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Ana Navarro Last week Gov. Rick Perry said NY Gay Marriage law was fine with him.

Now he says he's in favor of amending Constitution to ban gay marriage. I prefer to disagree w/someone who's being intellectually honest than agree w/someone who isn't. I want a candidate w/strong informed opinions & beliefs & courage to stick by them even when not politically convenient. Is that too much to ask these days? Sunday at 5:19pm Like 4 people like this. Alex Benes Yes, way too much. Sunday at 5:22pm 17758252 Like Diana Cardenas I would be very disappointed if Perry did not favor amending the Const to ban gay marriage. These gay marriage laws are destructive .... Marriage is a vital social institution between two members of the OPPOSITE sex. It goes way beyond just an emotional relationship---it serves a vital role in the stability and continuity of our society, something which homosexual marriages cannot provide. Unfortunately, the biggest victory of the gay movement has been to shift the debate from a 'behavior' to identity, whereby those that oppose homosexuality are considered bigoted or hateful. They have equated it to the Civil Rights Movement, seeking to obtain the rights granted under the constitution to all races or religions. Sexual behavior does not fall into either category!!!!It is not about homosexuals wanting to enter into a 'marriage' so much as it is about them wanting to gain acceptance into mainstream society by redefining the traditional definition of the institution. Because a few liberal judges decide to sign it into law, does not mean the public is in favor of it. Whenever it has been put on the ballot (as in California), it has failed. Sunday at 6:27pm 17759260 Like Rena Doty Fraser Diana...I have several members of my family who are gay. They love and desire commitment just like us heterosexuals. Not sure why this is such a threat. Sunday at 6:40pm 17759431 Like Ana Navarro Diana, that's not my point. What I'm saying is that he was fine with NY Law last week and is now stressing he's in favor of Constitutional amendment, which would supercede the NY Law. So, it's hard to be for both within same 7 day period. I'm not making argument re gay marriage. I'm pining for intellectual honesty. I prefer an honest disagreement to a dishonest agreement. Sunday at 6:51pm 17759563 Like Rena Doty Fraser Ana...understand your point....opinions should not change overnight...that appears to be disingenuous. Sunday at 7:05pm 17759745 Like Alex Benes Ana, fuhgedaboudit. Don't post using the words "gay marriage" anymore. Too incendiary. Use a code, like, "combinando un platano con pepino." See what I'm saying? 8*) Sunday at 8:50pm 17760889 Like Diana Cardenas Rena, it IS a threat to society. It is not nature's way. They can't procreate, can they?....You hvae them in your family? Well, there is no reason not to like them or love them, the same way you would love one who has a disability, or an illness, etc. I just DO NOT want them pushing their agenda on the majority who are not. This is just about sexual preference--keep it in the

bedroom!!!! It is not about being denied any constitutional rights.....Ana, I got your point.....I am just tired of this topic being shoved in our face continually by all these gay activists and I have to ventilate my feelings.... You know I always wondered why homosexuals are referred to as 'gay', kind of an oxymoron? Nothing really 'gay' about them or their movement......I am all for intellectual honesty too!! Sunday at 9:54pm 17761587 Like Rena Doty Fraser well, my gay family members are not ill nor are they disabled. They are homosexual. There have been homosexuals throughout history. My family members are also Christian so if you see my nephew and his husband in heaven, I hope you will have a different opinion. They are not trying to make people gay nor are they saying gay marriage is the only kind of marriage. No, they do not procreate....many heterosexual couples don't either. I only see you pushing your agenda and your heterosexual feelings on them. I remember how 50 years ago in the south how people did not allow blacks and whites to reason was that people said the children would be mixed race ..blah blah blah. 17761663 Sunday at 10:02pm Like Rena Doty Fraser I also remember how many whites in this country did not like the civil rights movement lead by Dr King being "pushed" on them. Where you see someone ( Gays) trying to push their agenda on you....I see a group of people who are being denied basic human rights. I do not believe they ( as a whole) are ill or a cancer on society....they just are not hiding in shame and fear anymore...thank you Lord! 17761692 Sunday at 10:06pm Like Rena Doty Fraser Diana- It took me many years of talking and researching and listening to many homosexual friends and family to begin to understand and develop my position. This was not a quick or easy acceptance on my part, but as a Christian woman, I am not uncomfortable with homosexuals nor do I see them as deviant or sinful. You are entitled to your opinion, but consider that it is a painful and prejudiced one for any homosexual person. 17761892 Sunday at 10:23pm Like Diana Cardenas Provoking that reaction has been the mission of gay activists. If you dont agree with them, you are a bigot, meanspirited, lack compassion,...etc. Christianity does not condone homosexuality. Gays are NOT being denied any civil rights. Do not compare to racial discrimination. ....No, you are right, they are not hiding in shame anymore---they are in our faces with public display of affection, gay parades,gay rallies, non-stop bombardment!!!As if that is not enough, now they are seeking to make constitutional changes. The audacity!!!They don't represent a threat to me persnally, but to society in general. They threaten the moral fiber of our society...... If I had a child who was a drug addict, I would still love him to death, but that does not mean I have accept or condone the bad behavior. 17763059 Sunday at 11:37pm Like Rena Doty Fraser Diana, your mind is made up. You believe homosexuals recruit or make other homosexuals...I do not ...therefore I see no moral threat to our society. We will just disagree. 17763111 Sunday at 11:41pm Like Ana Navarro Alex, I don't mind incendiary. My friends can disagree with me or with eachother as much as they want. The inconvenient thing about believing in the right to free speech is that you gotta stick to it even when you think a friend sounds certifiable Sunday at 11:43pm 17763129 Like Diana Cardenas In the Garden of Eden, God placed Adam & Eve-

-not Adam & Adam or Eve & Eve. That should tell us something. God needed a man and a woman to continue civilization. Two sexes, biologically and mentally different to complement each other.!!! form the most fundamental institution of society-marriage. 17763144 Sunday at 11:44pm Like Rena Doty Fraser God also made my nephew...a kind, moral christian man who is in a committed loving relationship....which is not recognized except in a few states. His rights are indeed limited . He does not behave inappropriately ( and would not even if he was heterosexual). Yesterday at 12:01am 17763319 Like Rena Doty Fraser In I said, you are entitled to your opinion as am I. Thanks also for letting me vent :) By the way...did Adam and Eves kids commit incest? Yesterday at 12:06am 17763377 Like Alex Benes Ana, couldn't agree more, but I think "pepino con platano" is more amusing than circling the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. But hey, I'm a lesbian atheist. Yesterday at 12:17am 17763499 2 people Like Diana Cardenas I appreciate your love for your nephew and see that he has had a tremendous effect on your views towards gays. I guess we have different definitions of 'moral' and 'inappropriate'. I respect your opinions, but unfortunately, the majority of Amercans share my position. I truly hope that a constitutional amendment in support of traditional marriage will pass........ Ana, I guess you don't like my outspokenness, especially when it is so contrary to your views!!!!.....Sorry, I tell it how I see it--not very politically correct for sure.....-LOLOLOLOL!!!!... . Yesterday at 12:27am 17763579 Like Alex Benes Well, that depends on how you define "majority." If it means "fewer," then you're right. icle/2011/05/21/us-gay-mar riage-poll-idUSTRE74K0B520 110521;http://fivethirtyeight.blo gaymarriage-opponents-now -in-minority/; ws/stories/0311/51551.html Yesterday at 12:31am 17763615 Like Alex Benes Of course, all these polls were done by, you know, pollsters. Yesterday at 12:32am 17763626 Like Diana Cardenas Never heard about the kids, but if they committed incest it was wrong. Two wrongs dont nmake a right. Remember what happened to Sodom & Gomorra? God wiped it out for sexual decadence!!!!........ Anyways, debate is good. Thanks for letting me vent also. Good night. Yesterday at 12:33am 17763646 Like Ana Navarro Diana, don't know why you say I don't like outspokeness when I've specifically posted that I'm all for free speech even when I disagree or my friends disagree amongst themselves. If I didn't like it, I would "unfriend you". So, as far as I am concerned, my friend, you can keep on venting all you want. Do pls read my comments for what they clearly are though. 1) You turned my comment re political intellectual honesty, into a diatribe over homosexuality; and 2) a comment saying I respect right to free speech, into me not liking outspokeness. I have a good number of gay friends on this site and not a one has uttered a word re your strongly worded description about them. So either they're all busy committing imoral acts against nature and God, or out on the streets advancing their threatening homosexual agenda, OR

just maybe, like me, they respect your right to free speech too. So, if this venting makes you joyful and gay, vent your heart out. I'm good with it, really. Yesterday at 8:18am 17768523 1 person Like Diana Cardenas Good, Ana, because both of us can be quite blunt and outspoken!!!Free speech is our right, but doesnt necessarily mean we like what people have to say--which is clearly the case with your sarcastic remarks. But I am not offended in the least....we are both passionate regarding our are still my friend.... I perfectly understood your initial comments , but felt compelled to add to it. And, I certainly welcome your gay friends to respond. Would love to listen to their points of view. I have gay friends and relatives also, and I have no problem expressing my opinions to them. I care for them and feel affection towards them, but they know I vehemently disapprove of their behavior... This venting makes me feel joyous, but definitely not "gay" (the original definition of that word has been hijacked). LOLOLOL!!!!XOXO. Yesterday at 10:54am 17770475 Like Diana Cardenas Rena, you invoke Christianity and God. Well, it is nowhere as clear as in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong. "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination" (Leviticus18:22-23) There are many more passages in the Bible that make reference to this subject. Doesnt get clearer than that!! Yesterday at 11:10am 17770698 Like Alex Benes Is that in the Bible? Or in the US Constitution? I never get those two straight. I mean "straight" as in keeping track of them, not as in heterosexual, of course. Yesterday at 11:18am 17770814 1 person Like Diana Cardenas Hahaha!!!It is in the Bible. Check it out. The 15th Amendment of the Const grants rights regardless of race, color, or condition of servitude. I am no const'al scholar, but there is NO mention of homosexuals in this clause. Of course, liberal judges attempt to distort and misinterpret to push their agenda. It will probably end up in US Supreme Court . 17771410 Yesterday at 12:00pm Like Alex Benes I think you might want to take a look at the 14th amendment. It says: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Even so worthy a legal authority as Associate Justice Scalia has indicated that he does not see how this does not apply to ALL persons. 17771516 Yesterday at 12:06pm Like 1 person Alex Benes And 14 comes before 15, so there's that issue as well. 8*) 17771523 Yesterday at 12:06pm Like Alex Benes Also, the 15th guarantees voting rights and does not speak to marriage. 17771550 Yesterday at 12:08pm Like Ana Navarro Alex, my dearest Lesbian atheist w/a severe facial hair problem, I'm concerned that you are not helpoing we/the word hijacking problem threatening the fiber of our society. Please go back in "closet" and stop pointing "out" that in the English language words can have more than one meaning. You got that "straight"? Yesterday at 12:09pm 17771574 1 person Like

Alex Benes Well, that's why I went with "platano y pepino," but nooooooooooooooooooo. I'm bouncing. 17771593 Yesterday at 12:10pm Like 1 person Diana Cardenas Yes, Alex, the equal protection clause. That is constantly being challenged by gays and lesbians. However, thank God, we have the Defense of Marriage Act, which, ironically enough, was enacted by Clinton. Well, gotta go...Ana, you will looove this one---have to tune in to Rush, it's past twelve!!!!Bye guys, it has been a pleasure! 17771966 Yesterday at 12:30pm Like Elaine de Valle While it seems obvious that Diana has very solid predisposed prejudice that is unlikely to be dissuaded by logic or common sense, I'm going to have to chime in for anyone else listening. The notion "gay marriage laws" are destructive and a danger to society is almost laughable -- almost bcause the fear, hate and judgement behind it still leads to violent murders of gays and suicides by young people. Marriage is a vital social institution? Lady, get a reality check. Marriage these days is a commodity sold on reality shows and in self-help books as a panacea for self doubt and lack of self love.That gays cannot procreate is ridiculous and irrelevant. They are doing it (pun entirely intended) more and more, through scientific means or whatever they want. And nobody believes for one minute that the world will suddenly go all gay and overpopulation trend will reverse. These arguments show you have deep-rooted fears, and I am sorry for that. But it does not justify the denial of the same rights afforded everybody else. This not about any special rights or "gay agenda", which by the way does not exist. It is about human rights and it is in the best interest of everybody -- our kids in school, the teachers that guide them 7 to 8 hours a day, our parents, our neighbors, the people at the check out line at Wnn Dixie, absolutely everybody -- for the LGBT community to have EQUAL rights. These efforts fail at the ballot because they are made into polarizing get-out-the-vote issues for politicians who have nothing else to offer. That's why we have judges -- who are elected by the same voters you say deny these rights or appointed by people elected by voters -- to keep the checks and balances. Nobody is asking for anything special. Stop it with the buzz words used because you have no logical argument. It IS bigotted. There is no other reason to deny anyone the right to marry anyone for love. People get married for other reasons. Please go preach about that. This is not about "sexual behavior" and that also shows your bias. It should be called emotional preference or orientation, not sexual orientation, because, really, honestly, it is about the heart and feelings. Physically, en carne, we can all have sex with men AND women. And that option is there because God, in all her wisdom, knows it's all good. And it is not about gays wanting to enter into the mainstream because, again you need to open your eyes, that is happening already anyway. And it will happen, despite people like you and your hate and arrogance. Because more and more people have opened their eyes and see the reality that gays should be allowed to marry and divorce and pay child support, just like everybody else. Yesterday at 1:39pm 17773066 1 person Like Elaine de Valle The bisexual friend has spoken. Now it's back to the immoral acts! Yesterday at 1:46pm 17773169 Like Diana Cardenas On commercial break from Rush radio show......Sorry, Elaine, I am just not swayed by your arguments. Call me anything you want--bigot, hating, arrogant. It is what homosexuals resort to because they cannot win otherwise. You are bisexual? Wow...sorry to hear that. 23 hours ago 17773811 Like Alex Benes Diana, DOMA is on its way out, probably under the same EPC of the 14thAm. Love those abbrevs.

23 hours ago 17773991 Like Elaine de Valle I use adjectives like that because I like to write too long. But I did not resort to anything because I gave you sound arguments that you cannot possibly argue with or debate. Which is why YOU have to resort to your victimized defense. Sorry, but nobody is buying it. And you are sorry to hear what, exactly? That I am living a happy and full life, morally and spiritually healthy, with lots of love and good sex? Okay. Be sorry. I'm not. 23 hours ago 17774071 Like Alex Benes So, back to the original point: Rick Perry's a douche. 23 hours ago 17774316 1 person Like Diana Cardenas I offer no apologies for my position. I guess you choose to ignore all my previous comments which totally discredit your arguments.... but we are such ideological opposites that to continue debate would be an act of futility. Nevertheless, I am very glad that you are soo fulfilled with your lifestyle.... Whatever turns you on---men, women, animals..... just keep it behind closed door, please. Have fun!! 22 hours ago 17774778 Like

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