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Not relevant (4 a Ed e | a Fy ey 4 Fa by) 3. Mike De Souza, Postmedia News Reporter is writing about some briefing notes received through ATIP from NRCan regarding a government/industry task force designed to “up their game" and “turn up the volume" on a communications strategy in defence of the oil and gas industry. Specifically, he is looking at some briefing notes that were drafted by Paul Khanna on March 25, 2010, regarding a March 16 meeting between industry and officials from the federal and provincial governments. 1) Can you tell me why these briefing notes specifically identify Bruce Carson as a “former senior advisor to the prime minister” as opposed to listing only his current title and role as executive director of the Canada School of Energy and Environment? 2) Who invited Bruce Carson to these discussions and what is his role? 3) What exactly does “upping their game" on communications strategy and outreach mean? 4) Why was it necessary to set up a task force or steeering committee of senior government officials and CEOs from oil companies? Has NRCan proposed or implemented similar steering committees for renewable energy sectors? 5) What kind of outreach work is the department hoping to do among Canadians in Ontario and Quebec? 6) The memorandum mentions improving NGO participation by bringing in "less strident" groups. What is, a “less strident" group? And have any NGOs been Invited to participate In this process since this memo was drafted last year? STATUS: In approval with PCO. DEADLINE: March 15 ~ 3:00 p.m. 4, Claudia Sammer, Cool Companies (Edmonton) Reporter is writing 2 book about clean technology. Reporter needs information about clean buildings. STATUS: With MRU. DEADLINE: TBD. 5 000143 Duchesne, Paul i i ry, 3 i i $ } z & i ce id age ed 3 MH le jeudi 17 mars ‘appels média March 17th, 2012 / Rapport ¢': 2014 Media Call Report - Thursday, Not relevant

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