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The Egg groups are: 1. Amorphous 2. Bug 3. Dragon 4. Fairy 5. Field 6. Flying 7. Grass 8. Human-Like 9. Mineral 10.

Monster 11. Water 1 12. Water 2 13. Water 3 And of course, some rare legendary pokemon don't have and egg group. You DON'T have to breed the pokemon with a same species. So, you could breed a Delcatty with a Spina since they are both in the Field Egg Group. When you deposit the two pokemon, go to the old man stading next to the Daycare. He will tell you how your two pokemon are getting along: They're very friendly... = Expect an egg! The two seem to get along... = An egg might be coming! The two don't seem to like each other... = A slim chance for an egg The two prefer to play with other pokemon... = Not a chance. Another way to catch Latias Get a Wobbuffet to at least level 50 and/or another Pokmon with ANY move that can keep her from fleeing. Go to Route 120/121 and walk into the grass. Save here and walk around until you find Latias. Don't expect to catch her now unless you saved your Master Ball. Whittle her HP down a bit, and save again after the battle. (If you didn't find her, skip this step.) Restart your game and check your Pokdex for her. (If you didn't find her before, don't worry- you don't have to do this until you have done the previous step.)If she's in your area, look for her, and if you find her, repeat what you did the first time you saw her. If she isn't, restart your game and check your Pokdex for her. Keep restarting and finding her until you catch her. This works in Ruby (w/Latios), Sapphire, and Emerald (w/whichever one you picked). A little tip to make Latios/Latias appear. (if your in the same area) Ok, say Latias, or Latios (depends on game) is in the same area as you are, then you search all around, then he fleds away and you never get a chance to catch him. Well, just use Sweet Scent! Sweet Scent has a 85.7% chance of having Latios attack you, if your in the same area

Ok so i finally got latias and thanks to many tips. How i started though, in lilycove head left till you get to route 121. follow the little curve and stop just at the edge of the two rows of bushs. Then, if you have ran into latias before, check the pokedex and see where she is. If she is not in that area, run back to the first hous and go in and then come right back out. Run to the bushs and like before check if she is there. I had success with this although sometimes it may be boring. Before you start doing this though, make sure you have lots of Great or ultra balls, lots like 30, and a wabufet at lv. 40 or so. Also what i did before i used wabufet is i brought latias' health down to about 15%. With wabufet in the lead latias can not run away, make sure you also have energy roots to rehealth. It will be needed. And once you have latias in battle, just keep throwing balls and rehealthing untill you catch her. Wabufet works well, i wish i thought of using him a long time ago. Verify this cheat I would like to report a problem with this cheat Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: babasoots on April 19, 2006 Latias/Latios After you have first found Latias/Latios and it flees after your first hit, you may think you can never find it again. Not true! If you go on your pokedex and click on Latias/Latios click on area and you will see where it is. But be warned don't jus fly to it ors it'll move straight away, if I were you just walk/surf or whatever to him! (This is a real cheat honest!) You can try it for yourself! out side of the boat near dewford go down to the rocks. keep going and there is shallow water with a rock in the middle. stand in front of the rock and press a and get a rare candy.

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