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Using exp: To export the entire database to a single file dba.dmp in the current directory.

- Login to server exp SYSTEM/password FULL=y FILE=dba.dmp LOG=dba.log CONSISTENT=y or exp SYSTEM/password PARFILE=params.dat where params.dat contains the following information FILE=dba.dmp GRANTS=y FULL=y ROWS=y LOG=dba.log To dump a single schema to disk (we use the scott example schema here) - Login to server which has an Oracle client exp <user>/<password> FIlE=scott.dmp OWNER=scott

To export specific tables to disk: - Login to server which has an Oracle client exp SYSTEM/password FIlE=expdat.dmp TABLES=(scott.emp,hr.countries) -the above command uses two users : scott and hr exp <user>/<password> FILE=scott.dmp TABLES=(emp,dept) the above is only for one user Using imp: To import the full database exported in the example above. imp SYSTEM/password FULL=y FIlE=dba.dmp To import just the dept and emp tables from the scott schema imp SYSTEM/password FIlE=dba.dmp FROMUSER=scott TABLES=(dept,emp) To import tables and change the owner imp SYSTEM/password FROMUSER=blake TOUSER=scott FILE=blake.dmp TABLES=(unit, manager)

To import just the scott schema exported in the example above imp <user>/<password> FIlE=scott.dmp ----------------------------------------tablespace to another tablespace: 1. export USER-A 2. imp indexfile=abc.sql 3. edit abc.sql 3a. change references from old TS to new TS 3b. uncomment create table statements 4. run abc.sql to pre-create objects from sqlplus as USER-B 5. imp fromuser=user-a touser=user-b ignore=y

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