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IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library MARC Records IEEE has partnered with OCLC to create enriched MARC records for

each title in the IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library. Please follow the instructions below in order to access the MARC records via the OCLC website. Step-by-step instructions:

1. To view a list of available MARC record sets, visit

2. Scroll down the page until you reach IEEE Xplore Books (Electronic). Click on this

3. You will arrive at a landing page that lists subset, cataloguing, and custom call
number information. At the top of this page, click on Web Order Form.

4. You may use your cataloging or FirstSearch authorization and password to

access your record set. a. For example, most libraries will have an authorization and password for OCLCs Connexion cataloging software that can be used to access IEEEWiley eBooks Library MARC records. b. Libraries not having such an authorization may use the PDF version of the form linked from the Web form at That form may be emailed to OCLC at for processing. If you have any questions, or suggestions for ways to further enrich these records, please contact Gordon MacPherson (IEEE Senior Product Manager, eBooks) at OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) is a not for profit computer service and research organization whose systems help libraries locate, acquire, catalog, and lend library materials.

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