizer > $tooLittleFertilizer){ print "\n<br><br>"; print " Try using the fertilizer 1/2 strength"; print " each watering"; $foundAnswer = 1; }else { print "\n<br><br>"; print " Try using a fertilizer half strength each"; print " watering."; $foundAnswer = 1; } }

if ( ($tooHighTemperature + $tooLowTemperature) > 1 ){ $temperatureFlag = 1;


print "\n<br><br>Is is drafty near the plant?"; print " Orchids are about the only plants that like a draft"; print " and not all the orchids like it!"; $foundAnswer = 1;

if ( ($tooHighTemperature > .5) || ($tooLowTemperature > .5)){ if ( $tooHighTemperature > $tooLowTemperature){ print "\n<br><br>Too warm "; print " Can you move this plant to a cooler location?"; print " if not, try putting a gentle fan on it."; $foundAnswer = 1; }else { print "\n<br><br>Too cool or drafty"; print " Try location less drafty, or warmer."; $foundAnswer = 1; } }

$tooMuchWater *= 100; $tooLittleWater *= 100; $tooMuchSun *= 100; $tooLittleSun *= 100; $tooMuchHumidity *= 100; $tooLittleHumidity *= 100; $tooLittleFertilizer *= 100; $tooMuchFertilizer *= 100; $tooHighTemperature *= 100; $tooLowTemperature *= 100; $extremeChange *= 100; $insects *= 100; $chemicals *= 100; if ( ! $foundAnswer ){ print "\n<br>I did not find an answer for you. "; print " Check the following table for likely causes and see if "; print " the items listed might apply, "; print " Or go back to the form and see if any "; print " other conditions might apply and re-submit "; print " the form.";


print "\n<br><br><br><br>"; print "\n<table>"; print "\n<th>Likely Sources of Problem<br></th>"; if ( $tooMuchWater){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Much Water</td></tr>", $tooMuchWater; } if ( $tooLittleWater ){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Little Water </td></tr>", $tooLittleWater; } if ($tooMuchSun ){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Much Light </td></tr>", $tooMuchSun; } if ($tooLittleSun){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Little Light </td></tr>", $tooLittleSun; } if ($tooMuchHumidity){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Much Humidity </td></tr>", $tooMuchHumidity; } if ($tooLittleHumidity){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Little Humidity </td></tr>", $tooLittleHumidity; } if ($tooMuchFertilizer ){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Much Fertilizer </td></tr>", $tooMuchFertilizer; } if ($tooLittleFertilizer ){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Little Fertilizer </td></tr>", $tooLittleFertilizer; } if ($tooHighTemperature) { print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too High Temperature </td></tr>", $tooHighTemperature; } if ($tooLowTemperature){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too Low Temperature </td></tr>", $tooLowTemperature; } if ( $extremeChange ){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Too extreme of a change </td></tr>", $extremeChange; } if ($insects ){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Insects </td></tr>", $insects; } if ($chemicals){ print sprintf "\n<tr><td>Chemicals </td></tr>", $chemicals; } print "\n</table>";


} print "\n</td></tr></table>"; print "\n<p></body>"; print "\n<p></html>";


|>left o here


Chapter 6
Agents, Bots, and Spiders

6.1 Spiders and Bots

'Bot' is short for 'robot' and refers to s software robot. A bot goes out into the Internet and pulls back data. Bots are used to handle repetitive tasks, to index the web for search engines, by games to be your avatar and to do price checks and other web searches. A spider is a specialized bot. A spider starts on a given web-page and is restricted to a given domain or set of domains. The spider traverses the area by collecting links on the page and going from link to link. Java and Python are the preferred language for them. Since computers do not understand language teaching bots to gather and sort information is quite a challenge. WebMate uses multiple TF-idF vectors each one in a di erent domain of interest to the user, as well as 'Trigger Pair' word searches in documents, and WebMate learns from watching the user. It runs between the browser and the HTTP server monitoring transactions. WebMate learns the classi cations rather than have the user select and feed them to the program. The program learns incrementally and changes as the users interests change. The learning algorithm is run whenever the user ags a document as useful. Information gathering agents may use the SIMS architecture. Each agent is a specialist in a di erent subject. These agents use KQML as the communication language between them, and LOOM as the knowledge representation language. One agent is created, then others are instantiated to become experts in di erent areas of knowledge ( ight schedules, hotel locations and rates, etc) and an area of domain (type of database, physical location, etc). A network of these agents is then put together in an acyclic graph.


6.1.1 Java Spider to check website links

This program is a java spider that traverses a website. It starts with a le you give it, grabs the links from that le and sorts them into links from that site and links external to that site. It creates a list of each, and grabs each of the internal pages, and parses them pulling out the links and again adding them to either the internal or external list. It then checks each link and lets you know which ones are incorrect.


// // //Fall 2000 //get the ip address and the name of the host machine this program is run on import*; public class GUIGetIP { public String[] GetIP () throws Exception { String out[] = new String[2]; InetAddress host = null; host = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); byte ip[] = host.getAddress(); out[0] = host.getHostName(); out[1] = ""; for (int i=0; i<ip.length; i++){ if( i>0)out[1] += "."; out[1] += ip[i] & 0xff ; } return out; } }


// // //Fall 2000 //This converts an IP address to the host name. This seems a bit flakey, I //understand earlier java versions had trouble with this command as //well. Sometimes it gives the name, sometimes it just returns the //ip address. import*; public class GUIIPtoName{ public String iptoName( String host ) { InetAddress address = null; try{ address = InetAddress.getByName( host ); }catch( UnknownHostException e){ return ( "Invalid IP or malformed IP"); //System.exit(0); } return address.getHostName(); } }


// // //lookup an ip address given a host name

import*; public class GUINsLookup { public String guiNslookup( String host) { InetAddress address = null; try{ address = InetAddress.getByName(host); }catch (UnknownHostException e){ return ("Unknown host"); //System.exit(0);

byte[] ip = address.getAddress(); String temp = ""; for (int i=0; i<ip.length; i++){ if( i>0 ) temp += ("."); temp += ((ip[i]) & 0xff); } return temp; } }


// // //Fall 2000

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Jpanel extends JPanel { Jpanel () { setBackground( Color.white ); } public void paintComponent (Graphics g ) { super.paintComponent( g ); } }


// // //Fall 2000

//part of the LinkChecker program. //This class stores the url of the link being //checked, the file we found this url in and //the status of this link. import*; import*; import java.util.*; class LinkInfo { String fileContainingLink; String stringLink; String sourceFile; String info = "None"; URL link; //add in other pages external links found on Vector otherLocations = new Vector(); public LinkInfo( String fcl, String sf, String lu) throws Exception { sourceFile = sf; stringLink = lu; link = new URL (lu); fileContainingLink = fcl; } public void setInfo (String i) { info = i; } public void print () {


System.out.println( "<>link " + link ); } public String toString() { return stringLink; } }


// import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class ListEntry { String source; URL url; String notes; //html file that link was taken from //link to be checked //good, bad, error messages

ListEntry( String s, String u) { notes = null; source = s; try { url = new URL(u); }catch (MalformedURLException e){ notes = "Malformed URL Exception"; } } public void addNote( String n) { this.notes = n; } }


// //Fall 2000 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 2.1 //available for viewing at import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GUILinkCheckerV1 extends JFrame { Jpanel JPanel JPanel JPanel mainPanel; userPanel; outputPanel; menuPanel;

static String message = "Welcome to Times to Come Website Tools!" + "\nChoose an Option from the menu above"; static JTextArea output = new JTextArea ( message, 15, 30); static int choice = 0; static JTextField tfInput = new JTextField (30); public GUILinkCheckerV1 () { super ("Times to Come Link Checker"); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); JLabel lInput = new JLabel ("Your Input: "); JButton enter = new JButton ("Enter"); mainPanel = new Jpanel(); userPanel = new Jpanel(); outputPanel = new Jpanel();


menuPanel = new Jpanel(); Color b = new Color( 0, 0, 100); mainPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createBevelBorder( 0 , b, Color.gray) ); JMenuBar mbar = createMenu(); setJMenuBar(mbar); mainPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) ); contentPane.add(mainPanel); userPanel.add(lInput); userPanel.add(tfInput); userPanel.add(enter); enter.addActionListener(b1); mainPanel.add(userPanel); outputPanel.add(output); mainPanel.add(outputPanel); } public static void main( String args[] ) { final JFrame f = new GUILinkCheckerV1(); f.setBounds( 10, 10, 600, 400 ); f.setVisible( true ); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosed( WindowEvent e){ System.exit(0); } }); } public static JMenuBar createMenu() {


JMenuBar jmenubar = new JMenuBar(); jmenubar.setUI( jmenubar.getUI() ); JMenu jmenu1 = new JMenu("Options"); JMenu jmenu2 = new JMenu("Help"); JMenu jmenu3 = new JMenu("Quit"); JRadioButtonMenuItem m1 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Get local host information"); m1.addActionListener(a1); JRadioButtonMenuItem m2 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Convert IP number to domain name"); m2.addActionListener(a2); JRadioButtonMenuItem m3 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Convert domain name to IP number"); m3.addActionListener(a3); JRadioButtonMenuItem m4 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Check website for bad links"); m4.addActionListener(a4); JMenuItem m6 = new JMenuItem("About"); m6.addActionListener(a6); JMenuItem m7 = new JMenuItem("Exit"); m7.addActionListener(a7); jmenu1.add(m1); jmenu1.add(m2); jmenu1.add(m3); jmenu1.add(m4); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(m1); group.add(m2); group.add(m3); group.add(m4); jmenu2.add(m6);


jmenu3.add(m7); jmenubar.add(jmenu1); jmenubar.add(jmenu2); jmenubar.add(jmenu3); return jmenubar; } static ActionListener a1 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m1 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 1; output.setText("\nUse this to get your temporary online IP address and "+ "\nname if your computer does not have a permanent IP number"+ "\n\n\nTo use:"+ "\nJust hit the Enter button now."); } }; static ActionListener a2 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m2 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 2; output.setText("\nUse this to get a domain name from an IP number."+ "\nThis is useful to find out who is visiting your site"+ "\nor trying to hack into your home machine."+ "\n\nTo use:"+ "\nEnter the number (see sample next line)"+ "\n127.0.0.1"+ "\n in 'Your Input' and then hit the Enter button." + "\n\n\nIf the original number is returned instead of the"+ "\ndomain name, that means it wasn't found"); } }; static ActionListener a3 = new ActionListener()


{ public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m3 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 3; output.setText("\nThis function gets an IP number from a domain name. "+ "\nI'm not sure it is very useful unless your site IP " + "\nnumber changes for some reason?"+ "\n\nTo use:"+ "\nEnter the domain name (see sample next line)"+ "\"+ "\n in 'Your Input' and then hit the Enter button."); } }; static ActionListener a4 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m4 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); choice = 4; output.setText("\nThis will check all of your website links beginning"+ "\nwith the top page. It grabs the links off of that page"+ "\nchecks to see if they are internal to the site, then "+ "\ngrabs all internal pages and checks their links for "+ "\ninternal and external links. "+ "\nIt does not yet grab the links from a frame. For those"+ "\nenter the main framed page and let the link checker run"+ "\nfrom there."+ "\nIt also does not yet check javascript links and plugins"+ "\nI'll add them in later when I have time." + "\n\nTo use: " + "\nEnter your site's top page URL (see sample next line)"+ "\n"+ "\n in 'Your Input' and then hit the Enter button."+ "\n\n\nThis may take a while on a large site. Be patient!"); } }; static ActionListener a6 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m6 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText(""+ "\nFall 2000"+ "\nCopyright Times to Come under GNU Copyleft" );


} }; static ActionListener a7 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m7 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText("Thank you . . . " ); System.exit(0); } }; //what to do when enter key is hit... static ActionListener b1 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { switch (choice){ case 0: output.setText ("\n\nPick an option from the menu first"); case 1: output.setText ("\n\n Getting your IP address . . ."); try{ GUIGetIP guigetip = new GUIGetIP(); String answer[] = new String[2]; answer = guigetip.GetIP(); output.setText( "\n" + answer[0] + "\n" + answer[1] + "\n"); }catch(Exception e1){} break; case 2: output.setText("\n\n Getting Domain Name from IP address . . ."); if( tfInput.getText() == ""){ output.setText ("Enter an IP address above"); }else{ GUIIPtoName guiiptoname = new GUIIPtoName( ); String answer1 = guiiptoname.iptoName( tfInput.getText() ); output.setText ("\n" + answer1 ); }


break; case 3: output.setText ("\n\n Performing Name Server lookup . . ."); if( tfInput.getText() == ""){ output.setText("\n\nEnter Domain name above"); }else{ GUINsLookup guinslookup = new GUINsLookup(); String answer2 = guinslookup.guiNslookup( tfInput.getText() ); output.setText ( "\n" + answer2 ); } break; case 4: output.setText ("\n\n Checking website links . . ."); output.append ("\n\n This may take a while on a large site,"); output.append ("\n\n or one with lots of links."); if( tfInput.getText() == ""){ output.setText ( "\n\nEnter site URL above "); }else{ try{ GraphicLinkCheckerV1 glckr = new GraphicLinkCheckerV1(); glckr.Main( tfInput.getText(), output ); }catch(Exception e2){} } break; default: output.setText ("\n\n I am so confused... " + choice ); break; } } };


// //Fall 2000 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //Version 2.1 //see for details

//Program to verify links on website are current. //Traverses a site using the first page input by a //user and checks all links on the first page //and adds them to an internal and external list //if the page is internal to the web site, then //it gets checked and links pulled from it and sorted. //Program doesn't check links that are javascript... opening new windows // but will pick up a link that isn't and most people who // use javascript put up the same link with out it // for those who don't use javascript so this should be ok. // It does pick up links that are javascript mouse rollovers. //Program also does not check flash links 'clsid' //or 'mailto' links or 'ftp' links. //also does not check framed pages, however, // the user can begin with the pages called // by the frameset page instead of the top // page for the site and check framed sections that way. //if there is a dns error the program will hang. So does ping and netscape. //Sorry but I've not yet the time to fix it.

import import import import*;*; java.util.*; java.awt.*;


import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GraphicLinkCheckerV1 { static static static static static static static Vector externalList = new Vector(); Vector internalList = new Vector(); Vector toBeCheckedInternalList = new Vector(); Vector badList = new Vector(); String top = ""; int pageCount = 1; String sourceFile = "";

//* main loop public void Main (String beginningPage, JTextArea out )throws Exception { //*get top internal link and get page, removing from internal list //* remove page from url if explicitly stated and end with directory LinkInfo first = new LinkInfo( "Start page ", beginningPage, beginningPage); //*internal links are sub-directories of here or in this directory. top = trimUrl(beginningPage); //save only directory information //is site/page up and about? boolean testflag = false; //*prime main loop with usr input URLConnection urlconnection =; int contentlength = urlconnection.getContentLength(); parsePage(urlconnection, contentlength);

while ( !(toBeCheckedInternalList.isEmpty()) ) { //*get top link off internal list LinkInfo tempLI = (LinkInfo)toBeCheckedInternalList.firstElement(); //*new top link so subdirectory links are properly pieced together top = trimUrl(tempLI.stringLink);


//give user feed back so we know we are not off lost in cyberspace pageCount ++; try{ InputStream testConnection =; testflag = true; }catch(IOException e){ toBeCheckedInternalList.removeElementAt(0); } if(testflag){ try{ //*get useful link info if page not found or site down //*and add to info section of LinkInfo and get page and page size URLConnection urlconn =; int contentlgth = urlconn.getContentLength(); //*sift links out of this page parsePage(urlconn, contentlgth); //*remove so we can get next link //and add to good internal links list toBeCheckedInternalList.removeElementAt(0); }catch(IOException e){ //System.out.println("File not found " + tempLI.stringLink); //add to bad internal list badList.addElement(tempLI); toBeCheckedInternalList.removeElementAt(0); } } }


//now check links outside our site //System.out.println("\n\n\nChecking external links: "); out.setText("\n\n\n Checked " + pageCount + " pages on website\n"); pageCount = 0; Enumeration e5 = externalList.elements(); //while still links in external list... while(e5.hasMoreElements() ){

pageCount ++; LinkInfo tempLinkInfo5 = (LinkInfo)e5.nextElement(); //check if host site is up? try{ InputStream testConnection =; }catch(IOException e){ badList.addElement(tempLinkInfo5); break; } }//end enumeration loop //*print list internal list as 'Pages checked' so user knows //*what pages were checked on the site //System.out.println( "\n\n\nWebsite Pages checked"); Enumeration e2 = internalList.elements(); while(e2.hasMoreElements() ){ LinkInfo tempLinkInfo2 = (LinkInfo)e2.nextElement(); } //print list "bad links" out.append("\n\n\n Problems in website links (if any)"); Enumeration e3 = badList.elements(); while(e3.hasMoreElements() ){ LinkInfo tempLinkInfo3 = (LinkInfo)e3.nextElement();


out.append("\nBad Link: " + tempLinkInfo3.stringLink + "\n In Page: " + tempLinkInfo3.fileContainingLink); }// * end main

//********************************************************* //********************************************************* //*collect links found in pages on website and sort for checking public static void parsePage(URLConnection urlconnection, int contentlength) throws Exception { String[] links = new String[1000]; String link = ""; int count = 0; int character; String source = urlconnection.getURL().toString(); //*parse page and get links if (contentlength > 0){ InputStream in = urlconnection.getInputStream(); //*if link external to site add to external list and page it is on //*if internal add to back of internal link list if not already there while ( (character = ) != -1 ){ //*find all links excepting in frames if( (char)character == '<'){ character =; if( ( (char)character == 'a') || ( (char)character == 'A') ){ character =; //*dump href=" while( (char)character != '"'){ character =; }


character =; //*skip over first quotation mark while( (char)character != '"'){ link += (char)character; character =; } links[count] = link; count++; link = ""; } }//> }//*end while loop find next link in.close(); }

//*sort into internal and external and fix up link formatting if nec. //*ditch mailto, ftp, flash, and javascript links... for(int i=0; i<count; i++){ String inLink; //*ditch ftp links and mailto links if( links[i].startsWith("ftp") || links[i].startsWith("Ftp") || links[i].startsWith("FTP") || links[i].startsWith("mail") || links[i].startsWith("Mail") || links[i].startsWith("MAIL") ){ //*add to internal links if not already there and add to toBeCheckedInternal }else if( inOrOut(links[i], top) ){ inLink = fixUp(links[i], top); links[i] = inLink; //*ditch javascript links... boolean javascript = false; if( (links[i].indexOf("javaS") > 0 ) || (links[i].indexOf("Javas") > 0) || (links[i].indexOf("JAVAS") > 0 ) || (links[i].indexOf("JavaS") > 0) || (links[i].indexOf("javas") >0 ) ){ javascript = true; }


//*check for flash links and ditch them... boolean flash = false; if( links[i].indexOf("clsid") > 0){ flash = true; } //*duplicate checking ditch duplicate internal links LinkInfo tempLinkInfo = new LinkInfo(source, top, links[i]); Enumeration e = internalList.elements(); boolean flag = false; while(e.hasMoreElements()){ LinkInfo tempLinkInfo2 = (LinkInfo)e.nextElement(); if( ( ){ flag = true; break; } //*do nothing else but add to list }if( (!flag)&&(!javascript)&&(!flash) ){ internalList.addElement(new LinkInfo(source, top, links[i])); toBeCheckedInternalList.addElement(new LinkInfo(source, top, links[i])); flag = false; } //*add to external links if not a duplicate }else{ //check for duplicates and keep running list of //source file info so user knows where to find //links that have to be fixed. LinkInfo tempLinkInfo1 = new LinkInfo(source, top, links[i]); Enumeration e1 = externalList.elements(); boolean flag1 = false; while(e1.hasMoreElements() ){ LinkInfo tempLinkInfo2 = (LinkInfo)e1.nextElement(); if( ( ){


//System.out.println("Found duplicate external link " + links[i]); //add duplicate pages for user reference tempLinkInfo2.otherLocations.addElement(tempLinkInfo1.sourceFile); flag1 = true; break; } }//*end while loop if (!flag1){ externalList.addElement( new LinkInfo(source, top, links[i]) ); } } } }

public static boolean inOrOut (String lk, String base) { //*determine if link internal or external (if off of top directory must be internal) if( lk.startsWith(base) || lk.startsWith(base) || lk.startsWith(base) ){ return true; }else{ //*if not off top directory and begins with http must be external if( lk.startsWith("http") || lk.startsWith("HTTP") || lk.startsWith("Http")){ return false; }else { //*anything left must be internal return true; } } }

public static String fixUp (String lk, String base) { String temp = "";


//*patch together internal links if needed before adding to vector //*does it begin with http? if so ok do nothing and return string if( lk.startsWith(base) || lk.startsWith(base) || lk.startsWith(base) ){ return lk; //*else attach base url to string }else{ return (base + lk); } } public static String trimUrl (String lk) { //*see if we have a file name at the end of our url or a directory //*if it is a file name trim file name off of url, so when we //*attach it to internal urls we don't get confused. int length = lk.length(); //*first see if we have a file on the end //*if not just return the original url if( lk.endsWith(".HTML") || lk.endsWith(".html") || lk.endsWith(".Html") || lk.endsWith(".HTM") || lk.endsWith(".htm") || lk.endsWith(".Htm") ){ //*we need to trim string char temp[] = lk.toCharArray(); char backwards[] = new char[length]; String bw =""; //*first reverse the string and trim back to first '/' int j=0; boolean flag = false; for( j=(length-1); j>=0; j-- ){ if ((int)temp[j] == 47){ flag = true; } if( flag ) bw += temp[j]; } //*flip trimmed string back around


char temp2[] = bw.toCharArray(); String tempString = ""; for( int k=(bw.length()-1); k>0; k--){ tempString += temp2[k]; } return tempString + "/"; //*or all is well just return original string }else{ return lk + "/"; } } }


6.2 Adaptive Autonomous Agents

Mobile agents have been in use since the early 1980s where they were used to balance loads on homogeneous networks. Telescript, introduced in the early 1990s by General Magic, was the rst to be known as a 'Mobile Agent'. Java and Python are the preferred languages for agents. Agents are programs that operate with little or no human supervision. In time they will initiate actions, form goals, construct plans of action, migrate to di erent locations and communicate with other agents. They respond to events and adjust behavior accordingly with out human intervention. They will interact with other agents and with people to accomplish goals. Agents will continue to exist and remember training and tasks even if the user's computer crashes or is turned o . If they are well designed agents will have personality, and like a good secretary will intrude only when necessary and not be intrusive. There are di erent classes of agents depending on the agent's abilities: they may be static or mobile; react to events or not; work alone or with other agents; learn or be hardwired; autonomous or not. Intelligent agents solve several classes of problems, they simplify distributed computing, information retrieval, sorting and classi cation of data, and handle repetitious tasks for the user. Already agents have taken over many tasks users do not wish to do themselves, like scheduling appointments, answering email, sorting news group information and getting the current news stories that match the user's interest. As the agent learns more about its user it will become more useful to the that user. Agents behavior and ability to solve problems may be either in the individual agent or the agent may serve as a dumb part of a group that can solve a problem. (Think of bees or ants working together) Agents that work as a minor part of a group form a more stable system and may be able to handle tasks not easily done by computers. Without a central intelligence the group may grow stronger and smarter. This type of agent setup may scale up better than individual agents.

6.3 Inter-agent Communication

One of the obstacles in designing agents is to nd a common language for them to use to communicate with each other and other people's agents. Right now each designer writes a communications system for her own agents, so they can only talk to each other, much like people who speak only one language can only speak with others who speak the same language. Several ideas have been put forth and these are the most promising. KSE (Knowledge Sharing E ort) is sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency. It is a project to put together a uniform method for agents to communicate with each other. KQML is one of the projects being developed. The two main subproblems are: translating from one representation language to another; content sharing among applications. Communication protocols must develop: an interaction protocol; a communication language; and a transport 151

protocol (SMTP, HTTP, ...). KQML (Knowledge Query Markup Language) uses messages that carry information about the type information they are transmitting; assertion, request, query. Performatives are the primitives which de ne permissible operations agents may do in e ort to communicate with each other. It uses special agents called facilitators that handle many tasks: Track locations of agents by speci c identity or type of service; Track services available and needed by agents; Act like post oces, holding, forwarding, receiving messages for agents; Translate between agent communication languages; Break complex problems in to parts and distribute tasks to agents that can handle them; Monitor the agents. KQML uses categories or levels for agent communication: content, the content of the message, text, binary strings etc.; communication, sender, recipient, message ids; message, identi es protocols for message transfer, handles encoding, and descriptions of content. Requirements of KQML: form, simple, declarative, and easily understood by humans; semantics, Should be familiar, unambiguous, well grounded in theory; implementation, Needs to be ecient and backward compatible; networking, Platform independent across networks and support synchronous and asynchronous.; environment, will be distributed, dynamic and non-heterogeneous; reliability, must be reliable and secure; content,the language should be layered, like all networked software. There are still some diculties with KQML. There are ambiguities and vagueness and misdirections, misclassi cations and some things that are needed but not yet in existence, in statements known as performatives (statements that work just by declaration). KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format) is particular syntax format, similar to Lisp, for rst predicate calculus communication between agents. KIF can perform translation from one language format to another. It can also be used to communicate between agents. KIF is a rst order predicate calculus using pre x format. It supports the de nition of objects, functions, relations, rules and meta knowledge. It is not a programming language. KIF has three main parts; variables, operators, and constants. KIF has two types of variables; individual (begin with ?) and sequences (begin with @). It has four operators; term (objects), rule (legal logical inference steps), sentence (facts), de nition (constants). A form is a sentence, rule or de nition. ACL (Agent Communication Language) has three pieces; vocabularies, KIF, and KQML. The vocabulary uses an open ended dictionary of terms that can be referenced by agents. Telescript is an object orientated remote programming language for use with mobile agents developed by General Magic. It has three main parts: a language for developing agents and environments; an interpreter for the Telescript language; and communication protocols (TCP/IP). The entire application can be written in Telescript but usually a combination of Telescript and C/C++ is used. KAoS (Knowledgeable Agent-orientated System) di ers from the other interagent communication methods in that it considers not only the message but the sequence of messages in which it occurs. This enables agents to coordinate fre152

quently recurring interactions. KAoS makes use of 'agent orientated programming' which is an extension of object orientated programming. This provides a consistent structure for the agents and an easier way to do agent programming. The agents contain: Knowledge (facts, beliefs); Desires; Intentions; and Capabilities. From birth the agent goes into a loop of 'updating the structure' and 'formulating and acting on intentions', unless it is in a cryogenic state, until its death. Communication takes place with messages containing verbs, and information. The messages are structured much like the KQML messages. Communication between agents takes place only within the domain the agents are in. Proxy agents communicate between domains in a given environment. Mediation agents communicate with outside agents. Instances of agents of particular classes are created to work in various domains. Using inheritance specialized agents are created. Domain managers control entry and exit of agents in a domain, and matchmaker agents give access and information about services in the domain they are in.


6.3.1 Java Personal Agent //2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import

javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*; java.awt.*;*;

public class Agent { public static void main ( String[] arg ) { JFrame frame = new buildFrame(); frame.setBackground( Color.white );; } }

class buildFrame extends JFrame { //screen size int width; int height; { public buildFrame()


Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize(); int w = d.width; int h = d.width; //screen size

int width = 800; //window size int height = 800; String name = ""; try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/user.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); br.readLine(); //username name = br.readLine(); fr.close(); }catch (IOException e){} setTitle ( name ); setSize ( width, height ); setLocation ( width/3, height/10 ); addWindowListener ( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e ) { System.exit( 0 ); } }); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); MainPanel bp = new MainPanel( ); bp.setBackground ( Color.white ); contentPane.add ( bp ); } }

155 import import import import javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*; java.awt.*;*; java.util.*;

public class Conversation { Conversation() { JFrame frameChat = new createFrame(); frameChat.setBackground( Color.white );; } }

class createFrame extends JFrame implements KeyListener { int baseScore = 10; TextArea computer, user; String cText = "Hello!"; public createFrame()

//computer opener

String name = "Conversation"; setTitle ( name ); setSize ( 400, 400 );


setLocation ( 100, 300 ); addWindowListener ( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e ) { System.exit( 0 ); } }); Container cp = getContentPane(); cp.setBackground ( Color.white); computer = new TextArea(); Color computercolor = new Color ( 230, 255, 230); computer.setBackground ( computercolor ); computer.setText (cText ); computer.setEditable(false); user = new TextArea(); Color usercolor = new Color ( 230, 230, 255 ); user.setBackground ( usercolor ); user.setText ( "" ); JSplitPane jsp = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, computer, user ); cp.add ( jsp); user.addKeyListener( this ); user.requestFocus(); } public void keyTyped ( KeyEvent e){ int baseScore = 10, k = 10, t=0; FileReader fr; BufferedReader br; FileWriter fw; BufferedWriter bw; String s="", n=""; String in, out; String responses[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",


"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; if ( e.getKeyChar() == e.VK_ENTER ){ //grab user entered string String uText = user.getText(); uText.trim(); if ( uText.indexOf ( "\n" ) > -1 ){ uText = uText.substring ( 1, uText.length() ); } //post user string in conversation window computer.append( "\n>>" + uText ); //update file ctext computerUpdate( uText, cText ); //update file utext cText = userUpdate( uText, cText ); //post response in conversation window computer.append ( "\n>>" + cText ); //clear user frame user.setText (""); }

} public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent e){} public void keyReleased ( KeyEvent e ){}

void computerUpdate( String u, String c ) { //cleanup white space u.trim(); c.trim();


//does the file cText exist? String fileName = "data/" + c; try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( fileName ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); //yes // is string uText listed? // yes // add one to uText boolean flag = false; int rcount = 0, k = 10; String in = "", s = "", n = ""; String responses[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; while (( in = br.readLine()) != null ){ //break string into response and score int marker = in.indexOf ( '#' ); if ( marker >= 0 ){ s = in.substring ( 0, marker ); n = in.substring ( marker + 1, in.length()); Integer j = new Integer ( n ); k = j.intValue(); //store responses in an array responses[rcount] = in; rcount++; //we found a match if ( s.compareTo ( u ) == 0 ){ k++; responses[rcount-1]= s + "#" + n.valueOf(k); flag = true; } } // // }//if ( marker >=0 ){ no add uText with base score


// else create a line with that user string and base score if ( !flag ) { responses[rcount] = u + "#" + n.valueOf ( baseScore ); //write this to end of list in file }

//re-write file with updated data try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/" + c ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); for ( int i=0; i<=(rcount); i++ ){ bw.write ( responses[i] + "\n" ); } bw.flush(); fw.close(); }catch ( IOException ioe3){} fr.close(); //no file does not exist }catch ( FileNotFoundException e ){ // create the file try{ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( fileName ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); // add uText with base score bw.write( u + "#" + baseScore ); bw.flush(); fw.close(); }catch( IOException e2){} }catch ( IOException e1 ){} }


String userUpdate ( String u, String c ) { String reply = ""; //cleanup white space u.trim(); c.trim(); //does file uText exist? String fileName = "data/" + u; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader ( fileName ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); // yes // are there any responses? // // // yes grab random one of top 3 scorers set reply to that and return // read in responses and collect top 3 scores String topthree[] = {" ", " ", " " }; int topscore[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int t = 0, k = 0; String s = "", n = "", in = ""; int linecount = 0; while (( in = br.readLine()) != null ){ linecount++; int marker = in.indexOf ( '#' ); s = in.substring ( 0, marker ); n = in.substring ( marker + 1, in.length()); Integer j = new Integer ( n ); k = j.intValue(); for ( int i=0; i<3; i++){ if ( k > topscore[i] ){ topscore[i] = k; topthree[i] = s;


} } } // randomly pick on of those resposes Random r = new Random(); t = r.nextInt(3) +1; // set computer string to that and append dialog if ( linecount >= 3){ reply = topthree[t]; }else if ( linecount >1 ){ reply = topthree[1]; }else{ reply = topthree[0]; } fr.close(); // no file does not exist }catch( FileNotFoundException e){ // create the file try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/" + c ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); // // // // // // find nearest match are there responses in the file? yes randomly pick one add it to the new file set response to it and return

// no responses in file // randomly pick a file // randomly grab a response // add it to new file // set response to it and return reply = "I don't know?";


// find a close match to user string in the file list // randomly pick a string from that file //break user text into words String uwords[] = new String[20]; char utemp[] = u.toCharArray(); String utempWord = ""; int uwordCount = 0; for ( int i=0; i<u.length(); i++){ if ( utemp[i] == '#' ){ uwords[uwordCount] = utempWord; utempWord = ""; uwordCount++; i = u.length(); }else if ( utemp[i] != ' ' ){ utempWord += utemp[i]; }else{ uwords[uwordCount] = utempWord; utempWord = ""; uwordCount ++; } }

//read in directory of responses File dir = new File ("data/"); File dirList[] = dir.listFiles(); //break each file name into words //*** make the 1024 much larger before final.!!! String dwords[][] = new String[1024][50]; String dtempWord = ""; int dwordCount = 0; char dtemp[]; int mLast = 0; int m = 0; //for keeping score


int int for int

topScore = 0; tempScore[] = new int[dirList.length]; ( int i=0; i< dirList.length; i++){ tempScore[i] = 0;} tempLocation = 0;

// now for each file name //and for each word in the file name for ( m=0; m<dirList.length; m++){ //so we don't connect last word to first word if ( m != mLast ){ dwords[m-1][dwordCount] = dtempWord; dtempWord = ""; dwordCount = 0; mLast = m; } //convert file name to char array fileName = dirList[m].toString(); //remove 'data/' from file list names String tempfileName = fileName.substring ( 5, fileName.length() ); dtemp = tempfileName.toCharArray();

//break file name into words for ( int l=0; l<dtemp.length; l++){ if ( dtemp[l] != ' '){ dtempWord += dtemp[l]; }else { dwords[m][dwordCount] = dtempWord; dwordCount++; dtempWord = ""; } } } //catch last word of last file dwords[m-1][dwordCount] = dtempWord;


//now we have a list of user words //and a list of words in the files //****fix max count for q!!! for ( m=0; m<dirList.length; m++){ for ( int p=0; p<uwordCount; p++){ for ( int q=0; q<20; q++){ if (( uwords[p] != null ) && ( dwords[m][q] != null)){ if ( uwords[p].compareTo ( dwords[m][q] ) == 0 ){ tempScore[m]++; } } } } //get high score and which file scores high if ( tempScore[m] > topScore ){ topScore = tempScore[m]; tempLocation = m; } }//end second m loop //now we have our file tempLocation //grab the top response from it and return it to the user from the computer

try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( dirList[tempLocation] ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr );

// read in responses and pick a random one String pickstring[] = new String[20]; int count = 0; String in, n = "";


while (( in = br.readLine()) != null ){ int marker = in.indexOf ( '#' ); String s = in.substring ( 0, marker ); n = in.substring ( marker + 1, in.length()); pickstring[count] = s; count++; }

Random r = new Random(); int t = 0; if ( count > 0 ){ t = r.nextInt(count); }else{ t = r.nextInt(dirList.length); } reply = pickstring[t];

// add that string with base score to the file just created String out = c + "#" + n.valueOf ( baseScore );


create a file with the same name as the user string

try{ fw = new FileWriter ( "data/" + u ); bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw );



bw.flush(); close the file fw.close(); }catch (IOException e4 ){} // }catch ( IOException x ) { System.out.println ( "IOException " + x ); } // }catch ( IOException e){}

}catch ( IOException e3) {} //try create new file }catch ( IOException e1){} return reply; } }

167 import*; import*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.*; import java.text.*;

class Fetch2 extends Thread { URL url; File filename; int score; String description; String words[] = new String[10]; long downloadtime; long parsetime; Fetch2(URL u, String[] w){ url = u; words = w; } public void run() { downloadtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //grab the file from the net and save it to disk try { HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String response = uc.getResponseMessage(); uc.setInstanceFollowRedirects ( false );

String data = ""; int c; if ( response.compareTo ( "OK") == 0 ) { InputStream in = uc.getInputStream();


while ( ( c = ) != -1 ){ data += (char)c; } in.close(); uc.disconnect(); //save String name = name = to disk name = url.toString(); name.substring ( 7, name.length() ); name.replace ( '/', '_' );

File file = new File ( "workSpace/" + name); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( file ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); bw.write ( data ); bw.flush(); bw.close(); downloadtime -= System.currentTimeMillis(); parsetime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //score doc and pull interesting links from page Found f = new Found ( url, file ); int s = f.score ( words ); if ( s > 0 ) {f.pullLinks ();} f.sortLinks( words ); description = f.docDescription + "\n<br> " + f.getDesc(); score = (int); filename = f.file; URL promisingLinks[] = f.topLinks;

parsetime -= System.currentTimeMillis();

Search.imhome( score, filename, url, description, promisingLinks, downloadtime, parsetime }


}catch ( IOException e ){ downloadtime -= System.currentTimeMillis(); Search.imhome( url, downloadtime ); System.out.println ( url + "::" + e ); }

}//end public void run }//end class Fetch


// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import import*;*; java.util.Date; java.text.*; java.util.*;

class Find extends Thread { //load usr list of terms //get count of terms // public static void main ( String args[] ) Find(){} public void run() { int numberOfWords = 0; int numberOfUrls = 0; int maxURLS = 512; int maxWords = 10; URL urlList[] = new URL[maxURLS]; String wordList[] = new String[maxWords];


Vector docs = new Vector(); //load usr list of starting urls //get count of urls int c = 0; try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/news.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; while (( in = br.readLine() ) != null ){ try{ urlList[c] = new URL ( in ); c++; }catch (MalformedURLException e){ } } }catch ( IOException ex ) { } numberOfUrls = c;

//create list of key words we are hoping to find try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/newskeys.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; c = 0; while (( in = br.readLine() ) != null ){ wordList[c] = in; c++; } }catch ( IOException ex ) { } numberOfWords = c;

int pagecount = 0; int i = 0; int loop = 0;


//main loop while (( urlList[i] != null )&&( i< maxURLS)){ File newfile = getDocument( urlList[i] ); //download url Found tempFound = new Found( urlList[i], newfile ); //create object tempFound.score( wordList ); //see how relevent this page is pagecount++; System.out.println ( "pagecount = " + pagecount ); System.out.println ( "page " + urlList[i] ); if ( == 0 ){ //it's junk newfile.delete();//lets keep things clean }else{ //its good tempFound.pullLinks(); tempFound.sortLinks( wordList ); //add top links to list to download for ( int l=0; l<tempFound.topLinks.length; l++){ if ( tempFound.topLinks[l] != null ){ if ( numberOfUrls < maxURLS ){ urlList[numberOfUrls] = tempFound.topLinks[l]; } numberOfUrls++; //tack it to the end of the list } } docs.addElement ( tempFound ); //add to vector }//end else i++; }//end url list while

//now sort the list by score sort ( docs, 0, (docs.size()-1) );

//create an html page for user with info //vector is sorted low to high do we want all the pages?


//check vector size and grab top 0-20 pages //create an html page //grab the url as a link and the top 20 or so words after the <body> tag //wrap up page

//create file File resultsFile = new File ( "searchresults.html"); FileWriter fw; try { fw = new FileWriter ( resultsFile ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); //write header, intro.... String header = new String ( " \n<html><title>Search Results</title><body> "); bw.write ( header ); int start = 0; if ( docs.size() >20 ){ start = docs.size() - 20; }

//reverse the order for ( int q=(docs.size()-1); q>start; q--){ //grab file from doc File f = ((Found)docs.elementAt(q)).file; //send to getDesc String desc = ((Found)docs.elementAt(q)).getDesc(); //create a link for desc... String link = "\n\n<a href=\"" + ((Found)docs.elementAt(q)).url +"\">"; bw.write ( "<table border=3 ><tr><td>"); bw.write ( link ); bw.write ( desc ); bw.write ( "<br><br>"); String docD = ((Found)docs.elementAt(q)).docDescription; bw.write ( docD ); bw.write ( "</td></tr></table><br><br><br>");


} //write footer String footer = new String ( "\n</body></html>" ); bw.write ( footer ); //close file bw.flush(); bw.close(); }catch (IOException e ){}

//how can user recall or save this page? need to add that in here //pop up window with infor, save button, erase button, close window button //add user tool to main agent to bring page back up SearchPanel sp = new SearchPanel(); // need a cleanup routine so news dir doesn't get huge with old stuff }

//so just what is it we downloaded?

//want to sort on a double -- docs.elementAt(x).total static Vector sort ( Vector d, int lb, int ub) { int j = d.size()/2; if ( lb < ub ){ j = partition ( d, lb, ub ); sort ( d, lb, j-1 ); sort ( d, j+1, ub ); } return d; }


static int partition ( Vector d, int lb, int ub ) { double a = ((Found)d.elementAt(lb)).total; Found aFound = (Found)d.elementAt(lb); int up = ub; int down = lb; while ( down < up ){ while (( ((Found)d.elementAt(down)).total <= a ) && (down < ub )) down++; while ( ((Found)d.elementAt(up)).total > a ) up--; if ( down < up ){ //exchange Found tempD = (Found)d.elementAt(down); Found tempU = (Found)d.elementAt(up); d.setElementAt( tempU, down); d.setElementAt( tempD, up); } } d.setElementAt( (Found)d.elementAt(up), lb); d.setElementAt ( aFound, up ); } return up;

//********************* //if file not found or other error, remover from url list //so we don't keep trying to download the same bad file //********************************************* private static File getDocument( URL u ) {


int c; String data = ""; File newsFile = new File( "/news/dummy" ); try { URLConnection urlconnection = u.openConnection(); //System.out.println ( "downloading... " + urlconnection ); new Date ( urlconnection.getLastModified()); int contentlength = urlconnection.getContentLength(); data = ""; if ( contentlength > 0 ){ InputStream in = urlconnection.getInputStream(); while ( ( c = ) != -1 ){ data += (char)c; } in.close(); //dump String name = name = to file for parsing /etc name = u.toString(); name.substring( 7, name.length() ); name.replace ( '/', '_' );

newsFile = new File ( "news/" + name ); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( newsFile ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw); bw.write( data ); bw.flush(); bw.close(); } }catch (IOException e ){ System.out.println ( "Error getting news: " + e ); } return newsFile;


} }


// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import*;*; java.util.Date; java.text.*;

class Found { int urlarraysize = 4096; URL url; int total = 0; File file; String urlDescription[] = new String [urlarraysize]; int linkScore[] = new int[urlarraysize]; URL urlList[] = new URL[urlarraysize];; String docDescription = ""; int links = 0; //number of links located URL topLinks[] = new URL[urlarraysize]; int wordsFound = 0;

//new Found( URL u, File f){


file = f; url = u; docDescription = u.toString(); for ( int i=0; i<urlarraysize; i++){ urlList[i] = null; } } //score int score ( String wordList[] ) { int count = 0; //int tempArray[] = new int[wordarraysize]; int wordTally[] = new int[ wordList.length ];

// read in file, word by word try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader( file ); StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer ( fr ); StreamTokenizer st1 = new StreamTokenizer ( fr ); String in; String in2;

while ( st.nextToken() != st.TT_EOF){ if ( st.ttype == st.TT_WORD){ in = st.sval; // if a word matches one on list for ( int j=0; j< wordList.length; j++){ if ( wordList[j] != null ){ if ( in.compareToIgnoreCase( wordList[j] ) == 0){ total++;


System.out.println ( "found word: " + wordList[j] + " in file: " + file ); //check for other words on list in vincinity //set to current position st1 = st; //move ahead one position st1.nextToken(); for ( int k=0; k<20; k++){ if ( st1.nextToken() != st1.TT_EOF ){ if ( st1.ttype == st1.TT_WORD ){ in2 = st1.sval; for ( int l=0; l<wordList.length; l++){ if ( wordList[l] != null ){ if ( in2.compareToIgnoreCase ( wordList[l] ) == 0 ){ total++; } } } } } } } } } } } }catch (IOException e){ System.out.println ( "Error: " + e ); }

return total; }


//pullLinks //add in link location..... void pullLinks() { String linkDescription = ""; try{ //read document FileReader fr = new FileReader ( file ); int c; String urlName = new String ("http://"); int wordcount = 0; while ( ( c = != -1 ){ char x = (char) c; if ( x == ' ' ){ wordcount++; } //parse out links <a href ....</a> if ( x == '<' ){ x = (char); if (( x == 'A' ) || ( x == 'a' )){ x = (char); if ( x == ' ' ){ x = (char); if (( x == 'H' ) || ( x == 'h')){ x = (char); if (( x == 'R' ) || ( x == 'r' )){ x = (char); if (( x == 'E' ) || ( x == 'e' )){ x = (char);


if (( x =='F' ) || ( x == 'f')){ x = (char); if ( x == '=' ){ x = (char); if ( x == '"' ){ x = (char ); if ( x == 'h' ){ x = (char); if ( x == 't' ){ x = (char); if ( x == 't' ){ x = (char); if ( x == 'p' ){ x = (char);//skip // x = (char); x = (char);

while ( ( c = (char) != '"'){ urlName += (char) c; } urlList[links] = new URL ( urlName );

urlName = "http://"; //skip stuff from end of url to '>' while ( ( c = (char) != '>'){ } //c =; //skip '>'


while ( ( c = (char) != '<' ){ linkDescription += (char)c; } urlDescription[links] = ( linkDescription ); linkDescription = ""; links++; } } } } } }

} } } } } } }

}//end while }catch ( IOException e ){ System.out.println ( e ); } }

public void sortLinks( String wordList[] ) {

//for each link we collected for ( int i=0; i<urlarraysize; i++){ if ( urlDescription[i] != null ){} }


//number of words in word list int numberWords = 0; for ( int i=0; i<wordList.length; i++){ if ( wordList[i] != null ){ numberWords ++; } } //compare link description to user words ( +2 for each word ) for ( int i=0; i<urlarraysize; i++){ for (int j=0; j<numberWords; j++){ //break url description into words if ( urlDescription[i] != null ){ char p[] = urlDescription[i].toCharArray(); String w[] = new String[20]; String wrd = ""; int r = 0; for ( int q=0; q<p.length; q++){ if (( p[q] == ' ' ) && ( r<20 )){ //break we got a word //pull out html terms... if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("br") == 0){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("td") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("table") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("body") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("img") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("src") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("height" ) == 0){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("width" ) == 0){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("col" ) == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("row") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("form") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("li") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("tr") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("nbsp") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("class") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("b") == 0 ){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("href") == 0){ }else if ( wrd.compareToIgnoreCase("p") == 0 ){



//add to list

w[r] = wrd; wrd = ""; r++; } }else{ wrd += p[q]; } } //get number of words int ct = 0; for ( int q=0; q<20; q++){ if ( w[q] != "null" ){ ct++; } } int cnt = 0; for ( int q=0; q<ct; q++){ if (( w[q] != null ) &&( wordList[j] != null )){ if ( w[q].compareToIgnoreCase( wordList[j] ) == 0){ linkScore[i]++; } } } } } }

//collect links with promise for ( int i=0; i<urlarraysize; i++){ // if ( linkScore[i] != 0 ){ if (urlList[i] != null ){ topLinks[i] = urlList[i]; //total += linkScore[i]; } // } }


//get page title String getDesc () { String d = ""; FileReader fr; try { fr = new FileReader ( file ); int c; while ( ( c = != -1 ){ char x = (char)c; if ( x == '<'){ x = (char); //grab doc title if (( x == 't') || ( x == 'T')){ x = (char); if (( x == 'i') || ( x == 'I')){ x = (char); if (( x == 't')||( x == 'T')){ x = (char); if (( x == 'l')||( x == 'L')){ x = (char); if (( x == 'e') || ( x == 'E')){ x = ( char); if ( x == '>'){ x = (char); for (int q=0; q<100; q++){ if ( x != '<'){ d += x; x = (char);


} } } } }

} } } } }//end while d += "</a>"; return d;

}catch ( IOException e ){ System.out.println ( e );} return d; } }


// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

//this gets your current ip address //even if you are behind a firewall //it gets it from //you can also use //or you can set up a page to check ip numbers on your own website //directions are given at //this class is written to go with the agent

import*; import*; import java.util.Date;

class GetIP { GetIP(){} { public String todaysIP () URL url; URLConnection urlconnection;


try { url = new URL ( ""); urlconnection = url.openConnection(); }catch (MalformedURLException e){ return ( "There is a problem with the URL " + e); }catch (IOException e1){ return ( "The site can not be reached " + e1); }

int contentlength = urlconnection.getContentLength(); char parsethis[] = new char[contentlength]; //get ip number from webserver try{ int i = 0; if ( contentlength > 0 ) { InputStream in = urlconnection.getInputStream (); int c; while ( (c = ) != -1 ) { parsethis[i] = (char) c; i++; } } in.close();

}catch (IOException e2 ) { return ( "Unable to get IP number from server " + e2 ); }

//parse out ip address from html int start = 0, stop = 0; for ( int j=0; j<contentlength; j++){ if (( parsethis[j] == 'b' ) && ( parsethis[j+1] == 'l') && ( parsethis[j+2] == 'a') && ( parsethis[j+3] == 'c') && ( parsethis[j+4] == 'k') ) start = j+9;


if ( ( parsethis[j] == '/' ) && ( parsethis[j+1] == 'b' ) && ( parsethis[j+2] == 'o') && ( parsethis[j+3] == 'd') ) stop = j-3; } String address = ""; for (int j=start; j<(stop-1); j++){ address += parsethis[j]; }

String in = ""; //save ip to file if changed and notify if changed try { FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/ip.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); in = br.readLine(); fr.close(); }catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println ( e );} if ( address.equals( in ) ){ return ( " IP address is unchanged: " + address ); }else{ try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/ip.txt" ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); fw.write ( address ); fw.flush(); fw.close(); }catch ( IOException e ) {} return ( " New IP address is: " + address + " old address: " + in ); } }



// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at //to be included with //this class reads a directory of text //files each with a joke, named 0.txt... someNumber.html //figures out how many are in the directory //and randomly feeds one to the agent. //any jokes may be added in txt format //just use the next available number //.....add weights for adjusting jokes //user likes and pick jokes more likely to //please user //keep track of jokes used so we don't use //the same joke too often, no matter how much //it is liked import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; public class Joke { JFileChooser fc; JButton openButton; JButton closeButton;


int result; //key word list //table of user and agent ratings by file File list[]; //list of files in joke directory File list1[]; //list of file to add to joke directory String lastFile; int last; //number of last file int numberFiles; Joke() //read directory and get list length/number of jokes File dir = new File ( "jokes" ); list = dir.listFiles(); String tmp = ""; lastFile = tmp.valueOf(list.length -1) + ".html"; last = list.length - 1; //update table if more/less than last look //send this info to agent which will store/retrieve //permament data for all sub sections } void rating( String wordList[] ) //read in list of files //read directory and get list length/number of jokes File dir = new File ( "jokes" ); File list[] = dir.listFiles(); numberFiles = list.length; int numberWords = wordList.length; int wordTally[] = new int[numberWords]; int tempArray[] = new int[2048]; double score[] = new double[numberFiles]; //create new rating file //for each file in directory for ( int i=0; i< numberFiles; i++){


int count = 0; // read in file, word by word try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader( list[i] ); StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer ( fr ); String in; while ( st.nextToken() != st.TT_EOF){ if ( st.ttype == st.TT_WORD){ in = st.sval; // for // put // if a word matches one on list ( int j=0; j<numberWords; j++){ cooresponding code in rating array add one to word tally

if ( in.compareToIgnoreCase( wordList[j] ) == 0){ tempArray[count] = (j+1); wordTally[j]++; } } } count++; } }catch (IOException e){} //calculate score for this file //word count score double weight = 2.0; double s = 0.0; for ( int k=0; k<numberWords; k++){ s += weight * wordTally[k]; weight -= 0.10; } //proximity score weight = 1.0; int x = 0; //sub total int y = 0; //total


for ( int k=0; k<2048; k++){ if ( tempArray[k] != 0 ){ x++; }else{ x = 0; } y += x; } score[i] = s + y/count; //reset wordTally for ( int k=0; k<numberWords; k++){ wordTally[k] = 0; } //reset tempArray for ( int k=0; k<2048; k++){ tempArray[k] = 0; } }

//create sorted file list File temp = new File (""); int index = 0; double small = 0.0; for ( int i = numberFiles-1; i>0; i--){ small = score[0]; index = 0; for ( int j=1; j<=i; j++){ if ( score[j] < small ){ small = score[j]; index = j; temp = list[j]; } } score[index] = score[i];


score[i] = small; list[index] = list[i]; list[i] = temp; } try{ //write sorted file list to disk FileWriter fw = new FileWriter( "data/jokeSort.txt" ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); for ( int i=0; i<numberFiles; i++){ bw.write( list[i].toString() ); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); }catch ( IOException e ){} }

File tellJoke ()

try{ //read in sorted file list FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/jokeSort.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); for (int i=0; i<numberFiles; i++){ list[i] = new File ( br.readLine() ); } }catch ( IOException e ) {} //randomly pick one that is rated in top half int number = (int)(Math.random() * last/2); //remove it from the list so it won't get re used


//and return file handle to agent return list[number]; }

void addNew ( ) //get directory name where new files are stored fc = new JFileChooser (); int result = fc.showOpenDialog( null ); if ( result == 1 ){ //do nothing cancelled operation }else{

fc.setFileSelectionMode ( fc.DIRECTORIES_ONLY ); File dir = fc.getCurrentDirectory(); String testString = "Should I copy the files in " + dir + " to jokes directory and delete them from " + dir + "?"; //double check file copy-delete int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog ((Component) null, testString, "Confirm file move/delete", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if ( reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ){ System.out.println ( "ok"); //read new files into a list list1 = dir.listFiles(); //move over new files and change the name on the way //we already have the last file name for ( int i=0; i<list1.length; i++){ String newname = ( "jokes/" + (last+1+i) + ".html" );


File newfile = new File( newname ); list1[i].renameTo( newfile ); } }else if ( reply == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION ) {} //do nothing }

} }

199 //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import

java.awt.*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*;*;

public class JokesList extends JPanel implements ActionListener { int listLength = 10; private JComboBox jokeskeys = new JComboBox(); private String keys[] = new String[10]; { JokesList ()

//open list files and read the lists into the arrays try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/jokekeys.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; for ( int i=0; i<listLength; i++){ keys[i] = br.readLine(); jokeskeys.addItem ( keys[i]); } fr.close();


}catch ( IOException e ){ keys[0] keys[1] keys[2] keys[3] keys[4] keys[5] keys[6] keys[7] keys[8] keys[9] } jokeskeys.setEditable(true); jokeskeys.getEditor().addActionListener ( this ); JPanel listPanel = new JPanel(); listPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); jokeskeys.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel.add ( jokeskeys ); add ( listPanel ); } = = = = = = = = = = "Enter"; "the"; "keywords"; "you"; "wish"; "to"; "search"; "for"; "here"; "";

public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) String newItem = (String)jokeskeys.getEditor().getItem(); int place = jokeskeys.getSelectedIndex(); keys[place] = newItem; jokeskeys.removeItemAt ( place ); jokeskeys.insertItemAt ( newItem, place );


//update the file try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/keys.txt"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); for ( int i=0; i<listLength; i++){ bw.write ( keys[i] ); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); fw.close(); } } }catch ( IOException e1) {}

202 //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import import import import

java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; javax.swing.text.*; javax.swing.event.*;*;*;

class MainPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private JButton newsButton; private JButton helpButton; private JButton exitButton; private String message; private JEditorPane output; private JPanel outputPanel; public MainPanel()


output = new JEditorPane(); try { output.setPage ( "file:index.html" ); }catch (IOException e){ System.out.println ( e ); } outputPanel = new JPanel(); outputPanel.add ( output ); add ( new JScrollPane ( output ) ); outputPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); add ( outputPanel ); Color buttonColor = new Color ( 204, 204, 255); newsButton = new JButton ( " Search" ); helpButton = new JButton ( "Help" ); exitButton = new JButton ( "Quit" );

newsButton.setBackground ( buttonColor ); helpButton.setBackground ( buttonColor ); exitButton.setBackground ( buttonColor );

JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.add ( Box.createRigidArea ( new Dimension ( 112, 55 )));

buttonPanel.add ( helpButton ); buttonPanel.add ( exitButton );


buttonPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); buttonPanel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createLineBorder( buttonColor )); buttonPanel.setLayout ( new BoxLayout ( buttonPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); buttonPanel.add ( Box.createRigidArea ( new Dimension ( 112, 55 )));

newsButton.addActionListener ( this ); helpButton.addActionListener ( this ); exitButton.addActionListener ( this );

//searches JPanel listPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel listPanel3 = new JPanel( ); JLabel newsLabel = new JLabel ( "Keywords" ); NewsList nl = new NewsList(); nl.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel3.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel3.add ( newsLabel ); listPanel3.add ( nl ); JPanel listPanel4 = new JPanel( ); JLabel urlLabel = new JLabel ( " Starting URLS "); URLList ul = new URLList(); ul.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel4.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel4.add ( urlLabel); listPanel4.add ( ul ); listPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createLineBorder( buttonColor )); listPanel.add ( listPanel3 ); listPanel.add ( listPanel4 ); listPanel.add ( newsButton ); add ( buttonPanel ); add ( listPanel );


} { public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent evt ) Object source = evt.getSource(); Color color = Color.white; if ( source == newsButton ){ output.setText ( "<html><head></head><body><br> ... Searching ... <br>" + "<br> Depending on the speed of your internet <br> " + "connection, and how many pages your maximum search<br>" + "and how fast your computer is, and how much memory <br>" + "you have this search can take a very long time. " + "<br><br>Leave the agent running, the search will run " + "<br> in the backbground. When it is done a page of "+ "<br>results will be stored in the 'results' directory"+ "<br>and the agent will let you know the search is done." + "<br>2 status bars will show you the progress while the searching"+ "<br>is ongoing. One shows the progress downloading pages from "+ "<br>the internet, one shows the average score of pages downloaded." );

Thread t = new Search(); t.start(); }else if ( source == helpButton ){ output.setText( "<html><head></head><body><p>" + "<br>"+ "<br>Winter 2002-2003"+ "<br>Copyright"+ "<br>contact"+ "<br>for information." + "<br><br><br>"+ "<br>Be sure to enter your name, email, "+ "zip code and agent name to begin individualizing "+ "your agent" + "</body></html>" );


}else if ( source == exitButton ){ System.exit(0); } setBackground( color ); repaint();

} }

class LinkFollower implements HyperlinkListener { private JEditorPane pane; { } { public LinkFollower ( JEditorPane pane ) this.pane = pane; public void hyperlinkUpdate ( HyperlinkEvent evt )

if ( evt.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { try{ pane.setPage ( evt.getURL() ); }catch (Exception e){ } } } }


// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import

java.awt.*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*;*;

public class NewsList extends JPanel implements ActionListener { int listLength = 10; private JComboBox newskeys = new JComboBox(); private String urlKeys[] = new String[10]; { NewsList ()

//open list files and read the lists into the arrays try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/newskeys.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; for ( int i=0; i<listLength; i++){ urlKeys[i] = br.readLine(); newskeys.addItem ( urlKeys[i]); } fr.close();


}catch ( IOException e ){ urlKeys[0] urlKeys[1] urlKeys[2] urlKeys[3] urlKeys[4] urlKeys[5] urlKeys[6] urlKeys[7] urlKeys[8] urlKeys[9] } newskeys.setEditable(true); newskeys.getEditor().addActionListener ( this ); JPanel listPanel = new JPanel(); listPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); newskeys.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel.add ( newskeys ); add ( listPanel ); } = = = = = = = = = = "Enter"; "the"; "keywords"; "you"; "wish"; "to"; "search"; "for"; "here"; "";

public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) String newItem = (String)newskeys.getEditor().getItem(); int place = newskeys.getSelectedIndex(); urlKeys[place] = newItem; newskeys.removeItemAt ( place ); newskeys.insertItemAt ( newItem, place );

//update the file


try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/keys.txt"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); for ( int i=0; i<listLength; i++){ bw.write ( urlKeys[i] ); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); fw.close(); } } }catch ( IOException e1) {}

210*; import*; class Pages { int score; File filename; URL url; String description;

Pages ( int s, File f, URL u, String d ) { score = s; filename = f; url = u; description = d; } int getScore() { return score; } File getFile() { return filename; } URL getURL() { return url; } String getDescription() { return description; }


}//end Pages class

212 java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*;

public class Progress extends JFrame { Progress( progress p ) { addWindowListener ( new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosed ( WindowEvent e ) {} } ); Container container = getContentPane(); container.add ( p ); }

213 import import import import import javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*; java.awt.*;*;*; java.util.*;

public class Search extends Thread { int numberOfWords = 0; int numberOfUrls = 0; //static int maxURLS = 256; static int maxURLS = 100; static int maxWords = 10; URL urlList[] = new URL[maxURLS]; static URL downloadedURLS[] = new URL[maxURLS]; static String wordList[] = new String[maxWords]; static Vector docs = new Vector(); static int totalPages = 0; static int threadCount = 0; static progress p; //page count static progress p1; //score average static long pt = 0; static long dt = 0; static int tpg = 0; static int tpb = 0; static int done = 0; static int totalScore = 0; static double averageScore = 0; static int pageCount = 0; public void run ( ) { getUserInput(); //set up a progress bar to give feedback to user p = new progress( maxURLS ); p1 = new progress ( 100 ); JFrame f = new Progress( p );


f.setTitle ( "Page Count ... " ); f.setSize ( 200, 60 ); f.setBackground ( Color.white ); f.setVisible(true); JFrame f1 = new Progress( p1 ); f1.setTitle ( "Average Score ... " ); f1.setSize ( 200, 60 ); f1.setBackground ( Color.white ); f1.setVisible(true);

//create several threads based on url list size if // it grows add threads, remove some as it shrinks // up to some max number of threads and max number of // urls to fetch Thread fetch[] = new Thread[10]; //jump start with usr defined urls for ( int i=0; i<10; i++){ if ( urlList[i] != null ){ fetch[i] = new Fetch2 ( urlList[i], wordList ); fetch[i].start(); totalPages++; threadCount++; downloadedURLS[i] = urlList[i]; } } }//end main

static void imhome (int s, File f, URL u, String d, URL links[], long dtime, long pti { threadCount--; System.out.println ( "thread count: " + threadCount + " url: " + u ); pt += ptime; dt += dtime;


tpg++; p.setValue ( tpg ); //update progress bar p1.setValue ( (int)averageScore ); Pages pg = new Pages( s, f, u, d); //add a page to the vector totalScore += s; pageCount++; averageScore = totalScore/pageCount; //check the score //if its a dud dont' bother with it... if ( pg.score < averageScore ){ }else{ docs.addElement(pg); if ( totalPages < maxURLS ) { Thread fetchl[] = new Thread[links.length]; for ( int i=0; i<links.length; i++){ if ( links[i] != null ){ int duplicateFlag = 0; //don't re-download the same page for ( int j=0; j<maxURLS; j++){ if ( downloadedURLS[j] == null){ }else{ String tempA = links[i].toString(); String tempB = downloadedURLS[j].toString(); if ( tempA.compareTo(tempB) == 0 ){ duplicateFlag = 1; } } } if ( duplicateFlag == 0 ){


fetchl[i] = new Fetch2 ( links[i], wordList ); fetchl[i].start(); totalPages++; downloadedURLS[totalPages] = links[i]; //need to send this info to user.... p.setValue ( totalPages ); threadCount++; } }

} }

}//end else if pg score < 0

//wait for all the downloads to complete if (( threadCount <= (maxURLS/20) ) && ( totalPages > ( maxURLS*.90))){ //allow for a fe System.out.println ( "time to finish " + threadCount ); finish(); } } //download failed static void imhome ( URL u, long dtime ) { threadCount--; tpb++;

if ( threadCount <= 1 ){ System.out.println ( "time to finish " + threadCount); finish(); } }

static void finish() {


if ( done == 1){ return; } //when list is empty sort vector and grab a percent or //number of the highest scoring pages sort ( docs, 0, (docs.size()-1) ); System.out.println ( "Sorted list"); for ( int i=0; i<docs.size(); i++){ Pages p = (Pages)docs.elementAt(i); System.out.println ( p.score + ", " + p.url ); } //create user page //save this page to the 'results' directory and let user know we are done //put search info up in window for user. createPage();

System.out.println ( "Total pages: " + (tpg+tpb)); System.out.println ( "Avg Download time(sec): " + ((-dt/(tpg+tpb))/10000) + ", Avg Parse //delete all the files in the working directory 'workSpace' File dir = new File ("workSpace"); File rmList[] = dir.listFiles(); for ( int i=0; i<rmList.length; i++){ rmList[i].delete(); } done = 1; }

static void createPage() { //create an html page for user with info //vector is sorted low to high do we want all the pages? //check vector size and grab top 0-20 pages //create an html page //grab the url as a link and the top 20 or so words after the <body> tag //wrap up page


try { //unique file name Date d = new Date(); long t = d.getTime(); Long l = new Long ( t ); String fn = l.toString(); //create file File resultsFile = new File ( "results/" + fn); FileWriter fw; fw = new FileWriter ( resultsFile ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); //write header, intro.... String header = new String ( " \n<html><title>Search Results</title><body> "); bw.write ( header ); int start = 0; if ( docs.size() >20 ){ start = docs.size() - 20; }

//reverse the order for ( int q=(docs.size()-1); q>start; q--){ //grab file from doc File f = ((Pages)docs.elementAt(q)).filename; //send to getDesc String desc = ((Pages)docs.elementAt(q)).description; //create a link for desc... String link = "\n\n<a href=\"" + ((Pages)docs.elementAt(q)).url +"\">"; double scr = ((Pages)docs.elementAt(q)).score;


System.out.println ( "link: " + link ); System.out.println ( "desc: " + desc ); System.out.println ( "score: " + scr ); bw.write bw.write bw.write bw.write bw.write } ( ( ( ( ( "<table border=3 <tr><td>"); link ); desc ); "</a><br><br>"); "</td></tr></table><br><br><br>");

//write footer String footer = new String ( "\n</body></html>" ); bw.write ( footer ); //close file bw.flush(); bw.close(); }catch (IOException e ){}

//how can user recall or save this page? need to add that in here //pop up window with info, save button, erase button, close window button //add user tool to main agent to bring page back up // SearchPanel sp = new SearchPanel(); }

void getUserInput() { //load usr list of starting urls //get count of urls try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/news.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in;


while (( in = br.readLine() ) != null ){ try{ urlList[numberOfUrls] = new URL( in ); numberOfUrls++; }catch (MalformedURLException e){ } } }catch ( IOException ex ) { }

//create list of key words we are hoping to find try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/newskeys.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; while (( in = br.readLine() ) != null ){ wordList[numberOfWords] = in; numberOfWords++; } }catch ( IOException ex ) { } }//end getUserInput

//want to sort on a double -- docs.elementAt(x).total static Vector sort ( Vector d, int lb, int ub) { int j = d.size()/2; if ( lb < ub ){ j = partition ( d, lb, ub ); sort ( d, lb, j-1 ); sort ( d, j+1, ub ); } return d; }


static int partition ( Vector d, int lb, int ub ) { double a = ((Pages)d.elementAt(lb)).score; Pages aFound = (Pages)d.elementAt(lb); int up = ub; int down = lb; while ( down < up ){ while (( ((Pages)d.elementAt(down)).score <= a ) && (down < ub )) down++; while ( ((Pages)d.elementAt(up)).score > a ) up--; if ( down < up ){ //exchange Pages tempD = (Pages)d.elementAt(down); Pages tempU = (Pages)d.elementAt(up); d.setElementAt( tempU, down); d.setElementAt( tempD, up); } } d.setElementAt( (Pages)d.elementAt(up), lb); d.setElementAt ( aFound, up ); } return up;

}//end Search


223 //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import import import import

javax.swing.*; javax.swing.event.*; javax.swing.text.*; java.awt.event.*; java.awt.*;*;*;

class SearchPanel { SearchPanel() { JFrame sf = new SearchFrame(); sf.setBackground ( Color.white );; } }

class SearchFrame extends JFrame {


SearchFrame () { setTitle ( "Search Results"); setSize ( 600, 800 ); setDefaultCloseOperation( DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); addWindowListener ( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e ) { //close this frame } }); Container scp = getContentPane(); ShowResults sr = new ShowResults(); sr.setBackground ( Color.white ); scp.add( sr ); } }

class ShowResults extends JPanel implements ActionListener { JButton savethis, getold, clean, home; JEditorPane dataout; JTextField jtf; ShowResults(){ //show results html page dataout = new JEditorPane(); dataout.setEditable( false ); dataout.addHyperlinkListener ( new LinkFollower ( dataout )); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane ( dataout ); try { dataout.setPage ( "file:searchresults.html" );


}catch (IOException e){System.out.println ( e );}

JPanel dataoutPanel = new JPanel(); dataoutPanel.add ( sp ); dataoutPanel.setBackground ( Color.white );

//text field for same file name jtf = new JTextField ( " save_search.html

" );

Color buttonColor = new Color ( 204, 204, 255 ); //add buttons for user to save this, //review previous pages //clean out old data savethis = new JButton ("Save these Search Results"); savethis.setBackground ( buttonColor ); savethis.addActionListener( this ); getold = new JButton ( "Get previous saved Results"); getold.setBackground ( buttonColor ); getold.addActionListener ( this ); clean = new JButton ( "Clean up" ); clean.setBackground ( buttonColor ); clean.addActionListener ( this ); home = new JButton ( "Back to Search Page" ); home.setBackground ( buttonColor ); home.addActionListener ( this );

JPanel b1Panel = new JPanel(); b1Panel.setLayout ( new BoxLayout ( b1Panel.add ( Box.createRigidArea ( b1Panel.setBackground ( Color.white b1Panel.add ( jtf ); b1Panel.add ( Box.createRigidArea (

b1Panel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); new Dimension ( 77, 30 ))); ); new Dimension ( 72, 30 )));


b1Panel.add ( savethis ); b1Panel.add ( Box.createRigidArea ( new Dimension ( 77, 30 )));

JPanel bPanel = new JPanel(); bPanel.setLayout ( new BoxLayout ( bPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); bPanel.add ( Box.createRigidArea ( new Dimension ( 40, 30 ))); bPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); bPanel.add ( getold ); bPanel.add ( clean ); bPanel.add ( home ); bPanel.add ( Box.createRigidArea ( new Dimension ( 40, 30 ))); b1Panel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createLineBorder ( buttonColor )); bPanel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createLineBorder ( buttonColor )); dataoutPanel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createLineBorder ( buttonColor ));

add ( bPanel ); add ( b1Panel ); add ( dataoutPanel ); }

public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { Object source = e.getSource(); if ( source == savethis ){ //save to search directory //get name from user and copy-move //searchresults.html to search/username.html File old = new File ( "searchresults.html" ); String newfile = "search/" + jtf.getText(); File newf = new File ( newfile ); old.renameTo( newf ); jtf.setText ( "saved file");


}else if ( source == getold ){ //list files in search dir and //show the one user picks File searchdir = new File ( "search" ); JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser( searchdir ); jfc.addChoosableFileFilter ( new Filter1() ); jfc.showOpenDialog( null ); File f = jfc.getSelectedFile(); try{ dataout.setPage( "File:" + f ); }catch ( IOException ex ){} }else if ( source == clean ){ //rm all files in news File d = new File ( "news" ); File list[] = d.listFiles(); for (int l=0; l<list.length; l++){ list[l].delete(); } //rm searchresults.html File temp = new File( "searchresults.html" ); temp.delete(); }else if ( source == home ){ try { dataout.setPage ( "file:searchresults.html" ); }catch (IOException e2){System.out.println ( e2 );} } } } /* class LinkFollower implements HyperlinkListener { private JEditorPane pane; { public LinkFollower ( JEditorPane pane )


} {

this.pane = pane; public void hyperlinkUpdate ( HyperlinkEvent evt )

if ( evt.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { try{ pane.setPage ( evt.getURL() ); }catch (Exception e){ } } } } */

//filter file chooser stuff class Filter1 extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter { public boolean accept( File fileobj ) { String extension = ""; if ( fileobj.getPath().lastIndexOf('.') >0 ) extension = fileobj.getPath().substring( fileobj.getPath().lastIndexOf ('.') + 1).toLowerCase(); if ( extension != "" ) return extension.equals ( "html" ); else return fileobj.isDirectory(); }

public String getDescription() { return "HTML files (*.html)"; }



// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import

java.awt.*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*;*;

public class URLList extends JPanel implements ActionListener { int listLength = 10; private JComboBox URLkeys = new JComboBox(); private String keys[] = new String[10]; { URLList ()

//open list files and read the lists into the arrays try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/news.txt" ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; for ( int i=0; i<listLength; i++){ keys[i] = br.readLine(); URLkeys.addItem ( keys[i]); }


fr.close(); }catch ( IOException e ){ keys[0] keys[1] keys[2] keys[3] keys[4] keys[5] keys[6] keys[7] keys[8] keys[9] = = = = = = = = = = ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""; "";

} URLkeys.setEditable(true); URLkeys.getEditor().addActionListener ( this ); JPanel listPanel = new JPanel(); listPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); URLkeys.setBackground ( Color.white ); listPanel.add ( URLkeys ); add ( listPanel );

public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) String newItem = (String)URLkeys.getEditor().getItem(); int place = URLkeys.getSelectedIndex(); keys[place] = newItem; URLkeys.removeItemAt ( place );


URLkeys.insertItemAt ( newItem, place );

//update the file try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/keys.txt"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); for ( int i=0; i<listLength; i++){ bw.write ( keys[i] ); bw.newLine(); } bw.flush(); fw.close(); } } }catch ( IOException e1) {}


// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import import import import import

javax.swing.*; javax.swing.event.*; java.awt.event.*; java.awt.*;*;

public class User { { public User() JFrame f = new userFrame(); f.setBackground( Color.white );;

} } class userFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener { int width = 400; int height = 120;


JTextArea JTextArea JTextArea JTextArea {

userName; agentName; zipcode; email;

public userFrame() setTitle ( "User and Agent Information" ); setSize ( width, height ); setLocation ( width/2, height/2 ); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosed ( WindowEvent e) {} Container cp = getContentPane(); JPanel userPanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout ( 5, 2 )); userPanel.setBackground ( Color.white ); userPanel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder() ); String un = "", an = "", zc = "", em = "";


try { FileReader fr = new FileReader ( "data/user.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader ( fr ); String in; un an zc em = = = = br.readLine(); br.readLine(); br.readLine(); br.readLine();

fr.close(); }catch ( IOException e ) {} JLabel JLabel JLabel JLabel userNamel = new JLabel ( "Your Name: " ); agentNamel = new JLabel ( "Agent Name: "); zipcodel = new JLabel ( "Your Zip Code: "); emaill = new JLabel ( "Your Email Address: ");

userNamel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() );


agentNamel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() ); zipcodel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() ); emaill.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() ); userName = new JTextArea( un ); agentName = new JTextArea ( an ); zipcode = new JTextArea( zc ); email = new JTextArea( em ); userName.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() ); agentName.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() ); zipcode.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder( ) ); email.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() ); JButton done = new JButton ( "Done"); done.addActionListener ( this ); userPanel.add ( userNamel ); userPanel.add ( userName ); userPanel.add ( agentNamel ); userPanel.add ( agentName ); userPanel.add ( zipcodel ); userPanel.add ( zipcode ); userPanel.add ( emaill ); userPanel.add ( email ); userPanel.add ( done ); cp.add( userPanel); } public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent evt)

try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( "data/user.txt" ); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ); bw.write ( userName.getText() ); bw.newLine(); bw.write ( agentName.getText() ); bw.newLine(); bw.write ( zipcode.getText() ); bw.newLine();


bw.write ( email.getText() ); bw.newLine(); bw.flush(); bw.close(); }catch ( IOException e ){ } //close window setVisible ( false ); } }

237 // //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at

import*; import*; import java.util.Date; public class Weather { URL url; { Weather(String zip)

String putURLtogether = "" + zip; try{ url = new URL( putURLtogether ); }catch ( MalformedURLException e ){} }

String poll () int c; String data = "<Html><Head></Head><Body><br><br>"; data += "Brought to you from <a href=\"\">NOAA</a>"; data += "<br><br><table><tr><td><b>";


try { URLConnection urlconnection = url.openConnection(); int contentlength = urlconnection.getContentLength(); InputStream in = urlconnection.getInputStream(); while ( ( c = ) != -1 ){ if ( (char)c == '7'){ if ( (char) == '-'){ if ( (char) == 'D' ){ if ( (char) == 'a' ){ if ( (char) == 'y' ){ while ( ( c = ) != -1 ){ if ( (char)c == '<'){ if ( (char) == 't' ){ if ( (char) == 'd' ){ if ( (char) == '>' ){ if ( (char) == '<'){ if ( (char) == 'b'){ if ( (char) == '>' ){ while ( (c = != -1 ){ data += (char)c; if ( data.endsWith ( "</table>") ){ break; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }


in.close(); data += "</Body></Html>"; return data; }catch (IOException e ){ return ( "Error getting weather: " + e ); } } }

240 java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*;

public class progress extends JPanel { JProgressBar jprogressbar = new JProgressBar();

progress( int max ) { setBackground ( Color.white ); jprogressbar.setMinimum ( 0 ); jprogressbar.setValue ( 0 ); jprogressbar.setMaximum ( max ); jprogressbar.setForeground ( ); jprogressbar.setBackground ( Color.white ); jprogressbar.setOrientation( JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL ); jprogressbar.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); add( jprogressbar ); }

void setValue( int x) { jprogressbar.setValue( x ); }


--README-// //Winter 2002/2003 //copyright Times to Come //under the GNU Lesser General Public License //version 0.1 //availble for viewing at This agent is far from done. So far it checks your local weather, tells you a joke, does deep link searches and gets your ip number. It will also learn to converse with you. The more you converse with the agent the better at conversation it will become. To compile javac To run java Agent If you get out of memory errors try java -Xmx64M Agent or java -Xmx128M Agent -----------------------------------------------data for the agent is as follows: for conversations: store files in a directory named 'data' the file name should be a sentence the file data is responses to that sentence followed by a #10 which is the beginning score. The more a sentence gets used the higher the score will be example: File name 'How are you?' File data I'm fine and you?#12 Excellent#10


for jokes store jokes in a directory named 'jokes' The file names should be sequential numbers followed by .html store each joke as a regular HTML webpage, using the background and fonts of your choice example: File name '1.html' <html> <head></head> <body> <br>Why did the chicken cross the road? <br>To get to the other side. </body> </html>


Chapter 7
Neural Networks

7.1 Neural Networks

Neural nets are good at doing what computers traditionally do not do well, pattern recognition. They are good for sorting data, classifying information, speech recognition, diagnosis, and predictions of non-linear phenomena. Neural nets are not programmed but learn from examples either with or without supervised feedback. Modeled after the human brain, they give more weight to connections used frequently and reduce the size (weight) of connections not used. Some neural nets must be supervised while learning, given data to sort and given feedback as to whether data is correctly sorted, forward feed backpropagation networks are the best understood and most successful of these. Some, such as self organizing networks, gure things out for themselves. McCulloch and Pitts, in 1943, proved that networks comprised of neurodes could represent any nite logical expression. In 1949 Hebb de ned a method for updating the weights in neural networks. Kolmogorov's Theorem was published in the 1950's. It states that any mapping between two sets of numbers can be exactly done with a three layer network. He did not refer to neural networks in his paper, this was applied later. His paper also describes how the neural network is to be constructed. The input layer has one neurode for every input. These neurodes have a connection to each neurode in the hidden layer. The hidden layer has (2*n + 1) Neurodes, n is the number of inputs. The hidden layer sums a set of continuous real monotonically increasing functions, like the sigmoid function. The output layer has one neurode for every output. Rosenblatt in 1961 developed the Perception ANN (arti cial neural network). In the 1960's Cooley and Tucky devised the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm which made signal processing with neural networks feasible. Widrow and Ho then developed Adaline. 1969 was the year neural networks almost died. A paper published by Minsky and Papert showed that the XOR function could not be done with the Adeline and other similar networks. 1972 brought new interest 244

with Kohonen and Anderson independently published papers about networks that learned with out supervision, SOM, (self organizing maps). Grossberg and Carpenter developed the ART (adaptive resonance theory) which learns with out supervision in the late 1960's. The 1970's brought NEOCOGNItrON, for visual pattern recognition. Hop eld published PDP ("Parallel Distributed Processing") in three volumes. These books described neural networks in a way that was easy to understand. If a neural net is too large it will memorize rather than learn. Neural nets usually are composed of three layers, input, hidden, and output. More layers can be added, but usually little is gained from doing so. The connections vary by the network type. Some nets have connections from each node in one layer to the next, some have backward connections to the previous layer and some have connections with in the same layer. Neural networks map sets of inputs to sets of outputs. Learning is what shapes the neural networks surface. Supervised learning algorithms take inputs and match them to outputs, correcting the network if the output does not match the desired output. Unsupervised learning algorithms do not correct the output given by the neural net. The net is provided with inputs, but not with outputs. Training data for a neural net should be fairly representative of the actual data that will be used. All possibilities should be covered and the proportion of data in each area should match the proportion in the real data. There are several ways of training of neural nets: Hard coded weights determined by experience or mathematical formulas can serve in place of a training algorithm; Supervised training uses input and matching output patterns to let the net set the weights; Graded training only uses input patterns, but then the neural net receives feedback on how accurate its answer is; Unsupervised Training uses only input patterns then the neural nets output is the correct answer. Autonomous learning in neural nets is di erent from other unsupervised learning systems in that the neural net can learn selectively, it doesn't learn every pattern input, only those that are 'important'. An autonomous learning neural net has the following capabilities; it organizes information into categories without outside input and will reorganize them if it makes sense to do so; it retrieves information from less than perfect input; it is con gured to work in parallel to keep speed reasonable; the system is always selectively learning; priorities given to input patterns can change; it can generalize; and it has more memory space than it needs; it must be able to expand and add to its knowledge rather than overwriting previously learned knowledge. Of course something this wonderful should also make your co ee and sort your email for you too. Simulated annealing is a statistical way to solve optimization problems, like setting a schedule or wiring a network. Boltzmann networks use this algorithm to learn. A random solution is chosen and compared to the current best solution found. The better of the two is kept and then depending on the problem some random changes are made. The amount of randomness in each loop is decreased over time allowing the net to slowly settle into a solution. The randomness helps to keep the net from settling into local minimas rather than global minimas. The Lyapunov function, also known as the energy function, is used to test 245

for convergence of the neural network. The function decreases as the network changes and assures stability.

7.2 Hebbian Learning

"When the axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in ring it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's eciency, as one of the cells ring B, is increased." [D.O.Hebb, The Organization of Behavior] In other words, in a neural net, the connections between neurodes get larger weights if they are repeatedly used during training. There are adjustments that have been made to this rule. Weights are bounded between -1.0 and 1.0. Neurodes that are not used are decreased in value. Neohebbian Learning takes this into consideration. It iteratively computes each nodes connection weights using N ewW eight = OldW eight F F orgottenW eight + N N ewLearningW eight. F, N are constants between 0 and 1.0, F being how quickly to forget and N being how quickly to learn. Di erential Hebbian Learning adjusts the learning and forgetting by proportion to the amount of change in weight since last cycle. Which is just the derivative of the neurode's output over time. Drive reinforcement theory developed by Harry Klopf is a learning system that modi es di erential Hebbian learning. The weight increase depends on the product of the change in the output signal of the receiving neurode and the weighted sum of the inputs over time. This allows some temporal learning to occur in the system. This system is closer to the classical conditioned training done by Pavlov.

7.3 Perceptron
Rosenblatt added the learning law to the McCulloch-Pitts neurode to make it Perception, which is the rst of the neural net learning models. The perception has one layer of inputs and one layer of outputs, but only one group of weights. If data points on a plot are linearly separable (we can draw a straight line separating points that belong in di erent categories), then we can use this learning method to teach the neural net to properly separate the data points. The McCulloch-Pitts neurode res a +1 if the neurode's total input the sum of each input * its weight + some bias function is greater than the set threshold. If it is less than the set threshold, or if there is any inhibitory input a -1 is red. If the weights are chosen to be 1 for each input and the threshold is zero, then the bias is chosen to be 0.5 - input*weight then the neurode works as an AND function. If the bias is chosen to be -0.5 then the neurode acts as a OR function. If the bias is chosen to be 0.5 it behaves as a NOT operator. Any logical function can be created using only AND, OR and NOT gates so a neural net can be created with McCulloch-Pitts neurodes to solve any logical function. 246

We start with a weight vector that has its tail at the origin and a randomly picked point. Each data point is input to the neurode and it responds with either a +/- 1, the weight vector is multiplied by the correct output. This is done until all data points are input and the neurode gives the correct output for each point. The perception fell out of favor since it can only handle linearly separable functions which means simple functions like XOR, or parity can not be computed by them. Minsky and Papert published a book 'Perceptions', in the 1980's, that proved that one and two layer neural nets could not handle many real world problems and research fell o for about twenty years in neural nets. An additional layer and set of weights can enable the Perception to handle functions that are not linear. A separate layer is needed for each vertex needed to separate the function. A 1950's paper by A.N. Kilmogorov published a proof that a three layer neural network could perform any mapping exactly between any two sets of numbers. Multi layered perceptrons were developed than can handle XOR functions. Hidden layers are added and they are trained using backpropagation or a similar training algorithm. Using one layer linearly separable problems can be solved. Using two layers regions can be sorted and with three layers enclosed regions can be sorted.

7.4 Adeline Neural Nets

Adeline, ADAptive linear Neuron was developed by Widrow and Ho in 1959. It is a classic example of an 'Adaptive Filter Associative Memory Neural Net' or 'Adaptive linear Element'. It has only an input layer consisting of a node for each input and an output layer that has only one node. It can learn to sort linear input into two groups. Inputs are real numbers between -1..+1. The neurode forms a weighted sum of all inputs and output's a +/-1. There is one input with a weighted synapse for every number in the input vector. It has an extra input 'mentor' used during training which carries the expected output for the given input. Adeline can only separate data in to two groups. The data must be linearly separable. The Adeline's training starts with a straight line drawn anywhere on the plot provided it intersects the origin. The training e ectively rotates this line until it properly separates the data into the two groups, using the least mean squares algorithm. The angle of this line is the angle Adeline tests against the input vector times the weight vector (dot product). If the angle of the dot product of these two vectors is less than  a 1 is output, if it is less than a 0 is output.   Dot product: A BorAx Bx + Ay By + :::: or ABcos() where theta is the angle between vector A and vector B. A bold A or B represents the length of the vector. Or: [expectedresponse actualresponse] [learningconstant(< 1)] [Ia2 + Ib2 + Ic2 :::](1=2) =[W a2 + W b2 + W c2 :::](1=2) [Ia; Ib; Ic; :::] (now adjust the weights by the amounts in the vector) The learning constant must be less 247

than 2 or the network will not stabilize. Input patterns are used to set the initial weights, during which time the mentor node is set to += 1 depending on the desired output. Following that a training set, di erent from the initial set, is tried. If the answer is correct we do nothing. If the answer is not correct the weights are adjusted using the delta rule. The delta rule changes the weights in proportion to the amount they are incorrect. The distance is determined by subtracting network's actual response di erence from expected response; multiply this by a training constant; multiply by the size and direction of the input pattern vector; and use this information to determine the change in weight. This is also known as the Least Mean Squared Rule ChangeInW eight = 2 LearningRate InputN odej (DesiredOutput ActualOutput) Collections of Adeline's in a layer can be taught multiple patterns. Adelines can have additional inputs that are powers or multiplications of inputs and are referred to as higher order networks. It may work better at pattern solving than a many layered single order network. This may be used in more than two dimensions. A line separates linear data in a plane, a plane separates linear data in three dimensions, etc. Adelines and Madelines can be used to clean up noise from data provided there is a good copy of the data to learn from during training.

7.5 Adaptive Resonance Networks

Developed by spouses Stephen Grossberg and Gail Carpenter Adaptive Resonance Theory, ART, is a self organizing network that learns without supervised training. ART uses a competitive input-output training to allow the network to learn new information with out losing information already learned. These networks consist of an input (comparison) layer with a node for each input dimension and an output (recognition) layer that has a node for each category. There is a hidden layer between them that lters information feed back to the input layer from the output layer. There are also controls for each layer to control the direction of information. Competitive training occurs and the highest valued node wins. Patterns are presented to the input layer which tries to nd the closest matching weight vector. If a matching weight vector is found it is compared to the categories for a match. If there are weight and category matches then the network is in resonance and training is performed to better match the weights. If no category is found a new one is created.

7.6 Associative Memories

Associate memory stores information by associating or correlating it with other memories. Most neural nets have the capability to store memory this way. 248

Associate memory systems can recall information based on garbled input, details are stored in a distributive fashion, are accessible by content, are very robust, and most importantly can generalize. The two classes of associative memory classi ed by how they store memories are: auto associative; hetero-associative. Autoassociate: each data item is associated with itself. Used for cleaning up and recognizing handwriting. Training is done by giving the same pattern to the input and output nodes. Hetero-associative: di erent data items are associated with each other. One pattern is given and another is output, a translation program would fall in this category. This one is trained by giving one input pattern to the input nodes and the desired output pattern to the output nodes. The main architectures for associated memory neural networks are: crossbar (aka Hop eld); adaptive lter networks; competitive lter networks. Adaptive lter networks, like Adelines, test each neurode to see if it is the pattern speci c to that neurode. These are used in signal processing. Competitive lter networks, like Kohonens, have neurodes competing to be the one that matches the pattern. They self-organize and they perform statistical modeling with out outside aid or input.

7.7 Probabilistic Neural Networks

Probabilistic neural networks are forward feed networks built with three layers. They are derived from Bayes Decision Networks. They train quickly since the training is done in one pass of each training vector, rather than several. Probabilistic neural networks estimate the probability density function for each class based on the training samples using Parzen or a similar probability density function. This is calculated for each test vector. Usually a spherical Gaussian basis function is used, although many other functions work equally well. Vectors must be normalized prior to input into the network. There is an input unit for each dimension in the vector. The input layer is fully connected to the hidden layer. The hidden layer has a node for each classi cation. Each hidden node calculates the dot product of the input vector with a test vector subtracts 1 from it and divides the result by the standard deviation squared. The output layer has a node for each pattern classi cation. The sum for each hidden node is sent to the output layer and the highest values wins. The Probabilistic neural network trains immediately but execution time is slow and it requires a large amount of space in memory. It really only works for classifying data. The training set must be a thorough representation of the data. Probabilistic neural networks handle data that has spikes and points outside the norm better than other neural nets.


7.8 Counterpropagation Network

The counterpropagation network is a hybrid network. It consists of an outstar network and a competitive lter network. It was developed in 1986 by Robert Hecht-Nielsen. It is guaranteed to nd the correct weights, unlike regular backpropagation networks that can become trapped in local minimums during training. The input layer neurodes connect to each neurode in the hidden layer. The hidden layer is a Kohonen network which categorizes the pattern that was input. The output layer is an outstar array which reproduces the correct output pattern for the category. Training is done in two stages. The hidden layer is rst taught to categorize the patterns and the weights are then xed for that layer. Then the output layer is trained. Each pattern that will be input needs a unique node in the hidden layer, which is often too large to work on real world problems.

7.9 Neural Net Meshes

Meshes are used in visualization, image processing, neurology and physics applications. They are a grid of regular or irregular shape that stores information or represents a shape rather than a at object. Neural nets are used to adjust the meshes in 3d graphics. Meshes also derived from Pask's Conversation Theory. The gist of the meshes being that distributed information (like that of the Internet) adapts to the semantic expectations of the users. The system then self organizes to meet expectations.

7.10 Kohnonen Neural Nets (Self Organizing Networks)

The Kohonen Self Organizing Map (Network) uses unsupervised, competitive learning. These networks are used for data clustering as in, speech recognition and handwriting recognition. They are also used for sparsely distributed data. Self Organizing Networks consist of two layers, an input layer and a Kohonen layer.The input layer has a node for each dimension of the input vector. The input nodes distribute the input pattern to each node in the the Kohonen layer so the two layers are fully connected. The output layer has at least as many nodes as categories to be recognized. One neurode in the output layer will be activated for each pattern. Each input is connected to each output and there are no connections between the layers. The network uses lateral inhibition, which is how the vision system works in people. Connections are formed to neighboring neurodes which are inhibitory. The strength of the neurode is inversely proportional to the distance it is away from other nodes. The neurode with the strongest signal dampens the neurodes 250

close to it using a Mexican Hat function. (so called because it looks like a Mexican hat.) The Mexican Hat function is also used in wavelets and image processing. An example is 1:5x4 4x2 + 2, try plotting this between -2 and 2. The neurodes close to the one activated take part in the training, the others do not. To make it computationally ecient a step function is used instead of a true Mexican hat function. Self organization is a form of unsupervised learning. This sets weights with a 'winner take all' algorithm. Each neurode learns a classi cation. Input vectors will be classed into the group to which they are closest. General algorithm The weights between the nodes are initialized to random values between 0.0 and 1.0. Then the weight vector is normalized. The learning rate is set between 1.0 and 0.0 and decreased linearly each iteration. The neighborhood size is set and decreased linearly each iteration The input vector is normalized and fed into the network. The input vector is multiplied by the connection weights and the total is accumulated by the Kohonen network nodes. The winning nodes out put is set to one and all the other nodes are set to zero. Weights are adjusted Wnew = Wold + training constant ( input - Wold) Training continues until a winning node vector meets some minimum error standard.


7.10.1 C++ Self Organizing Net

//som.cpp //this is an example of a 'Self Organizing Kohonen Map' // //this is the driver program for the kohonen network (layer.cpp) //the algorithm and other notes are there. #include "somlayer.cpp" int main (int argc, char **argv) { //new kohonen network network kohonen; //read in data kohonen.getData(); kohonen.readInputFile(); //set up nodes, layers and weights kohonen.createNetwork(); //train the network kohonen.train(); //dump input to a file for user kohonen.print(); }


//somlayer.cpp // // // //This program is a C/C++ program demonstrating the //self organizing network (map) {algorithm by Kohonen} //This is an unsupervised network //one neurode in the output layer will //be activated for each different input pattern //The activated node will be the one whose weight //vector is closest to the input vector // //It reads in a data file of vectors in the format: //99.99 88.88 77.77 //66.66 55.55 44.44 // //algorithm //weight array is created //(number of input dimensions) X (number of input dimensions * number of vectors) //the weights are initialized to a random number between 0 and 1 //weight vectors are normalized //the learning rate is set to one and linearly decremented // depending on maximum number of iterations //the neighborhood size is set to the max allowed by the kohonen out put layer size // and decremented linearly depending on the maximum number of iterations //the input vector is normalized //each input is multiplied by a connecting weight and sent to each output node //the inputs for each output node are summed //the winning node is set to one //the outer output nodes are set to zero //the distance between the winning node and the input vector are checked //if the distance is not inside minimum acceptable the weights are adjusted // Wnew = Wold + trainingConstant * (input - Wold) //the nieghborhood size and training constant are decreased // //and the next loop is begun.

#ifndef _LAYER_CPP #define _LAYER_CPP #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h>


#include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #define MAX_DIMENSIONS 100 #define MAX_VECTORS 100 class network{ private: int int char int double int double double double double int double int double int vectorsIn, weightColumn; nodesIn, nodesK; fileIn[128], fileOut[128]; maxIterations; distanceTolerance; decreaseNeighborhoodSize, neighborhoodSize; decrementLearningConstant, learningConstant; kohonen[]; weights[MAX_DIMENSIONS][MAX_DIMENSIONS*MAX_VECTORS]; inputArray[MAX_VECTORS][MAX_DIMENSIONS]; winningNode; distance; firstLoop; trackDistance[MAX_VECTORS]; trackWinner[MAX_VECTORS];

void normalizeWeights() { for ( int i=0; i<vectorsIn; i++){ double total = 0.0; for ( int j=0; j<weightColumn; j++){ total += weights[i][j] * weights[i][j]; } double temp = sqrt(total); for( int k=0; k<weightColumn; k++){ weights[i][k] = weights[i][k] / temp;


} } }

void normalizeInput() { for ( int i=0; i<vectorsIn; i++){ double total = 0.0; for ( int j=0; j<nodesIn; j++){ total += inputArray[i][j] * inputArray[i][j]; } for( int j=0; j<nodesIn; j++){ inputArray[i][j] = inputArray[i][j] / sqrt(total); } } }

public: network(){}



void createNetwork() { // initialize weights to a value between 0.0 and 1.0 srand (time(0)); for (int i=0; i<vectorsIn; i++){ for (int j=0; j<weightColumn; j++){ int max = 1; weights[i][j] = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX; } }


void getData() { //get from user // number of input nodes cout << "*****************************************************"<< cout << "* Enter the number of input nodes needed. (This is *"<< cout << "* number of dimensions in your input vector. *"<< cout << "*****************************************************"<< cin >> nodesIn;

endl; endl; endl; endl;

// number of input vectors cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cout << "* Enter the number of vectors to be learned. *"<< endl; cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cin >> vectorsIn;

// name of input file cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl;


cout << "* Enter the name of your input file containing the *"<< endl; cout << "* vectors. *"<< endl; cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cin >> fileIn; // name of file to output results to cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cout << "* Enter the name of the file for output. *"<< endl; cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cin >> fileOut;

// distance tolerance cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cout << "* Enter the distance tolerance that is acceptable *"<< endl; cout << "*****************************************************"<< endl; cin >> distanceTolerance; // max number of iterations before giving up cout << "*****************************************************"<< cout << "* Enter the maximum iterations for learning cycle *"<< cout << "* before giving up. *"<< cout << "*****************************************************"<< cin >> maxIterations; //determine output layer size & initialize nodesK = nodesIn * vectorsIn; for(int i=0; i<nodesK; i++){ kohonen[i] = 0; } //vectorsIn = nodesIn; weightColumn = nodesIn * vectorsIn; //determine amount to decrease neighborhood size //every so many loops reduce neighborhood size decreaseNeighborhoodSize = (int)maxIterations/nodesK; // and learning constant by each learning iteration decrementLearningConstant = learningConstant/maxIterations; }

endl; endl; endl; endl;


//user gave us the number of floating numbers per row (dimensions) //and the number of lines (vectors) //only a space is used between the numbers, no commas or other markers. void readInputFile() { FILE *fp = fopen( fileIn, "r"); //read in vectors for (int i=0; i<vectorsIn; i++){ for (int j=0; j<nodesIn; j++){ fscanf ( fp, "%lf", &inputArray[i][j]); } } fclose (fp); normalizeInput(); }

void train () { double distance = 0.0; double oldDistance = 0.0; int distanceCount = 0; //for each vector, loop for (int x=0; x<vectorsIn; x++){ cout << "************vector " << x << " for ( int q=0; q<nodesIn; q++){ cout << " " << inputArray[x][q]; *************"<< endl;


} cout << endl << endl; //determine initial neighborhood size neighborhoodSize = nodesK; int count = 0; //set initial values that aren't set in createNetwork learningConstant = 1.0; double distance = 0.0; firstLoop = 1; int winningNode = 0;

// inner loop // see if outside number iterations = break from inner loop while (count < maxIterations ){ count++; cout << "\n loop number " << count; cout << "\tdistance " << distance; cout << "\twinning node " << winningNode << endl; // multiply input by its weight connecting to each kohonen node // sum total for each node in kohonen layer for ( int i=0; i<nodesIn; i++){// for each input dimension for ( int k=0; k<nodesK; k++){ //for each kohen node kohonen[k] += inputArray[x][i] * weights[i][k]; } } // see which is winning node double winner = 0.0; for( int i=0; i<nodesK; i++){ if (kohonen[i] > winner){ winner = kohonen[i]; winningNode = i; trackWinner[x] = i; } } // set winner to one


// set all other outputNodes to zero for( int i=0; i<nodesK; i++){ if( i != winningNode ){ kohonen[i] = 0.0; }else{ kohonen[i] = 1.0; } } // see if in distance tolerance = break from inner loop // we're done with this vector, do next oldDistance = distance; distance = 0.0; for ( int i=0; i<nodesIn; i++){ distance += inputArray[x][i] - weights[i][winningNode]; } distance = sqrt ( distance * distance); trackDistance[x] = distance; if (distance < distanceTolerance){ cout << "Node " << winningNode << " won. " << endl; cout << "Distance is with in tolerance! " << endl; cout << "loop number " << count << endl; break; } //shake things up if distance grows for too long if (distance > oldDistance ){ distanceCount ++; } if (distanceCount > 5){ distanceCount = 0; neighborhoodSize = nodesK; }

// reduce neigborhood size int right = nodesK, left = 0;


if (( count % decreaseNeighborhoodSize == 0) && (neighborhoodSize > 1)){ neighborhoodSize--; //keep inside weight array bounds if( winningNode > neighborhoodSize ){ left = winningNode - neighborhoodSize; }else{ left = 0; } if ( winningNode + neighborhoodSize < nodesK){ right = winningNode + neighborhoodSize; }else{ right = nodesK; } } // reduce learning constant learningConstant -= decrementLearningConstant; //flip flag firstLoop = 0; // adjust weights Wn = Wo + LC * (input - Wo) // do the whole matrix the first pass and do // only the neighborhood of the winning node on // subsquent passes. for ( int i=left; i<right; i++){ int j=0; for ( j=0; j<nodesIn; j++){ weights[i][j] += learningConstant * (inputArray[i][j] - weights[i][j]); } //keep things from blowing up if (weights[i][j] < 0.0){ weights[i][j] = 0.0; }


if( weights[i][j] > 1.0){ weights[i][j] = 1.0; } }

// re-normalize weights normalizeWeights(); }//end inner loop count < maxIterations }//end loop for each vector }

void print() { //open file FILE *fp = fopen ( fileOut, "w"); //headings fprintf (fp, "\n\n\n data from training run \n"); //print weight array fprintf( fp, "\nWeight Array\n"); for ( int i=0; i<vectorsIn; i++){ fprintf (fp, "\n"); for ( int j=0; j<weightColumn; j++){ fprintf (fp, " %lf ", weights[i][j]); } } //headings fprintf ( fp, "\n\n\nnormalized input vectors\t\twinning node\tdistance\n");


//print vectors, winning node for each and distance for each for ( int i=0; i<vectorsIn; i++){ //input vector //winning node number //final distance tolerance fprintf( fp, "\n"); for ( int j=0; j<nodesIn; j++){ fprintf ( fp, " %lf ", inputArray[i][j]); } fprintf (fp, "\t %d\t %lf ", trackWinner[i], trackDistance[i]); } //close output file fclose(fp); } };

#endif // _LAYER_CPP


7.11 Backpropagation
Forward Feed Back Propagation networks (aka Three Layer Forward Feed Networks) have been very successful. Some uses include teaching neural networks to play games, speak and recognize things. Backpropagation networks can be used on several network architectures. The networks are all highly interconnected and use non-linear transfer functions. The network must have at minimum three layers, but rarely needs more than three layers. Back-propagation supervised training for Forward-Feed neural nets uses pairs of input and output patterns. The weights on all the vectors are set to random values. Then input is fed to the net and propagates to the output layer and the errors are calculated. Then the error correction is propagated back through the hidden layer then to the input layer in the network. There is one input neurode for each number (dimension) in the input vector, there is one output neurode for each dimension in the output vector. So the network maps IN-dimensional space to OUT-dimension space. There is no set rule for determining the number of hidden layers or the number of neurodes in the hidden layer. However, if too few hidden neurodes are chosen then the network can not learn. If too many are chosen, then the network memorizes the patterns rather than learning to extract relevant information. A rule of thumb for choosing the number of hidden neurodes is to choose log( 2)X where X is the number of patterns. So if you have 8 distinct patterns to be learned, then log( 2)8 = 3 and 3 hidden neurodes are probably needed. This is just a rule of thumb, experiment to see what works best for your situation. The delta rule is used for error correction in backpropagation networks. This is also known as the least mean squared rule. N ewW eight = OldW eight 2 LearningConstant N eurodeOutput(desiredOutput actualOutput) The delta rule uses local information for error correction. This rule looks for a minimum. In an e ort to nd a minimum it may nd a local minimum rather than the global minimum. Picture trying to nd the deepest hole in your yard, if you measure small sections at a time you may locate a hole but it may not be the deepest in the yard. The generalized delta rule seeks to correct this by looking at the gradient for the entire surface, not just local gradients. The error vector is aimed at zero during training. The vector is calculated 1 as: Error = ( 2 ( overeachoutputnumber (desired actual)2 )) To get the error close to zero, with in a tolerance, we use iteration. Each iteration we move a step downward. We take the gradient, the derivative of a vector, and use the steepest descent to minimize the error. So thenewweight = oldW eight + stepsize (gradientW (e(W )). The derivative of the function T (x) = (1=(1 ex )) is just T (x) (1 T (x)) so using the chain rule we arrive at the error correction function (desired actual)(1 actual) eachN odeOutW eight eachN odeHiddenW eight the weight is then changed by the amount of the error correction function as it propagates back through the network. To train the net all weights are randomly set to a value between -1.0 and 1.0 To do the calculations going forward through the net: 264

Each NodeInput is multplied by each weight connected to it Each HiddenNode sums up these incoming weights and adds a bias to the total This value is used in the sigmoid function as x 1/(1+e x) If this value is greater than the threshold the HiddenNode res this value, else it res zero Each HiddenNode is multiplied by each weight connected to it Each OutputNode sums up these incoming weights and adds a bias to the total This value is used in the sigmoid function as x 1/(1 + e x) This is the value out put by the OutputNode To calculate the adjusments during training, you gure out the error and propigate it back like this: Adjust weights between HiddenNodes and OutputNodes ErrorOut = ( OutputNode)*(1-OutputNode)(DesiredOutput - OutputNode) ErrorHidden = (HiddenNode)*(1-HiddenNode)*(Sum ErrorOut*Weight + ErrorOut*Weight ... ) for each weight connected to this node LearningRate = LearningConstant * HiddenNode (LearningConstant is usually set to something around 0.2 ) Adjustment = ErrorOut * LearningRate Weight = Weight - Adjustment Adjust weights between HiddenNodes and InputNodes Adjustment = ( ErrorHidden)*(LearningConstant)*(NodeInput) Weight = Weight - Adjustment Adjust Threshold On OutputNode, Threshold = Threshold - ErrorOut * LearningRate On HiddenNode, Threshold = Threshold - ErrorHidden * LearningRate If you use a neural net that also accounts for imaginary numbers you can adapt this function so it is not always positive and calculate all of the four derivatives needed. Numerous iterations are required for a backpropagation network to learn. Therefore it is not practical for neural nets that must learn in 'real time'. It will not always arrive at a correct set of weights. It may get trapped in local minimums rather than an actual minimum. This is a problem with the 'steepest decent' algorithm. A momentum term that allows the calculation to slide over small bumps is sometimes employed. Back propagation networks do not scale well. They are only good for small neural nets.


7.11.1 GUI Java Backpropagation Neural Network Builder

// // //Neural Net Building Program //winter 2000-2001

import javax.swing.*; import*;

class backpropagation{ private private private private private private private private private private private private double trainingConstant; double threshold; File trainingDataFile; neuralnet nnToTrain; double[][] vectorsIn; double[][] vectorsOut; int numberOfVectors = 0; double[][] neurodeOutputArray; JTextArea message = new JTextArea(); int nodesPerLayer[]; int max, outNodes, noLayers, inNodes; double allowedError;

backpropagation (neuralnet n, double c, double t, File f, JTextArea info, int noV, double err) throws Exception {

allowedError = err; max = n.maxNodes;


outNodes = n.out; noLayers = n.numberOfLayers; inNodes =; trainingConstant = c; threshold = t; nnToTrain = new neuralnet(); nnToTrain = n; nnToTrain.threshold = t; numberOfVectors = noV; message = info; trainingDataFile = f; FileReader fr = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String lineIn; vectorsIn = new double[numberOfVectors][inNodes]; vectorsOut = new double[numberOfVectors][outNodes]; neurodeOutputArray = new double[noLayers][max]; nodesPerLayer = new int[noLayers+1]; nodesPerLayer[0] = inNodes; message.setText( "done initializing variables");

for(int k=1; k<(noLayers - 1); k++){ nodesPerLayer[k]=nnToTrain.hiddenLayers[k-1]; }

nodesPerLayer[noLayers - 1] = outNodes; message.append("\n parsing input file into arrays"); //now parse them into arrays StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(fr); int k = 0, j =0, i =0; while(st.nextToken() != st.TT_EOF){ message.setText("\n reading token..." );


if(st.ttype == st.TT_NUMBER){ if( i < inNodes){ vectorsIn[k][i] = st.nval; i++; }else if( j < outNodes){ vectorsOut[k][j] = st.nval; j++; if(j == outNodes){ k++; i = 0; j = 0; } } } }

info.setText("...loaded i-o vectors for training...."); }

public neuralnet train() {

//*********forward we go******************* //propagate input through nn int vectorNumber = 0; while(vectorNumber < numberOfVectors){ long loopNumber = 0; boolean noConvergence = false; boolean gotConvergence = false;


while( !noConvergence && !gotConvergence){ //?safety bail after so many loops, assume no convergence today..... loopNumber ++; if(loopNumber > 1000){ noConvergence = true; message.setText("Convergence Failure on training vector # " + (vectorNumber+1) ); }

//****for each training pair....*********!!!!!!!!!!!! //input the input vector to each node in first layer for(int i=0; i<inNodes; i++){ neurodeOutputArray[0][i] = vectorsIn[vectorNumber][i]; } //*for each layer after first //output = sum incoming weights, //input value to sigmoid function 1/(1 + exp ^(-x)) for(int l=1; l< noLayers; l++){ for(int n=0; n < nodesPerLayer[l]; n++){ double temp = 0; //sum incoming weights * output from previous layer for(int w=0; w<nodesPerLayer[l-1]; w++){ temp += neurodeOutputArray[l-1][w] * nnToTrain.weightTable[l-1][w][n]; } //run through sigmoid double temp2 = 1/ ( 1 + Math.pow(Math.E, temp) ); //check if over threshold if( temp2 >= threshold){ //update neurodeOutputArray neurodeOutputArray[l][n] = temp2;


} } }

//*******and back we go*************** //create 2 arrays, one to store currentLayerError, one to store previousLayerError double errorVectorCurrent[] = new double[max]; double errorVectorPrevious[] = new double[max]; double desired = 0, actual = 0; //calculate error vector { desired-actual, desired-actual, ...} //and calculate errors for output layer for(int i=0; i<outNodes; i++){ desired = vectorsOut[vectorNumber][i]; actual = neurodeOutputArray[noLayers-1][i]; errorVectorCurrent[i] = (actual)*(1-actual)*(actual-desired); }

//for each layer work back the error for( int layer = (noLayers-1); layer>0; layer--){ for(int node=0; node<nodesPerLayer[layer]; node++){ //output of this node on the forward pass double no = neurodeOutputArray[layer][node]; double tempCalc = 0.0; double pvsOut = 0.0; for(int wgt=0; wgt<nodesPerLayer[layer-1]; wgt++){ //current weight double cw = nnToTrain.weightTable[layer-1][wgt][node]; //output of node connecting to input end of this weight pvsOut = neurodeOutputArray[layer-1][wgt];


tempCalc += cw*pvsOut; } errorVectorPrevious[node] = no * (1-no) * tempCalc; for(int i=0; i<nodesPerLayer[layer-1]; i++){ nnToTrain.weightTable[layer-1][i][node] += trainingConstant * errorVectorCurrent[node] * pvsOut; } }

//mv previousLayerError to currentLayerError //initialize previousLayerError for(int k=0; k<max; k++){ errorVectorCurrent[k] = errorVectorPrevious[k]; errorVectorPrevious[k] = 0.0; } //?quit when error below a certain threshold? double errorCheck = 0.0; for(int k=0; k<max; k++){ errorCheck += Math.sqrt( (desired-actual)*(desired-actual) ); } message.append("\nDesired-Actual=error " + desired+ "-" +actual+ "=" +(desired-actual) ); if (errorCheck < allowedError ){ gotConvergence = true; message.append("\n\n got convergence..."); } }


vectorNumber ++;

message.append("\n\nTraining run is done"); return nnToTrain; }


// // //Neural Net Building Program

import import import import

java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; java.text.*;

public class DisplayNet extends JFrame { jpaneldisplaynet jpdn; public DisplayNet(int i, int o, int h[], double w[][][]) { super ( "Display Neural Net"); Container rootPanel = getContentPane(); JScrollBar sby = new JScrollBar(); jpdn = new jpaneldisplaynet(i, o, h, w); rootPanel.add(jpdn); rootPanel.add(sby, BorderLayout.EAST); sby.addAdjustmentListener(new AdjustmentListener() { public void adjustmentValueChanged( AdjustmentEvent evt){ JScrollBar sb = (JScrollBar)evt.getSource(); jpdn.setScrolledPosition(evt.getValue()); jpdn.repaint(); } });


void display(int in, int out, int hidden[], double weight[][][]){ //create window final JFrame f = new DisplayNet(in, out, hidden, weight); f.setBounds( 100, 50, 400, 600);;

//destroy window f.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){ f.setVisible(false); } }); } }

class jpaneldisplaynet extends JPanel { int inNodes; int outNodes; int hiddenNodes[]; double weights[][][]; int noLayers; int scrollx = 0, scrolly = 0; int layers[];


jpaneldisplaynet(int i, int o, int h[], double w[][][]) { inNodes = i; outNodes = o; hiddenNodes = h; weights = w; noLayers = h.length + 2; layers = new int[noLayers+1]; layers[0] = inNodes; for(int k=1; k<(noLayers - 1); k++){ layers[k]=hiddenNodes[k-1]; } layers[noLayers - 1] = outNodes;

public void paint(Graphics g) { Color backColor = new Color(225, 255, 225); int x = 50; int y = 50; int q = 100; int c = 0; int rows = 0; int cols = noLayers; g.setColor(backColor); g.fillRect(0, 0, 1280, 960);


Color nodeColor = new Color( 0, 80, 0); Color weightColor = new Color(0, 0, 255); g.setColor(nodeColor); //Heading... g.drawString("The node and layer locations are in green, + weights are in blue.", x, y-30); g.drawString("The leftmost layer is the input,+ the rightmost layer is output.", x, y-20);

for(int i=0; i<hiddenNodes.length; i++){ c++; if(hiddenNodes[i]>rows){ rows = hiddenNodes[i];} } //get number of rows if(inNodes > rows){ rows = inNodes; }else if( outNodes > rows){ rows = outNodes; } int max; if(rows>cols){ max = rows; }else{ max = cols; }

int r = 80; c = 40; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(3);

for(int i=0; i<cols; i++){ r -= (scrolly*40);


for(int j=0; j<layers[i]; j++){ g.setColor(nodeColor); int printRow = r + (j+1)*20; g.drawString( "Nd " + (j+1) + " L # " + (i+1) + " ", (c + (i*100)), printRow); g.setColor(weightColor); for(int k=0; k<layers[i+1]; k++){ if(weights[i][j][k] != 0){ g.drawString( " " + nf.format(weights[i][j][k]) + " ", (c+(i*100)), printRow+(20*(k+1))); r = printRow + 20*(k+1); } } } r = 80; //lreset at end of column } }

//to eliminate flicker public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); }

//scroll bar stuff public void setScrolledPosition( int locationy) { scrolly = locationy;


} }


// // //Neural Net Building Program //winter 2000-2001

import; import javax.swing.filechooser.*;

class filefilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter { public boolean accept (File fileobj) { String extension = ""; if(fileobj.getPath().lastIndexOf('.') > 0) extension = fileobj.getPath().substring( fileobj.getPath().lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase(); if(extension != "") return extension.equals("net"); else return fileobj.isDirectory(); }

public String getDescription() { return "Neural Net Files (*.net)"; } }


// // //Neural Net Building Program

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*;

public class DisplayVectors extends JFrame { jpaneldisplayvectors jpdv; public DisplayVectors() { super ( "Input and Output Vectors"); Container rootPanel = getContentPane(); jpdv = new jpaneldisplayvectors(); rootPanel.add(jpdv); }

void display(){ //create window final JFrame f = new DisplayVectors(); f.setBounds( 200, 200, 180, 600); f.setVisible(true); //destroy window f.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);


f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){ f.setVisible(false); } }); } }

class jpaneldisplayvectors extends JPanel { jpaneldisplayvectors() { setBackground(Color.white); }

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); } }


// // //Neural Net Building Program //winter 2000-2001

import import import import import import

java.awt.*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.event.*;; javax.swing.filechooser.*;*;

public class gui extends JFrame { static jpanel jpanelNew; static jpanel jpanelTrain; static jpanel jpanelUse; static JTextArea output = new JTextArea("", 8, 47); jpanel jpanelInformation; static int choice = 0; static String outputText = ""; static Container rootPane; static JFileChooser jfilechooserOpen = new JFileChooser(); static JFileChooser jfilechooserSave = new JFileChooser(); Color c = new Color( 225, 255, 225); //build static JTextField NumberInputs; static JTextField NumberOutputs; static JTextField NumberHidden; static JTextField NumberPerHidden; JButton jbuttonBuild; //train static JTextField TrainingConstant;


static JTextField Threshold; static JTextField TrainingVectorFile; static JTextField NoTrainingVectors; static JTextField Error; JTextField fileTrain; JButton jbuttonTrain; //use JTextField filetouse; static JTextField vectorfiletouse; static JTextField NoVectors; JButton jbuttonUse; //file stuff static File currentFile; static neuralnet nn; public gui() { super (""); JLabel LBlank1 = new JLabel(" JLabel LBlank2 = new JLabel(" JLabel LBlank3 = new JLabel(" "); "); ");

//new net info jpanelNew = new jpanel("Create a New Neural Net"); NumberInputs = new JTextField(5); JLabel LNumberInputs = new JLabel("Number of neurodes input layer: NumberOutputs = new JTextField(5); JLabel LNumberOutputs = new JLabel("Number of neuroded output layer: "); ");

NumberPerHidden = new JTextField(20); JLabel LNumberPerHidden = new JLabel("Number of neurodes in hidden layers: jpanelNew.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(570, 5)));



JPanel jp1 = new JPanel(); jp1.setBackground(c); jp1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp1.add(LNumberInputs); jp1.add(NumberInputs); jp1.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelNew.add(jp1);

JPanel jp3 = new JPanel(); jp3.setBackground(c); jp3.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp3, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp3.add(LNumberPerHidden); jp3.add(NumberPerHidden); jp3.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelNew.add(jp3);

JPanel jp2 = new JPanel(); jp2.setBackground(c); jp2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp2, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp2.add(LNumberOutputs); jp2.add(NumberOutputs); jp2.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelNew.add(jp2);

jbuttonBuild = new JButton("Build"); jpanelNew.add(jbuttonBuild); jbuttonBuild.addActionListener(jb1);

//training info jpanelTrain = new jpanel( "Train a Neural Net"); TrainingConstant = new JTextField(5); JLabel LTrainingConstant = new JLabel("Training constant:



Threshold = new JTextField(20); JLabel LThreshold = new JLabel("Threshold: Error = new JTextField(20); JLabel LError = new JLabel("Allowed Error:

"); "); ");

TrainingVectorFile = new JTextField(20); JLabel LTrainingVectorFile = new JLabel("Name of training vector file:

NoTrainingVectors = new JTextField(20); JLabel LNoTrainingVectors = new JLabel("Number training vector pairs: "); NoVectors = new JTextField(20); JLabel LNoVectors = new JLabel("Number of vectors to process: "); jpanelTrain.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(570, 5))); JPanel jp4 = new JPanel(); jp4.setBackground(c); jp4.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp4, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp4.add(LTrainingConstant); jp4.add(TrainingConstant); jp4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelTrain.add(jp4); JPanel jp5 = new JPanel(); jp5.setBackground(c); jp5.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp5, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp5.add(LThreshold); jp5.add(Threshold); jp5.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelTrain.add(jp5); JPanel jp6 = new JPanel(); jp6.setBackground(c); jp6.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp6, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp6.add(LTrainingVectorFile); jp6.add(TrainingVectorFile); jp6.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelTrain.add(jp6); JPanel jp7 = new JPanel(); jp7.setBackground(c); jp7.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp7, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp7.add(LNoTrainingVectors);


jp7.add(NoTrainingVectors); jp7.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelTrain.add(jp7); JPanel jp8 = new JPanel(); jp8.setBackground(c); jp8.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp8, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp8.add(LError); jp8.add(Error); jp8.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelTrain.add(jp8);

jbuttonTrain = new JButton("Train"); jpanelTrain.add(jbuttonTrain); jbuttonTrain.addActionListener(jb2);

//usage info jpanelUse = new jpanel( "Use a Neural Net"); jpanelUse.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(570, 5))); JPanel jp9 = new JPanel(); jp9.setBackground(c); jp9.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jp9, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jp9.add(LNoVectors); jp9.add(NoVectors); jp9.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelUse.add(jp9); vectorfiletouse = new JTextField(20); JLabel Lvectorfiletouse = new JLabel("Vector file to use:


JPanel jpf4 = new JPanel(); jpf4.setBackground(c); jpf4.setLayout(new BoxLayout( jpf4, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); jpf4.add(Lvectorfiletouse); jpf4.add(vectorfiletouse); jpf4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); jpanelUse.add(jpf4);


jbuttonUse = new JButton("Process"); jpanelUse.add(jbuttonUse); jbuttonUse.addActionListener(jb3);

//information jpanelInformation = new jpanel( "Information"); JScrollPane scrollpaneText = new JScrollPane(); scrollpaneText.add(output); scrollpaneText.setViewportView(output); jpanelInformation.add(scrollpaneText); //file open and save stuff jfilechooserOpen.addChoosableFileFilter(new filefilter()); jfilechooserSave.addChoosableFileFilter(new filefilter()); //set up interface rootPane = getContentPane(); rootPane.setBackground(Color.white); rootPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); rootPane.add(jpanelNew); rootPane.add(jpanelTrain); rootPane.add(jpanelUse); rootPane.add(jpanelInformation); //add in menu jmenubar(); }

public static void main( String argv []) { //create window JFrame f = new gui(); f.setBounds( 100, 100, 650, 700); f.setVisible(true);


//destroy window f.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){ System.exit(0); } }); }

//build menus and add mouse click listeners... void jmenubar() { JMenuBar jmenubar = new JMenuBar(); jmenubar.setUI( jmenubar.getUI() ); JMenu JMenu JMenu JMenu jmenu1 jmenu2 jmenu4 jmenu5 = = = = new new new new JMenu("File"); JMenu("Help"); JMenu("View"); JMenu("Print");

JMenuItem m1 = new JMenuItem("New"); m1.addActionListener(a1); JMenuItem m2 = new JMenuItem("Open"); m2.addActionListener(a2); JMenuItem m3 = new JMenuItem("Save"); m3.addActionListener(a3); JMenuItem m4 = new JMenuItem("Train"); m4.addActionListener(a4); JMenuItem m6 = new JMenuItem("About"); m6.addActionListener(a6);


JMenuItem m7 = new JMenuItem("Exit"); m7.addActionListener(a7); JMenuItem m8 = new JMenuItem("Net"); m8.addActionListener(a8); JMenuItem m11 = new JMenuItem("Net"); m11.addActionListener(a11); JMenuItem m13 = new JMenuItem("Introduction"); m13.addActionListener(a13); JMenuItem m15 = new JMenuItem("Process"); m15.addActionListener(a15); jmenu1.add(m1); jmenu1.add(m2); jmenu1.add(m3); jmenu1.add(m4); jmenu1.add(m15); jmenu1.addSeparator(); jmenu1.add(jmenu5); jmenu1.addSeparator(); jmenu1.add(m7); jmenu4.add(m8); jmenu5.add(m11); jmenu2.add(m13); jmenu2.add(m6); jmenubar.add(jmenu1); jmenubar.add(jmenu4); jmenubar.add(jmenu2); setJMenuBar(jmenubar); }


//create new neural net static ActionListener a1 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m1 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText("\n Use this to create a new neural net"); output.setText("\n Enter the number of neurodes for input and output layers."); output.append("\n For the hidden layer enter the neurodes per layer, "); output.append("\n separated by commas. Ex: 4, 5, 7 for 3 hidden layers"); output.append("\n So there would be 4 neurodes in the layer next to the "); output.append("\n input layer, 5 in the next layer and 7 in the "); output.append("\n hidden layer next to the output layer."); output.append("\n Hit [Build] when all the information is entered."); } }; //open exisiting net static ActionListener a2 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m2 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); int result = jfilechooserOpen.showOpenDialog(null); File fileobj = jfilechooserOpen.getSelectedFile(); if(result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ output.setText("Opening... " + fileobj.getPath()); currentFile = fileobj; try{ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(currentFile); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); nn = (neuralnet)ois.readObject(); ois.close(); }catch(Exception exception){} } } };


//save net static ActionListener a3 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m3 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); int result = jfilechooserSave.showSaveDialog(null); File fileobj = jfilechooserSave.getSelectedFile(); if(result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ output.setText("Saving... " + fileobj.getPath()); currentFile = fileobj; try{ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(currentFile); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(nn); oos.flush(); oos.close(); }catch(Exception exception){} } } };

//train net static ActionListener a4 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m4 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText("\n Use this to train a neural net that you have "); output.append("\n created and saved."); output.append("\n Enter the training constant (~0.2, the threshold (~.2) 0.0-1.0"); output.append("\n and the file where your training vectors are stored."); output.append("\n The training vector file should be of the format:"); output.append("\n (1.0, 4.3, 5.6) (3.6, 6.7, 5.2, 5.3)"); output.append("\n The first file per line should be the input vector,");


output.append("\n and the second should be the output vector"); output.append("\n Make sure you open a file from the file menu to train."); output.append("\n press [Train] when you are ready to begin."); } };

//about static ActionListener a6 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m6 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText( "\n"+ "\nNeural Net Building Program"+ "\nCopyright (C) 2001 Linda MacPhee-Cobb"+ "\nThis program is free software; you can"+ "\nredistribute it and/or modify"+ "\nit under the terms of the GNU General "+ "\nPublic License as published by"+ "\nthe Free Software Foundation; either "+ "\nversion 2 of the License, or "+ "\nany later version."+ "\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope"+ "\nthat it will be useful,"+ "\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even "+ "\nthe implied warranty of "+ "\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR "+ "\nPURPOSE. See the"+ "\nGNU General Public License for more details."+ "\nYou should have received a copy of the "+ "\nGNU General Public License"+ "\nalong with this program; if not, "+ "\nwrite to the Free Software"+ "\nFoundatation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, "+ "\nSuite 330, Boston, Ma 02111-1307"+ "\nUSA"+ "\nI may be reached via the website"+ "\nlinda macphee-cobb"+ "\nwinter 2000-2001"); }


}; //exit static ActionListener a7 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m7 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText( "Thank you . . . "); System.exit(0); } };

//display net static ActionListener a8 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m8 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); if(nn == null ){ output.setText("Please open or create a neural net to display."); }else{ DisplayNet dn = new DisplayNet(, nn.out, nn.hiddenLayers, nn.weightTable); dn.display(, nn.out, nn.hiddenLayers, nn.weightTable); } } }; //print net static ActionListener a11 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m11 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource(); output.setText("This will print the weights and node information to" + "\na file 'printme.txt' in this directory which you can" + "\nthen print.");


if(nn == null ){ output.setText("Please open or create a neural net to print."); }else{ //print to a file PrinterNet pn = new PrinterNet(, nn.out, nn.hiddenLayers, nn.weightTable); //this is supposed to print to printer... //the code is here, but it doesn't work under linux //running cups. It is probably a cups problem //comment out print to a file and try this instead if you //are not running cups /* try{ PrintNet pn = new PrintNet(, nn.out, nn.hiddenLayers, nn.weightTable); pn.print(); }catch (Exception exception){ output.setText("\n unable to create file"); } */ } } };

//help static ActionListener a13 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { Help h = new Help(); h.display(); } };

//process vectors static ActionListener a15 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { JMenuItem m15 = ( JMenuItem )e.getSource();


choice = 15; output.setText("From the file menu open the neural net"); output.append("\nYou wish to use, then enter the name"); output.append("\nof the file containing the vectors you"); output.append("\nwish to process. The vector file format"); output.append("\nshould be:"); output.append("\n(3.2, 5.66, 2.0)"); output.append("\nwith one vector per line"); //open a neural net to use try{ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(currentFile); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); nn = (neuralnet)ois.readObject(); ois.close(); }catch(Exception exception){}

//open vector file and verify }


//build net static ActionListener jb1 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int i = 0; int o = 0; String h = "";

if( (NumberInputs.getText().compareTo("") != 0 ) && (NumberOutputs.getText().compareTo("") != 0 ) && (NumberPerHidden.getText().compareTo("") != 0 ) ){ i = (int)(Double.valueOf(NumberInputs.getText() ).doubleValue()); o = (int)(Double.valueOf(NumberOutputs.getText() ).doubleValue()); h = NumberPerHidden.getText();;


if( (i == 0) || (o == 0)){ output.setText ("Please enter valid numbers for input and output neurodes"); }else if( h == ""){ output.setText ("Please enter a training file name."); }else{ output.setText("\nBuilding..."); nn = new neuralnet( i, o, h, output); nn.setInitWeights(output); } }else{ output.setText("Please enter all values needed"); } } };

//train net static ActionListener jb2 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { double tconstant = -1.0; double threshold = -1.0; String fname = ""; double error = -1.0; output.setText(" ");

//get information from user if( (TrainingConstant.getText().compareTo("") != 0 ) && (Threshold.getText().compareTo("") != 0 ) ){ tconstant = (Double.valueOf(TrainingConstant.getText() ).doubleValue()); threshold = (Double.valueOf(Threshold.getText() ).doubleValue()); fname = TrainingVectorFile.getText(); int notrainingvectors = (int)(Double.valueOf(NoTrainingVectors.getText() ).doubleValue()); error = (Double.valueOf(Error.getText() ).doubleValue() ); //quick error check and let user know if there is trouble if( (tconstant<=0.0)||(threshold<0.0)){


output.setText( "Enter a training constant and threshold > 0.0 please."); }else if( fname.compareTo("") == 0){ output.setText(" Please enter the name of the training file"); }else if( notrainingvectors <= 0){ output.setText("Enter the number of training vector pairs in the training file"); }else if(error < 0.0 ){ output.setText("Enter the allowed error in output please"); }else{ currentFile = new File(fname); if(currentFile.isFile()){ if(nn == null){ output.setText }else{ try{ backpropagation bp = new backpropagation (nn, tconstant, threshold, currentFile, output, notrainingvectors, error); nn = bp.train(); } }catch(Exception exc){} }else{ output.setText("\n Check training file name and path "); } ("\nPlease open or create a neural net to train.");

}else{ output.setText("Please fill in all of the blanks"); }



//process vectors static ActionListener jb3 = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int nv = -1; nv = (int)(Double.valueOf(NoVectors.getText() ).doubleValue()); output.setText("\n Processing..."); File processfile; //JTextField vectorfiletouse; String fname = vectorfiletouse.getText(); if( fname.compareTo("")==0){ output.setText("Please enter a file name"); }else if( nv <= 0){ output.setText("Enter the number of vectors to process"); }else if(nn == null){ //open a neural net try{ output.setText( "Opening neural net "); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fname); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); nn = (neuralnet)ois.readObject(); ois.close(); }catch(Exception exception){} }else{ processfile = new File(fname);


try{ process pv = new process(nn, nv, output, processfile); pv.doit(); }catch(Exception exc){ output.setText("\n Hellfire and damnation. I believe we ran off the end"); output.append("\n of an array. Double check your numbers."); } } } } };


// // //Neural Net Building Program

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Help extends JFrame { jpanelHelp jph; public Help() { super ( "Help"); Container roothelpPanel = getContentPane(); jph = new jpanelHelp(); roothelpPanel.add(jph); }

void display(){ //create window final JFrame f1 = new Help(); f1.setBounds( 200, 200, 180, 600); f1.setVisible(true); //destroy window f1.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); f1.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){ f1.setVisible(false);


} }

}); }

class jpanelHelp extends JPanel { String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String newA newB newC newD newE newF newG newH newI newJ newK = = = = = = = = = = = "File->New "; " Use this option to create a new neural net."; " This creates a forward feed, backpropagation" ; " net. The sigmoid function is used as the " ; " threshold function and its derivative for the "; " backpropagation. You set the number of layers " ; " and the number of neurodes per layer. Do keep in "; " mind the amount of ram on your computer, this " ; " net requires a large amount of ram. You can "; " set your own threshold values for firing, and " ; " your own learning constants." ; = = = = "File->Open" ; " Use this option to import a net you " ; " previously created and saved with this "; " program. " ;

importA importB importC importD

String saveA = "File->Save" ; String saveB = " Use this option to save the net you are"; String saveC = " currently working on." ; String String String String String String String String String String String trainA trainB trainC trainD trainE trainF trainG trainH trainI trainJ trainK = = = = = = = = = = = "File->Train" ; " Use this option to train your neural net"; " You will need several input and output vector " ; " pairs for training." ; " The output for each neurode will be less than 1.0"; " So set the threshold with this in mind."; " Try a training constant of 0.2 if you are"; " unsure what to use."; " The training file should have pairs of in/output vectors."; " (ain, bin, cin,) (zout, yout, xout, wout)"; " one pair to a line.";


String String String String String

processA processB processC processD processE

= = = = =

"File->Process"; " Use this to process a file of input vectors"; " through the net you've created."; " Use the format (a, b, c, d) one vector "; " per line for the input file.";

String printWA = "File->Print->Net"; String printWB = " Use this to send to the printer the weight "; String printWC = " tables of this net"; String displayNA = "View->Net "; String displayNB = " Use this option to display the net in a new window."; jpanelHelp() { setBackground(Color.white); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { int x = 80; int y = 15; int incY = 15; super.paintComponent(g); g.drawString(newA, x, y); g.drawString(newB, x, y + g.drawString(newC, x, y + g.drawString(newD, x, y + g.drawString(newE, x, y + g.drawString(newF, x, y + g.drawString(newG, x, y + g.drawString(newH, x, y + g.drawString(newI, x, y + g.drawString(newJ, x, y + g.drawString(newK, x, y +

incY); 2*incY); 3*incY); 4*incY); 5*incY); 6*incY); 7*incY); 8*incY); 9*incY); 10*incY);

g.drawString(importA, x, y + 12*incY); g.drawString(importB, x, y + 13*incY); g.drawString(importC, x, y + 14*incY);


g.drawString(importD, x, y + 15*incY); g.drawString(saveA, x, y + 17*incY); g.drawString(saveB, x, y + 18*incY); g.drawString(saveC, x, y + 19*incY); g.drawString(trainA, g.drawString(trainB, g.drawString(trainC, g.drawString(trainD, g.drawString(trainE, g.drawString(trainF, g.drawString(trainG, g.drawString(trainH, g.drawString(trainI, g.drawString(trainJ, g.drawString(trainK, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, y y y y y y y y y y y x, x, x, x, x, + + + + + + + + + + + y y y y y 21*incY); 22*incY); 23*incY); 24*incY); 25*incY); 26*incY); 28*incY); 29*incY); 30*incY); 31*incY); 32*incY); + + + + + 33*incY); 34*incY); 35*incY); 36*incY); 37*incY);

g.drawString(processA, g.drawString(processB, g.drawString(processC, g.drawString(processD, g.drawString(processE,

g.drawString(printWA, x, y + 38*incY); g.drawString(printWB, x, y + 39*incY); g.drawString(printWC, x, y + 40*incY); g.drawString(displayNA, x, y + 41*incY); g.drawString(displayNB, x, y + 42*incY);


// // //Neural Net Building Program //winter 2000-2001

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*;

class jpanel extends JPanel { jpanel(String s) { Color c = new Color(225, 255, 225); setBackground(c); setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(),s)); setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); } public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { super.paintComponent(g); } }


// // //Neural Net Building Program //winter 2000-2001 import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import*; public class neuralnet implements Serializable { //number of nodes in input and output layers int in, out; //no one would build a nn with more than a //few hidden layers..... but lets set this high just in case.... private int[] tempArray = new int[100]; //number of nodes in each hidden layer int[] hiddenLayers; //the weight table is in 3d //it makes the code cleaner and hopefully a bit quicker //double[layer number][node number] //[connected to node number in next layer going forward] double[][][] weightTable; int maxNodes = 0; int numberOfConnections = 0; int numberOfLayers = 0; double threshold = 0.0; neuralnet(){} neuralnet(int i, int o, String s, JTextArea info) { in = i; out = o;


if(in > out) { maxNodes = in; }else{ maxNodes = out; } //break string s up in to a list of lengths of hidden layers char temp[] = s.toCharArray(); int count = 0; String tempS = ""; for(int j=0; j<temp.length; j++){ if(temp[j] != ','){ tempS += temp[j]; }else{ tempArray[count] = (int) Double.valueOf(tempS).doubleValue(); if(tempArray[count] > maxNodes){ maxNodes = tempArray[count]; } count++; tempS =""; } } //get the last number... if(tempS.compareTo("") != 0){ tempArray[count] = (int) Double.valueOf(tempS).doubleValue(); if(tempArray[count] > maxNodes){ maxNodes = tempArray[count];

} }

hiddenLayers = new int[count+1]; for(int j=0; j<count+1; j++){ hiddenLayers[j] = tempArray[j]; }


//build a 3-d weight table to store our weights in numberOfLayers = count + 3; numberOfConnections = maxNodes; weightTable = new double[numberOfLayers][maxNodes][numberOfConnections]; //let user know what we have done... info.setText(" I successfully created your neural net"); info.append("\n Use the file->save menu to save your neural net."); info.append("\n\n\n Use the view->net to see what I have done."); info.append("\n The weights are set with random numbers until it is trained."); }

//initialize the table with random numbers between -1.0 and 1.0 public void setInitWeights(JTextArea information) { //set all weights to zero for(int i=0; i<numberOfLayers; i++){ for(int j=0; j<maxNodes; j++){ for(int k=0; k<numberOfConnections; k++){ weightTable[i][j][k] = 0.0; } } }

//now put in random numbers for exisiting connections //leave other sections of array set to zero... int nodeCount[] = new int[numberOfLayers]; nodeCount[0] = in; for(int i=0; i<(numberOfLayers-2); i++){ nodeCount[i+1] = hiddenLayers[i];


} nodeCount[numberOfLayers-1] = out; Random seed = new Random(); for(int i=0; i < numberOfLayers-1; i++){ for(int j=0; j < (nodeCount[i]); j++){ for(int k=0; k< nodeCount[i+1]; k++){ double number = seed.nextDouble(); int negative = seed.nextInt(); if( (negative % 2) == 0){ number -= 1.0; } weightTable[i][j][k] = number; } }

} } }


// // //Neural Net Building Program

class neurode { private int layerType; private int layerNumber; private int layerRow; //0 = input; 1 = hidden; 2 = output //0 for first/input; 1 for first hidden... //0 for first position in vector

private double threshold; //value may be different for different layers private double learningConstant; //may be different for different layers private double value; //the sum of inputs * threshold function private boolean fire; //have we reached threshold?

neurode( int type, int number, int row, double t, double l) { layerType = type; layerNumber = number; layerRow = layerRow; threshold = t; learningConstant = l; } void calculateValue() { //sum incoming values //multiply by sigmoid function //check to see if over threshold //if over threshold set fire to true //else set fire to false }



// // //Neural Net Building Program

import import import import

java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; java.text.*;

public class PrinterNet extends JFrame { int inNodes; int outNodes; int hiddenNodes[]; double weights[][][]; int noLayers; int scrollx = 0, scrolly = 0; int layers[];

public PrinterNet(int i, int o, int h[], double w[][][]) { PrintJob pj = getToolkit().getPrintJob(this, "Print Neural Net", null); Graphics g = pj.getGraphics(); /* inNodes = i; outNodes = o; hiddenNodes = h; weights = w; noLayers = h.length + 2; layers = new int[noLayers+1]; layers[0] = inNodes; for(int k=1; k<(noLayers - 1); k++){ layers[k]=hiddenNodes[k-1]; }


layers[noLayers - 1] = outNodes; int int int int int int x = 50; y = 50; q = 100; c = 0; rows = 0; cols = noLayers;

g.drawString("The leftmost layer is the input, the rightmost layer is output.", x, y-20);

for(int l=0; l<hiddenNodes.length; l++){ c++; if(hiddenNodes[l]>rows){ rows = hiddenNodes[l];} } //get number of rows if(inNodes > rows){ rows = inNodes; }else if( outNodes > rows){ rows = outNodes; } int max; if(rows>cols){ max = rows; }else{ max = cols; }

int r = 80; c = 40; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(3);

for(int l=0; l<cols; l++){


r -= (scrolly*40); for(int j=0; j<layers[l]; j++){ int printRow = r + (j+1)*20; g.drawString( "Nd " + (j+1) + " L # " + (l+1) + " ", (c + (i*100)), printRow);

for(int k=0; k<layers[l+1]; k++){ if(weights[l][j][k] != 0){ g.drawString( " " + nf.format(weights[l][j][k]) + " ", (c+(i*100)), printRow+(20*(k+1))); r = printRow + 20*(k+1); } } } r = 80; //lreset at end of column } */ g.dispose(); pj.end(); } }


// // //Neural Net Building Program

import import import import import

java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; java.text.*;*;

public class PrintNet { int inNodes; int outNodes; int hiddenNodes[]; double weights[][][]; int noLayers; int layers[]; String fileName = "printme.txt"; public PrintNet(int i, int o, int h[], double w[][][]) { inNodes = i; outNodes = o; hiddenNodes = h; weights = w; noLayers = h.length + 2; layers = new int[noLayers+1]; layers[0] = inNodes; for(int k=1; k<(noLayers - 1); k++){ layers[k]=hiddenNodes[k-1]; } layers[noLayers - 1] = outNodes;


public void print() throws Exception { int int int int int int x = 50; y = 50; q = 100; c = 0; rows = 0; cols = noLayers;

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fileName); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);

for(int i=0; i<hiddenNodes.length; i++){ c++; if(hiddenNodes[i]>rows){ rows = hiddenNodes[i];} } //get number of rows if(inNodes > rows){ rows = inNodes; }else if( outNodes > rows){ rows = outNodes; } int max; if(rows>cols){ max = rows; }else{ max = cols; }

int r = 80; c = 40; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(3);


for(int i=0; i<cols; i++){ String s1 = new String("\n\n Layer # " + (i+1)); bw.write(s1, 0, s1.length()); for(int j=0; j<layers[i]; j++){ int printRow = r + (j+1)*20; String s2 = new String( "\nNd " + (j+1) + " bw.write(s2, 0, s2.length()); for(int k=0; k<layers[i+1]; k++){ if(weights[i][j][k] != 0){ String s3 = new String( " " + nf.format(weights[i][j][k]) + ", "); bw.write(s3, 0, s3.length()); r = printRow + 20*(k+1); } } } r = 80; //lreset at end of column } bw.close(); } } Weights=> ");


// // //Neural Net Building Program //winter 2000-2001 import javax.swing.*; import*; class process{ private double trainingConstant; private double threshold; private File dataFile; private neuralnet nn; private double[][] vectorsIn; private double[][] vectorsOut; private int numberOfVectors = 0; private double[][] neurodeOutputArray; private JTextArea message = new JTextArea(); private int nodesPerLayer[]; private int max, outNodes, noLayers, inNodes; // private double allowedError; private double[][] answerArray; process(neuralnet n, int noV, JTextArea info, File f) throws Exception {

max = n.maxNodes; outNodes = n.out; noLayers = n.numberOfLayers; inNodes =; threshold = n.threshold; nn = n; numberOfVectors = noV; message = info; answerArray = new double[noV][outNodes];


dataFile = f; FileReader fr = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String lineIn;

vectorsIn = new double[numberOfVectors][inNodes]; vectorsOut = new double[numberOfVectors][outNodes]; neurodeOutputArray = new double[noLayers][max];

nodesPerLayer = new int[noLayers+1]; nodesPerLayer[0] = inNodes; for(int k=1; k<(noLayers - 1); k++){ nodesPerLayer[k]=nn.hiddenLayers[k-1]; }

nodesPerLayer[noLayers - 1] = outNodes;

//now parse them into arrays StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(fr); int k = 0, j =0, i =0; while(st.nextToken() != st.TT_EOF){ if(st.ttype == st.TT_NUMBER){ if( i < inNodes){ vectorsIn[k][i] = st.nval; i++; if(i == inNodes){ k++;


i = 0; } } } }

info.setText("...loaded vectors for processing...."); }

public void doit() {

//propagate input through nn int vectorNumber = 0; while(vectorNumber < numberOfVectors){ //input the input vector to each node in first layer for(int i=0; i<inNodes; i++){ neurodeOutputArray[0][i] = vectorsIn[vectorNumber][i]; } //*for each layer after first //output = sum incoming weights, //input value to sigmoid function 1/(1 + exp ^(-x)) for(int l=1; l< noLayers; l++){ for(int n=0; n < nodesPerLayer[l]; n++){ double temp = 0; //sum incoming weights * output from previous layer for(int w=0; w<nodesPerLayer[l-1]; w++){ temp += neurodeOutputArray[l-1][w] * nn.weightTable[l-1][w][n];


} //run through sigmoid double temp2 = 1/ ( 1 + Math.pow(Math.E, -temp) ); //check if over threshold if( temp2 >= threshold){ //update neurodeOutputArray neurodeOutputArray[l][n] = temp2; //save for user if( l == (noLayers - 1) ){ //this must be output layer answerArray[vectorNumber][n] = temp2; } } } } vectorNumber ++;

for(int i=0; i<numberOfVectors; i++){ message.append ( "\n vector # " + i + "input "); for(int k=0; k<inNodes; k++){ message.append( " " + vectorsIn[i][k] + ", "); } message.append(" output " ); for(int j=0; j<outNodes; j++){ message.append( " " + answerArray[i][j] + ", "); } }

message.append("\n\ndone processing vectors");



// //winter 2000-2001 //we need a table to store the weights after we are done //and to hold them while we train the net class weighttable { //use a 3-d table //row is the position in the row of this neurode //column is the neurode in the forward row this neurode is connecting to //depth is the layer this neurode resides in. private double[][][] weights = new double[][][]; private boolean training = false; //set this to true to change weights private int maxRow, maxColumn, maxLayer; createTable(int r, int c, int l) { //allocate space for the table maxRow = r; maxColumn = c; maxLayer = l; //set up random weights for each weight //that are between -1.0 and 1.0 //put zeros in extra table positions //set training to true } saveTable() { //print to a file } printTable() { //print to screen or printer }


loadTable() { //load a saved table into memory for use }

setWeights() { //if training set to true //backpropagation training //else print error message to user } }


//printme.txt Layer # 1 1 Weights=> 2 Weights=> 3 Weights=> 4 Weights=>

Nd Nd Nd Nd

0.51, 0.48, 0.953, 0.181, -0.374, 0.273, -0.082, 0.227,

Layer # 2 Nd 1 Weights=> 0.923, 0.75, 0.64, Nd 2 Weights=> 0.319, -0.259, -0.929, Layer # 3 Nd 1 Weights=> -0.571, -0.081, 0.154, 0.786, -0.390, -0.105, Nd 2 Weights=> 0.742, 0.825, -0.558, -0.221, -0.851, -0.564, Nd 3 Weights=> 0.128, -0.869, 0.333, 0.742, -0.767, -0.641, Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Layer # 4 1 Weights=> 2 Weights=> 3 Weights=> 4 Weights=> 5 Weights=> 6 Weights=>


//process.txt (1,3,5,7) (2,4,6,8) (1,2,3,4) (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)


//train.txt (0.4, -0.4) (.9)


// (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) (0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1,2)


7.11.2 C++ Backpropagation Dog Track Predictor

This is a neural net created for the fortune/games section. It is a backpropagation net that picks the winners for a race given the information available on line before the races. It has two perl tools that clean up the data so you can train it to your favorite track. It will create the weight tables you can then use to build a tool to grab current race info and predict winners. This is a set of tools to download the data files from a race track, clean them up and train a neural net to predict the winner of the race given only the information available online before a race. First pick the track you wish to use: Then download the Entries/Results/Charts for a while. I would use at least a months worth of data. The tracks re-use the file names on a monthly basis, so if you use more than a month's data you will need to change the names of store them in a different directory After that you need to clean up the data ALWAYS work on a copy, not your original downloads 1) Create a working directory 2) create a directory 'data' 3) create a directory 'trainingdata' 4) put a copy of the downloaded data in 'trainingdata' directory 5) run 6) run 7) edit that data.dat file and remove any lines that have just commas and no data and any lines that have commas with out data between them. 8) Then you can train your neural net compile dogs.cpp or run races which is just dogs.cpp precompiled This creates a weight table, and and error file so you can see how well it is working. 9) predictor.cpp can be compiled and that will run from a command prompt and ask the user for the information for a race and output the predicted winners. It uses the weight table created from dogs.cpp


10) testnet.cpp can be used to run test data through your net and see how accurate it is at predicting the winners. 12) File list used to pull relevant information from downloaded files used to put the cleaned data into a file the neural net program can read -dogs.cpp is the training program -predictor.cpp gets user input and predicts winners -testnet.cpp runs through a training file and gives info on accuracy of the net -example.error.dat -training error debug file - data.dat file used for testing -example.testData.dat - testing debug file - data.dat file used for training -example.weights.dat - example weight file -dogs - compiled, executable dogs.cpp -predictor - compiled, executable predictor.cpp -testnet - compiled, executable testnet.cpp **only a few sample lines are shown in the example files here

329!/usr/bin/perl #program to clean up the entry and result files #from the greyhound tracks so the data can be #fed into the neural net for training. #input files are entries... #G-greyhound #E for entries #2 letter track id #two digit day of month #S/A/E/L student, afternoon, evening, late night #results #G - greyhound #R for results #2 letter track id #two digit day of month #S/A/E/L student, afternoon, evening, late night #data files are created for each race #2 letter track id #two digit day of month #S/A/E/L student, afternoon, evening, late night #race number #input data file will have the #number and name of each dog, the odds, and the weight (odds are divided out) #the 3 or 4 number handicap #the ordered list of winners #read in list of entries files in directory into an array opendir( DIRECTORY, 'trainingdata') or die "Can't open directory trainingdata."; #$temp = join ( ', ', readdir(DIRECTORY)); while (defined ($file = readdir(DIRECTORY))){ push (@filelist, $file); } closedir (DIRECTORY); $i = 0; foreach $item (@filelist){


if ( ( $item =~ /GR[A-Z, 0-9]+.HTM/) || ( $item =~ /^\./) || ( $item =~ /^\.\./) ) { $oldFileName = $item; delete @filelist[$i]; } $i++; } foreach $item (@filelist){ if ($item){ push (@entriesfiles, $item); } }

#FILE LOOP #open the first/next entries file foreach $item (@entriesfiles){ open (INPUT, "trainingdata/$item") or die "Couldn't open training data file $item"; $oldFileName = $item; $race = 0; #read races and grab data #RACE LOOP while (<INPUT>){ if ( /Grade/ ){ $race++; #create a new file for the first race with the correct file name $newFileName = $oldFileName; $newFileName =~ s/G/$race/; $newFileName =~ s/HTM/txt/; $newFileName = lc ($newFileName); #open file for writing open ( OUT, ">data/$newFileName")


or die "Couldn't open data/$newFileName"; } #for each dog -- write out dogs number, name, odds(divided), weight #parse line if ( /^[1-8][\s]/ ){ $parseline = $_; $parseline =~ s/(^[1-8][\s])([A-Za-z|\.|\-|\s|\']+)([0-9]+[\-][0-9]+[\s]) ([A-Za-z|\.|\-|\s|\'|\&]+[\s]*)([\(][0-9]+[\)])/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9/; $dogNumber = $1; $dogName = $2; $odds = $3; $weight = $5; $oddsTop = $odds; $oddsBot = $odds; if ( $oddsBot == 0){ #print " \n !!! $dogNumber, $dogname, $odds, $weight"; }else{ $oddsTop =~ s/\-\d+//; $oddsBot =~ s/\d+\-//; $odds = $oddsTop/$oddsBot; } $dogNumber =~ s/\s//; $weight =~ s/\(//; $weight =~ s/\)//; #write line to file print OUT "\n $dogNumber,$dogName,$odds,$weight"; } #for (0..4) #write out the handicaps' #use a zero for the 4th if there are only 3


if ( /^Track Handicapper:/ ){ $parseline = $_; $parseline =~ s/([Track Handicapper: ])([0-9])([\-])([0-9])([\-])([0-9])([\-]*) ([0-9]*)/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9/; $h1 $h2 $h3 $h4 = = = = $2; $4; $6; $8;

if ( ! $h4){ $h4 = 0; } print OUT "\nH: $h1, $h2, $h3, $h4"; close OUT; } }#end race loop close (INPUT); #open the correct results file $resultsFile = $oldFileName; $resultsFile =~ s/GE/GR/; $flag = 0; #if not found rm the entries file and grab the next entries file if ( ! (open (INPUT2, "trainingdata/$resultsFile"))){ #delete the entry file #delete the data files with the races for that entry file print "\n missing results file $resultsFile"; print "\n files to delete are:"; if ( "trainingdata/$resultsFile" ){ print "\n trainingdata/$resultsFile"; unlink ("trainingdata/$resultsFile"); } if ( "trainingdata/$oldFileName"){ print "\n trainingdata/$oldFileName"; unlink ("trainingdata/$oldFileName"); } if ( "data/$newFileName"){ print "\n data/$newFileName"; unlink ("data/$newFileName");


} }else{ open (INPUT2, "trainingdata/$resultsFile"); while (<INPUT2>){ #get the winners from the file for the correct race #find each race if ( /Grade:/ ){ $flag++; $flag1 = 0; $flag2 = 0; $flag3 = 0; $raceNo = $flag; $done = 0; } elsif( (/^[0-9]/) && (! $flag1) && (! $flag2) && (! $flag3) ){ #cleanup data for file $parseline = $_; $first = $parseline; $first =~ s/([1-8])([A-Za-z|\.|\'|\&|\s]+)/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9/; $firstNumber = $1; $firstName = $2; $flag1 = 1; } elsif ( (/^[0-9]/) && ($flag1) && (! $flag2) && (! $flag3) ){ #clean up data for file $parseline = $_; $second = $parseline; $second =~ s/([1-8])([A-Za-z|\.|\'|\&|\s]+)/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9/; $secondNumber = $1; $secondName = $2; $flag2 = 1; } elsif ( (/^[0-9]/) && ($flag1) && ($flag2) && (! $flag3) ){ #cleanup data for file $parseline = $_;


$third = $parseline; $third =~ s/([1-8])([A-Za-z|\.|\'|\&|\s]+)/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9/; $thirdNumber = $1; $thirdName = $2; $flag3 = 1; } if ( ($flag1) && ($flag2) && ($flag3) && (! $done) ){ $done = 1; #open correct output file $outputFileName = $oldFileName; $outputFileName =~ s/G/$raceNo/; $outputFileName =~ s/HTM/txt/; $outputFileName = lc ($outputFileName); open ( OUT2, ">>data/$outputFileName") or die "Couldn't open data/$outputFileName"; #add the winners at the end of the file print OUT2 "\n$firstNumber, $firstName"; print OUT2 "\n$secondNumber, $secondName"; print OUT2 "\n$thirdNumber, $thirdName"; #close the OUT file close (OUT2); } } close (INPUT2); } } #END FILE LOOP


#open output file $outputfile = "data.dat"; open (OUT, ">$outputfile") or die ("Can not create output file"); #get directory list of files opendir (DIRECTORY, 'data'); push (@filelist, readdir(DIRECTORY) ); $races = @filelist; print "\n there are $races races"; #win place show counter $i = 0; #dog Number counter $d = 1; #read in a file foreach $file (@filelist){ print "\n File:> $file\n"; if (( $file == '.') | ( $file == '..') ){ #do nothing }else{ open (FILEHANDLE, "data/$file") or die ("Can not open data/$file"); while (<FILEHANDLE>){ #collect the 4 handicaps if ( $_ =~ /H:\s[1-8]/ ){ $temp = $_; $temp =~ s/([H:\s]+)([1-8])([\,])([\s])([1-8])([\,])([\s])([1-8])([\,])([\s])([0-8]) /$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11/;


$h1 $h2 $h3 $h4

= = = = }

$2; $5; $8; $11;

#collect each dog's number, odds and weight elsif ( $_ =~ /(\s[1-8])/){ $temp = $_; $temp =~ s/([\s])([1-8])([\,\s])([A-Za-z|\.|\-|\s|\']+) ([\s\,])([\d+|\.]+)([\,])([\d]+)/ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9/; $pos = $2; $odds = $6; $weight = $8; if ( $d == 1){ $d = 2; $p1 = 0; $o1 = $6; $w1 = $ 8; }elsif ( $d == 2){ $d = 3; $p2 = 0; $o2 = $6; $w2 = $ 8; }elsif ( $d == 3){ $d = 4; $p3 = 0; $o3 = $6; $w3 = $ 8; }elsif ( $d == 4){ $d = 5; $p4 = 0; $o4 = $6; $w4 = $ 8;


}elsif ( $d == 5){ $d = 6; $p5 = 0; $o5 = $6; $w5 = $ 8; }elsif ( $d == 6){ $d = 7; $p6 = 0; $o6 = $6; $w6 = $ 8; }elsif ( $d == 7){ $d = 8; $p7 = 0; $o7 = $6; $w7 = $ 8; }elsif ( $d == 8){ $d = 1; $p8 = 0; $o8 = $6; $w8 = $ 8; } } #collect the win, place, show numbers elsif ( $_ =~ /[1-8]/ ) { $temp = $_; $temp =~ s/([1-8])([\,\s]) /$1/; if ($i == 0){ $win = $1; $i++; }elsif ($i == 1){ $place = $1; $i++; }elsif ( $i == 2){ $show = $1; $i = 0;


} }

if ( $h1 == 1){ $p1 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p2 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p3 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p4 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p5 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p6 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p7 = 1; }elsif ( $h1 == $p8 = 1; } if ( $h2 == 1){ $p1 = 2; }elsif ( $h2 == $p2 = 2; }elsif ( $h2 == $p3 = 2; }elsif ( $h2 == $p4 = 2; }elsif ( $h2 == $p5 = 2; }elsif ( $h2 == $p6 = 2; }elsif ( $h2 == $p7 = 2;

2 ){ 3 ){ 4 ) { 5) { 6 ){ 7) { 8 ){

2 ){ 3 ){ 4 ) { 5) { 6 ){ 7) {


}elsif ( $h2 == $p8 = 2; } if ( $h3 == 1){ $p1 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p2 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p3 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p4 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p5 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p6 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p7 = 3; }elsif ( $h3 == $p8 = 3; } if ( $h4 == 1){ $p1 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p2 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p3 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p4 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p5 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p6 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p7 = 4; }elsif ( $h4 == $p8 = 4; } if ( $h4 == 0){ $p1 /= 3; $p2 /= 3; $p3 /= 3; $p4 /= 3; $p5 /= 3; $p6 /= 3;

8 ){

2 ){ 3 ){ 4 ) { 5) { 6 ){ 7) { 8 ){

2 ){ 3 ){ 4 ) { 5) { 6 ){ 7) { 8 ){


$p7 $p8 }else{ $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 $p5 $p6 $p7 $p8 }

/= 3; /= 3; /= /= /= /= /= /= /= /= 4; 4; 4; 4; 4; 4; 4; 4;

#write the information one race (file) per line #deliminated by commas #print "$p1,$o1,$w1,$p2,$o2,$w2,$p3,$o3,$w3, $p4,$o4,$w4,$p5,$o5,$w5,$p6,$o6,$w6,$p7,$o7,$w7,$p8,$o8,$w8,$win,$place,$show\n";

} print OUT "$p1,$o1,$w1,$p2,$o2,$w2,$p3,$o3,$w3,$p4,$o4, $w4,$p5,$o5,$w5,$p6,$o6,$w6,$p7,$o7,$w7,$p8,$o8,$w8,$win,$place,$show,\n"; close (FILEHANDLE); # print "$p1,$o1,$w1,$p2,$o2,$w2,$p3,$o3,$w3,$p4,$o4,$w4,$p5, $o5,$w5,$p6,$o6,$w6,$p7,$o7,$w7,$p8,$o8,$w8,$win,$place,$show\n"; } close (OUT);


//---dogs.cpp--// //neural net to better pick winning dogs //data is downloaded from the racing tracks //and parsed using followed by //this program then takes that data and creates a weight table //using a backpropagation neural net. //later a program will be written to get race information //from the user and out put the predicted winning dogs //through a browser interface.

#include #include #include #include

<stdio.h> <stdlib.h> <string.h> <math.h>

#include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std;

#define #define #define #define #define #define


int trainingRoutine (double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT], double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][32], double vctrOut[NODESOUT], int vectorCount); int readData (double v[VECTORSIN][32]); void debugInfo(int i, int loops, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN+NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT], double totalError, int goodRaces) double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]); int testData (int i, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN + NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT] );


void randomizeWeights ( double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]);

int main (void) { //create neural net with 24 inputs (3 per dog) //18 hidden nodes and 8 output nodes //create 2-2d weight tables //weights between input and hidden layer double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN]; //weights between hidden layer and output double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]; //output vector double outputData[NODESOUT]; for (int i=0; i<NODESOUT; i++){ outputData[i] = 0.0; }

//randomize initial weights randomizeWeights(weightsI, weightsO);

//create table to store info //2 d table, one row per vector // store input/output/nnoutput in columns. double information[VECTORSIN][NODESIN + 2 * NODESOUT ]; //open input file for reading (data.dat) //open data file, parse the data and stuff it //in an array // handicap/odd/weight * 8 + 8 final positions double inputData[VECTORSIN][32]; int numberOfVectors = readData( inputData );


//run training routine trainingRoutine ( weightsI, weightsO, inputData, outputData, numberOfVectors); //write out final weights //create, open, write, close weight files ofstream fout("weights.dat"); if (!fout.is_open()){ cerr << "Could not create weights.dat" << endl; exit(1); } fout << "\nWeights between input and hidden layers\n\n"; for( int i=0; i< NODESIN; i++){ fout << "\n\n"; for ( int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ fout << " " << weightsI[i][j] << ","; } } fout << "\n\nWeights between hidden and output layers\n\n"; for ( int i=0; i< NODESHIDDEN; i++){ fout << "\n\n"; for (int j=0; j< NODESOUT; j++){ fout << " " << weightsO[i][j] << ","; } } fout.close(); }


int trainingRoutine (double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT], double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN+NODESOUT], double vctrOut[NODESOUT], int vectorCount)

double outputNodes[NODESOUT]; double hiddenNodes[NODESHIDDEN]; double errorO[NODESOUT]; double errorI[NODESHIDDEN]; double bias = 0.0; double threshold = 0.20; double learningRateI = 0.20; double learningRateO = 0.20; double errorAdjustmentO[NODESOUT]; double errorAdjustmentI[NODESHIDDEN]; int loops = 0; int badloops = 0; int goodRaces=0, badRaces = 0; for (int i=0; i<NODESOUT; i++){ outputNodes[i] = 0.0; } for ( int i=0; i<NODESHIDDEN; i++){ hiddenNodes[i] = 0.0; }

//********main training loop //for each vector for ( int i = 0; i< vectorCount; i++ ){ //reset some things for each vector double totalError = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ outputNodes[m] = 0.0; } for ( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ errorO[m] = 0.0; } for (int m=0; m< NODESHIDDEN; m++){ errorI[m] = 0.0; } for ( int m=0; m<NODESHIDDEN; m++){ hiddenNodes[m] = 0.0; } badloops = 0;


//loop until converge for the vector, //or maximum error allowed error is reached. for ( int loops=0; loops< LOOPSMAX; loops++){ //take the input vector and multiply it by each weight //sum up the total for each of the hidden neurodes for( int j=0; j<NODESIN; j++){ for (int k=0; k<NODESHIDDEN; k++){ hiddenNodes[k] += vctrIn[i][j] * wgtsI[j][k]; } } //add bias //stabilize with sigmoid function //see if over threshold to fire for ( int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ hiddenNodes[j] += bias; hiddenNodes[j] = 1/ (1 + exp(-hiddenNodes[j])); //don't fire if below threshold if ( hiddenNodes[j] < threshold){ hiddenNodes[j] = 0.0; } }

//now do this again for the next layer //accumulate total input for (int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ for (int k=0; k< NODESOUT; k++){ outputNodes[k] += hiddenNodes[j] * wgtsO[j][k]; } } for ( int j=0; j<NODESOUT; j++){


outputNodes[j] += bias; outputNodes[j] = 1/ (1 + exp(outputNodes[j])); if (hiddenNodes[j] < threshold){ hiddenNodes[j] = 0.0; } }

//determine error totalError = 0.0; for (int j=0; j< NODESOUT; j++){ errorO[j] = outputNodes[j] - vctrIn[i][NODESIN + j]; totalError += errorO[j]; } for (int j=0; j<NODESOUT; j++){ errorAdjustmentO[j] = 0.0; } for (int j=0; j<NODESOUT; j++){ for (int k=0; k<NODESHIDDEN; k++){ errorAdjustmentO[j] += wgtsO[k][j] * errorO[j]; } } for (int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ errorAdjustmentO[j] = hiddenNodes[j] * ( 1 - hiddenNodes[j]) * errorAdjustmentO[j]; }

//now adjust each weight //output layer for(int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ for ( int k=0; k< NODESOUT; k++){ wgtsO[j][k] += learningRateO * hiddenNodes[j] * errorO[k]; } } //input layer


for( int j=0; j<NODESIN; j++){ for (int k=0; k< NODESHIDDEN; k++){ wgtsI[j][k] += learningRateI * vctrIn[i][j] * errorAdjustmentO[k] ; } }

int done = testData(i, vctrIn, outputNodes); if ( ( done == 1 ) || (badloops > LOOPSMAX) ){ if ( done == 1){ goodRaces++; } badloops = 0; debugInfo( i, loops, vctrIn, outputNodes, totalError, goodRaces, wgtsI, wgtsO ); break; } else { if ( (totalError > 3.0 )&&(totalError < 2.0)){ learningRateO = .60; learningRateI = .60; }else if ( (totalError > 2.0 )&&(totalError < 1.0)){ learningRateO = .50; learningRateI = .50; }else if ( (totalError > 1.0)&&(totalError < 0.5)){ learningRateO = .40; learningRateI = .40; }else if (totalError > 0.5){ learningRateO = .30; learningRateI = .30; }else { learningRateO = .10; learningRateI = .10; } badloops++; } //debugInfo( i, loops, vctrIn, outputNodes, totalError, goodRaces, wgtsI, wgtsO ); }//end loops over a vector


}//******************end training loop (move to next vector) } return 0;

void randomizeWeights ( double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]){ //randomize initial weights srand ( time(0)); double n; for (int i=0; i<NODESIN; i++){ for ( int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ n = rand() % 2; if ( n == 0){ weightsI[i][j] = ((double) (rand()))/RAND_MAX; }else { weightsI[i][j] = (-1.0) * ((double) (rand()))/RAND_MAX; } } } for (int i=0; i<NODESHIDDEN; i++){ for (int j=0; j<NODESOUT; j++){ n = rand() % 2; if ( n == 0){ weightsO[i][j] = ((double) (rand()))/RAND_MAX; }else { weightsO[i][j] = (-1.0) * ((double) (rand()))/RAND_MAX; } } }


//read in the data file that was created by //the two perl routines and parse the data into //an array, one line per vector, 24 inputs, 3 outputs //no idiot checking since we created this file and //checked it ourselves, assume proper formatting //of the data int readData (double v[VECTORSIN][32]) { ifstream fin ("data.dat"); char tempString[256]; int count = 0; //how many vectors do we have? int track = 0; if ( !fin.is_open()){ printf ( "\nCould NOT open data.dat "); exit (1); } //while more vectors in to read while ( fin ){ fin >> tempString; track = 0; //27 numbers all separated by 26 commas //double, double, int, .... x 8 //handicap (between 0 and 1) //odds (between 0 and ) //weight (between 0 and ) int length = strlen(tempString);


char temp[257]; int endOfLine = 0; int j=0; for (int i=0; i<length; i++){ if ( tempString[i] != ',' ){ //take the non ',' char and concat it to end of temp temp[j] = tempString[i]; j++; }else{ //convert temp to a double temp[j+1] = '\0'; float tempNumber = atof (temp); //put it into training array v[count][track] = (double) tempNumber; //adjust odds if (( track%3 == 0) &&( track < 24)){ // v[count][track] /= 10.0; } //adjust dog's weight so net is not dominated by them if( ( (track+1) %3 == 0)&&(track < 24)){ v[count][track] /= 100.0; } //adjust handicap if (( (track+2)%3 == 0) && (track < 24)) { v[count][track] /= 10.0; } //jump to next column in array and reset temp array track++; for( int k=0; k<257; k++){ temp[k] = ' '; } j=0;


} } count++; } count -= 1; //adjust win/place/show for ( int i=0; i<count; i++){ double win = v[i][24]; double place = v[i][25]; double show = v[i][26]; v[i][24] = 0; v[i][25] = 0; v[i][26] = 0; int w = (int)(23 + win); int p = (int)(23 + place); int s = (int)(23 + show); v[i][w] = .75; v[i][p] = .50; v[i][s] = .25; } fin.close(); return count; }

void debugInfo(int i, int loops, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN+NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT], double totalError, int goodRaces, double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]) { //store some data in a text file each loop //input // output // actual output ofstream fptr;"error.dat", ios::app);


if (!fptr.is_open()){ cerr << "Could not create error.dat" << endl; exit(1); }

//this file can get quite large, I only used it for debugging //dump some info to file for review fptr <<"\n*********************************************************\n"; fptr << "\n\n Vector " << i << ", loop Number " << loops << endl; fptr << "\n Input \t" ; for ( int z=0; z <= NODESIN; z++ ){ fptr << vctrIn[i][z] << ", "; if ( z%3 == 0 ){ fptr << endl ; } } fptr << "\n\n Actual \t Desired " << endl; for (int z=0; z<NODESOUT; z++){ fptr << outputNodes[z] << "\t" << vctrIn[i][z + NODESIN] << endl; } totalError = sqrt (totalError * totalError); fptr << "\n\n\ntotalError " << totalError << "\t\t"; //for readablility only int first=0, second=0, third=0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .75 ){ first = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .50 ){ second = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .25 ){ third = m+1; } } fptr <<"\n Actual: " << first << ", " << second << ", " << third << "\t\t";


//convert output to easily readable information int w = 0, p = 0, s = 0; double win=0.0, place=0.0, show=0.0; double temp[NODESOUT]; for ( int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ temp[m] = outputNodes[m]; } for (int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ if( temp[m] > win){ win = temp[m]; w = m+1; } } temp[w-1] = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > place){ place = temp[m]; p = m+1; } } temp[p-1] = 0.0; for( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > show){ show = temp[m]; s = m+1; } }

fptr << "\n Predicted:" ; fptr << " " << w << ", " << p << ", " << s; fptr << endl; /*

//weights fptr << endl;

fptr << "\n Weights (input side) " << endl; for ( int m=0; m<NODESIN; m++){ for ( int n=0; n< NODESHIDDEN; n++){


fptr << wgtsI[m][n] << ",\t "; } fptr << endl; } fptr << "\n Weights (output side) " << endl; for (int m=0; m < NODESHIDDEN; m++){ for (int n=0; n< NODESOUT; n++){ fptr << wgtsO[m][n] << ",\t "; } fptr << endl; } fptr <<"\n**********************************************************\n"; fptr <<"good races " << goodRaces << " bad races " << i-goodRaces << endl; fptr.close();


int testData (int i, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN + NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT] ) { //convert raw numbers to win/place/show dog int first=0, second=0, third=0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .75 ){ first = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .50 ){ second = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .25 ){ third = m+1; } } //convert output to easily readable information int w = 0, p = 0, s = 0; double win=0.0, place=0.0, show=0.0;


double temp[NODESOUT]; for ( int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ temp[m] = outputNodes[m]; } for (int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ if( temp[m] > win){ win = temp[m]; w = m+1; } } temp[w-1] = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > place){ place = temp[m]; p = m+1; } } temp[p-1] = 0.0; for( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > show){ show = temp[m]; s = m+1; } } if ( ( first == w) && ( second == p ) && ( third == s ) ){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }


//---predictor.cpp--//this part of dogs track neural net reads in //the weight table and gets info from user to predict the //winner

#include #include #include #include

<stdio.h> <stdlib.h> <string.h> <math.h>

#include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #define NODESIN 24 #define NODESHIDDEN 16 #define NODESOUT 8 int readWeights ( double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]); int predict( double dataIn [NODESIN], double dataOut[NODESOUT], double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN],double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]); int userInput( double dataIn [NODESIN]); int userOutput( double dataOut [NODESOUT]);

int main (void) { //set up stuff double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN]; double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]; double outputData[NODESOUT]; for (int i=0; i<NODESOUT; i++){ outputData[i] = 0.0; }


//read in weights from file readWeights(weightsI, weightsO); //get info from user //and create a vector to put through net double dataIn[NODESIN]; userInput(dataIn); //run input data through nn predict(dataIn, outputData, weightsI, weightsO); //output data to user userOutput(outputData); }

int predict (double dataIn[NODESIN], double outputNodes[NODESOUT], double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]) { double bias = 0.0; double threshold = 0.20; double hiddenNodes[NODESHIDDEN]; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ outputNodes[m] = 0.0; } for ( int m=0; m<NODESHIDDEN; m++){ hiddenNodes[m] = 0.0; } //take the input vector and multiply it by each weight //sum up the total for each of the hidden neurodes for( int j=0; j<NODESIN; j++){ for (int k=0; k<NODESHIDDEN; k++){ hiddenNodes[k] += dataIn[j] * wgtsI[j][k]; } } //add bias


//stabilize with sigmoid function //see if over threshold to fire for ( int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ hiddenNodes[j] += bias; hiddenNodes[j] = 1/ (1 + exp(-hiddenNodes[j])); //don't fire if below threshold if ( hiddenNodes[j] < threshold){ hiddenNodes[j] = 0.0; } }

//now do this again for the next layer //accumulate total input for (int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ for (int k=0; k< NODESOUT; k++){ outputNodes[k] += hiddenNodes[j] * wgtsO[j][k]; } }

for ( int j=0; j<NODESOUT; j++){ outputNodes[j] += bias; outputNodes[j] = 1/ (1 + exp(outputNodes[j])); if (hiddenNodes[j] < threshold){ hiddenNodes[j] = 0.0; } }

return 0; }


int userInput( double dataIn [NODESIN]) { //initalize vector for ( int i=0; i<NODESIN; i++){ dataIn[i] = 0.0; } //handicap, odds, weight x 8 //h1, o1, w1, h2, o2, w2, h3, o3, w3, h4, o4, w4 ... // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ... //we need the weight and odds for each of the 8 dogs //divide the odds by 10 //divide the weight by 100 for (int d=0; d<8; d++){ cout << "\n Enter dog " << (d+1) << "'s odds, weight separated by a space and hit enter =>> cin >> dataIn[1 + d*3]; cin >> dataIn[2 + d*3]; dataIn[1 + d*3] /= 10.0; dataIn[2 + d*3] /= 100.0; } int h1=0, h2=0, h3=0, h4=0; //we need the handicaps in order cout <<"\n Now enter the handicaps for the race, if there are 3 instead of 4''; cout << ``\n handicaps enter a zero for the 4th " << endl; cout << "\n hit enter after each number " << endl; cin >> h1; cin >> h2; cin >> h3; cin >> h4; " ;

//put a zero in dogs not listed //if there are 3 handicaps then set the dog's handicaps to 1, 2/3, 1/3 if ( h4 ==0 ){ h1--; dataIn[h1*3] = 1.0;


h2--; dataIn[h2*3] h3--; dataIn[h3*3] }else{ //if there are 4 h1--; dataIn[h1*3] h2--; dataIn[h2*3] h3--; dataIn[h3*3] h4--; dataIn[h4*3] } return 0; }

= .67; = .34; handicaps then set the dog's handicaps to 1, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 = 1.0; = .75; = .50; = .25;

//read in weight file int readWeights (double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT] ) { //counters to keep track of weights int input = 0; int hiddenI = -1; int hiddenO = 0; int output = 0; ifstream fin ("weights.dat"); char tempString[256]; if ( !fin.is_open()){ printf ( "\nCould NOT open weights.dat "); exit (1); } //while more wieghts in to read while ( fin ){ fin >> tempString;


//weights file has one row for each input node and one weight for //each hidden node in the row //then we have one row for each hidden node //and one weight for each output int length = strlen(tempString); char temp[257]; int endOfLine = 0; int j=0; for (int i=0; i<length; i++){ if ( tempString[i] != ',' ){ //take the non ',' char and concat it to end of temp temp[j] = tempString[i]; j++; }else{ //convert temp to a double temp[j+1] = '\0'; float tempNumber = atof (temp); //put it into weight array //weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN] = (double) tempNumber; //weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT] = (double) tempNumber; if ( input < NODESIN ){ if ( hiddenI < (NODESHIDDEN-1) ){ hiddenI++; weightsI[input][hiddenI] = tempNumber; }else { hiddenI = 0; input++; if ( input < NODESIN ){ weightsI[input][hiddenI] = tempNumber; }else { weightsO[hiddenI][output] = tempNumber; } } }else{ if (output < (NODESOUT-1)){ output++; weightsO[hiddenO][output] = tempNumber;


} else { output = 0; hiddenO++; weightsO[hiddenO][output] = tempNumber; } } //jump to next column in array and reset temp array for( int k=0; k<257; k++){ temp[k] = ' '; } j=0; } } } fin.close(); return 0; }

int userOutput( double dataOut [NODESOUT]){

//convert output to easily readable information int w = 0, p = 0, s = 0; double win=0.0, place=0.0, show=0.0; double temp[NODESOUT]; for ( int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ temp[m] = dataOut[m]; } for (int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ if( temp[m] > win){ win = temp[m]; w = m+1; }


} temp[w-1] = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > place){ place = temp[m]; p = m+1; } } temp[p-1] = 0.0; for( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > show){ show = temp[m]; s = m+1; } }

cout << "\n Predicted:" ; cout << " " << w << ", " << p << ", " << s; cout << endl;

return 0; }


//---testnet.cpp //neural net to better pick winning dogs //data is downloaded from the racing tracks //and parsed using followed by //this program then takes that data and creates a weight table //using a backpropagation neural net.

#include #include #include #include

<stdio.h> <stdlib.h> <string.h> <math.h>

#include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std;

#define #define #define #define #define #define


int trainingRoutine (double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT], double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][32], double vctrOut[NODESOUT], int vectorCount); int readData (double v[VECTORSIN][32]); void debugInfo(int i, int loops, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN+NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT], double totalError, int goodRaces, double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]); int testData (int i, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN + NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT] );


int readWeights ( double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]); int main (void) { //create neural net with 24 inputs (3 per dog) //18 hidden nodes and 8 output nodes double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN]; double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]; //output vector double outputData[NODESOUT]; for (int i=0; i<NODESOUT; i++){ outputData[i] = 0.0; }

//read in weights from file readWeights(weightsI, weightsO); //create table to store info //2 d table, one row per vector // store input/output/nnoutput in columns. double information[VECTORSIN][NODESIN + 2 * NODESOUT ]; //open input file for reading (data.dat) //open data file, parse the data and stuff it //in an array // handicap/odd/weight * 8 + 8 final positions double inputData[VECTORSIN][32]; int numberOfVectors = readData( inputData );

//run training routine trainingRoutine(weightsI, weightsO, inputData, outputData, numberOfVectors);


//read in weight file int readWeights (double weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT] ) { //counters to keep track of weights int input = 0; int hiddenI = -1; int hiddenO = 0; int output = 0; ifstream fin ("weights.dat"); char tempString[256]; if ( !fin.is_open()){ printf ( "\nCould NOT open weights.dat "); exit (1); } //while more wieghts in to read while ( fin ){ fin >> tempString; //weights file has one row for each input node and one weight for //each hidden node in the row //then we have one row for each hidden node //and one weight for each output int length = strlen(tempString); char temp[257];


int endOfLine = 0; int j=0; for (int i=0; i<length; i++){ if ( tempString[i] != ',' ){ //take the non ',' char and concat it to end of temp temp[j] = tempString[i]; j++; }else{ //convert temp to a double temp[j+1] = '\0'; float tempNumber = atof (temp); //put it into weight array //weightsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN] = (double) tempNumber; //weightsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT] = (double) tempNumber; if ( input < NODESIN ){ if ( hiddenI < (NODESHIDDEN-1) ){ hiddenI++; weightsI[input][hiddenI] = tempNumber; }else { hiddenI = 0; input++; if ( input < NODESIN ){ weightsI[input][hiddenI] = tempNumber; }else { weightsO[hiddenI][output] = tempNumber; } } }else{ if (output < (NODESOUT-1)){ output++; weightsO[hiddenO][output] = tempNumber; } else { output = 0; hiddenO++; weightsO[hiddenO][output] = tempNumber; } }


//jump to next column in array and reset temp array for( int k=0; k<257; k++){ temp[k] = ' '; } j=0; } } } fin.close(); return 0; }

int trainingRoutine (double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT], double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN+NODESOUT], double vctrOut[NODESOUT], int vectorCount)

double outputNodes[NODESOUT]; double hiddenNodes[NODESHIDDEN]; double errorO[NODESOUT]; double errorI[NODESHIDDEN]; double bias = 0.0; double threshold = 0.20; double learningRateI = 0.20; double learningRateO = 0.20; double errorAdjustmentO[NODESOUT]; double errorAdjustmentI[NODESHIDDEN]; int loops = 0; int badloops = 0; int goodRaces=0, badRaces = 0; int loopCount = 0; for (int i=0; i<NODESOUT; i++){ outputNodes[i] = 0.0; }


for ( int i=0; i<NODESHIDDEN; i++){ hiddenNodes[i] = 0.0; }

//for each vector for ( int i = 0; i< vectorCount; i++ ){ //reset some things for each vector double totalError = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ outputNodes[m] = 0.0; } for ( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ errorO[m] = 0.0; } for (int m=0; m< NODESHIDDEN; m++){ errorI[m] = 0.0; } for ( int m=0; m<NODESHIDDEN; m++){ hiddenNodes[m] = 0.0; } badloops = 0;

//take the input vector and multiply it by each weight //sum up the total for each of the hidden neurodes for( int j=0; j<NODESIN; j++){ for (int k=0; k<NODESHIDDEN; k++){ hiddenNodes[k] += vctrIn[i][j] * wgtsI[j][k]; } }

//add bias //stabilize with sigmoid function //see if over threshold to fire for ( int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ hiddenNodes[j] += bias; hiddenNodes[j] = 1/ (1 + exp(-hiddenNodes[j])); //don't fire if below threshold if ( hiddenNodes[j] < threshold){ hiddenNodes[j] = 0.0;


//now do this again for the next layer //accumulate total input for (int j=0; j<NODESHIDDEN; j++){ for (int k=0; k< NODESOUT; k++){ outputNodes[k] += hiddenNodes[j] * wgtsO[j][k]; } }

for ( int j=0; j<NODESOUT; j++){ outputNodes[j] += bias; outputNodes[j] = 1/ (1 + exp(outputNodes[j])); if (hiddenNodes[j] < threshold){ hiddenNodes[j] = 0.0; } }

//determine error totalError = 0.0; for (int j=0; j< NODESOUT; j++){ errorO[j] = outputNodes[j] - vctrIn[i][NODESIN + j]; totalError += errorO[j]; } debugInfo( i, loops, vctrIn, outputNodes, totalError, goodRaces, wgtsI, wgtsO ); }//******************end training loop (move to next vector) } return 0;


//read in the data file that was created by //the two perl routines and parse the data into //an array, one line per vector, 24 inputs, 3 outputs //no idiot checking since we created this file and //checked it ourselves, assume proper formatting //of the data int readData (double v[VECTORSIN][32]) { ifstream fin ("data.dat"); char tempString[256]; int count = 0; //how many vectors do we have? int track = 0; if ( !fin.is_open()){ printf ( "\nCould NOT open data.dat "); exit (1); } //while more vectors in to read while ( fin ){ fin >> tempString; track = 0; //27 numbers all separated by 26 commas //double, double, int, .... x 8 //handicap (between 0 and 1) //odds (between 0 and ) //weight (between 0 and ) int length = strlen(tempString); char temp[257]; int endOfLine = 0;


int j=0; for (int i=0; i<length; i++){ if ( tempString[i] != ',' ){ //take the non ',' char and concat it to end of temp temp[j] = tempString[i]; j++; }else{ //convert temp to a double temp[j+1] = '\0'; float tempNumber = atof (temp); //put it into training array v[count][track] = (double) tempNumber; //adjust odds if (( track%3 == 0) &&( track < 24)){ // v[count][track] /= 10.0; } //adjust dog's weight so net is not dominated by them if( ( (track+1) %3 == 0)&&(track < 24)){ v[count][track] /= 100.0; } //adjust handicap if (( (track+2)%3 == 0) && (track < 24)) { v[count][track] /= 10.0; } //jump to next column in array and reset temp array track++; for( int k=0; k<257; k++){ temp[k] = ' '; } j=0; } } count++;


} count -= 1; //adjust win/place/show for ( int i=0; i<count; i++){ double win = v[i][24]; double place = v[i][25]; double show = v[i][26]; v[i][24] = 0; v[i][25] = 0; v[i][26] = 0; int w = (int)(23 + win); int p = (int)(23 + place); int s = (int)(23 + show); v[i][w] = .75; v[i][p] = .50; v[i][s] = .25; } fin.close(); return count; }

void debugInfo(int i, int loops, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN+NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT], double totalError, int goodRaces, double wgtsI[NODESIN][NODESHIDDEN], double wgtsO[NODESHIDDEN][NODESOUT]) { //store some data in a text file each loop //input // output // actual output ofstream fptr;"testData.dat", ios::app); if (!fptr.is_open()){ cerr << "Could not create error.dat" << endl; exit(1);


} static double score = 0.0; //this file can get quite large, I only used it for debugging //dump some info to file for review fptr <<"\n******************************************************\n"; fptr << "\n Vector # " << i << endl; totalError = sqrt (totalError * totalError); fptr << "\n\n\ntotalError " << totalError << "\t\t"; //for readablility only int first=0, second=0, third=0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .75 ){ first = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .50 ){ second = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .25 ){ third = m+1; } } fptr << "\n Actual:\t" << first << ",\t" << second << ",\t" << third << "\t\t";

//convert output to easily readable information int w = 0, p = 0, s = 0; double win=0.0, place=0.0, show=0.0; double temp[NODESOUT]; for ( int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ temp[m] = outputNodes[m]; } for (int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ if( temp[m] > win){ win = temp[m]; w = m+1;


} temp[w-1] = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > place){ place = temp[m]; p = m+1; } } temp[p-1] = 0.0; for( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > show){ show = temp[m]; s = m+1; } }

fptr << "\n Predicted: \t" << w << ", \t" << p << ", \t" << s; fptr << endl; int right = 0; if ( (first == w )||(second == w )||(third == w)){ right++; } if ( (second == p )||(first == p )||(third == p)){ right++; } if ( (third == s)||(first == s)||(second ==s)){ right++; } score += right/3.0; fptr << "\ncorrectly guessed dogs : "<< right<<" average "<< score/(i+1) << endl;

fptr.close(); }


int testData (int i, double vctrIn[VECTORSIN][NODESIN + NODESOUT], double outputNodes[NODESOUT] ) { //convert raw numbers to win/place/show dog int first=0, second=0, third=0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .75 ){ first = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .50 ){ second = m+1; }else if ( vctrIn[i][m + NODESIN] == .25 ){ third = m+1; } } //convert output to easily readable information int w = 0, p = 0, s = 0; double win=0.0, place=0.0, show=0.0; double temp[NODESOUT]; for ( int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ temp[m] = outputNodes[m]; } for (int m=0; m< NODESOUT; m++){ if( temp[m] > win){ win = temp[m]; w = m+1; } } temp[w-1] = 0.0; for (int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > place){ place = temp[m]; p = m+1; } } temp[p-1] = 0.0; for( int m=0; m<NODESOUT; m++){ if ( temp[m] > show){ show = temp[m]; s = m+1;


if ( ( first == w) && ( second == p ) && ( third == s ) ){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }


--example.error.dat *********************************************************************** Vector 0, loop Number 60 Input 0, 0.5, 0.52, 1, 0.45, 0.82, 0.666667, 0.35, 0.72, 0.333333, 0.25, 0.68, 0, 0.6, 0.61, 0, 1, 0.84, 0, 1.2, 0.61, 0, 0.8, 0.69, 0.5, Actual Desired 0.229886 0.5 0.632139 0.75 0.117174 0 0.228958 0.25 0.126706 0 0.166924 0 0.0692887 0 0.22751 0

totalError 0.298586 Actual: 2, 1, 4 Predicted: 2, 1, 4 *********************************************************************** Vector 1, loop Number 41 Input 0, 1, 0.55, 0, 0.8, 0.6, 0, 1.2, 0.54, 0, 0.6, 0.55, 0.666667, 0.35, 0.69, 0,


0.5, 0.6, 0.333333, 0.25, 0.58, 1, 0.45, 0.63, 0.25, Actual 0.288367 0.219338 0.145928 0.109193 0.113589 0.500957 0.289854 0.129178 Desired 0.25 0 0 0 0 0.75 0.5 0

totalError 0.296404 Actual: 6, 7, 1 Predicted: 6, 7, 1 *********************************************************************** Vector 2, loop Number 61 Input 0, 0.5, 0.74, 0, 1.2, 0.69, 0.333333, 0.25, 0.59, 0, 0.6, 0.57, 0.666667, 0.35, 0.71, 0, 0.8, 0.7, 1, 0.45, 0.6, 0, 1, 0.69, 0, Actual Desired 0.0956196 0 0.0998712 0 0.0435176 0 0.0440099 0 0.158237 0.25 0.157403 0 0.599425 0.75 0.413257 0.5


totalError 0.111342 Actual: 7, 8, 5 Predicted: 7, 8, 5 *********************************************************************** Vector 3, loop Number 49 Input 0, 1, 0.55, 0, 0.6, 0.58, 0, 0.8, 0.55, 0, 1.2, 0.55, 1, 0.45, 0.74, 0.666667, 0.35, 0.67, 0.333333, 0.25, 0.76, 0, 0.5, 0.55, 0, Actual Desired 0.076147 0 0.0524968 0 0.517485 0.75 0.0393935 0 0.105092 0 0.377277 0.5 0.373286 0.25 0.155083 0

totalError 0.196261 Actual: 3, 6, 7 Predicted: 3, 6, 7 *********************************************************************** Vector 4, loop Number 44 Input 0, 0.8, 0.58, 0,


1, 0.6, 0, 0.6, 0.57, 0, 0.5, 0.6, 1, 0.45, 0.63, 0.666667, 0.35, 0.73, 0, 1.2, 0.71, 0.333333, 0.25, 0.72, 0, Actual Desired 0.0416575 0 0.0540597 0 0.478243 0.5 0.0508952 0 0.152083 0.25 0.126667 0 0.147998 0 0.532813 0.75

totalError 0.0844163 Actual: 8, 3, 5 Predicted: 8, 3, 5 ***********************************************************************

382 0.5,4.5,64,0.25,3.5,56,0,2.5,61,0,6,58,0,8,67,0,10,58,1,12,64,0.75,5,64,2,3,5, 0,4.5,74,0,6,58,0.333333333333333,8,79,0.666666666666667,2.5,81,0,3.5,62,0,10, 72,0,12,70,1,5,58,4,8,1, 0.333333333333333,12,63,1,2.5,58,0,4.5,64,0,8,59,0.666666666666667,5,55,0,3.5, 72,0,6,62,0,10,66,2,5,1, 0,3.5,60,0,10,67,0,12,72,1,5,67,0,4.5,74,0,6,68,0.333333333333333,8,59, 0.666666666666667,2.5,58,7,8,3, 1,3.5,62,0,4.5,62,0,5,59,0,8,79,0.333333333333333,6,61,0,2.5,57,0,10,77, 0.666666666666667,12,59,2,3,7, 0.333333333333333,5,71,0,2.5,71,0,12,54,1,8,61,0,4.5,52,0.666666666666667,10, 77,0,3.5,73,0,6,54,4,3,1, 0,3.5,81,0,5,70,1,12,76,0.333333333333333,4.5,71,0,2.5,67,0,10,65,0,8,61, 0.666666666666667,6,62,8,3,7, 0,8,60,0.666666666666667,10,78,0,3.5,55,0,5,76,0,12,75,0.333333333333333,6,57, 1,2.5,77,0,4.5,59,2,3,5, 0,8,75,0,12,75,1,5,62,0.333333333333333,4.5,69,0,2.5,68,0.666666666666667,6,72, 0,3.5,62,0,10,72,4,8,5, 0.666666666666667,4.5,64,0,3.5,59,0,8,60,0.333333333333333,12,57,0,2.5,63,0,6, 62,0,5,59,1,10,60,1,6,5, 0.333333333333333,5,62,0,2.5,79,0,6,77,0,12,72,0.666666666666667,8,75,1,3.5,69, 0,4.5,69,0,10,58,6,7,1, 0,8,58,0,2.5,73,0,12,72,0,15,58,0,5,60,0,6,82,0,3.5,68,0,8,63,6,5,8, 0,5,73,0,12,70,0.25,4.5,75,0,10,70,0.5,8,65,1,2.5,58,0,6,57,0.75,3.5,69,1,5,7, 0,5,74,1,12,58,0.666666666666667,10,68,0.333333333333333,8,60,0,4.5,76,0,3.5, 74,0,2.5,73,0,6,71,4,3,7, 0,8,55,0,12,71,1,10,77,0.333333333333333,6,71,0.666666666666667,5,64,0,4.5,64, 0,2.5,57,0,3.5,68,2,4,7, 0,8,75,1,3.5,61,0,2.5,79,0,10,75,0,4.5,61,0,12,73,0.666666666666667,5,56, 0.333333333333333,6,58,8,6,7,


0,6,72,0,3.5,55,1,5,61,0.333333333333333,10,74,0,12,69,0,4.5,59, 0.666666666666667,2.5,70,0,8,69,4,1,3, 1,8,60,0,10,82,0,3.5,69,0,4.5,63,0.333333333333333,12,64,0,5,72,0,6,58, 0.666666666666667,2.5,72,3,8,5, 0.333333333333333,5,62,0,3.5,62,1,6,64,0,2.5,53,0,8,61,0,4.5,63, 0.666666666666667,10,59,0,12,73,2,1,6, 0,8,61,0.333333333333333,6,64,0,12,72,1,5,75,0.666666666666667,2.5,76,0,10,64, 0,4.5,58,0,3.5,74,3,5,6, 1,5,62,0,10,58,0.666666666666667,2.5,60,0,4.5,73,0,12,79,0,3.5,60,0,6,71, 0.333333333333333,8,64,8,5,1, 0.333333333333333,12,72,0,10,58,0,4.5,73,0,2.5,57,0.666666666666667,8,60,0,6, 60,0,3.5,74,1,5,73,1,2,8, 0.333333333333333,4.5,55,0,8,72,0.666666666666667,6,70,0,2.5,60,0,5,73,1,3.5, 57,0,10,59,0,12,74,7,1,2, 0.666666666666667,8,74,0,12,72,0,15,59,0.333333333333333,3.5,75,1,5,72,0,6,68, 0,2.5,64,0,4.5,67,8,3,4, 0.666666666666667,2.5,67,1,8,77,0,12,68,0,3.5,54,0,4.5,61,0.333333333333333,10, 79,0,6,57,0,5,63,3,8,2, 0.333333333333333,3.5,74,0,10,70,0,12,62,1,2.5,71,0,5,54,0.666666666666667,6, 64,0,4.5,59,0,8,72,2,3,4, 1,12,74,0,10,57,0.333333333333333,3.5,56,0,4.5,72,0,5,59,0,2.5,58,0,6,64, 0.666666666666667,8,70,3,5,4, 0.5,5,69,0.25,6,58,0,8,56,0,3.5,64,0.75,2.5,73,1,12,57,0,10,75,0,4.5,69,1,2,3, 0.333333333333333,4.5,67,0,10,76,0,3.5,59,0,2.5,56,0,8,63,1,6,59,0,12,73, 0.666666666666667,5,75,8,4,5, 0,3.5,62,0.333333333333333,8,79,0,10,55,1,12,64,0,2.5,63,0.666666666666667,5,68, 0,4.5,78,0,6,55,7,5,2, 0,6,60,0,5,70,0.666666666666667,4.5,70,0.333333333333333,8,65,0,12,73,0,3.5, 70,0,2.5,64,1,10,73,6,2,7, 0,2.5,73,1,12,61,0,3.5,65,0,8,76,0,4.5,63,0.333333333333333,5,74,0,10,63,


0.666666666666667,6,58,7,8,2, 0,3.5,57,1,6,66,0,8,72,0,12,58,0.333333333333333,4.5,76,0.666666666666667,5, 59,0,10,86,0,2.5,77,5,8,6, 0.666666666666667,6,60,0,8,58,0.333333333333333,10,74,1,3.5,58,0,12,60,0,2.5, 64,0,4.5,61,0,5,61,7,8,2, 1,3.5,65,0,12,63,0.333333333333333,10,79,0,4.5,61,0,5,65,0.666666666666667,2.5, 64,0,6,69,0,8,69,2,6,5, 0,8,56,0,3.5,61,0.333333333333333,10,73,0,6,59,1,12,75,0,2.5,61, 0.666666666666667,5,58,0,4.5,69,5,3,7, 1,12,71,0,10,74,0,3.5,69,0.333333333333333,4.5,62,0,5,65,0,6,57,0,2.5,55, 0.666666666666667,8,65,3,7,8,


--example.testData.dat *********************************************************************** Vector # 0

totalError 0.291978 Actual: 5,1,3 Predicted: 8, 5, 7 correctly guessed dogs : 1 average 0.333333 *********************************************************************** Vector # 1

totalError 0.459928 Actual: 6,1,3 Predicted: 8, 2, 1 correctly guessed dogs : 1 average 0.333333 *********************************************************************** Vector # 2

totalError 0.310754 Actual: 3,4,5 Predicted: 8, 1, 2 correctly guessed dogs : 0 average 0.222222 *********************************************************************** Vector # 3


totalError 0.308097 Actual: 3,4,5 Predicted: 8, 2, 5 correctly guessed dogs : 1 average 0.25

387 0,5,52,1,4.5,82,0.666666666666667,3.5,72,0.333333333333333,2.5,68,0,6,61,0,10,84 ,0,12,61,0,8,69,2,1,4, 0,10,55,0,8,60,0,12,54,0,6,55,0.666666666666667,3.5,69,0,5,60,0.333333333333333, 2.5,58,1,4.5,63,6,7,1, 0,5,74,0,12,69,0.333333333333333,2.5,59,0,6,57,0.666666666666667,3.5,71,0,8,70,1 , 4.5,60,0,10,69,7,8,5, 0,10,55,0,6,58,0,8,55,0,12,55,1,4.5,74,0.666666666666667,3.5,67,0.333333333333333, 2.5,76,0,5,55,3,6,7, 0,8,58,0,10,60,0,6,57,0,5,60,1,4.5,63,0.666666666666667,3.5,73,0,12,71, 0.333333333333333,2.5,72,8,3,5, 0.333333333333333,2.5,72,0,10,54,0,12,55,0,8,64,0,5,53,0.666666666666667,3.5,57, 1,9,67,0,6,60,7,3,1, 0.333333333333333,2.5,56,0,10,55,0,12,63,1,4.5,70,0,6,58,0,5,63,0,8,57, 0.666666666666667,3.5,64,1,2,7, 0,10,71,0,6,73,0,5,60,0,12,82,0.666666666666667,3.5,57,0.333333333333333,2.5,58, 1,4.5,71,0,8,56,2,7,4, 0,8,63,0,12,58,0,6,70,0,5,75,0,10,64,1,4.5,76,0.666666666666667,3.5,65, 0.333333333333333,5,67,2,7,8, 0.333333333333333,2.5,65,0,6,60,1,4.5,73,0,10,76,0,5,73,0,12,58,0,8,73, 0.666666666666667,3.5,69,1,5,3, 0.333333333333333,,,0,4.5,68,1,6,68,0,3.5,61,0,8,59,0,15,71,0,8,58, 0.666666666666667,12,60,2,3,7, 0.333333333333333,8,79,0,5,60,0.666666666666667,12,53,0,3.5,68,0,5,60,0,10,73,1, 6,64,0,4.5,72,1,7,4, 0,3.5,58,0.333333333333333,8,74,0,2.5,67,0,10,73,0,6,71,0,12,55,1,5,73, 0.666666666666667,4.5,77,1,2,8, 0,3.5,57,0,12,56,0,5,64,1,8,78,0.333333333333333,4.5,74,0,2.5,57,0,10,75, 0.666666666666667,6,58,8,3,7, 1,2.5,65,0,4.5,74,0,12,69,0.666666666666667,6,57,0,3.5,57,0,8,79,0,5,55, 0.333333333333,10,60,1,2,4,


0.333333333333333,5,74,0,2.5,59,0,10,72,0.666666666666667,6,58,1,3.5,58,0,4.5,72 ,0,8,74,0,12,57,1,5,3, 0,3.5,65,0.333333333333333,8,55,0,2.5,75,0,6,72,1,5,72,0,4.5,65,0,12,73, 0.666666666666667,10,58,4,2,7, 1,3.5,73,0,4.5,59,0,10,77,0.333333333333333,5,69,0,2.5,79,0,8,61,0,12,51, 0.666666666666667,6,70,4,2,5,


--example.weights.dat Weights between input and hidden layers

0.312235, -0.144395, 0.189134, 0.0486099, 1.33523, -0.740377, -0.588529, -0.738951, 0.393378, -0.424741, -0.165845, -0.105024, -0.509166, -0.559777, -0.322799, 0.611471, -0.0139035, 0.192289, 0.215884, 0.42839, 1.22424, -0.557538, 0.748829, 0.811425, -0.567415, 0.478949, -0.930788, -0.815847, -0.675085, 0.143432, 0.907429, -0.791605, 0.386623, -0.491939, -0.355795, -1.21822, -0.0578587, 0.373054, 0.400678, 0.0381052, 0.333938, -0.551939, 0.666651, 0.496774, -0.0996118 -0.338756, 0.395109, -0.0946093, -0.408185, -0.105322, 0.502763, -1.20785, -0.659191, 0.722583, -0.123789, 0.297074, -0.0360918, -0.0410618, 0.0563667, -0.262915, -0.346919, -0.161358, -0.732031, 0.903635, -1.08379, -0.481309, -0.722972, -0.553411, -1.00448, 0.100583, -0.383445, -1.08466, 0.624652, -0.430412, -0.844843, 0.332018, 0.756297, 0.934539, 0.749344, 0.34311, -1.1259, 0.888236, -0.932168, -0.617218, -0.902981, -0.815684, -0.794956, -0.707963, -0.116212, 1.10673, -0.600709, -0.608273, -0.584743 -0.846697, -0.380985, 0.864341, -1.34424, -0.868917, -1.02222, 0.481363, 0.383186, 0.12025, -0.711846, -0.817075, -0.0823566, -0.334653, -0.584699, 0.280099, 0.693849, 0.504637, -0.316601, 0.218029, -0.522936, -0.258518, 1.31827, -1.00274, -0.749833, 0.412043, 0.672309, -0.653525, 0.485816, 0.498209, -0.252008, -0.812285, 0.602662, 0.0212719, 0.685901, 0.149714, -0.194676, 0.767563, 0.0731506, 0.526717, 0.691788, -0.0190201, -0.560069, -1.11794, 1.4468, 1.27252, -0.645344, -0.191523, -0.0549552, -0.168464, 0.452096, -0.604246, 0.407949, 0.717795, 0.28697, 0.417937, -0.135654, 0.510972, 0.795559, 0.789836 -0.646869, 1.02887, 0.4916, 0.655899, -0.384916, -0.286857, 0.142541, -0.47817,


-0.830313, 0.402075, -1.00981, -0.815833, 0.300742, -1.28449, -1.72554, -0.289421, 0.121561, -0.379148, 0.359904, 0.410897, 0.326119, 0.581417, 0.588857, 0.205351, -0.0858752, -0.602156, -0.365654, 0.252064, 0.125631, 0.390546, 0.595961, -0.369163, 0.490337, 0.537631, -0.573171, 0.135279, -0.293407, -0.36908, 0.776284, -0.86512, 0.188277, 0.416897, 0.566542, -0.655683, 0.0156013, -0.141072, 0.0233197, -0.504302, -0.47505, 0.716924, -0.306786, 0.0982113, -0.495284, 0.482457, -0.0417226, -0.393999, -1.16647, -0.975248, -0.680646, 0.459391, -0.774258, -0.129249, 0.25338, -0.489245, 0.857715, -0.0587445, 0.764717, 0.344552, -0.983711, 0.530571, -0.174586, 0.203183, -1.06123, -0.24899, -0.376542, 0.218682, -0.927047, -0.75323, 0.0776283, -0.837238, 1.17516, 0.89532, 0.637019, -0.753449, 0.728891, 0.645152, 0.20859, -0.834837, 0.616967, 0.159905, 0.809849, 0.466468, -0.564717, -0.0996914, 0.627333, -0.669686, 1.06178, 0.997358, -0.131645, 0.230917, 0.975456, 0.764013, -0.724403, -0.114928, 0.0263852, 0.68227, 0.387013, -0.249744, 0.0457159, 0.616758, -0.36878, -0.59523, -0.131195, 0.932923, -0.0913405, 0.574165, -0.715751, -0.252504, 0.937027, 0.967609, -1.34687, 0.773338, -0.0186759, -0.262033, 0.0128024, 0.140075, -0.314998, -0.120705, 0.7326, -0.00204962, -0.472609, -0.438004, 0.265128, 0.629909, 0.0579386, 0.689211, -0.381792, -0.22498, -0.307052, 0.706148, 0.863566, -0.346275, -0.0547047, -0.572196, 0.212506, 0.838752, 0.837534, -0.711632, 0.878157, 0.304817, 0.939058, 0.862614, -0.0394301, 0.778428, 0.166991, -0.659354, -0.806244, -0.931821, -0.122326, 0.0331636, 0.134506, -0.171992, -0.171233, 0.339171, -0.648418, 0.987479, -0.638016, 0.8682, 0.502675, -0.106586, -0.0402063, -0.261886, -0.837591, -0.996017, 0.0727204, -1.08123, -0.46855, 0.411652, 0.849411, 0.152663, -0.044132, -0.084293, -0.990235, -0.829724, 0.534, 0.930342, -0.0334462, -0.541376, -0.898799, -0.945154, -0.0932906,


-0.172246, 0.500135, 0.356741, 0.483515, -0.630037, -0.447533, 0.209796, 0.666823, 0.272065, 0.557009, -0.916039, -0.857561, -1.05275, -0.540343, -1.21212, 0.0937207, 0.485678, 0.408676, 1.11695, 0.121299, 0.0235673, 0.184337, 0.00527234, 0.272882, -0.0452072, 0.037835, -0.226153, -0.0816479, -0.34464, 0.674777, -0.51579, -1.15405, 0.65004, -0.25135, 0.721084, -0.108838, 0.402305, -0.624131, -0.14548, 0.684915, -0.0506577, Weights between hidden and output layers

-0.298384, 0.07719, 0.815364, -0.951424, -0.0749845, 0.554561, 0.116341, 0.365722, 0.547885, 0.224371, 0.0232105, -0.322847, -0.360129, 0.0665348, 0.227563, -0.350492, 0.561964, -0.368009, 0.243067, 0.476517, 0.0313402, -0.0298075, -0.269999, -0.0454656, 0.311055, 0.394885, -0.408628, -0.435073, 1.15274, 0.783402, 0.709321, -0.779884, -0.0911446, -0.117496, 0.391258, 0.684276, -0.515919, 0.413093, -0.435185, -0.0110238, 0.24413, -0.466538, 0.492854, -0.680361, -0.856781, 0.815862, 0.0720998, 0.487135, 0.258172, -0.0607109, 0.349455, -0.0211922, 0.293106, 0.650396, 0.0906403, 0.143155, 0.18206, 0.0795079, 1.00199, -0.83526, 0.94233, 0.218302, 0.852732, 0.250201, 0.710023, -0.234678, 0.688201, 0.799773, -0.168626, -0.6546, 0.838424, -0.341209, 0.260963, 0.181634, 0.0915149, 0.295776, 0.590944, 1.04424, 0.133481, 1.16185, 0.165425, -0.169801, 0.524056, -0.197722, -0.17384, -0.105439, -0.0679423, -0.303441,


0.19013, 0.164908, -0.203131, -0.0488369, 0.063752, -0.121208, 0.534113, 0.394686, 0.209294, 0.0435774, -0.171238, 0.373208, -0.149831, -0.351153, 0.209717, 0.228079, 0.841326, -0.0469582, 0.83333, -0.139613, -0.00181498, -0.326188, -0.0477979, 0.248631, -0.646495, 1.07442, -0.272258, 0.743573, -0.393897, 0.262803, 0.457984, 0.170558, -0.472425, -0.320962, 0.344959, -0.0988614, 0.621647, 1.64686, 0.601372, -0.0463286,


7.12 Hop eld Networks

John Hop eld, in the late 1970's, brought us these networks. These networks can be generalized and are robust. These networks can also be described mathematically. On the downside they can only store 15% as many states as they have neurodes, and the patterns stored must have Hamming distances that are about 50% of the number of neurodes. Hop eld networks, aka crossbar systems, are networks that recall what is fed into them. This makes it useful for restoring degraded images. It is a fully connected net, every node is connected to every other node. The nodes are not connected to themselves. Calculating the weight matrix for a Hop eld network is easy. This is an example with 3 input vectors. You can train the network to match any number of vectors provided that they are orthogonal. Orthogonal vectors are vectors that give zero when you calculate the dot product. orthogonal (0, 0, 0, 1) (1, 1, 1, 0) = 0*1 + 0*1 + 0*1 + 1*0 = 0 orthogonal (1, 0, 1, 0) (0, 1, 0, 1) = 1*0 + 0*1 + 1*0 + 0*1 = 0 NOT orthogonal (0, 0, 0, 1) (0, 1, 0, 1) = 0*0 + 0*1 + 0*0 + 1*1 = 1 Orthogonal vectors are perpendicular to each other. To calculate the weight matrix for the orthogonal vectors (0, 1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1) rst make sure all the vectors are orthogonal (0, 1, 0, 0) (1, 0, 1, 0) = 0*1 + 1*0 + 0*1 + 0*0 = 0 (0, 1, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0, 1) = 0*0 + 1*0 + 0*0 + 0*1 = 0 (1, 0, 1, 0) (0, 0, 0, 1) = 1*0 + 1*0 + 1*0 + 0*1 = 0 Change the zeros to negative ones in each vector (0, 1, 0, 0) === (-1, 1, -1, -1) (1, 0, 1, 0) === (1, -1, 1, -1) (0, 0, 0, 1) === (-1, -1, -1, 1) Multiply each matrix by itself
H f f d H f f d H f f d

1 1 1

I g g e I g g e I g g e

1 1

=f d

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

I g g e I g g e I g g e


1 1 1

1 1 1

=f d

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 1 1

1 1 1

=f d



The third step is to put zeros on the main diagonal of each matrix and add them together. (Putting zeros on the main diagonal keeps each node from being connected to itself. H I 0 1 1 1 f 1 0 1 1 g f g (7.4) d 1 1 0 1 e 1 1 1 1
H f f d

(7.5) The Hop eld network is fully connected, each weight connects to every other weight [n1] - [n2] = weight is -1 [n1] - [n3] = weight is 3 [n1] - [n4] = weight is -1 [n2] - [n1] = weight is -1 [n2] - [n3] = weight is -1 [n2] - [n4] = weight is -1 [n3] - [n1] = weight is 3 [n3] - [n2] = weight is -1 [n3] - [n4] = weight is -1 [n4] - [n1] = weight is 1 [n4] - [n2] = weight is 1 [n4] - [n3] = weight is 1 These networks can also be described as having a potential energy surface with conical holes representing the data. Holes having similar depth and diameter represent data with similar properties. The input data seeks the lowest potential energy and settles in to the closest hole. The energy surfaces of these networks are mathematically equivalent to that of 'spin glasses'. Some problems with these neural nets are they are computationally intensive, use lots of memory, and although I haven't seen it mentioned I would guess race conditions may present a problem since data is updated continuously at each node with the output from one becoming the input for another. BAM, bidirectional associative memory is an example of a Hop eld network. It consists of two fully connected layers, one for input and one for output. The nodes in each layer do not have connections to other nodes in the same layer. The weights are bidirectional, meaning that there is communication in both directions along the weight vector. There are no connections between neurodes in the same layer. BAM networks take only -1's and 1's as input and only output -1's and 1's. So if you are working with binary data, you must convert the zeros to -1's. The weights are calculated in the same way as the Hop eld example above. The nodes are either 0 or 1 (on or o ).

0 1 1 1

1 0 1 1 0 1 1

1 1 0

g f g+f e d

0 1 1 1

1 0 1 1

1 1 0 1

1 1 1

I g g e

= T heresultingmatrixis : f d

0 1 3 1

3 0 1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1

I g g e


7.12.1 C++ Hop eld Network

--hopfield.cpp--//Linda MacPhee-Cobb // //example Hopfield network

#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h>

class neurode { private: int total; public: neurode() { } int threshold( int inputVector[4], int numberOfNodes, int locationOfNode, int weightArray[4][4]) { total = inputVector[locationOfNode]; for( int i=0; i<numberOfNodes; i++){ total += inputVector[i] * weightArray[locationOfNode][i]; } if( total > 0){ return 1; }else{


} };

return 0;

int main () { int v1[] = {1, 0, 1, 0}; int v2[] = {0, 1, 0, 1}; int nodeLocation; int const nodes=4; int weightArray[nodes][nodes] = { { 0, -1, 1, -1}, {-1, 0, -1, 1}, { 1, -1, 0, -1}, {-1, 1, -1, 0} }; int output[nodes]; neurode n[nodes]; for( int i=0; i<nodes; i++){ output[i] = n[i].threshold(v1, nodes, i, weightArray); } cout << "\n Input vector 1: {1,0,1,0} output " << endl; for(int i=0; i<nodes; i++){ cout << " " << output[i]; } cout << endl;

for( int i=0; i<nodes; i++){ output[i] = n[i].threshold(v2, nodes, i, weightArray); } cout << "\n Input vector 2: {0,1,0,1} output " << endl; for(int i=0; i<nodes; i++){


cout << " " << output[i]; } cout << endl; }

398 // //Fall 2000 //class network is needed for the hopfield network

import java.util.*;

public class Network { public Vector v = new Vector(); int output[] = new int[4]; public int threshold( int k ) { if (k>=0){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }

public void activation( int p[] ) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ ( (Neuron)v.elementAt(i) ).activation = ( (Neuron)v.elementAt(i) ).act(4, p); output[i] = threshold(( (Neuron)v.elementAt(i) ).activation); } } //create single layer 4 neuron fully connected network Network( int a[], int b[], int c[], int d[] )


{ Neuron Neuron Neuron Neuron a1 b1 c1 d1 = = = = new new new new Neuron(a); Neuron(b); Neuron(c); Neuron(d);

v.add(a1); v.add(b1); v.add(c1); v.add(d1); }

public static void main( String args[]) { int[] pattern1 = { 0, 1, 0, 1}; int[] pattern2 = { 1, 0, 1, 0}; //this set of weights remembers the patterns //{1,0,1,0} and {0, 1, 0, 1} //to determine the weights take pattern1 and convert all the //0's to -1's { -1, 1, -1, 1} //get A transpose (1 ) * (1, -1, 1, -1) =( 1, -1, 1, -1) //................(-1) ( -1, 1, -1, 1) //................(1 ) ( 1, -1, 1, -1) //................(-1) ( -1, 1, -1, 1) //now subtract 1 from each number on main diagonal // ( 0, -1, 1, -1) // ( -1, 0, -1, 1) // ( 1, -1, 0, -1) // ( -1, 1, -1, 0) //do the same for each pattern and add them together. //more patterns can be added in provided they are orthoganal // ( the dot product is 0) int[] weight1 = { 0, -2, 2, -2}; int[] weight2 = { -2, 0, -2, 2}; int[] weight3 = { 2, -2, 0, -2}; int[] weight4 = { -2, 2, -2, 0}; System.out.println( "\n This is a Hopfield single-layer four neurode" +


" network. The network recalls two input patterns" + " {1,0,1,0} and {0,1,0,1}.\n\n\n"); //create the network Network hopfield1 = new Network ( weight1, weight2, weight3, weight4 ); //input the first pattern and get activations of neurons hopfield1.activation( pattern1 ); //see what the network output is for( int i=0; i<4; i++){ if( hopfield1.output[i] == pattern1[i] ) { System.out.println( hopfield1.output[i] + " matches " + pattern1[i] + ", element of pattern 1"); }else{ System.out.println( " mismatch for " + i + ", element of pattern 1"); } } System.out.println("\n\n"); //try the second pattern Network hopfield2 = new Network (weight1, weight2, weight3, weight4); hopfield2.activation(pattern2); for( int i=0; i<4; i++){ if( hopfield2.output[i] == pattern2[i] ) { System.out.println( hopfield2.output[i] + " matches " + pattern2[i] + ", element of pattern 2"); }else{ System.out.println( " mismatch for " + i + ", element of pattern 2"); } } } }

401 // //Fall 2000 //class nueron is needed for the hopfield network public class Neuron { public int activation; //weights //this is //in each protected on edges to each other neuron a directed graph with an edge direction from and to each neuron int weight[] = new int[4];

//each neuron has a weighted output //synapse to everyother node. Neuron(int j[]) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ } weight[i] = j[i]; }

//threshold function is 0 for the hopfield network //we take the dot product of the input vector and the //weight vector. If this is >0 the neuron fires, //else it does not. public int act (int a, int b[]) { int activation = 0; for(int i=0; i<a; i++){ activation += b[i] * weight[i]; } return activation; }



Chapter 8
AI and Neural Net Related Math Online Resources
This section contains URLS to examples, tutorials, online books and courses in various AI/NN math topics. There is never one book that can do everything or cover everything. I did not wish to discourage those uncomfortable with math away from using this book and programs. Those of you who are comfortable with math should pursue the following topics if you are unfamiliar with any of them.

8.1 General Topics

Calculus Calculus with applications
( MIT Open Courseware )

Chaos Chaos Theory Complex Variables Complex Variables

with applications ( MIT Open Courseware )

Dynamics bks/coll9/ Dynamical Systems, G. Birkho (

online/downloadable textbook ) Course AA571 Principles of Dynamics ( not yet complete ) Approximation of Continuous Dynamical Systems by Discrete Systems and Their Graphics Use bra ( lecture notes and worked problems ) tshores/linalgtext.html Linear Algebra and Applications ( online textbook ) 404

Linear Algebra krm/ela.html Elementary Linear Alge- Linear Algebra ( online/downloadable textbook ) Linear Algebra ( MIT Open Courseware )

fractals 8.1.1

C OpenGL Sierpinski Gasket


--gasket.cpp-//open a display window //and generate the Sierpinski gasket #include #include #include #include #include <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <gl/glut.h> <gl/glu.h> <gl/gl.h>

void display (void){ typedef GLfloat point2[2]; //define a point array point2 vertices[3]={{0.0, 0.0},{250.0, 500.0},{500.0, 0.0}};//triangle int j; long int k; long random_number(); //random_number number generator point2 p = {75.0, 50.0}; //start somewhere glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //clear window //compute and plot 120,000 points for( k=0; k<120000; k++){ j = rand()%3; //pick one of the 3 vertices at random_number //compute 1/2 way point p[0] = (p[0] + vertices[j][0])/2.0; p[1] = (p[1] + vertices[j][1])/2.0; //plot point glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2fv(p); glEnd(); } glFlush(); //plot quickly.. only benefit if on a network }

void myinit (void){ //attributes glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); //backround


glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //draw color //set up viewing glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //2d coordinate sys lower left corner 0,0 gluOrtho2D(0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 500.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowSize(500, 500); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB|GLUT_SINGLE); (void)glutCreateWindow("2d Sierpinski gasket"); glutDisplayFunc(display); myinit(); glutMainLoop(); }


8.1.2 C OpenGL 3D Gasket

--3dgasket.cpp //open a display window //and generate the Sierpinski gasket //in 3d #include #include #include #include #include <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <gl/glut.h> <gl/glu.h> <gl/gl.h>

void display (void){ typedef GLfloat point[3]; //define a point array point vertices[4]={{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},{250.0, 250.0, 250.0}, {250.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {500.0, 0.0, 500.0}};//3d triangle int j; long int k; // long random(); //random number generator point p = {250.0, 100.0, 250.0}; //start somewhere glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //clear window //compute and plot 500,000 points for( k=0; k<500000; k++){ j = rand()%4; //pick one of the 4 vertices at random //compute 1/2 way point p[0] = (p[0] + vertices[j][0])/2.0; p[1] = (p[1] + vertices[j][1])/2.0; p[2] = (p[2] + vertices[j][2])/2.0; //plot point glBegin(GL_POINTS); //color depends on location glColor3f(p[0]/250.0, p[1]/250.0, p[2]/250.0); glVertex3fv(p); glEnd(); } glFlush(); //plot quickly.. only benefit if on a network }


void myinit (void){ //attributes glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); //backround //set up viewing glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); //3d coordinate sys lower left corner 0,0 glOrtho(0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 300.0, -500.0, 500.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowSize(500, 500); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB|GLUT_SINGLE); (void)glutCreateWindow("3d Sierpinski gasket"); glutDisplayFunc(display); myinit(); glutMainLoop(); }


8.1.3 C OpenGL Mandelbrot

--mandelbrot.cpp //mandelbrot in opengl #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <gl/glut.h> #define MAX_ITER 100 //number of times through the loop //N X M MATRIX #define N 500 #define M 500 //can't usually pass things to open gl so declare as globals // any information they might need double height; //2.5 for a full image double width; //2.5 for a full image double cx; //-0.5 for a full image double cy; //0.0 for a full image int max = MAX_ITER; //remember this is a nested loop int n = N; int m = M; GLubyte image[N][M]; //unsigned bytes for image typedef float complex[2]; //prototypes void calculate(void); void add(complex a, complex b, complex p); void mult(complex a, complex b, complex p); void mult(complex a, complex b, complex p); float mag2(complex a); void form(float a, float b, complex p); void mouse(int btn, int state, int x, int y); void display(void); void myReshape(int w, int h); void myinit();

void main (int argc, char *argv[]){


//initial position cx = -0.5; cy = 0.0; width = 2.5; height = 2.5; system("clear"); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize(N, M); glutCreateWindow("Mandelbrot"); myinit(); glutReshapeFunc(myReshape); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutMainLoop(); } void calculate(void) { int i, j, k; float x, y, v; complex c0, c, d; printf("\n cx %lf, cy %lf", cx, cy); for(i=0; i<n; i++) for(j=0; j<m; j++){ x = i * (width/(n-1)) + cx - width/2; //begin here y = j * (height/(m-1)) + cy - height/2; form(0, 0, c); //create complex number form(x, y, c0); for(k=0; k<max; k++){ mult(c, c, d); add(d, c0, c); v = mag2(c);


if(v > 4.0) break;//assume not in set if mag > 4 } if(v > 1.0) v = 1.0; //if > 1 set to backround image[i][j] = 255*v; } printf("\n done w/ new image map"); display(); }

void add(complex a, complex b, complex p){ p[0] = a[0] + b[0]; //real part p[1] = a[1] + b[1]; //complex part } void mult(complex a, complex b, complex p){ p[0] = a[0] * b[0] - a[1] * b[1]; p[1] = a[0] * b[1] + a[1] * b[0]; } float mag2(complex a){ return(sqrt)(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1]); } void form(float a, float b, complex p){ p[0] = a; p[1] = b; }

void mouse(int btn, int state, int x, int y) { //left button magnifies image by 2x's if(btn ==GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN){ height /=2.0; width /=2.0;


calculate(); } //right if(btn cx = if(x button moves image ==GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN){ (double)y/500.0; //cx is really center-y < 250) cx *=(-1);

cy = (double)x/500.0; if(y > 250) cy *=(-1); calculate(); } }

void display(void){ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glutSwapBuffers(); glDrawPixels(n, m, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image); }

void myReshape(int w, int h){ calculate(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); gluOrtho2D(0.0, 0.0, n, m); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }


void myinit(){ GLfloat redmap[256], greenmap[256], bluemap[256]; int i; glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); //backround color gluOrtho2D(0.0, 0.0, (GLfloat)n, (GLfloat) m); for(i=0; i < 256; i++){ //define amount of each color redmap[i]= 1 - i/100.0; //numbers btwn 0 and 1 greenmap[i] = 1 - i/100.0; bluemap[i] =1 - i/300.0; } //create color maps glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R, 256, redmap); glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G, 256, greenmap); glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B, 256, bluemap); }

414 matt/courses/fractals/index.htm" Using Fractals to Simulate Natural Phenomena" Dynamical Systems and Fractals Lecture Notes

Fuzzy faq Fuzzy

logic Fuzzy Logic in Mathematical Logic" ( downloadable/online text book)

Logic" A Problem Course Nonlinear systems Optimization Theory

Tutorial on Optimization Theory and Di erence and Di erential Equations by Martin Osborne, online book and course outline.

Probability chance/teaching aids/books articles/probability book/book.html

Introduction to Probability ( online/downloadable textbook ) The Math Archives, probability vaillant/proba/index.html ( tutorials ) The Math Archives, Statistics

Statistics Statistics Tutorial Topology bancho /Flatland/" Flatland, A Romance of
Many dimensions, Edwin A Abbott ( online/downloadable textbook ) Topology Course ( Lecture Notes )

Vector Math submissive/sourcerer/vector1.htm Simple Primer

on Vector Math Math Tutorial Vectors Math Tutorial

Wavelets rpolikar/WAVELETS/waveletindex.html" Wavelet

tutorial matt/courses/wavelets/" Wavelets in Multiresolution Analysis


8.2 Speci c Topics

Bayes Bayes Theorem Probability/bayes01.htm Bayes' Theorem Bayes' Theorem Boltzmann function murphyk/Bayes/bayes.html Boltzmann Equation jmb/thesis/node18.html The Boltzmann Equation harvey/Tutorials/math/Boltzmann.html The Boltzmann Distribution Fokker-Planck Equation The Fokker-Planck Equation www.d hoyrup/master/node17.html Solution of the Fokker=Planck Equation Gradient The Gradient Vector Calculus Summary calc.html Vector Di erential Calculus sbrooks/book/ Vector Calculus Gibbs Probability szli/MRF Book/Chapter 1/node13.html Markov Gibbs Equivalence Gibbs Fields and Phase Segregation pages/gibbs.html The Gibbs Sampler

bbs Sampler Convergence Theorem golden/ANNCOURSESTUFF/lecture notes/lec11.notes Boltzmann Machine, Brain State in a Box Hessian Matrix This is the derivative of the Jacobian. It is used to verify critical points to nd minimums and maximums. Hessian matrix Hessian General purpose solving algorithm with Jacobian and Hessian Invariant Sets An invariant set is the region of the state space such that any trajectory initiated in the region will remain there for all time. This is used in judging the stability of neural networks. nbt/Book/node105.html Invariant Sets carsten/preprints/article/node4.html Invariant Sets 416 bard/xppfast/lin2d.html The Phase Plane for a Linear System Jacobian Matrix These are used to obtain partial derivatives of implicit functions. It can be used to map a correspondence between two planes. Jacobi Determinant Jacobian General purpose solving algorithm with Jacobian and Hessian

Lagrange Multipliers lagrange.pdf An excellent example from a homework problem from math/Gary/">P Gordon @Lafayette Lipschitz Condition Shows the possibility of nding a global minimum. Lipschitz Condition restrepo/475B/Notes/source/node3.html Some important theorems on odes Continuous Dynamical Systems Lyapunov Function This is used to evaluate the stability of a critical point in a dynamical system. It is also known as the 'characteristic multiplier' or the ' oguet multiplier'. The Lyapunov Exponent is also de ned as d(t) = d: e(landat) which describes the separation between two trajectories that begin very close to each other Lyapunov's Method PI-845 Lyapunov's stability of large matrices by projection methods MAP Risk functions (maximum a posteriori estimate) bricogne/main.html Maximum Entropy Methods and the Bayesian Programme murphyk/Bayes/bayes.html A Brief Introduction to Graphical Models and Bayesian Networks Markov Random Fields szli/MRF Book/Chapter 1/node11.html Markov Random Fields" An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo dbwilson/exact/ Website for Perfectly Random Sampling with Markov Chains 417

Method of Newton Newton's Method Visual Calculus, Newton's Method Slide Show about Newton's Method Multivariable Taylor's Theorem (aka 'Mean Value Theorem') This is used to approximate a function. carlen/2507/notes/Taylor.html Taylor's Theorem with several variables Taylor's theorem Probability Mass (Density) functions Statistics Toolbox Sampling error Sigma Function The Normal Distribution Tutorial Steepest Descent Method of Steepest Descent CG/sd/index.html Steepest Descent Method 1994/node8.html Steepest Descent

Stochastic Approximation Theorem Several theories used to show that an unpredictable, or random system will convert or become stable. Wald Test Zipf's Law Zipf's Law references Zipf's Law More General information Maths Thesaurus The Data Anyalysis BriefBook An Algorithms Library of Interval Analysis for Equation Systems mclennan/Classes/594-MNN/ CS 594 Math for Neural Nets ( not yet complete ) bks/ American Mathematical Society online books The Mathematical Atlas Numerical Recipes MIT Open Courseware Math Section, lectures, notes, quizzes, homework and solutions along with text book information 418

Chapter 9

9.1 Bibliography
Books Arti cial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Nis J. Nilsson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998, #1-55860-467-7 Arti cial Intelligence, A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall Series in Arti cial Intelligence, 1995, #0-13-103805-2 C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Dr. Valluru B. Rao and Hayariva V. Rao, MIS Press, 1995, #1-55851-552-6 Constructing Intelligent Agents with Java, Joseph P. Bigus and Jennifer Bigus, Wiley Computer Publishing, 1998, #0-471-19135-3 Introduction to Arti cial Intelligence, Philip C. Jackson Jr., Dover Publications, 1985, #0-486-24864-X Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design, Richard M. Golden, Bradford-MIT Press, 1996, #0-262-07174-6 Naturally Intelligent Systems, Maureen Caudill and Charles Butler, A Bradford Book/The MIT Press, 1990, #0-262-03156-6 Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Applications in C/C++, Stephen T. Welstead, Wiley, 1994, #0-471-30974-5 Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents with Aglets, Danny B. Lange and Mitsuru Oshima, Addison Wesley, 1998, #0-201-32582-9 Programming Intelligent Agents for the Internet, Mark Watson, Computing McGraw-Hill, 1996, #0-07-912206-X Signal and Image Processing with Neural Networks, A C++ Sourcebook, Timothy Masters, John Wiley and Sons, 1994, #0-471-04963-8 Software Agents, Je rey M. Bradshaw, AAAI Press/The MIT Press, 1997, #0-262-52234-9 Thinking in Complexity, Klaus Mainzer, Springer, 1997, #3-540-62555-0 Online Sources


An Introduction to Bayesian Networks and their Contemporary Applications, Moisies, samee/bayesian/intro.html The Rete Algorithm, Birth of a Learning Law, Stephen Grossberg, les/Grossberg/Learning.html Overview of Support Vector Machines, Chew, Hong Gunn, WebMate: A Personal Agent for Browsing and Searching, Liren Chen, Katia Sycara, Arti cial Intelligence Gets Real, Stephen W. Plain, Evolution, Error and Intentionality, Daniel C. Dennett, The Construction of Programs with Common Sense, John McCarthy Arti cial Intelligence, Logic and Formalizing Common Sense, John McCarthy, Modeling Adaptive Autonomous Agents, Pattie Maes, Hopkins Scientists Shed Light on How the Brain Thinks, Gary Stephenson, Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Tools and Techniques, Peggy Wright, Minds, Brains, and Programs, John R. Searle, Open source version of Cyc Practical Arti cial Intelligence Programming in Java, by Mark Watson A downloadable book with example code. brd/Teaching/AI/Lectures/Summaries/planning.html#STRIPS STRIPS koller/papers/position.html Structured Representations and Intratiblility pdoyle/quail/notes/pdoyle/search.html Search Methods Turning Machines (AMS site) A Tutorial Introduction to Turing Machines A Turing Machine Applet Turing Machines (several applets to demonstrate a turing machine) bibli.html Blackboard Systems A Slide Show on Blackboard Architectures Start with this paper! It gives an excellent introduction. IntroToSVM.pdf">Introduction to Support Vector Machines, by Dustin Boswell I downloaded it from boswell/IntroT ) Lagrange Multipliers - here is an excellent example that explains how to use Lagrange Multipliers I got from math/Gary/ Math 263 Lagrange Multiplier Solutions 1. Find the extreme values ... and a copy here if that one disappears lagrange.pdf lagrange.pdf 420 Support Vector Machines (mailing list and links) Overview of Support Vector Machines this has a nice description of how the kernel is calculated A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition , this is considered the best introduction and is quite in-depth. john/835/notes/notes6.html Situational Calculus

9.2 Links to other AI sites AI lab at MIT American Assoc. AI
CMU AI Repository WWW VL AI Journal of AI Research SRI AI Center Outsider's Guide to AI Hetrion Guide to Cognitive Sciences and AI PC AI Journal cialintelligenceresearch.htm Internet Resources for

AI AI What is AI AI Research Group MMM AI Introduction JPL AI Group Brown Univ. CS AI ISIS AI Resources Game AI
421 AI Events AI Group Tutorials on AI rcripe/aipages/ai-intro.htm What is AI concerned
with? reingold/courses/ai/nn.html AI Neural Nets,

What are they? AI NN Faq Neurosciences on the Internet Brain Source, Neuropsychology and Brain Resources
and information wcalvin/bk9/ The Cerebral Code, Thinking a Thought

in the Mosaics of the Mind, William H Calvin an online book. Human Brain Project Neuroinformatics , The www. 2/ronfeldt/ Game Theory in Auto Racing Martin J. Osborne home page Martin has written several books on game theory and has several chapters of a coming book 'Introduction to Game Theory' on line that you can download and read. It gives a very clear explanation of the Nash equilibrium. Zipf's Law

as it relates to geographical economics, trade, location and growth it does have a good list of books. Game Theory Society not much here yet, but Game Theory, history and introduction a short paper from a philosopher's stand a powerpoint game theory introduction Zipf's Law references depth/sci tech/2000/dot life/2225879.stm Computer
Games Start Thinking, BBC Article and people. The Game AI Page Open Source Software, publications,

422 Temporal Di erence Learning

and TD Gammon ment Bot Epidemic at the forefront of game bot IBM story on 'Deep Thought' wilkins/bib-chess.html Papers on Chess by David Wilkins John Romero's Home page {all your game development needs amitp/gameprog.html Amit's Game Programming Page Brainiac Behavior Engine Personality Forge regular expressions A.L.I.C.E. Eliza asaygin/tt/ttest.html One of the main benchmarks of
AI is the 'Turing Test' Loebner Prize gives a turing

test each year and awards a prize to the winner awb/ Alan Black, Carnegie Mellon has several useful

publications online Download Switchboard-1 data

transcriptions Switchboard-1 is a corpus of telephone conversations collected by Texas Instruments in 1990/1. I contains 2400 two sided phone conversations. has some really cool projects you might want to check out Columbia Natural Language Processing Group radev/u/db/acl/ Association for Computational Linguistics There are searchable references and information on conferences. Persona Project Microsoft This is a project to develop a user interface with emotions, that interacts socially and appears intelligent. AI Natural Language pdoyle/quail/notes/pdoyle/natlang.html
423 cse476/atns.htm Introduction to Natural Language Processing sowa/misc/mathw.htm Mathematical Background Center for Fuzzy Logic, Robotics and
Intelligent Systems Tutorial index.html Fuzzy Logic systems/fuzzy.html Fuzzy Systems | A Tutorial culus paul/prologbook/node18.html First Order Predicate peters/courses/logsys/low-skol.htm Skolem Theorem Arti cial Life Links Journal of Arti cial Societies and Social Simulation /indexResearch.html Santa Fe Research Institute (there

are several research projects here related to this topic) Corners, The Atlantic Monthly (excellent article) program that evolves. Seeing Around www.angel Chaplin Corp has a Java/Neural net b0616/Lab/Links.html Applets for neural networks
and arti cial intelligence

lslwww.ep .ch/ moshes/introal/introal.html An Introduction to Arti cial Life
Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network (ALVINN) Spatial Realizability of Line Drawings Computer
Vision Online Publications, books and tutorials Ramona ALICE Ananova

Di erent interfaces and information 424 TreeViz Experiments with Oval nd Dynamic HomeFinder is another example of a graphical

interface that speeds up queries and imparts more information than could be absorbed in a textual display. crosoft This is a project to develop a user interface with emotions, that interacts socially and appears intelligent. Persona Project ACTidoc Is an agent interface that builds

documents on the y for learning. MIT Media Lab for Software

Agents Group circle/Projects/Atlas.html Atlas tutoring system vanlehn/andes.html Andes, An intelligent tutoring system
for physics dgrimsha/courses/cps720/agentEnvironment.html

Agent Environment Types] A New Potential Field Based Navigation Method loadable tutorial on HMM Rakesh Dugad's Homepage, has a good tut.html A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models jsavard/crypto/co040503.htm Hidden Markov Models javabayes/ Java Bayes joonoo/Bayes Net/bayes.html Tools for Bayesian
Belief Networks Probability Theory: The Logic

of Science ( a statistics book with lots of information on Bayesian logic) works, Course notes /research/cosco/Calendar/BNCourse/ Bayesian CYC is a current attempt at building a common sense program,
there is an open cyc that you can download and play with on your home computer. pages/past courses/EE459/StrIPS

General Problem Solver 425 A survey on Temporal Reasoning Programs with Common Sense,

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